The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 408 Chapter 409, Convincing Zhan Ren, the Internet is difficult

Chapter 408 Chapter 409, Convincing Zhan Ren, the Internet is difficult (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)
Liu Fei thought about it for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth when the smoke was almost burnt out.

"Mr. Wang, we're not kidding, you're aiming at Dongshanju."

"To be honest, I don't think there's much hope for this."

"Higashiyama Ju is a senior who has been making games for many years."

"No matter how strong Qingyun Technology is, it is only a company that has been established for half a year. I guess the chances of them choosing Qingyun Technology are too small. Otherwise, let's change our target."

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Fei understood Wang Yifei's plan.

In the imperial capital, there is only one company or organization that can be called David's star, and it is related to the game industry, so there is only one Dongshanju.

This studio, not only Qingyun Technology's family had their idea.

It wasn't obvious before, but after October.

After the Stone Age, represented by Nine Wind Games in Haicheng, sold out, those Internet companies realized how profitable the game industry is.

This situation reached its peak after Qingyun Technology released the Legend of Blood.

Otherwise, Wangnan would not be in a hurry to release the Westward Journey game so soon.

But that was Dongshanju. Since the establishment of the other party, there were not just one or two companies that wanted to attract their attention in the past few years, but at least more than 20 companies.

It's just that some companies have put it into action, and some companies are just around the corner after seeing other companies fail, and they don't develop further.

Those big companies have hit a wall in front of Dongshanju, let alone the companies that have just received ABC round financing.

Before Qingyun Technology took off, the three companies in China that were considered most likely to acquire Dongshanju were Wangnan, Houlang, and Shouhu.

In the end, NetEase made a move, but gave up after a while.

Liu Fei knew that Shouhu had also made a move, but it definitely didn't work.

As for Houlang... don't mention it.

Over the past year or so, Houlang is no longer worthy of the name of Longhan's three major Internet companies.

If it hadn't been acquired by Qingyun Technology in the end, Houlang's final outcome would probably be to file for bankruptcy protection.

The three major companies made moves one after another, but Dongshanju, which was not won, could be taken down by Qingyun Technology, a company that has been established for less than half a year and whose business foundation is not very stable?
For this, Liu Fei has no hope.

Wang Yifei wanted to laugh when he heard Liu Fei's words, and also wanted to tell Liu Fei about the agreement that the two parties had reached.

However, Wang Yifei gave up this idea.

Although he is 90% sure that Liu Fei will definitely leave NetEase and join Qingyun Technology, it's not that he hasn't joined yet.

It wouldn't be worth it if the news leaked out early because he wanted to pretend to be a beep today.

"Okay, let's talk about this later."

"However, Mr. Liu, you still need to go through the procedures here as soon as possible."

"Don't let me get the task, but you can't come."

"rest assured."

Liu Fei stamped out the cigarette butt on the ground, "I have already submitted the application, and it has been two days, and Mr. Ding has not invited me to talk. I will go to the administration department to ask tomorrow. If it is approved, I will Finish the process as soon as possible and join us at Qingyun Technology."

"In the future, I will rely on Mr. Wang to take care of me."

"That's right, we're called brothers working together to cut through gold, whether to take care of it or not, we at Qingyun Technology don't have so many twists and turns."

"Also, what do colleagues in your department say."

"no problem."

After Liu Fei said that, he turned and walked back to the restaurant.

He also made up his mind, he must help lure Zhan Tiannan and his wife to Qingyun Technology today.

Only in this way can we leave a good impression on the senior management of Qingyun Technology.

And just as the two of them came out, Li Qianqian, who had been silent over there, said a few words in a hoarse voice.

"As long as Zhan Tiannan and his wife are willing to join Qingyun Technology, Qingyun Technology can help solve all the worries."

"Whether it is basic transportation and accommodation or medical treatment for children, schooling, and elderly people, it can be handled."

After saying these two sentences, Li Qianqian coughed for a long time and stopped talking.

When Zhan Tiannan and his wife saw Li Qianqian's appearance, they couldn't help being surprised.

When I saw Li Qianqian on TV before, her voice was very clear and sweet, why did it become like this now.

It was Yao Xiaoyun who came out to explain, and then Zhan Tiannan and Ren Xiaotong understood.

It turned out that Li Qianqian actually made phone calls all afternoon in order to invite Amoebaba's remaining employees who had not joined Qingyun Technology.

After sitting with them, Li Qianqian just drank a little porridge and didn't eat anything.

It turned out to be the case.

The two sighed, and they only had deep admiration for Li Qianqian in their hearts.

The other party is not very old, and he is already an executive of Qingyun Technology. He didn't expect that he would go so far in order to recruit a few people.

The husband and wife looked at each other, and their firm will was shaken a little.

To be honest, Qingyun Technology has done its utmost to help, solve the problem of accommodation and travel, and solve the problems of the elderly and children.

The two even felt that if they needed to move, Li Qianqian might even send someone over to help.

You treat me like a gentleman.

Li Qianqian and Qingyun Technology did understand their situation and gave them the greatest help.

At this point, there are actually not many choices in front of the two of them.

Or it is a decisive refusal and no longer giving Qingyun Technology the slightest chance.

Or just agree to it directly.

After all, they have paid so much for the two of them, it would be too hypocritical for the two of them to still be chattering.

The two husbands and wives have been in the same mind for many years, and they nodded together, ready to agree directly.

"Old Zhan, let me tell you, you should agree to Mr. Wang and Mr. Li's proposal."

Before Liu Feiren sat down in his seat, he asked directly.

"Let me tell you a piece of news. I used to work at NetEase, and I plan to switch to Qingyun Technology soon."

"This President Wang, the person in charge of Qingyun Technology's game department, has already talked with me."

"When we go to Jiangcheng in the future, we will not only be neighbors but also colleagues."

"Hey, what expression do you two have, why are you looking at me like that..."

Seeing Zhan Tiannan and his wife looking at him with a strange look, Liu Fei was not only puzzled.

He looked himself up and down, and found that there was nothing particularly strange.

"Old Liu, it's a bit late for you to say that."

"My wife and I were ready to agree to Mr. Li. We were about to speak just now, but you persuaded him."

Zhan Tiannan explained in a low voice.

Ren Xiaotong on the side smiled directly: "Yes, Lao Liu, we were just about to agree, but we were interrupted when you came in."

After speaking, Ren Xiaotong ignored the slightly embarrassed look on Liu Fei's face. She nodded to Li Qianqian and Wang Yihan and said, "Mr. Li, Mr. Wang, thank you for your recognition of our husband and wife."

"My husband, Zhan Tiannan, is a boring gourd. I have the final say on everything in the house."

"Mr. Li and Mr. Wang gave us such favorable conditions, it would be really inappropriate for us to say no."

"Here, I just promised to join Qingyun Technology with my husband."

Seeing Ren Xiaotong's solemn appearance, everyone knew that there was no problem now.

Yao Xiaoyun rushed over excitedly and hugged Ren Xiaotong, "Sister Xiaotong, I'm so happy, we can continue working together again."

"The eighteen colleagues from our former Amoeba company will work together in Qingyun Technology in the future."

Yao Xiaoyun was so excited that she was incoherent, while Ren Xiaotong stroked her hair.

Wang Yihan applauded first, followed by Ma Qingyun, Li Qianqian, Liu Fei, and Wang Yifei.

Only those who had been on the phone with Li Qianqian for four consecutive hours in the afternoon knew how much effort Li Qianqian had put in to invite all the employees recruited by Amoebaba to join.


Li Qianqian also said something in a hoarse voice, and Wang Yihan and Yao Xiaoyun next to her were distressed and told her to stop talking.

Otherwise, Li Qianqian was a good-looking Li Qianqian when he came here, but he turned into a hoarse voice when he returned. I'm afraid Su Ye would have the heart to kill them.

Liu Fei kept laughing dryly beside him.

He originally wanted to show off in front of Li Qianqian, but who knew that he would settle the matter just by going out and smoking a cigarette.

"Well, Lao Zhan, if you need anything later, just call me. I'm also going through the resignation procedures recently, and I still have a lot of time."

"Okay, thank you then."

Zhan Tiannan didn't have the nerve to agree, but Ren Xiaotong was not polite. She smiled and said to Liu Fei, "Then I will trouble Brother Liu from now on."

This Ren Xiaotong is also a wonderful person, able to chat with anyone.

Li Qianqian thought to herself, even if the project does not need external contact for the time being, she can be sent to work in other positions after returning home.

This kind of ability is exactly what Qingyun Technology lacks now.

Qingyun Technology has been established for half a year now, but the development of the business relies on Su Ye alone to put forward ideas. The heads of the various companies or departments below are only implementing Su Ye's wishes, and have not given full play to them at all. own subjective initiative.

On the contrary, Wang Yifei, who always thought he was lazy, tossed a lot of things one after another.

If this continues for a short period of time, there will be no big problem, but after a long time, Su Ye's creativity will run out one day.

Only by exerting everyone's wisdom and strength can Qingyun Technology develop more and more.

Although Ren Xiaotong is a woman, her level is not weak at all. The key is that she can chat with anyone, and can judge the situation.

Li Qianqian hopes that there will be more people of this type in the company in the future to form a catfish effect.

In the future, don't always push Su Ye, everyone move.

Having made up her mind, Li Qianqian decided to discuss this matter with Su Ye after returning home.

After Ren Xiaotong made it clear that he would join Qingyun Technology, the atmosphere at the meeting became much more enthusiastic.

But because of Li Qianqian's voice problem today, everyone didn't talk too much, and the days to come will be long.

The next day, Li Qianqian returned to Jiangcheng by plane.

To be honest, the climate here in the imperial capital is indeed a bit drier, and her voice is not good. Anyway, everything has been settled, so Wang Yihan and Yao Xiaoyun tried their best to persuade her to return to Jiangcheng to rest first.

As for Ma Qingyun, he had to wait for Ami Baba's team to go to Jiangcheng together at the appointed time, so he did not follow Li Qianqian back.

The project has come to an end for the time being, and Wang Yifei is also constantly preparing for the plan previously agreed with Dongshanju.

On Liu Fei's side, something happened.

Ding Sanshi also knew that he might not be able to keep Liu Fei, so he happily signed the word "agree" on his resignation letter.

After signing, Ding Sanshi was still a little sad.

It may be an exaggeration to say that I am sad, but I do feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Over the years, the veterans who founded NetEase together left and scattered, leaving only Liu Fei by his side.

But now, Liu Fei is leaving too.

For a moment, Ding Sanshi felt like an ancient founding emperor.

When the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden.

The bigger and more stable the group develops, the less and less he needs those veterans.

Before, he even had a quarrel with several veterans on the company's development direction and management issues.

Since then, people have gradually started to leave.

Although when they left, Ding Sanshi also bought back the few shares in their hands at the market price, but people are not grass and trees, and no one can be ruthless.

Ding Sanshi is also human and has feelings.

Seeing the old brothers leave my side one by one, it is inevitable that I feel a little sentimental in my heart.

"President Chen of the Administration Department, I have already approved Liu Fei's resignation application. Come here and get it and send it to him."

After all, he is the last veteran, Ding Sanshi is still willing to give Liu Fei some face.

But when Mr. Chen from the administration department came to pick up Liu Fei's letter of resignation in person, Ding Sanshi asked out of nowhere: "Hey, Mr. Chen, do you know where Liu Fei will go after he resigns from the company?"

"This, I don't know either."

"Okay, that's all right, you go and send it to him."

"in addition……"

Ding Sanshi thought about the deduction of Liu Fei's January performance before, and said: "When you settle Liu Fei's salary, let's make up for what was deducted in January."

"Yes, Mr. Ding."

After Mr. Chen of the Administration Department left, Ding Sanshi felt that a big stone had also fallen to the ground in his heart.

Liu Fei's departure was emotionally unacceptable to him.

But intellectually, he felt it was necessary.

During this period of time, since Liu Fei was put in charge of the game department, his emotions have become more and more serious. He often applies for funds and personnel with Ding Sanshi, and even wants to take his team members to some online game companies abroad to study .

But how could Ding Sanshi give him such treatment at this time.

Originally, he stepped into the game industry because he put all his eggs in one basket and suppressed all the opposing voices.

At this time, Liu Fei didn't want to help him share his worries, but instead always made troubles.

Forget it, it's okay to leave.

When all these old people left, he, Ding Sanshi, could truly control the company's personnel affairs.

Otherwise, when those elders were around, he always felt a little restricted.

However, Ding Sanshi was curious about where Liu Fei could go to work in the future, so he dialed a person's phone number.

"Hello, I'm Ding Sanshi, check for me which company Liu Fei joined after..."

(End of this chapter)

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