The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 440 Chapter 442 The Warrior Who Can Never Be Defeated

Chapter 440 Chapter 442 The Warrior Who Can Never Be Defeated (for myself)

"The game industry enters the era of free! "

"Qingyun Technology acquires Dongshanju and releases the world's first free stand-alone game Swordsman Love"

"Only 1000 copies!It was sold out on the first day of launch, this game of Longhan is really popular! "

"Exclusive Report: Unveiling the Unknown Scene at Qingyun Game Expo"

Before the game show ended, there were countless news related to the game show on the Internet.

The reporters are well aware of the importance of the headline party, and they can't stop talking endlessly, racking their brains to come up with exaggerated headlines for the sake of clicks.

But this time, countless users who followed the news found that the content of the news was not much different from the headline.

Dongshanju, acquired by Qingyun Technology, this time released the swordsman love, which took a year and a half to produce successfully, and it is indeed free.

As long as you log in to the official website of QQ Games, you can download the game directly, but the download speed is quite impressive.

Looking at the download time of 2-3 hours at every turn, the majority of players can only wash up and sleep first.

On the other hand, the 1000 CDs of the Collector's Edition game on Qingyun Mall were all sold out shortly after the news was released.

The long-term reputation of Qingyun Technology has made everyone believe that this time it is a limited collection, it must be limited.

Coupled with some that Su Ye secretly hacked, there are only about 500 copies that players can actually buy.

Many people don't like to play games. After hearing that this is a collector's edition, they bought a copy along with the fun, and then turned around and registered a store on to start selling it.

After more than a month of preparation time, has been launched.

Just to keep a certain distance from Qingyun Technology, the launch of is as unknown as many other e-commerce platforms that went online at the same time.

But relying on the word "free of charge", there was a wave of X treasure fever in a short period of time.

Especially in the area of ​​Zhejiang Province, although everyone doesn’t say it, they all know that the Hangzhou historian behind the platform and the sons of several other families will try it if they don’t look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha.

After the Collector's Edition of Swordsman Love is listed on, some merchants will list the price at 109 or 119.

But these products were quickly dropped by discerning people who were ready to make a lot of money after they were put on the shelves.

Then the price doubled, and the price was 199 and it was re-launched in its own store.

Even so, there is still an endless stream of people buying.

Merchants saw this trend and quickly adjusted the price to 399.

Someone else bought it!

Seeing less and less inventory, the merchant directly adjusted the price to 999, so that fewer people came to buy.

In a short period of time, the merchant basically didn't do anything here, and just made a few thousand yuan directly, which is more than one or two months' wages of ordinary people.

If you want to make money, you either sell your labor or your mind.

The world is fair and there are many opportunities, but they are all given to those who can seize the opportunities.

As for those who wait and see, even if they face some opportunities like Ma Qingyun and Liu Dongshan, they will miss the opportunity because of waiting and hesitation.

Su Ye glanced at the crowded Dongshanju booth over there, and then led the people to other places.

Su Ye also tried to play the game Swordsman Love for a few days before, and it feels really good.

Especially after being modified and perfected by Wang Yifei, it really has the potential to become a classic.

In the future, if Su Ye cooperates with the operation, this IP will be able to be operated soon.

Become the first hot IP in the Internet age of the Longhan Empire.

"Mr. Su, you will reach a smaller booth after walking a little further ahead. Do you want to go over and have a chat with their person in charge?"

Zhou Yuanyuan secretly smacked her tongue when she saw the scene at Dongshanju, and suddenly remembered the smaller tree, so she mentioned it.

It has been several days since Lin Mu came to Haicheng, and he had already signed a purchase agreement with Zhou Yuanyuan when he first arrived.

Lin Mu couldn't believe that a small website that he had been running for a few years could get 2000 million yuan of funds until he signed his name.

And because he is the founder of Qixiaodian, and he is also a person who loves online literature, he took advantage of the opportunity to mention a word to Zhou Yuanyuan, and Lin Mu became the operation director of Qingyunqi Xiaodian.

In the past few days, apart from communicating with some authors who have come to Haicheng one after another, Lin Mu is waiting for the opening of the game exhibition.

He even had a faint thought in his mind, which was to meet Su Ye.

When discussing matters related to the acquisition, Zhou Yuanyuan told Lin Mu that Su Ye was also very optimistic about online literature.

I often read novels on the Internet.

Having said that, Lin Mu suddenly regained his energy. His purpose of meeting Su Ye was actually very simple.

I just want to ask if Su Ye has read the novels written by before?
For these novels on his website, Lin Mu loves and recognizes them very much.

If it can win the favor of a business tycoon like Su Ye, it will be a very good encouragement for the subsequent development of the website and the author's confidence.

"Okay, no problem, I'm chasing a novel recently."

"The author said that he will also participate in this game exhibition, and we can meet the base at that time."

Su Ye said relaxedly, but she was still a little nervous.

In his previous life, he had never met some netizens, let alone his favorite internet author.

For those authors he likes, Su Ye also knows the appearance of the other party, and roughly knows some life stories of the other party.

When the other party opens a new book, they will also rush to the front line to collect and post their hearts and give a little reward.

No way, Su Ye's life in his previous life was not very rich. Although he had been reading genuine novels, he was limited to subscribing to his favorite chapters, and there were relatively few rewards.

This time, I was able to buy small points, and Su Ye will activate the reward function as soon as possible in the future, and then I will enjoy the rewards.

After a few people said this, they came to Qi Xiaodian's exhibition hall.

Qi Xiaodian's decoration here is handled by Zhou Yuanyuan and Lin Mu, and of course Zhou Yuanyuan is the one who pays.

Lin Mu only got 2000 million, which was his own money, and now Xiaodian has been owned by Qingyun Technology, so naturally he won't let him pay for it himself.

Qixiaodian's exhibition hall is very simple, um, it's relatively simple.

After all, this is generally written novels, and there is not much to show in itself.

At most, there are a few writers' profiles and novels. In the exhibition hall, there is a long table with a few participating writers sitting in the back, accepting inquiries and... compliments from some book friends.

"Banana, didn't you say in the group that you are the number one girl killer in Hangzhou? Why, did you forget to put on makeup when you came out?"

"Brother Chicken, you are not the legendary hand speed of 8000 words per hour. Why do I think your typing speed is not as fast as mine?"

"Isn't this the desk lamp who is always delayed? You look like you haven't woken up. Did you play Legend again last night?"

There are not just one or two readers who praise the author in this way. Almost every reader who comes to the exhibition hall and here has the above-mentioned kind greetings and care for the author he likes.

The chick eats the eagle with an embarrassing face, he has always been the representative of hard work on the Qixiaodian website.

While other authors only update 2000 words a day, and update them from time to time, he can achieve at least 4000 words a day, and occasionally he will burst out when inspiration comes.

He had bragged about it in his fan base a long time ago.

It's not that I write slowly, but I'm worried that you readers can't keep up with my speed.

I am a man with a speed of 8000 per hour.

However, when Su Ye walked into the exhibition hall, he happened to see the typing speed of the author with the pseudonym Chicken Eat Eagle in front of the computer. To be honest, it was slower than some online customer service in Qingyun Technology.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Su, you are here."

Lin Mu, who was serving tea and water to the readers like a waiter in the exhibition hall, saw Zhou Yuanyuan and Su Ye walking in together at a glance.

"Well, hello Mr. Lin, this is Mr. Su from Qingyun Technology."

Zhou Yuanyuan helped to introduce.

Lin Mu subconsciously wiped his hands on his body, stretched out his hands a little nervously and looked at Su Ye: "President Su, nice to meet you."

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lin."

Su Ye also stretched out his hands to hold Lin Mu tightly, and then felt that this was not enough to express the excitement in his heart, so he hugged Lin Mu directly.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for creating such a good platform from Xiaodian, which can greatly enrich the leisure life of Longhan netizens. I am also a loyal user of Qixiaodian."

While Su Ye was speaking, all the original authors, readers, and nearby staff in the exhibition hall fell silent.

The authors already knew that Xiaodian was acquired by Su Ye, and that Su Ye would be his boss in the future, and everyone could make money, so the necessary respect must be given.

Some readers also recognized the young and promising Su Ye, and couldn't help but want to hear what this legendary young man who was about his own age would say.

When hearing Su Ye say that he is also a loyal user of Qixiaodian, both the author and the readers are honored.

Look, look, the CEOs of such a big company all have the same hobbies as themselves.

After that, I would brag to others when I went out. Su Ye, the boss of Qingyun Technology, and I were optimistic about a website at the same time, but he bought it first because he was rich. Otherwise, what would I do...

"Really, that would be an honor."

Lin Shu was also very excited.

I thought that Su Ye became famous when he was young, even if he is approachable, it is likely that some people made up or simply made up the persona.

I didn't expect to shake hands with Su Ye and get Su Ye's hug.

And Su Ye also said that he himself is also a loyal user of Qixiaodian.

At this moment, Lin Mu felt that everything he had done in the past few years was worth it.

During these 2-3 years, others don't know, but can Lin Mu himself not know?
He is just an ordinary person with a little money in his family, and he founded such a website because of his hobby.

His parents ignored him, and his friends didn't understand. Now he is almost 30 years old, and Lin Mu hasn't talked about a girlfriend yet.

In the eyes of the family, this is a manifestation of treason.

He always shows a relaxed look in front of the author, but no one knows how much effort he has put in to make Qidian continue to operate.

For more than a year, he has not been able to get a penny from his parents, so he can barely maintain his life and operate the website on the rent of several houses under his name.

In order for these authors who are willing to risk their ideas and creativity for free to be recognized by Xiao Dian, Lin Mu really spent a lot of thought.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, he will hold a small annual meeting. Although there are very few applicants, it has been held for two years now.

Chick eats eagle's job as a designer, and Lin Mu has been following him to learn design.

Tired Banana is the management dog of an Internet company. Of course, these are the original words of Tired Banana, and Lin Mu learns how to run a website from him.

There are many other people, including those who know Qingyun Technology and know how to use QQ. Lin Mu only learned to set up a group chat under the guidance of other authors on the phone.

After doing this bit by bit, and persisting for so long, Lin Mu did it for the love in his heart.

He didn't want to give up, and he didn't dare to give up.

He was afraid that after he gave up the path of online writing, there would be no meaning in life.

Lin Mu can have no girlfriend, can study seriously, can call the server company in the middle of the night because of website problems, and can discuss the plot with an author who wants to write well in the middle of the night for 2-3 hours.

He felt that he could lose everything, but he couldn't lose Xiaodian.

Only this website is the pillar of Lin Shu's heart.

Even, it is evidence that he once existed in this world.

"Boss Su, thank you, thank you..."

Thinking of this, Lin Mu, who was hugging with Su Ye, couldn't help but have red eyes. He thought that he had been wronged and stared at in the past few years, but there are so many writers and readers who like to be small, and there are also those who are wise President Su.

He felt that all he had done was worth it.

The people standing behind Su Ye couldn't understand Lin Mu's feelings for Xiao Dian, but the first few authors who joined Xiao Dian felt the same way when they saw Lin Mu.

Over the years, although Lin Mu has no worries about eating and drinking, Lin Mu has paid too much for the website of Xiaodian, for more authors to stay, and for more readers to know about Xiaodian.

"Hey, Mr. Lin, why are you still crying? Didn't you say that you are the strongest person in the world? Didn't you say that you are a warrior who can never be defeated? Didn't you claim to be the leader of the Dragon Han and even the world? No. 1 online literature, why is this crying like a child."

Su Ye patted Lin Mu's back to comfort him.

Lin Mu, whose eyes were still red, froze for a moment.

What Su Ye said was really what he once said in the group.

His Lin Mu's dream is to make Xiaodian the largest online literature website in the entire Longhan Empire and even the world in his own hands.

He also claims to be the strongest man in the world.

A warrior who can never be defeated by setbacks.

These few words were not spoken by Lin Mu on a certain day or at a certain time, but a sentence that popped up intermittently from time to time.

Now that Su Ye said it directly, it meant that he had been paying attention to himself a long time ago, and started to pay attention to a little bit.

What Su Ye said just now that he is a loyal user of Qixiaodian is not empty talk.

he is……

"Boss Su, you haven't been spying on the smaller group all the time, have you?"

"Uh, this, no, I also heard from a friend of mine."

"Okay, Mr. Lin, please introduce our author, Da Da."

Seeing Su Ye forcibly changing the subject, Lin Mu smiled, wiped the corners of his eyes with his hand, and then introduced Su Ye.

"President Su, this is the ace author who started from Xiaodian, Chicken Eats Eagle..."


(End of this chapter)

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