The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 454 Chapter 456, I want the headlines on the front page

Chapter 454 Chapter 456, I want the headlines on the front page (seeking a monthly ticket)
Still the old place.

Juxian Pavilion.

Now I am familiar with Su Ye and the senior executives of Qingyun Technology.

The lobby manager of Juxian Pavilion and some waiters who worked long hours nodded and smiled when they saw Su Ye bringing someone over. Manager Datang stepped forward to say hello.

"Mr. Su, good evening, all of you."

"23 people, open a larger private room."

"Okay, come with me."

The lobby manager is the first to lead the way.

Respectfully invited Su Ye and a group of subordinates to the private room.


And just when Su Ye was having a dinner with people.

Harbor City.

Tsim Tsui Beach.

Desheng Film Center.

Zheng Zidan is wearing an exercise uniform.

There are more than a dozen Chinese soldiers in front of them.


"The intruder must die."

Zheng Zidan roared, and rushed towards the soldiers with scars and blood stains on his face.

"Kill it!"

The soldiers were not afraid at all.

Seeing Zheng Zidan rushing up, waving the samurai sword in his hand to attack.


As soon as a soldier made contact with Zheng Zidan, he flew upside down.

Spit blood.


Another soldier was also knocked to the ground by Zheng Zidan in a single encounter.

The scene looked chaotic.

But the camera next to it precisely finds the best shooting angle.

Director Ip Man was sitting behind the machine observing the footage captured by the camera.


"Zheng Zidan is really suitable for martial arts movies."

The assistant director next to him couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"Old Guo, how many times have you said that?"

"You sighed like this in the first scene from Zheng Zidan."

Chief director Chen Xianglin joked with a smile.

Before, whether it was Hong Kong City or the Mainland.

The entertainment industry is always talking about kung fu movies.

This is obviously a movement of Longhan culture, but it is not accepted by people.

Those who are engaged in kung fu film-related industries in the circle are also diverted to work in other types of films.

Kung Fu movies have encountered an unprecedented trough.


Zheng Zidan, who just won the best actor award in Hong Kong City last year, dared to take the initiative to ask for this kind of film.

The key is.

With only one script and one actor.

There are really rich people who are willing to invest in this movie.

When Chen Xianglin joined the group, he also got to know the big boss behind the movie.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Qingyun Technology from the Mainland.

If it was another company, Chen Xianglin would definitely think that this movie was made no matter how good it was.

Finally, when it is released, it will also encounter Waterloo.

But Qingyun Technology is different.

Such a big company.

There must be a lot of accumulated contacts and industry resources.

Today it is today.

The filming progress is coming to an end.

This film, which took three months to shoot, is about to wrap up.

If it was the past, Chen Xianglin would definitely be worried about the release.

Now there is no worry at all.

With Qingyun Technology behind it, no matter how bad this movie is, it will not be so bad.

Moreover, Chen Xianglin still has sufficient confidence in the quality of this movie.

Films made by hand.

Not only perfectly restored some scenes in the script, but also added some ideas of my own.

In the use of light, scene layout, emotional promotion, and the intensification of conflicts.

Chen Xianglin can say with confidence.

I took an already excellent script to a higher level.

As long as it is not earlier than prejudice, this Ip Man will definitely sell well.

While Chen Xianglin was thinking.

In the shooting location.

Ye Wen, played by Zheng Zidan, has already defeated all the soldiers in front of him.

"I'm just an ordinary Longhan person."

"They can defeat you so-called excellent soldiers of the country."

"Even if the current war has encountered some setbacks."

"But I do."

"Aggressors will suffer the consequences they deserve."

Ye Wen looked around, the contempt in his eyes was undisguised.

Although the soldiers of the Gou Ri country all over the place had fierce eyes.

But after hearing Ye Wen's words, he couldn't help lowering his head.

"Ba Ga, you are that Ip Man."

"Our Gou Ri country will not let you go."

A Gou Ri national military officer who was experimenting with a special actor said viciously.

With that ferocious face.

The evil face of the invaders is played vividly.

"Just let the horses come."

"We Longhan people can die."

"But I will never lose!"

After Ye Wen finished speaking, he turned around and walked out slowly.

A country soldier behind him took out a pitch-black pistol from his body.

The camera pulls in.

The gun pointed directly at Ye Wen's back.


When Chen Xianglin saw this scene, he immediately stood up from his chair and shouted.

"Everyone, after more than three months of hard work."

"I announce!"

"The movie Ip Man, officially, wraps up!"


"It's finished, it's finally finished."

"Brother Zheng, it's over."

"Thank you Director Chen."

Both actors and staff in the field hugged each other and celebrated.

The filming time of this film is not long though.

Only about three months.

But the difficulty of shooting, in the experience of these people on the scene, can almost be ranked in the top three.

Because there are a series of scenes of fighting and practicing.

Zheng Zidan caught cold several times and had a high fever, so he was sent to the hospital to be put on water.

Then after a little better, I immediately rushed back to the crew.

Others didn't give up too much.

Because Kung Fu movies have been lonely for a long time.

Professionals have switched careers.

Why did the crew take so long to prepare this time.

It is because directors Chen Xianglin and Zheng Zidan, facing such difficulties, invited people to join the crew one by one.

Many people have left the entertainment industry and returned home to open restaurants.

There are also people who have become third-tier stars and have a bright future.

There are also makeup artists who are already married and have been supporting their husbands and children at home.

The difficulties involved, even if it takes three days and three nights, I can't finish it.

But the result is good.

After being invited by Zheng Zidan and Chen Xianglin one by one, most of them are willing to join the crew.

The financial staff of Qingyun Technology, who was in charge of the crew's funds, also reported the matter to Wang Yifei.

Wang Yifei thought about it.

Just taking advantage of the opportunity of the previous Chinese New Year, a big red envelope was sent to everyone who was willing to join the crew, whether it was an actor or a staff member.

After feeling the sincerity of Qingyun Technology, these crew members from the port city also started to work hard.

After the science popularization of these financial personnel, they only know.

The QQ I usually use is actually developed by Qingyun Technology.

And the fun QQ Farm, QQ Music where you can listen to songs, and QQ Payment where you can buy air tickets are all products under QQ.

Even, during the Chinese New Year.

Hot Blood Legend has just launched.

Many people in Hong Kong City have successfully entered the pit.

Became a loyal legendary player.

After knowing that all of this is the industry of Qingyun Technology.

Everyone is also full of confidence in the future of this movie.

Such a strong company.

In terms of film release promotion and other aspects, it must have extremely huge energy.

At that time, maybe this movie can completely reverse the decline of kung fu movies in the movie industry.

Everyone can not only get income in this movie, but also honor.

"In the evening, we will go to Lan Kwai Fong in Causeway Bay together."

"President Wang of Qingyun Technology has already reserved the venue for everyone in advance."

"Tonight, everyone will not go home until they are drunk."

Chen Xianglin continued to announce.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that they were going to Lan Kwai Fong to celebrate the finale.

Lan Kwai Fong is the largest and most luxurious shopping place in Hong Kong City.

There are corresponding places for eating, drinking, playing, accommodation and entertainment here.

Eat the best, live the best, and play the best.

The only bad thing is that the price is too expensive.

Now in Ip Man's crew, only Zheng Zidan and director Chen Xianglin and deputy director Guo Qilin can go here with friends from time to time.

Others, the better ones have been there once or twice.

If the connections are not good, I just heard about them and never went in.

Now I heard that Qingyun Technology is so generous, please go to Lan Kwai Fong for consumption.

Everyone was very excited.

Some people even made up their minds that this trip to Lan Kwai Fong must be delicious, delicious and fun, and try to remember all the details clearly so that they can brag to their friends later.

"Okay, let's pack up together, and the bus to Lan Kwai Fong will pick us up in one hour."

Chen Xianglin arranged the work with a smile.

Now that the production team is done with all their work, he feels a little more relaxed.

Usually, I usually work step-by-step on the field, but at this time, it seems like chicken blood has been beaten.

In just half an hour, the on-site cleaning has been completed.

After putting all the equipment and props in their cars, everyone began to look forward to it, waiting for the arrival of the bus.

Seeing Ye Wen's crew standing so neatly at the entrance of the film and television center.

People who come and go can't help being curious.

Ask anyone who is familiar with it.

"It's nothing, we've wrapped up the crew today, and the investor invites everyone to dinner."

"Oh, it's finished. You have only completed it in the past three months. The speed is so slow. The investor even invited you to dinner. Maybe you can get together at a roadside stall."

The current Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Everyone makes movies at the speed of light.

It is considered fast to shoot a movie within a month.

It is normal to finish shooting in two months.

Ip Man's film took three months to finish filming, plus the post-production dubbing and publicity time.

It will take at least two or three months until the movie is released.

Plus the one-month preparation period at the beginning.

That movie took more than half a year to make.

If the investor was a local tycoon in Hong Kong City, then the director and staff would have been scolded a long time ago.

Now, Ye Wen finally finished it.

Investors also invite the crew to dinner.

Could it be a decapitated meal?

The man thought maliciously.

"Street stall? How is it possible."

"Do you know who our investor is, have you heard of the famous Qingyun Technology?"

"For this movie, the budget given by Qingyun Technology is sufficient, and Director Chen is a person who strives for perfection. You will know when the movie is finished."

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, the car is here to pick us up."

The photographer who was questioned hadn't seen the bus, but he heard the assistant director Guo Qilin calling everyone to get ready.

"Hey, wait a minute."

"What's the hurry, where are you going to eat?"

When the questioner heard that it was Qingyun Technology, he immediately felt relieved.

Qingyun Technology is a representative of people who are stupid and have a lot of money.

Invite all members of the crew to a meal, even if it is a big meal, it will only cost tens of thousands or 10,000+.

Such a big company certainly wouldn't be short of such a small amount of money.

"Go to Lan Kwai Fong."

The photographer replied without turning his head.

The bus stopped, and the photographer got on the bus and left quickly.

The person who asked the question froze in place.

If he heard correctly.

The photographer just now seemed to be going to Lan Kwai Fong.

Lan Kwai Fong?
The famous consumer sanctuary in the port city?
Fuck you old wood.

There is a limit to bragging, okay?

What kind of place is Lan Kwai Fong? It is noble, luxurious, dignified and foreign.

The per capita consumption is at least several thousand, which is equivalent to a month's wages of ordinary people.

Even if Qingyun Technology has more money.

It's also impossible to invite you dead flutters to Lan Kwai Fong for consumption.



That night, everyone in the Desheng Film and Television Center received a piece of gossip.

Qingyun Technology, which is rich and powerful, has a lot of money, and even invited all the members of Ip Man's film crew to spend in Lan Kwai Fong.

Many people laughed mockingly on their faces.

But the heart is sour.

Qingyun Technology, that is a big mistake.

Even if you don't invite the crew to Lan Kwai Fong.

You should also ask the crew to go to Mid-Levels Park, or other mid-range consumer places in Causeway Bay.

The people in Ip Man's crew are all lucky.

He was able to get into Qingyun Technology.


And just as the crowd at Desheng Film and Television Center was guessing, three buses drove up to the entrance of Lan Kwai Fong in Causeway Bay.

The doorman of Lan Kwai Fong watched the bus stop at the gate of Lan Kwai Fong with a confused face, and opened the door.

This, what is the situation.

Lan Kwai Fong has always been the most famous shopping mecca in Hong Kong City.

Those who first entered Lan Kwai Fong were business tycoons, entertainment stars and rich children.

They had their own cars when they came.

Some will let the driver drive.

The dazzling array of models driven is dizzying, just like holding a world luxury car exhibition.

But even with such a personality.

When I came to Lan Kwai Fong, I also drove my own car.

Sports cars, off-road vehicles, sedans, pickups, etc.

But I have never seen anyone drive a bus to Lan Kwai Fong for consumption.

This, isn't this a joke?

Outside Lan Kwai Fong.

There are also many tabloid reporters squatting here.

These people, commonly known as paparazzi, stay in Lan Kwai Fong just to take pictures of celebrities and wealthy businessmen entering Lan Kwai Fong.

Then start with a picture, and the content depends entirely on editing.

In exchange for newspaper sales.

Not to mention, the idea was implemented.

Let more and more paparazzi squat at the gates of Lan Kwai Fong and other high-end restaurants, hotels, and clubs.

But today, they are just like the doormen at the entrance of Lan Kwai Fong.

I saw Chen Xianglin leading all the members of Ip Man's crew.

Actually took the bus to Lan Kwai Fong.

He had a ghostly look on his face.


Next to the bus.

Chen Xianglin looked at a group of high-spirited crew members in front of him, and waved his hand.

"Go, let's go in."

As soon as he walked to the door, the lobby manager who was on duty tonight in Lan Kwai Fong hurried out.

"Director Chen, Director Chen..."

"Good evening, welcome to Lan Kwai Fong."

"The reserved boxes are all ready, everyone please follow me."

Watching the lobby manager personally come to lead the people.

The doorman and the paparazzi waiting outside confirmed it.

The people on these three buses actually came to Lan Kwai Fong for consumption.


Who would have the generosity to invite so many people to Lan Kwai Fong at one time.

Could it be Li Sheng from Cheung Kong Industries?

Or Huo Sheng from the Four Seas Boat Tour.

Among them were sharp-eyed paparazzi who saw that many young men and women in the crowd were wearing sunglasses.

Isn't this familiar style a standard for Hong Kong entertainment stars?

And the one at the head.

He is about 1.7 meters tall and walks vigorously.

Even if the distance is far away, you can feel a sturdy breath.

This person, isn't this person Mr. Zheng Zidan who just won the Hong Kong City Best Actor last year?

The man with black and white hair but hale and hearty walking beside Zheng Zidan is not Chen Xianglin, a famous Hong Kong director.

Zheng Zidan.

Chen Xianglin.

Both of them were directors and leading actors of the Ip Man crew that had been raging about before.

Then the identities of this group of people should be the staff of Ip Man's crew.

Ever since the opening ceremony was held, the Hong Kong entertainment circle has almost forgotten the existence of Ip Man's crew.

This time, they appeared outside Lan Kwai Fong with such great fanfare.

The movie must have been done.

The paparazzi who had already guessed the truth called one after another to report back to the agency.

"Editor-in-chief, tomorrow's front page, headline, I want..."

(End of this chapter)

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