Chapter 395 396 , Free Online Games (seeking Subscription Asking Monthly Pass)

"I'm sorry, Manager Zhao."

Walking into the conference room, Wang Yifei found that tea, some pens and notebooks had been prepared inside, and the air conditioner was fully turned on, even Wang Yifei felt a little hot.

It seems that in many things, women have to admit that women are indeed more serious and careful than men.

"Sit down, Lao Liu, you're welcome."

Wang Yifei took off the extension and put it on the back of the chair and sat down naturally.

Seeing that Wang Yifei, as the direct manager of a department, only needs to wear a down jacket, Liu Fei silently took off his jacket, revealing the crumpled suit inside.

"Mr. Wang, I'll go out first, and tell me anytime you need it."

After Zhao Ling nodded to Wang Yifei and Liu Fei, she left the meeting room and left space for the two.

"Mr. Wang, does your company really not need to wear work clothes to work?"

Liu Fei is very concerned about this.

His figure itself is fatter than the average person, and sometimes he has to buy an extra-large size to wear sportswear, let alone a suit.

Wearing a suit to work every day, he felt like Zhu Bajie trapped by Li Shan's mother in a pearl sweater, feeling uncomfortable everywhere.

"Of course, except for some special occasions, the company will not require employees to wear formal clothes to work. Our President Su wears sportswear every day, and only wears formal clothes on some important occasions."

"Why, Lao Liu, don't say that your company still has such an unreasonable request. We are all Internet companies, so we can't be so strict."

Liu Fei nodded, God knows, he is willing to resign from the Internet, and whether the requirement to wear overalls at work is also an important reason.

"Okay, okay, we at Qingyun Technology really don't have such weird rules."

"However, we have even weirder regulations. You should also know that Mr. Su requires that all company departments, no matter what the circumstances, be off work at 5 pm, otherwise they will be punished."

Wang Yifei said with a suppressed smile, Liu Fei nodded and said that he had heard this rule long ago when Qingyun Technology was just a little famous.

He happened to have a former classmate who was working as a programmer in Jiangcheng, and one day he suddenly forwarded a message about Qzone, letting him know for the first time that the QQ he was using was actually a product made by such a company.

And such a company goes against the trend of the current era and advocates that all employees of the company leave work early, no, they should leave work on time.

"Hey, if we also have such a rule in NetEase, I guess I can laugh out loud."

"Mr. Wang, I think you should probably know the purpose of my visit today, and I'm not afraid to tell you, my brother, I can't get along with the Internet, just in time to hear that Qingyun Technology is coming to the capital to open a branch, so... "

Liu Fei hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "So there is no other way, brother, so I just want to ask you if you can join Qingyun Technology."

Wang Yifei didn't expect Liu Fei to be so straightforward, and it was the same as his screen name, Brother Dafei, the imperial capital, and he sounded like a straightforward and heroic person.

"No problem, welcome, very welcome."

"However, I have a problem here."

After expressing his attitude, Wang Yifei said to Liu Fei, "Old Liu, it's just the two of us, tell me something heartfelt, if you leave, what will the NetEase game department do?"


Hearing Wang Yifei ask the question that he least wants to face now, Liu Fei couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

He always felt that he was sorry for the group of brothers who followed him.

After all, when you encounter difficulties, as the boss, you run away alone, leaving them behind to continue to suffer, what is this called?

"Mr. Wang, to be honest, I didn't think about it. Anyway, I'm sorry for the brothers who followed me."

"Before the Internet disaster, they were considered the backbone of each department. Whether it is planning, copywriting, programmers, or product managers, they are all top-notch experts in the industry. Once I leave, they are likely to be scattered by Mr. Ding Again assigned to various departments."

"Then have you thought of any way to prevent them from being treated like this?"

"After all, a person is separated from the original department, and the Internet is so difficult. Their future life...should not be easy."

Wang Yifei followed the advice carefully.

"That's for sure, but I can't help them. I'm still a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and I can't protect myself."

Liu Fei shook his head and sighed with a lonely expression: "Unless I bring them all to Qingyun Technology, but Qingyun Technology's Imperial Capital Branch has just been established, how can it accommodate so many people."

"Eh, wait."

After saying this in frustration, Liu Fei suddenly sat up straight, "I can bring them to Qingyun Technology, so that they won't be broken up and assigned to other departments, and if If they can come to Qingyun Technology, it will also be very helpful to their career development."

Liu Fei was talking to himself and reasoning, without seeing Wang Yifei's eyes that were about to smile into crescent moons.

Wang Yifei originally thought that Liu Fei came prepared, and he must have agreed with the company's internal opinions before making an appointment with him.

But I didn't know that Liu Fei ran over directly after making up his mind alone.

And seeing that he drank like that last night, it might be difficult to discuss it with his subordinates.

Fortunately, this guy is not too stupid. Under the guidance of Wang Yifei's few words, he finally walked on the correct route.

"What's the matter, Brother Liu, what are you muttering there by yourself?"

After waiting for Liu Fei for a long time, Wang Yifei finally couldn't help asking.

"Oh, that, Mr. Wang, let me ask you something, if I can bring most of the employees from our Wangnan game department, would you like it?"

Liu Fei stood up directly, put his hands on the table and looked at Wang Yifei, waiting for his answer.

I saw Wang Yifei's face showing embarrassment, "Well, Brother Liu, this matter..."

"Okay, I understand, then just pretend I didn't say it, don't worry, I, Liu Fei, am not a person who doesn't know how to praise, it's not easy for me to join Qingyun Technology, and it's really inappropriate to bring someone to join ..."

"No, brother Liu, don't get excited, listen to me."

Wang Yifei was secretly happy, seeing Liu Fei's anxious look secretly proud.

He also stood up from his chair, turned around and walked to Liu Fei's side, "Brother Liu, that's not what I mean, the main reason is that Jian Jianjian, who came here to prepare for the branch this time, has ordered me to die."

"The number of branch offices must reach 500 within three months, and a new business must be launched at the same time, otherwise he will ask me to go back to the headquarters to guard the bathroom."

"What I meant just now was, Brother Liu, can you help me bring more brothers over here?"

"Don't worry, as long as you enter Qingyun Technology, we are brothers, and I will treat them equally."


Liu Fei was stunned after hearing Wang Yifei's explanation.

It turned out that it was not what he thought at all. Wang Yifei's embarrassment turned out to be because he was worried that he would bring too few people to complete the task given by President Su.

Immediately, Liu Fei slapped his chest vigorously, "President Wang, don't worry about this, I, Liu Fei, dare not promise you anything else, but with a scale of 500 people, don't worry, I still have a bit of a thin face in the imperial capital Internet circle."

"You just wait to complete the company's business ahead of schedule."

"However, I can handle the recruitment, but I can't do anything about launching a new business. I can only rely on Mr. Wang to come in person."

"The new business is also on the horizon."

Wang Yifei was even happier when he saw that Liu Fei was so powerful.

"This time our new project is also to be a netizen, but this game is different from Legend of Blood, it is a completely free online game."

"Free? Online games?"

Hearing what Wang Yifei said, Liu Fei was stunned.

Playing games originally depends on players' top-ups to make money, so what are you doing with a free game.

Qingyun Technology has a lot of money and wealth, just to let the majority of players experience the fun of online games, operating costs, production costs, and the cost of renting servers are all ignored, it is purely for welfare.

Liu Fei couldn't understand why Qingyun Technology made a free online game.

In fact, this is also a problem that bothers Wang Yifei.

Ever since he received the task arranged by Su Ye, he was also confused like Liu Fei now.

But Su Ye didn't explain it to him, but told him to do it with peace of mind. After making it and going online, he will naturally know the benefits of free games.

At that moment, a flash of inspiration flashed through Wang Yifei's mind, but unfortunately, he didn't catch it.

Now it's Liu Fei's turn to have a headache. Seeing Liu Fei's confused look, Wang Yifei calmed down.

If two people share a piece of happiness, and share a piece of difficulty with two people, then one person only needs to bear half of it.

When the Imperial City branch is completed in the future, there is a high possibility that the Internet business will be handed over to Liu Fei, so that Wang Yifei can stay in Jiangcheng with peace of mind.

"Brother Liu, there is no rush for this new project. Let's find the manpower first."

"In addition, because Houlang moved in a hurry, the rent of the house in this place has not been returned. You have been busy with resignation in the past two days. I will try to settle down our new home in the shortest possible time, and then there are a lot of miscellaneous things. Well, you have to hurry up."

"rest assured."

Liu Fei answered excitedly, especially when he heard the word "Xinjia", his mood became even more surging.

The office building where Houlang Technology is now is considered a relatively new office building in the imperial capital, but it has been built for more than ten years, so it inevitably looks a bit old.

In addition to the fact that the property management level of this office building is relatively average, Wang Yifei is going to make a big deal.

Just like in Jiangcheng, first spend a huge amount of money to buy an office building, and then Qingyun Technology's branch in the imperial capital will be able to own a complete office building.

After Wang Yifei arranged for the driver to send Liu Fei away, he also promptly reported the current progress to Su Ye. Hearing that Wang Yifei had settled Liu Fei so quickly, Su Ye was not stingy with compliments, and let him let go of his hands and feet in the imperial capital. Dry.

When Wang Yifei got excited, he wanted to tell Su Ye his other plan, but after thinking about it, he still gave up.

The game studio he was looking at had a relatively high reputation in the imperial capital, and even in Longhan.

It would be fine if his solicitation was successful this time, but if it failed, Su Ye would definitely feel that he was unstable.

Don't dare to promise anything you are not sure about.

After half a year of experience, Wang Yifei is no longer that young man who speaks and does things without going through his brain.

"In addition, Mr. Su, I'm also planning to buy an office building here in the imperial capital, which will be used as the face of our Qingyun Technology. After all, it is our branch in the imperial capital. I think we must have a place of our own."

"But don't worry, I will definitely consider the price seriously, and I will never waste a penny of the company's money."

For this matter, Wang Yifei is [-]% to [-]% sure that Su Ye will agree.

Although I don't know why Su Ye buys and uses whatever is the best, but Wang Yifei also agrees with his philosophy.

Expensive things are not necessarily good, but cheap things are not necessarily good.

It is also a bicycle, can a 300 one compare with a 3000 one?

Not to mention that you have to step hard with your feet to move forward. If you don’t need to step on a bicycle, it’s hard to use manual mode.

"Don't consider the price."

"The price/performance ratio is not what we value the most."

"Brand, quality, service, after-sales service, these are the important criteria for us to choose items, money matters, that's not what you need to worry about."

"Finding a suitable office building with quality and quantity as soon as possible is your main task at present."

Hearing that Wang Yifei actually said that he wanted to buy an office building, Su Ye was so happy that he couldn't find the north.

The imperial capital, that is the imperial capital.

Wang Yifei is really his confidant. The housing price in the imperial capital is so expensive. How much does it cost for a well-decorated, high-quality and high-service office building?

Today Wang Yifei bought an office building in the imperial capital, and told Zhou Yuanyuan later, how can a company as big as Qingyun Technology be crowded in the same building with other companies.

Must buy!
One building in the imperial capital, one in Haicheng, and an office building in Guangcheng after a while, so that they have their own strongholds in major cities in the country, and can also get some system points by the way.

If it wasn't for the system preventing Su Ye from buying in large quantities like this, he would have been ready to buy one building after another, so the system points would increase quickly.

However, the system actually said that the office building belongs to commercial real estate. If the company needs it, it can be purchased and get rebates. If it is used to store land, then not only will all expenses not be reimbursed to him, but points will be deducted as appropriate.

Points can still be deducted?

This is the first time Su Ye has heard of a new term for the system after he has acquired the system for so long.

Recently, because of the rebate function of the system, Su Ye only checks in and checks in once in a while. The cumulative number of days of signing in has reached 160 days, but the continuous signing in...

Hehe, I'm not afraid of being laughed at by everyone when I say it out. His current consecutive sign-in days are only 3 days.

This is also the reason why he stayed in the company all the way back from Hangzhou Haicheng and did not go out.

However, in the future, if there are Su Ye's companies all over the country, or even all over the world, then he thinks that he can still take some time out of his busy schedule to pile up the number of consecutive days of signing in.

Before the system was upgraded from level 2 to level 3, Su Ye also understood the reason.

It turned out to be because of the establishment of Dianping.

Now, although he can't see the signing of 500 million a day, if the system can continue to be upgraded, when he can sign [-] million in a day, he will definitely not be able to refuse.

That's why Su Ye came up with the idea of ​​establishing a branch company all over the country.

As long as the system can be upgraded, his dream will come true one day.

(End of this chapter)

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