Chapter 437 Chapter 439, The Exhibition Begins (for Subscription)
"Ah, Mr. Zhuang is here."

Wang Yifei greeted and waved to Zhuang Yiming.

After taking his seat, Zhuang Yiming nodded to Su Ye with a bitter expression on his face.

From the looks of it, he knew that what Su Ye told him hadn't been done well, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.

Su Ye remained calm and ordered people to start serving the dishes.

Zhuang Yiming looked at the people sitting at the table, and there were two people he didn't know.

Xu Yankuan was better. Zhuang Yiming looked familiar, but couldn't remember who it was.

But Qin Lulu, he really didn't know.

Seeing Li Qianqian chatting with Qin Lulu eagerly, Zhuang Yiming guessed that this might be Li Qianqian's friend.

Because the exhibition will start tomorrow, Su Ye didn't let everyone drink tonight.

"Mr. Zhuang, let me introduce you. This is Xu Yankuan, and this is Qin Lulu. They are both celebrity guests attending the opening ceremony of our exhibition tomorrow."

"Oh, welcome and welcome."

Zhuang Yiming nodded at the two of them, picked up the teacup and got acquainted with the two of them with tea instead of wine.

"Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Xu was a singer-songwriter before. Didn't you always say that our QQ Music has no pillars? Look..."

Zhuang Yiming said in his heart that I would have said that QQ Music has no pillars.

Turning around and seeing Su Ye's expression, although he didn't understand what he meant, he still nodded in agreement: "Yes, Mr. Su, this QQ Music now has more than [-] million online users every day, but in the end they are all other singers. Celebrity."

"So, I was thinking about when we QQ Music will have our own lineup of singers."

"Mr. Xu, which economic company are you in now?"

Although Xu Yankuan had known for a long time that it would be beneficial for Su Ye to call him over, he never expected that this would be the case now.

dig people?

It's better to dig out Xu Yankuan, a little-known person who has been dead for three or four years.


Xu Yankuan didn't delve into the meaning of it in detail, anyway, Zhuang Yiming asked, and he answered directly.

Zhuang Yiming recalled it and knew that Haihui was a small economic company in Haicheng.

Of course, if it was big, Xu Yankuan's previous agency would not let him come over.

To be honest, Xu Yankuan is almost the number one brother in HiSoft.

There are more trainees in the company or people who have been tepid since their debut for many years.

If it hadn't been for more than ten years that he had been brilliant and produced three second-tier singers who were close to the first-tier, Zhuang Yiming would not have thought of contacting them to acquire the copyright of the song.


Zhuang Yiming agreed, and glanced at Su Ye, only to find that Su Ye started chatting with Li Qianqian next to him, as if what he just said was just a random question.

However, for Su Ye, knowing the other party's company name was enough.

He wanted to make a stir in the Longhan entertainment circle, but not now.

The most important thing right now is the game show tomorrow.

"Mr. Zhou, you have to cooperate with the Haicheng government on the traffic here tomorrow, so as not to cause trouble, and try not to affect the city's traffic."

"Oh, I know."

"Wang Yifei, go there early tomorrow and take someone to check the situation of the various manufacturers and brands, and deal with any problems in time."


"Also, why didn't I see the booth over at Dongshanju today?"

Only then did Su Ye think of the problem.

When he was at the National Exhibition Center in the afternoon, he felt that something was missing, but he suddenly remembered it.

"Well, Mr. Su, I've placed the exhibition hall of Dongshanju in the most central position, so that no matter how the audience walks, they will eventually see our Dongshanju booth."

"Also, Mr. Jiang and the others are busy with the booth and the exhibition these days. Let me apologize to you."

"It's okay, then Wang Yihan, how are you doing here?"

Su Ye responded and asked about Wang Yihan.

Whether or not the game show will be successful this time will ultimately depend on Wang Yihan's efforts.

Qingyun Technology will build momentum online and update and follow up the situation of the exhibition at any time.

But for this idea, the mainstream news media for everyone is still TV newspapers. Fortunately, with Wang Yihan here, he can get in touch with colleagues who have accumulated contacts over the years.

"No problem, President Su. At least half of the more than 80 media I invited this time can come. With the help of President Zhou, reporters from more than 30 large and medium-sized media have already arrived."

"That's right. Mr. Wang is still doing things vigorously and resolutely. This time, the small gifts for various media reporters are ready."

"Well, ready, the QQ dolls from Xucheng, the lottery tickets prepared with Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and other companies, as well as the 120 mobile phones sent by Qingyun Mobile, and the ones sent by Broadcom Electronics All [-] claw machines have been arranged."

"Besides, Biati knew the news and prepared a concept car and sent it over."

"Huh? Concept car?"

Su Ye was startled, and he turned to look at Li Qianqian.

In the end, Li Qianqian was also at a loss.

"What's the situation with this concept car, who knows."

"President Su, I know this."

A director of Qingyun Technology who came along raised his hand to signal.

"The concept car is a project being carried out by Biati's automobile R&D center. However, there is only one model at present, and nothing has been made with the specific configuration and interior."

"The car sent here this time should be ready to announce to the outside world that Biati is already preparing to build a car."

Su Ye was a little depressed after hearing this explanation.

This old king really rushed up when he saw an opportunity.

In fact, the fundamental purpose of this game exhibition is for Dongshanju's games. Su Ye has expanded a bit, but overall he still hasn't left the cultural and entertainment industry.

As a result, Pharaoh sent a car directly, whether it was to make it a car show for him or something.

"Okay, okay, just put him in a remote place when the time comes."


Wang Yifei hesitated to speak.

Su Ye looked annoyed, "Say, what's wrong."

"Mr. Su, that car was delivered a long time ago. I discussed it with Dongshanju. I thought that this car is useless anyway. It's better to use it as a game room and put it directly in front of Dongshanju's booth..."


Just as Su Ye wanted to scold, everyone was just looking for something to do for themselves.

However, Wang Yifei's idea is really good, let the players experience the game directly in the car model, so as to reduce the probability of Biati's exposure as much as possible.

Su Ye didn't want this guy to steal the limelight during this game exhibition.

"You are good, work harder next time."

After eating a meal for more than an hour, Su Ye asked everyone to disperse, and Zhou Yuanyuan who wanted to report something to Su Ye followed behind.

"President Zhou, what's the matter?"

"President Su, there is another matter. The boss under the big tree learned that no one from the Writers Association participated this time, and was a little dissatisfied, so he left directly."

"They didn't even ask for a stand."

Zhou Yuanyuan was a little upset when she said this, but Chen Haishan seemed to be a nice person, but for some reason he just had a bad temper.

It was the same when I called him before, but this time I finally called him to Haicheng, Zhou Yuanyuan herself thought that this would be a way to have a peaceful talk with the other party.

As a result, after chatting for a while, Zhou Yuanyuan said that the Writers Association was not invited this time, and that it was a game exhibition, so Chen Haishan walked away without stopping at all.

Zhou Yuanyuan originally thought that since the other party has come, she will definitely not let go of such an opportunity to publicize under the big tree.

I didn't expect the other party to be so stubborn and leave directly.

Now Zhou Yuanyuan is not happy, business is not righteous, you, Chen Haishan, are planning to stop contacting your peers in the future, aren't you?

"If you don't want it, then you don't want it. We just don't provoke this kind of company in the future."

"Daily thinking that the boss is his second child, let's not spoil him with his bad temper."

"Sister Zhou, you are the person in charge of Qingyun Investment, and you have the initiative and a dominant position in business activities. After investing for so many years, you don't know. Normally, those entrepreneurs come to beg you? "

"I know I know, but..."

"It's nothing to worry about, as long as you know it, Qingyun Technology relies on itself for everything. Even if it is an investment, not every company has to invest. Your project has a good prospect and your entrepreneurial resume is good. It is useless. We are looking for What I want is companies and individuals that are more suitable for me.”

"This time, I know that you want to complete my task, but don't be so nervous. If you can't do it under the big tree, you can buy a few more other types of web sites. I don't believe it. Under the tree, the cultural department of Qingyun Technology can't develop yet?"


Zhou Yuanyuan no longer had the confidence and calmness she had before.

Ever since Qingyun Technology began to acquire other companies, no matter who is involved, it has been successful immediately.

Li Qianqian acquired Houlang.

Su Ye becomes a shareholder of Biati.

Wang Yifei won Dongshanju.

She has always been invincible, but in the hands of a professional like her, she couldn't complete Su Ye's task, and let her face Zhou Yuanyuan's face in the future.

Maybe someone will say that Su Ye doesn't know people well, and professional players have encountered repeated setbacks in the investment company and are unable to take on important responsibilities.

"Okay, sister Zhou, take it easy, whether it's good or bad, like or hate, everything will pass, and what stays in the end is really yours."

"Tomorrow, if you have time, take me to the smaller booth. I'm still very interested in the tree you mentioned."

"it is good."

Seeing that Zhou Yuanyuan was in a better mood, Su Ye left alone.

Li Qianqian didn't know how much she wanted to say, so she couldn't find Qin Lulu when she turned her head.

Su Ye didn't care about him, anyway, he didn't worry that she would lose it when he was such an adult.

Silent all night.

4 month 1 day.

Just after 8 o'clock in the morning, countless audiences came around the Haicheng National Exhibition Center, and most of these people came spontaneously.

No matter how well prepared Zhou Yuanyuan was, it was inevitable that she would not be able to take care of her. Besides, not everyone was short of money for food and accommodation, so there was no need to lose face for nothing.

Most of the audience is already in place, and business personnel from various manufacturers have already settled in the exhibition hall.

After the stage built outside the exhibition hall, some of the artists that Su Ye saw yesterday were all in place, and they were constantly warming up and preparing.

Just when most of the audience was waiting boredly, there was a sudden exclamation from the outermost place.

"Wow, isn't this Jing Zhongyue?"

"This, this could not be Miss Mage."

"That warrior, his muscles are so manly."

"Look, there's also the Rake Cat."

"And the Scarecrow."

"But how did this sika deer do it? Is it a real deer? I don't know if I can harvest venison meat if I hack it to death."

This is the super killer prepared by Su Ye.


Su Ye arranged for Wang Yifei to prepare the corresponding props and costumes very early on, and then Zhou Yuanyuan selected some qualified models from the model agency in Haicheng.

These off-site cosers are only part of it, and some are inside.

The reason why foreign Disney is so popular among children and some girls is that they have moved some scenes and tasks in cartoons to reality.

Who is not a little princess, who has not dreamed of a princess.

If you can't live the life of a princess, it's good to experience the princess' castle.

Standing on the booth upstairs of the National Exhibition Center, Su Ye saw the excited audience in the square and wondered whether he should go back and follow the example of Disney in making a game-themed park.

It's just that there are still relatively few games in the hands of Qingyun Technology. Including the "Swordsman Love" released by Dongshanju today, it can barely be counted as two.

Looks like we'll have to wait a while.

This is, another exclamation came from the other side.

Tall Autobots walked into the audience, not only Autobots, but also Gundam Warriors, and some characters from Gou Ri's Chinese animation also appeared.

The appearance of these characters made the atmosphere of the square even more superb.

Although Hot Blood Legend is popular, it has only been three months since it went online. However, those Autobots, Gundam Warriors, and Saint Seiya are familiar to most people. Legends are more popular.

However, these things are all foreign.

A person who can be called a name in China, that is, a Monkey King, is known to all ages.

Not many people know about other heroes.

The audience below couldn't see clearly, but Su Ye knew it in his heart.

These characters actually represent a kind of culture.

When other cultures enter the country on a large scale and squeeze the living space of domestic culture, it may be seen in ten or twenty years.

What young people say are the names of outsiders, they are used to their way of life, and after a while, will even their thinking habits be assimilated.

It is impossible for Su Ye to write a book at this time, write a brilliant masterpiece to persuade the world.

Except for some experts and scholars to study and study this kind of thing, it is impossible to benefit ordinary people.

The lives of most ordinary people are still work and family, and occasionally they can take a break from their busy schedule, that is, playing games, watching movies, anime and TV series.

Su Ye looked around at the audience below before turning his attention to one place...

Time passed slowly and would not stop because of Su Ye's thinking.

Above the stage, the host was already speaking impassionedly.

Star singers performed on stage one by one.

When the court dance troupe sent by the Kingdom of Babs performed, their anger reached its peak.

Beautiful beauties with exotic styles, dressed in cool summer dance costumes, danced on the stage.

You know, it's not that there are no girls who like to play games, but that the proportion of girls is too small.

When a group of rough men saw this scene, they all screamed like chicken blood, as if they had never seen it before.

Of course, they didn't see it either.

Wang Yifei, who was standing beside Su Ye, smiled disdainfully at the excitement of the audience.

"Where is this, I will enter the exhibition hall later, I hope they don't..."

Thinking about the scene in the exhibition hall, Wang Yifei suddenly felt a coldness under his nose, as if some liquid flowed out. It seems that although it is April in Haicheng, the weather is still a bit cold.

"Wang Yifei, why do you have a nosebleed?"

Su Ye turned his head and saw Wang Yifei's appearance. Wang Yifei touched it subconsciously, and it really was Yinhong.

"I don't know, Mr. Su."

Wang Yifei quickly raised his arms, and Li Qianqian and Wang Yihan next to him took out tissues from their bags and wiped them for him.

Wang Yifei only felt dizzy for a while, watching the sun in the sky fluctuate.

What's wrong with me, maybe I'm suffering from some terminal illness.

With a sudden sway of his body, Wang Yifei almost fell over.

Su Ye and Zhuang Yiming hurried forward to help Wang Yifei up, their hearts were shocked.

What kind of situation is this? Nosebleeds all over the place, and then fainted and fell to the ground. Wang Yifei may die soon.

But Wang Yihan next to him thought of something, took out a piece of chocolate from his bag, peeled it off and stuffed it into Wang Yifei's mouth.

"If you are asked to eat a steamed bun in the morning, then you still have to be brave..."

"Boss Su, he's fine, just hypoglycemia."

Only then did Su Ye calm down a little, and then he heard the intense applause below, and vaguely heard the host's voice:

"I wish the first Longhan Empire Game Entertainment Exhibition a complete success..."

"A complete success."

Many audiences and staff below also echoed in unison, and then followed the staff's instructions into the exhibition hall in an orderly manner...

(End of this chapter)

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