The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 386 Chapter 387, I am going to fight myself

Chapter 386 Chapter 387, I am going to fight myself (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

"How about the income?"

Zhang Xing reacted for a while before continuing to answer, "This is because our current delivery business has just started for less than two months, so the salary income of most delivery staff is about 3000 per month."

"Oh, more than 3000, that's a lot."

Su Ye's heart skipped a beat.

Now the average salary in Jiangcheng is less than 3000, and the employees in Qingyun Technology are slightly better.

But it is the same in any environment, there are always a small number of people with high incomes.

Qingyun Technology is no exception. Employees with a monthly income of less than 6000 yuan still account for a large part.

If Zhang Xing's employees can earn more than 3000 yuan per month, it will be difficult for me to persuade Zhang Xing to join Qingyun Technology through the bottom-level employees.

After all, people themselves are living well, and there will be some hope for the delivery team every day.

Why follow you, Su Ye, to work in Qingyun Technology.

I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

"A lot of what."

When it comes to this, Zhang Xing has countless things to say.

Now the average income here in Haicheng has reached more than 4000.

If it wasn't for him ordering food delivery from the company every day, how many employees would leave their jobs.

Not to mention other things, the monthly income of the delivery staff of Shunfeng Express can basically be stable at more than 5000.

Zhang Xing and Su Ye kept complaining, but Su Ye listened with joy.

I am not afraid of your suffering, but I am afraid that you will not suffer.

It's good if you suffer, and you can join Qingyun Technology if you suffer.

"Mr. Zhang, what is the current income of your company?"

"The income is just barely balanced."

"I thought about going to cities with lower costs, but those cities are not developed enough to support such a huge team."

"So I'm also worried. If you don't make money staying in Haicheng, you won't make money if you go to other cities to develop. It's hard to do both."

"Oh, that's right."

Hearing what Zhang Xing said, Su Ye knew it in his heart.

In this case, he has a lot more room to operate.

"Mr. Zhang, so what is the amount of investment you need here, and how much equity can you sell?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Zhang Xing became excited.

"Mr. Su, the daily business turnover of our takeaway company is about 5000 yuan, which is about 15 yuan a month. My current thinking is..."

Zhang Xing's idea is to further expand the number of his team.

Gradually occupy the Haicheng market.

Now what he is playing is just a time difference.

Otherwise, in a city as big as Haicheng, he is definitely not the only one looking for business opportunities.

If you wait for a long time, you will definitely see the prospects of the food delivery industry.

Although this industry cannot make a lot of money, it is not a problem to deduct 1 to 2 in your pocket every month after deducting various expenses.

And counting on going to work, in the current Haicheng, a position with a monthly income of 1 to 2 is at least possible for a manager of a branch company, or a department director of a multinational company.

With this income, if Zhang Xing doesn't speed up his footwork and quickly occupy the market, there will be people waiting behind to snatch the meat in your bowl.

In addition to expanding the team, Zhang Xing is also planning to build an online platform like a group buying website.

Of course, he won't compete with Groupon for business on this website, and he can't do it with his current strength.

He wants to open this platform to merchants.

Recently, more than one or two merchants have told him that the busiest time for the takeaway business is also the busiest time for the store.

At this time, all the staff in the store need to go to battle, cooking, serving rice, clearing the table, packing, and ordering are extremely busy.

If you have to call the delivery staff alone at this time, it will waste a lot of time.

Is there any way to call the delivery staff to enter the store with one click, and complete the process of calling, picking up food, and delivering food.

Zhang Xing had this idea in mind at the time, but he didn't have enough funds in his pocket.

Now to develop a website, the cost is at least 5 to 6, and the cycle is still long, which is very inconvenient.

This time I came to Qingyun Technology to seek investment opportunities, in addition to looking at Qingyun Technology's resources in the Internet industry, the more important thing is to complete my two ideas.

"However, Mr. Su, to tell you the truth, this is the first time I've come to ask for investment, and I don't know how many shares are appropriate to give up. However, it should not exceed 20%."

Zhang Xing's bottom line is actually 35%.

But he was afraid that if he said it out, he would have no room to bargain with Su Ye.


"Then how much do you value your company?"

"100 million?!"

Wang Xing said with some doubts.

While speaking, he carefully glanced at Su Ye's reaction.

But Su Ye just smiled lightly, completely unable to make people guess what he was thinking.

It seems that although Su Ye is young, he is also the boss of a large Internet company after all, and Chengfu is not as shallow as he imagined.

Zhang Xing warned himself secretly, waiting for Su Ye's reply.

"Mr. Zhang, to be honest, your current business is still too small."

The reason why Su Ye turned out that Haicheng was actually for Zhang Xing.

At that time, Tang Lili was about to resign, and Zhou Yuanyuan said earlier that Zhang Xing came to seek investment and knew a lot about the group buying industry.

Although headhunters and Zhuang Yiming have been asked to help contact candidates, Su Ye will not dislike too many talents.

And, be prepared.

Hearing Su Ye's evaluation of his company, Zhang Xing couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

That's right, Qingyun Technology under Su Ye's team estimates that the daily turnover will not be less than 1-2 million, so how can they take such a small company as their own.

Zhang Xing smiled helplessly, it seemed that he didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

He even tried to get funds from Qingyun Investment.

In the past two months in Haicheng, there is a saying that has been circulating in the circle of entrepreneurs.

If anyone can get the money invested by Qingyun, it will definitely be smoke from the ancestral grave.

Moreover, this project is sure to be profitable.

Zhang Xing also didn't believe in evil, so he decided to give it a try, but he failed in the end.

"Then I'm sorry, Mr. Su, I interrupted you."

After Zhang Xing said something, he was about to get up and leave.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, wait a minute."

Su Ye stopped Zhang Xing in time, and said in his incredulous eyes: "Now your company's plate is really too small, and the technology and hardware are not perfect, so even if I invest in your company, then There is still a high probability of death in the future.”

"Well, I'm straight, and you don't mind."

"In my opinion, the rapid development of the food delivery industry is definitely not at this time. If you believe me, I will chat with you slowly when we have time in the future."

"But now I want to tell you something else."

When there were no smartphones, takeaway could be done, but doing it was a laborious job.

Su Ye was an orphan in his previous life, and he worked in some stores to help deliver food when he was in college, and only he knew the sadness in it.

I can't find the house number, I can't knock on the door, and the area is very limited. Basically, it can only cover one or two surrounding communities. If it is farther away, there is no way.

In Su Ye's thinking, instead of working in the food delivery industry with half the effort, it is better to first pull Zhang Xing into his team to start a group buying network.

After Qingyun Mobile can develop smart phones in the future, it will be the time when Qingyun Technology's various businesses will explode.

These few years are a good time for Su Ye to seize the time to make arrangements.

After all, no one in this world knows better than him how earth-shaking changes smartphones will bring to human life.

"Oh, what is it?"

Zhang Xing didn't sit back in his seat, but just stood in front of Su Ye and asked suspiciously.

He came here to invest, but you, Su Ye, refused to tell you, and said that you were looking for him to discuss something else.

Zhang Xing didn't know how else he could attract Su Ye.

"Didn't we just talk about the group buying website? I think you are very capable in this area. I wonder if you would like to come to Qingyun Technology to be the person in charge of the group buying website."


Zhang Xing was taken aback for a moment.

I came here to seek investment, but you don't invest in me and still want my people?

This is not impossible.

Although he has always been a very ambitious person, the daily food delivery company in his hand is also the first company he founded.

Every day, I have to manage so many delivery staff, and I have to find merchants to develop the company's business. At the end of the month, I have to collect accounts from merchants that have already started cooperation, and then calculate the salary at the beginning of the month.

Although ordering food every day is a company, all the management personnel are only Zhang Xing.

He is also the boss, and he is also in charge of finance, personnel, business, and marketing.

One person holds multiple jobs and is extremely busy every day. Now after two months, his personal income is only worth more than 1 yuan.

Although this income is not low, but worrying about labor is really not as easy as going to work.

Moreover, Qingyun Technology is also a well-known large-scale Internet company in China, and if you join the company, you will definitely be paid well.

He had read the news before. Before the Chinese New Year, Su Ye made a grand formation with Hanlai cars to celebrate the New Year. At the same time, he sent all the cars out after the end.

sent out...

Now Zhang Xing is just running around on a small motorcycle every day to do company work.

The key point is that this Hanlai car is for ordinary employees, one for each person. I heard that the executives of Qingyun Technology, the bosses, managers, directors of various departments, and even the earliest batch of executives drive BMW [-] series.

One is a large platform company that has already taken off, and the other is a company that I have worked hard to establish for two months.

Zhang Xing's heart wavered for a moment.

"President Su, is there no person in charge of Dianping now?"


Just as Su Ye was about to talk about Tang Lili's plan to resign, she stopped suddenly.

Now that Zhang Xing is not an employee of his company, it is better not to tell him about the resignation of the boss of

What if he doesn't want to join the company, and he still speaks out later.

However, Zhang Xing's words also reminded Su Ye a little bit.

There is a person in charge of Dianping, but why can't I recruit Zhang Xing?

In the previous life, group buying networks competed to the last moment, but only Dianping and Meituan were left.

After some manipulation, the two companies merged into one.

That being the case...

Su Ye couldn't help having a bold idea.

"Mr. Zhang, you don't have to worry about this matter. I think you joined Qingyun Technology, not because I want you to be the person in charge of Dianping."


Seeing Su Ye's mysterious face, Zhang Xing was confused.

Didn't you just tell me about, why have you changed your mind now?

If I am not allowed to be the person in charge of the group buying network, is it possible that I should be a small employee of the group buying network?
"Mr. Zhang, I have an idea here. You can see if it suits you."

"If you agree with it, the fact that you joined Qingyun Technology will be a secret in the future, and it will be unblocked until a certain day in the future."

Su Ye signaled Zhang Xing to sit down, and then whispered his thoughts.

Zhang Xing's complexion changed drastically.

Shocked, amazed, the list goes on.

After Su Ye finished speaking, Zhang Xing couldn't help but be convinced.

Who said that Su Ye has no city mansion and no connotation, just look at how smooth this operation is.

Perfectly used the 36 tricks of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, pretending to attack Guo, trying to cover up, and repairing plank roads to hide Chencang...

"Boss Su, I understand what you mean. You want me to be like this, like this, right?"

"Well, when publicizing to the outside world, it is said that this is your company, and Qingyun Investment will invest in you after a while."

"I see."

Zhang Xing nodded to Su Ye with a solemn expression.

"Well, then you can ask Mr. Zhou to help you enter the job entry later, and then you can just let go of your hands and feet and start working."

"Oh, and also."

Zhang Xing was just about to go out when Su Ye stopped him.

"You can add my QQ later, and I will drag you into the executive group of Qingyun Technology."

"However, due to the confidentiality of your identity, you can't let more people know your real identity for the time being. Give yourself a better code name."

"I know Mr. Su, don't worry, I will never disclose this matter to anyone."

Seeing Zhang Xing walk out the door, Su Ye couldn't help laughing smugly.

His idea is to let Zhang Xing go out and create a group buying website.

Now that there are so many newly-built group buying websites in China, naturally there will be no more Zhang Xing.

At that time, Zhang Xing will be in Haicheng and he will be in Jiangcheng.

The two group buying networks competed in the market as if they had no connection whatsoever.

After the two companies have defeated all their opponents, the merger is perfect.

Su Ye also just thought, why can't Dianping directly occupy all domestic markets at this stage.

One is that he has no time.

It has been less than three months since Dianping went online.

To be honest, it has been fast to develop to the current scale.

Although Tang Lili had a problem with too much work, it only happened after the new year. Before that, Tang Lili was still very conscientious.

The other one is that Su Ye has too many things to do during this time, even if Dianping wants to expand, he doesn't have much energy to devote to it.

And the most important reason.

Why didn't Su Ye retaliate immediately when Li Ming reported to him that a Jiajiatuan had copied Dianping's model.

You know, Su Ye will not offend people easily in the business field, but he is never afraid of anyone.

Previously, NetEase played tricks on Qingyun Technology to delay Dafa and make big things small, but Su Ye asked Wang Yifei to start poaching the wall on the spot.

Don't you care about going to court once or twice, then let you feel the pain on your skin.

As for why not destroy Jiajiatuan now, Su Ye naturally has his reasons...

 I can’t write anymore, it’s Brother Cookie’s birthday today.In order to celebrate my birthday, it is not easy to update so many.

(End of this chapter)

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