The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 445 Chapter 447, the real main business is...

Chapter 445 Chapter 447, the real main business is... (seeking monthly ticket)
Seeing that Su Ye didn't express his opinion, Wang Yifei could only shake his head.

Just in time, I saw Zhuang Yiming who was sitting on the side and hadn't spoken since the meeting started.

Now, Wang Yifei and Su Ye came to the meeting because he just proposed an idea to establish a forum.

But what about Zhuang Yiming?

He is mainly in charge of the QQ derivative department, and there is no need to establish some forums.

Moreover, He Zaijin said it just now.

A blog can be understood as a text version of Qzone.

Zhuang Yiming already has a QQ space in his hand, so is it possible that he wants to get involved in this blog?

With such doubts, Wang Yifei did not see Zhuang Yiming speak until after the meeting.

He Zaijin ended the meeting after arranging a series of promotion plans.

As for some functional issues after the launch of the new platform, there is no need for He Zaijin to make special requests for this.

Under the leadership of Chen Nanfeng, Qingyun Technology's program department perfectly followed his strengths.



Strong execution.

So far, Qingyun Technology has been established for half a year, and there have been no problems due to software.

At the end of the meeting, most of Houlang's employees had already left.

When Wang Yifei saw He Zaijin, Zhuang Yiming, including Su Ye, had no intention of getting up.

"President Su, what else is there for you?"

"If it's okay, I'll go back first."

In addition to having a meeting with Su Ye today to summarize the gains and losses of the previous game exhibition, Wang Yifei has another most important reason.

But because Su Ye had an arrangement to come to the meeting just now, he didn't even have time to say it.

"Don't worry, just wait."

Su Ye asked the last person to leave to close the door of the meeting room.

Then he took Zhuang Yiming and He Zaijin to the sofa next to the meeting room and sat down. Seeing Wang Yifei still sitting in the original position, he waved to him and called him over.

"Today's meeting, just a few of us know."

"If there is a follow-up job that needs to be arranged for the employees under your hands, everyone should try to avoid it as much as possible."


He Zaijin and Zhuang Yiming spoke in unison.

Wang Yifei wondered.

"President Su, yes, what's the matter?"

"Oh, Yifei, you were busy with the game department before, so I didn't tell you."

"Is such that……"

Su Ye briefly told Wang Yifei about his plan.

Wang Yifei was stunned when he heard that Su Ye's new product was launched this time, and the protagonist was not a blog but Weibo.

If Su Ye doesn't say it now, he will almost forget that He Zaijin said that there are two products that will be launched this time at the beginning of the meeting.

One is a blog.

One is Weibo.

But in the meeting just now, nothing about Weibo was mentioned from the beginning to the end.

Didn't expect to wait here.

Su Ye also said that this Weibo is an important project related to the development of the group in the next 5-10 years, and its importance is almost comparable to that of QQ.

This time Wang Yifei was really shocked.

No matter how important QQ is, people inside Qingyun Technology, some external investors, analysts, or fellow bosses, entrepreneurs, and workers are all aware of how important QQ is.

QQ can be said to be the cornerstone of Qingyun Technology.

Without QQ, there would be no QQ music, QQ payment, QQ space, QQ game, QQ recruitment and other products directly under it.

Without QQ, there would be no Qingyun Mall, no Dianping, no Qingyun Real Estate, and no Qingyun Investment.

Without QQ, there would be nothing now.

Sometimes even countless people would think that if one of Mumu, Youxiner or ISeeYou defeated QQ when QQ was first launched, what would the current situation of Longhan Internet be like.

But now, Su Ye actually said that Weibo has the same status as QQ?
What a joke.

In Wang Yifei's eyes, this is obviously a little follower behind the blog, little transparent, who has such a lofty status.

Is there something wrong with this world?

"Don't be surprised, as I said just now, the blog is just a transitional product."

"What really needs to play a role is Weibo."

"This one……"

Wang Yifei thought that Su Ye seemed to have really said this just now.

Everyone knows the situation in the market now. Even if Wang Yifei didn't worry about Dianping, he still knew something about it.

Since the launch of Dianping, there have been many similar group buying websites in China.

What is, Jiajiatuan, Haicheng's Daily Tuan, Wuhan's Handle Tuan, and Guangcheng's Dawang Tuan.

When the new year started, more than 50 group buying websites appeared all over the country.

Now in April, there are more and more group buying websites in Longhan.

Everyone thinks that they will be the last ones. The original four powerful group buying websites are now in a precarious position.

Dianping is still developing an offline ticketing system.

Jiajiatuan is expanding its territory and expanding its business fields to multiple entertainment industries.

The daily group has become the first choice for business trips.

Especially recently, QQ payment has been connected to the ticketing of Dianping, the entertainment of Jiajiatuan, and the hotel and homestay of Tiantiantuan. The businesses of these companies have grown significantly.

QQ payment itself is a specialized payment software, which highly overlaps with the customers of

This cooperation is also mutually beneficial and win-win.

As for why the of God's Capital was not added, it was because Su Ye didn't like this website.

I don't have any creativity of my own, so I just know how to copy.

Such an enterprise, no matter how well it is developing now, Su Ye is not willing to cooperate with them.

As for Jiajiatuan, the company that stole Su Ye's ideas.

This time, he was the first to respond to Dianping's first move.

It has to be said that this made Su Ye look at Zhou Zihang with admiration for the first time.

Although this Zhou Zihang's character is a bit inferior, he still has a level and ability.

Now the group buying industry can be described as a chaotic situation.

Wang Yifei was worried just now, if the blog goes online, will it encounter such a situation.

However, now it seems that Su Ye is clearly prepared.

Launch two products at the same time, one is the main push, it is natural, the other will be in a state of being half-abandoned.

Not only Wang Yifei has this idea, but also those competitors.

Even if one or two people are vigilant, it will not help.

Su Ye is like playing a dark drama under everyone's noses.

I don't know what kind of expressions those people will have when they suddenly find out that Su Ye has swayed them when they reach the peak of following the blog.

In the future, there should be few people who would dare to plagiarize some projects of Qingyun Technology.


After Wang Yifei figured out the relationship between blogs and Weibo, another doubt appeared in his mind.

Now that the blog site Su Ye has this plan.

So the group buying market that seems to be booming now might have been created by Su Ye on purpose.

When the time is right, release a new software directly and give Stud all the group buying business.

Su Ye obviously didn't know that Wang Yifei had thought so much in such a short time.

Introduced to him the future business focus, in fact, is to make Wang Yifei pay attention.

Don't let Su Ye spend a long time in the game, and it would be fun to put his teammates in the head.

"Yifei, Yiming, why did I call you over, do you know?"

"do not know?"

Wang Yifei was blunt.

He thought it was the thing about the forum just mentioned.

But now that the main business direction has deviated, he really doesn't know why Su Ye asked him to come here.

Zhuang Yiming also shook his head.

When Houlang said that he was going to launch a blog product, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Now the business level of Qzone is quite good, why does Su Ye want to come up with such a product.

Although he knew Su Ye's plan now, he really didn't know the purpose of calling him to the meeting.

"Okay, since you don't know, I'll just say it."

"Weibo, as you can tell by its name, has something to do with blogs. We can regard it as the son of blogs, microblogs."

"Mr. He said just now that a blog is a text version of QQ Zone, but this actually has a lot of constraints."

"After the blog is opened, there will be a lot of content on it. How to manage and plan becomes a problem."

"How to recommend suitable content to users in need, this problem, we still can't solve it in a short time."

Su Ye mentioned big data to Chen Nanfeng before, and mentioned the matter of machine-selected recommendations, but the current technical level and hardware level cannot meet Su Ye's needs.

But Su Ye would not give up easily.

Big data has been scolded by countless people.

But I have to say, sometimes, the machine understands itself better than you.

In her previous life, when Su Ye was watching Sound X and the headlines, she felt like she could keep reading.

The reason is because of the recommendation mechanism.

The machine will keep labeling you according to your reading and browsing habits.

Then content with the corresponding tags is pushed to you.

This is not the end, but the beginning.

When you are browsing these pushed content, the machine will continue to label you more accurately based on your reading market, interaction index and other relevant data.

Say you like watching anime.

The machine first pushes you a wave of anime-related content.

In the process of browsing, you will subconsciously choose what you are interested in.

Do you like One Piece or Hokage, do you like a more intense Two-dimensional culture, or a mild Two-dimensional culture.

If you like pirates, do you like the characters or the plot?

If you like a character, do you like handsome or cool or beautiful or silly?


Step by step in this way, the machine becomes a person who understands yourself better than you. When recommending content to you in the future, it will push it according to your browsing habits.

You know, people are greedy.

When seeing something they like, most people can't help themselves to stop immediately.

Then, you contribute your time.

Add daily activities to the software.

Add traffic to the software.

Then the software will rely on daily activity, traffic, display and other relevant data to ask the advertiser's father for money.

Therefore, you under big data eventually become the capital of software operators or developers.

They recommend things you like to you, and then use your investment to make money.

Su Ye likes big data, not only for making money, but also for a technological breakthrough.

If the Weibo produced by Qingyun Technology can use big data technology, then there will be no shortage of users in the future.

"However, the difficulty in this screening mechanism is only temporary. When our technology develops and hardware iterates, this technology will eventually be possible."

"But it is impossible for us to wait for the new technology to come out before starting to do things. We must become the overlord in the industry before the new technology appears."

"And to achieve this, you two have to figure out a way."


Hearing Su Ye say this, Wang Yifei shrank back in fright.

This is related to the products that the company plans to develop in the next few years, and he and Zhuang Yiming are required to find a way.

Isn't this a joke?

At that time, Wang Yifei himself didn't want to be the head of this game department.

If it hadn't happened to be on a business trip in Hangzhou, he would have learned by accident that Shijia held the remaining shares of Lianzhong Games and helped the company to completely acquire Lianzhong Games.

His contribution to Wang Yifei is simply not enough to support his promotion.

But this is the end of the matter, and he didn't do it on purpose.

After being chased away by Su Ye, he only thought that it would be good to be a director. He happened to hand over all the work to the people below, and he only needed to be a final reviewer.

But unexpectedly, after he became the head of the game department, the role of the game department became more and more important in the company.

Now, among several departments of Qingyun Technology that have the opportunity to make profits, QQ games have already ranked first.

QQ payment, QQ derivative functions, QQ membership, none of these departments can play.

In terms of monthly income, no one dares to say that QQ games are number two.

The status of the QQ game department has risen, and other colleagues in the department walk a little too easily, but Wang Yifei is more cautious.

He no longer had the appearance of playing games with his colleagues before, and went to the imperial capital to prepare for the branch.

Unexpectedly, just because of his sudden whim, Dongshanju was acquired smoothly.

Then I came up with an idea to promote the love of swordsmen, but Su Ye changed it and turned it into a game exhibition.

Not only domestic game industry practitioners and players came, but even some people from the entertainment industry and literature industry came.

This time, the exhibition was very popular again. Even though they had passed the Qingming holiday today, they could see some online news from time to time during meetings in the company.

Wang Yifei really had something to do with Su Ye today.

He was afraid.

If the game department continues to be praised like this, then Wang Yifei feels that sooner or later one day it will fall due to something.

"Yes, the promotion and development of this Weibo requires both of you to contribute."

"The promotion of blogs, in addition to advertising, mainly relies on elites from various industries to publish content and attract users with corresponding hobbies to register."

"For example, you Wang Yifei likes to play games, and one day you learn that a game master you like very much has opened a blog. Would you be curious about what content he published, and pay attention to it?"

"Will do."

Wang Yifei nodded.

"Similarly, Weibo is a micro-blog. If there are a large number of public figures posting their knowledge, work, life insights, and interesting things on it, would you be interested?"


"However, what does this have to do with me and Zhuang Yiming? One of us is in charge of the game department, and Mr. Zhuang is also responsible for QQ derivative functions. At most, we invite some people related to the industry to settle in."

"Yes, Mr. Su, I have been working abroad before, and joined Qingyun Technology after returning to China."

"Most of the accumulated contacts are colleagues in the company, the most, the most..."

Zhuang Yiming continued to talk after Wang Yifei's words, but he couldn't continue talking.

Raising his head, Zhuang Yiming looked at Su Ye who was smiling in front of him.

It dawned on me.

"President Su, what are you saying, let President Wang and I invite people related to the entertainment industry to join our Weibo?"

"Then use the celebrity effect to mainly attract fans of celebrities to settle in?"


Su Ye nodded, affirming Zhuang Yiming's words.

Then turned to look at Wang Yifei, "Do you understand now?"

(End of this chapter)

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