Chapter 435 Chapter 437

"Quick, quick, Demin Commercial Building 1202 wants three roast duck rice."

"Don't worry, don't worry, Zhou Zhi bumped into someone on the road."

"Brother Zhao, Sister Chun called from the burrito shop and told us to hold off for a while. They have a backlog of more than 30 orders."

"Brother Zhao, the fast food here, the seven-day fast food, Xiaocheng Restaurant also called to say that it is too busy, especially the Xiaocheng Restaurant, their boss and proprietress have personally started cooking and packing."

"Brother Zhang, the two Shaxian fast food restaurants on my side are too busy."

"Mr. Chen, apart from Zhou Zhi, there was also an accident on the road with a brother rider. He helped a little girl find her mother, and the meal on his battery car was stolen."

Due to the rapid expansion of the business, Tiantian Group rented an office that was only enough for more than 70 people to work in it.

After expanding the scale in the later stage, due to time constraints and no time to find a unified office area, we rented an office in another building.

Here is the main office location of the three newly added projects.

The three departments of group catering and distribution, entertainment and leisure, and ticketing are all working here.

However, now because Tiantiantuan has just launched the online ordering business.

Originally, everyone thought that no matter how popular this business is, it cannot be the same as that of hotels and B&Bs.

Hotels and B&Bs are aimed at users across the country. No matter whether you are in Haicheng or anywhere else, you can directly order hotels and B&Bs online as long as you have an internet connection.

As for catering delivery, this project can only be used locally in Haicheng.

According to everyone's thinking, even if it is popular, there is more or less a limit.

But I didn't expect that they were still envious of the sales scene at the hotel and B&B just in the morning, but just after 10:[-] in the morning, everyone started to get busy.

Just like what Su Ye said, the food delivery business is not perfect yet.

After all, in the era without smartphones, the process of ordering, picking up and delivering food is opaque.

It is necessary to rely on colleagues in the catering department for manual scheduling throughout the process.

Today, Zhang Xing prepared three mobile phones for everyone in the catering delivery department to deploy takeaway boys, merchant scheduling, and after-sales service for customers.

But now...

Each person has only two ears, pick up this phone, that phone rang again, there is no time for a pause.

And because it is the first time for everyone to do this job, many people are a little bit flustered for a while.

However, do you think that being in a hurry is the end?
No, this is just the beginning.

After 11 o'clock, the delivery orders flew to the catering department like snowflakes.

Everyone was really too busy, so they could only invite colleagues from the entertainment and leisure department and the ticketing department who seemed to be leisurely next to them to come and help.

After all, it's lunch time now, and few people will go to the movies or sing KTV.

Even so, there are frequent situations in the catering department.

After a while, the rider brother had a problem on the road. After a while, the merchant called to say that it was too late to deliver, and customers kept calling to remind them to order.

The lunch break in many companies is only one hour. If you can't finish your meal within this time, you can only start working hungry.

Everyone in the catering department is a firefighter.

too busy.

They can understand the situation of riders, the distress of merchants, and the urgency of users.

However, this is really too busy.

Some people even raised deep doubts.

These customers who order takeaway, how do they usually solve their lunch problem.

And those merchants involved in food delivery are also suffering and happy.

Usually worry about business.

There are not many people all day long, and it is also sad to open a store.

But now, since signing a delivery agreement with Tiantiantuan a few days ago, everyone has been anxiously waiting for the launch of today's business.

But everyone never expected it.

This is really a group every day, and every day when you are tired.

Sister Chun Burrito Shop.

The boss, Chen Lichun, looked at more than a dozen anxious riders in front of him, and then looked at the more than 30 orders written in the notebook, and his hair turned gray with worry.

Worry about the list when there is no list.

Worry about efficiency when there is a list.

The key is her husband, go to the vegetable market to buy some cucumbers and bean sprouts, it's been 10 minutes, why hasn't he come back.

"Sister Chun, your store is so busy today."

The owner of a nearby fried chicken business saw riders coming back and forth from Sister Chun's side, and left, and silently calculated in his heart. There are more than 20 orders.

Usually, even in restaurants like this at noon and night, Sister Chun only sells 8 or 10 orders.

Last month, Sister Chun also talked to him about the difficulty of doing business and wanted to switch stores.

"Well, Xiao Song, I'm too busy, I'll talk to you later."

Sister Chun responded without raising her head, but her hands kept moving.

Now the bean sprouts and shredded cucumber are all used up, but she can fry the pancakes first.As soon as the side dishes arrive, they can be packed directly.

Xiao Song from the fried chicken shop looked at the dozen or so takeaway riders standing in Sister Chun's small shop, and also saw the writing on the yellow vests of these riders.

【Daily group rider】

[Delivery on time within 60 minutes]

Everyday Tuan Xiao Song knows it.

He also joined the Tiantiantuan website before, and the store business has indeed improved.

But a few days ago, when the salesman of the daily group came to ask him to sign a delivery agreement, he directly refused.

What is there to do with takeaway? He always thinks that opening a store requires waiting for customers to come to his door.

Takeaway or something is crooked.

But although he refused, he also knew that Sister Chun had signed this takeaway agreement with Tiantiantuan.

Tiantiantuan’s takeaway agreement is different from Dianping’s policy.

Zhang Xing still wanted to earn a certain amount of profit from the merchants.

The agreement stipulates that merchants have to pay 15% of the fee if they do not make a single sale in the daily group food delivery service, and there is also an average delivery fee of 3-5 yuan per order.

Sister Chun’s store business has not improved much before, and the daily team said that payment is only required after the transaction is completed, and there is no need to pay a penny if the transaction is not completed.

After thinking about it, Sister Chun agreed.

The store has reached this point now, and the price of a burrito for her ranges from 6 to 15 yuan, and the higher the price, the higher the profit.

On the whole, according to the standard of 20 yuan given by the group every day, she can sell a single order with a gross profit of at least 10 yuan.

After deducting the deduction point of 3 yuan, and then deducting the delivery fee of up to 5 yuan, the net profit of an order is at least 3 yuan.

If you order 30 orders a day, it is 90 yuan.

And her burritos are full of flavor and delicious, and many customers who have eaten in the store before will praise them.

If you can make word of mouth online, you will definitely be able to make small profits but sell more in the future.

Moreover, Sister Chun said in her heart that thirty orders a day would be a waste of her work.

Xiao Song was right. In less than an hour, she had already placed 40 orders, and now there are more than ten riders waiting for orders.

At this noon time, at least 80 orders can be issued.

If it wasn't for her husband not coming back, at least 100 orders could be made.

100 orders are 300 yuan.

That's 9000 yuan a month.

Sister Chun never thought that after working in Haicheng for a month, it is possible to earn money that she could not earn in her hometown for more than half a year.

This Haicheng is really the right place.

This agreement is also signed.

"I'm back, I'm back."

At this moment, Sister Chun's husband ran in with two big bags sweating profusely.

It was less than April weather, and he even took off his coat.

"Honey, the battery car broke down on the road, I ran all the way back..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, quickly boil the bean sprouts, and I'll shred the cucumber..."

Sister Chun put the pancakes she had just baked aside, and then took the bag from her husband.

"Sister Chun, don't bother with this trivial matter, you can make pancakes first."

A rider has been waiting here for 5 minutes, and the phone on his body has been ringing non-stop, and there are company dispatchers and users.

As he spoke, he didn't care if Sister Chun agreed or not, so he just picked up the bag of cucumbers and washed them under the sink.

The other riders on the side also reacted, and everyone was not in a hurry at this time.

Seeing that the first one started to help, someone over there helped Sister Chun's husband wash the bean sprouts, and someone else helped to boil water to prepare the bean sprouts.

"You, you..."

Sister Chun froze for a moment, wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

"Sister Chun, hurry up, what are you doing in a daze?"

"Oh well."

Sister Chun lowered her head and continued to work after she promised.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Song, who hadn't left yet, didn't know why, but felt a little uncomfortable.

If I hadn't rejected any delivery agreement that day, maybe I was the one who was so busy today.

Looking back, I must call the salesman and ask him to open the takeaway service for himself as soon as possible.

Isn't it just a deduction, isn't it just a delivery fee?

The rent is fixed, and one more business will earn more money.

At this time, not only Xiao Song from the fried chicken shop, but also Xiao Li, Lao Zhang, Brother Ma, Sister Zhao, and Aunt Lin all saw the charm of the Internet.


What they see is not the glamor of the Internet.

It is about a better life for oneself and a future worth looking forward to.

"I'm sorry, it's late for you, I'm very sorry."

The rider brother sincerely apologized to the smiling office worker in front of him who was only his daughter's age.

The girl had an angry face at first, but when she saw the dark face of the rider and the sweaty face in this weather, she didn't know why she was not as angry as when she was waiting for the meal just now.


"Just right, I'm not too hungry either."

"Then thank you for your understanding, I will go to work first."

The elder brother of the rider smiled honestly, indicated to the girl that he still had a lot of food in his hand, and then quickly ran away.

The girl walked into the office with a still warm donburi when she heard a girl's voice.

"A Lin, what's the matter, your daily takeaway just arrived."

"I just saw a rider over there climbing the stairs profusely."

"Well, just arrived."

"That rider, well, it's not easy."

Arlene didn't know why.

The takeaway brother just now didn't look like her father at all, but she just felt that her father might be working so hard when facing customers, so humble, so people couldn't help but want to cry when they saw it .

"Hello, your takeaway, sorry for the late delivery..."





"Can you stop shouting and pour me a glass of water if you have the energy."

"When it comes to your sister, if you can still stand up now, I will call you father."

"Hehe, I don't want a stupid son like you."

Every day, the group meals are served in the office, and everyone collapses in their seats, feeling weak to speak.

From 10:30 in the morning until now at [-]:[-].

They don't remember how many calls they answered, how many calls they made, how many riders' problems they dealt with, and how many users' waiting they calmed down.

"Come on, if you two still have energy, order us a takeaway."

"To be honest, I wanted to try our takeaway yesterday, but now I'm so hungry that I don't even have a bite of hot food."

"It's nothing if you don't have hot food. I have three big riders with leg cramps because of climbing stairs."

"There is also a big brother who couldn't see the way. He fell off a half-meter-high platform and fell to the ground with a sprained ankle. There was no problem with the food."

"Clap clap clap."

"Go back and give this big brother an award for the best food protection. This spirit should be promoted."

"What food protection award? It's so ugly. It should be called the customer's first award."

"That's right, that's the customer's first prize... But, did this big brother go to the hospital later?"

"What kind of hospital are you going to? He's only limping on one leg, and he's delivering meals to people."

"He is still the fifth-ranked expert in the number of orders received by my side today."


When Zhang Xing wanted to know about the situation of the catering department today, he found that no one answered the phone for half a day.

He subconsciously checked the time, it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Even if you are busy, you should not answer the phone.

Moreover, it's already three o'clock in the afternoon, who would still have lunch at this time.

After making three or four phone calls in a row, Zhang Xing's call was finally connected.

"Hey, Lao Zhao, what are you doing? Why aren't you answering the phone?"

"Mr. Zhang, suck, it's okay, we were busy just now, and now we are having lunch, suck, snoring."

As soon as Zhang Xing heard it, he knew that Lao Zhao was eating noodles.

Lao Zhao is from the north, and he has insisted on his eating habits since he came to Haicheng.

However, at this time, Lao Zhao also said that he had just finished his work.

Moreover, isn't this a slap in the face of your boss Zhang?

Zhang Xing just said that no one would have lunch now, but as soon as the phone was connected, your old Zhao said that he was having lunch.

Zhang Xing just wanted to say, Old Zhao, take a look, which pair of these small shoes in front of you do you like?
"Mr. Zhang, hello, why aren't you talking?"

"Oh, it's okay, I'll just ask, how is the situation on your side."

"It's not that good... suck."

"Not good?" Zhang Xing frowned.

When he asked Su Ye for this project before, Su Ye said that the food delivery business is not mature now.

There will definitely be many problems and difficulties in the course of operation.

However, Zhang Xing didn't expect to get such a reply on the first day.

not so good.

not so good……

Generally, subordinates report good news but not bad news, and even subordinates who say something like this is not good, it means...

Maybe there are very few users who order online today.

"Well, ahem, Lao Zhao, how many orders have you taken today..."

For some reason, Zhang Xing was a little embarrassed when he asked the question, as if he had done something wrong himself.

"How many orders? Suliu, Hulu, Mr. Zhang, you are equivalent. I want to ask Xinmin about this."

"Xinmin, how many orders did we make at noon today?"

"2400 single and multi-point, less than 2500."

Zhang Xing heard a vague voice on the other side from the phone.


Less than 2500?

What are you doing!
Zhang Xing would have thought that there were no more than 10 meal order orders at noon today, but in the end, you directly doubled his expected number by 250 times! ! !
This is not good?
This Nima is not very good?
Old Zhao, old Zhao, I'm afraid your conscience was eaten by a puppy.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, we made more than 2400 orders at noon. I'm sorry, we've embarrassed you. Suck and snort."


The corners of Zhang Xing's eyes twitched. If Lao Zhao was in front of him now, Zhang Xing would definitely not be able to control the Iron Sand Palm that he had practiced for more than 30 years and hit him on the face.

Zhang Xing took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

I am not excited.

I am not angry.

I am not angry.


I can't help it, hahahahahahaha.

This is the fabled good start.

On the day of launch, only 50 stores participated in this takeaway delivery.

As a result, 2500 orders were sold.

According to the minimum delivery price of 20 yuan, the platform turnover at noon today exceeded 50000 yuan.

Good start!

Definitely a good start.

Zhang Xing's previous goal was to sell more than 1000 orders on the day of launch.

But his expectations in his heart were not so high, and he would be satisfied if he could meet more than half of them.

Now it has reached 2500 orders.

The brothers in the catering department have worked hard.

"Well, Lao Zhao, you have worked hard. Are you busy at noon? Are there many customer complaints?"

"Fortunately, we will take the initiative to call some customers to explain the reasons. There are also customers who are not particularly anxious. Some of them have been complaining. We have also compensated according to the compensation measures discussed before. "

"Okay, then, let's eat first."

At this time, Zhang Xing also realized that he was disturbing everyone a little bit.

Normally, the rest time for the staff on duty in the regiment is one and a half hours at noon, from 01 o'clock to 30:[-].

But now it's three o'clock, and they only have lunch, and they are too busy to think about it.

After Zhang Xing hung up the phone, he thought about it and felt uneasy. After talking to several executives in the company, he drove directly to the catering department to have a look.

Lao Zhao, this guy, has always reported good news but not bad news.

As long as he thought about it, he knew that the original goal was to order 2500 orders a day, but they made [-] orders at noon.

Lao Zhao certainly didn't mention the hard work during this process.

He had to go over there as soon as possible to reassure everyone.

However, when he got off the elevator, he saw a poster stuck inside the elevator.

【April 4, Year of the Ox】

【Haicheng International Convention and Exhibition Center】

[The world's first game exhibition - rising to the sky]

【You are sincerely invited to visit...】

Zhang Xing suddenly realized.

Before I knew it, it was already March 3st.

It was just that Su Ye wanted to hold a game exhibition, but for some reason, it turned out to be a scene where several giants in the group buying industry fought desperately.

Could this be the legendary fight against cattle across the mountains...

(End of this chapter)

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