Chapter 42 Promotion Launch
Although Wang Fang has an ordinary name, she is actually Xiaohua from Jiangcheng University of Technology.

Just as she finished her part-time job for an afternoon and earned 80 yuan, she was on her way back to school.

She received a list that Wang Yifei personally stuffed into her hand.

[There are prizes for posting, the highest prize is 18888 yuan! 】

Seeing such a shocking title, she couldn't help but stop and ask.

"Which website are you, you really pay for posting?"

"Of course, we are the staff of Jiangcheng Urban Forum."

Wang Yifei unnaturally rolled up a stack of lists in his hand.

"Now we organize activities on the forum just to increase popularity."

"If you post normally, I will give you 2 yuan for the hard work of a post. If the post is refined and the number of comments increases, you can continue to add money."

"2 yuan for a post? Can you post any post?"

"Of course not."

"There is a company that is cooperating with our forum to organize activities, and it needs to express its feelings about using the software."

Wang Fang handed the list back to Wang Yifei as soon as she heard it.

"I can't do this. I majored in CNC machine tools, and I don't know much about software."

"Girl, you misunderstood."

"You don't need to post that kind of professional user experience, just post casually, as long as the content contains QQ, or some screenshots of chatting with people are fine."


Seeing that Wang Fang hesitated, Wang Yifei tried hard to say, "You don't have to worry about us being liars. It won't take long to post on the forum. Even if I cheat you, it's only a loss of two dollars."

"Okay, then I'll try it first."

Wang Fang has her own computer, and she rarely has the opportunity to turn it on.

But Wang Fang is still very confident that she can earn 2 yuan by posting a post.

At least one afternoon's income will definitely not be lower than the 80 yuan I wore a cheongsam with high slits in the cold wind today.

"Okay, there is my QQ number at the back of this list, you can download it and add me as a friend."

"After I report to the company, I can apply for an award for you."

"There is one more important thing I need to tell you."

"What content?"

Wang Fang asked curiously.

Isn't it just two yuan for a post? What else can the person in front of me say?

Shouldn't she look at her pretty and want to do something...

"That is, you can develop your own classmates to join us."

"According to the price of 1 yuan for posting and 5 cents for replying, this company does not review."

"As long as you have enough 100 yuan, you can send it once."

"That's it."

Wang Fang turned over the flyer in her hand, secretly calculating in her heart.

There are 5 sisters in my dormitory.

Posting a post can earn one yuan. If each person posts 20 posts and replies to 100 posts per day, this is an income of 70 yuan.

30 days in a month is 2100.
Five times this number, that is... 10500!

Wang Fang was taken aback by this number.

Both her parents have decent jobs locally, and their monthly income is barely 10000 yuan.

This is just the premise of developing 5 sisters, if there are 10, 20...

Wang Fang's originally plain but wise eyes had been coated with a layer of golden light.

"Okay, I'll take this job."

Back home at night, Wang Yifei received Wang Fang's friend request just after logging into QQ.

After passing, Wang Fang sent him screenshots of all the posts he had posted in such a short time just now.

There are three posts in total, and more than 20 people have responded.

Wang Yifei also opened the Jiangcheng forum himself, and after a brief review, he confirmed today's income with her.

6 yuan.

Seeing this number, the smile on Wang Fang's face never stopped.

6 yuan is indeed very little, especially for a girl from a decent family like her.

But the 6 yuan is not just money.

It opened a door to a new world for her.

It turns out that making money can be so simple.

Ignoring Wang Yifei's statement that he would send her money first, Wang Fang turned around and went out for dinner with the sisters in the dormitory.

On the way to the cafeteria, she carefully explained Wang Yifei's words.

Especially Ye Xiaoling, who has the worst family conditions...

This scene not only happened in Jiangcheng University of Technology, but also in Jiangcheng College of Business, Jiangcheng College of Architecture, Jiangcheng Normal University, and Jiangcheng University of Finance and Economics.

"My side has developed 6 college students today."

"I got 4 boys here."

"I have contacted the vice president of the student union."

"I have contacted the school beauty here."

Wang Yifei's QQ kept flashing, and the sound of beeps continued to come out from the speaker.

"Okay, everyone counts up the list and goes to the finance department to collect the money tomorrow."

"This is a good opportunity to strike while the iron is hot."

"As long as part-time students actually see cash, their enthusiasm will not be the same as it is today."

"Got it, Mr. Wang."

"Mr. Wang is really a boss, this promotion plan is simply a stroke of genius."

Seeing the pursuit of his subordinates, Wang Yifei smiled faintly.

This promotion plan was given to him by Su Ye, and he was just an executor.


This is just the first step in the whole promotion plan.

The next day, after Wang Yifei reviewed everyone's application for fees, he reported the results to Su Ye.

Su Ye saw that the promotion fee was only 114 yuan, and signed the fee application form expressionlessly.

just now.

The initial construction of QQ's official website has been completed.

There are two download entries very simply given on the page.

Mobile version and PC version.

As for more content information, there is no section classification or anything.

At the same time, because Wang Xiaojing's art progress is relatively slow, even the theme that can be set and changed is not put on it.

"I'm going to add art work."

Su Ye opened QQ and chatted with Li Qianqian privately.

"Li Qianqian, send a notice in the company group, let everyone have a good artist to push."

This wasn't Su Ye's pressure on the staff.

Recently, Qingyun Technology's company treatment has spread, not only in the programmer industry, but also in art, operations, customer service and other positions.

It just so happened that the artisans were short of manpower, so Su Ye simply let go.

As long as the technical level passes the test, let's recruit in first and then talk.



Wang Yifei put a five-yuan bill and a one-yuan bill in Wang Fang's hand, and Wang Fang's eyes sparkled with excitement.

own plan.

It's finally time to start executing.

Wang Fang turned around gracefully, and Wang Yifei saw it clearly.

The not-so-bright sunlight in the autumn morning shone on her body, forming a golden outline.

Just like a fairy in the sky.

For a moment, Wang Yifei's mind was a little shaken.


"I can't let beauty fool my eyes."

"I want to be Su Ye's first disciple."


(End of this chapter)

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