Chapter 456 Chapter 458, Another ET company

"Old Zhuang, Lao Zhuang, I won't tell you now."

"I have an idea here."

"Talk back."

Lin Shang finished typing quickly, and then took out a notebook to keep organizing his thoughts.

Let's start with the transportation field.

He previously worked for a private airline that spanned three or four state capitals.

There are not only fixed routes for flights within the company.

It is also possible to customize travel plans according to the different needs of customers.

Moreover, this company also has deep connections in the security and hotel industries.

In the beautiful country, although the personal connections are not as long as that of Long Han.

But also very important.

If Lin Shang can take over the business of his old club.

For everybodytalk company, that is to obtain a series of business.

Picking up the phone, Lin Shang called his old boss, Smith.

loinairport company.

Smith is looking at last month's financial statements.

affected by the economic crisis.

Income has fallen off a cliff in the past year.

Relying on the family background he had accumulated before, he could barely cope with the support.

But this economic crisis does not know when it will end.

In the short term, he can still support.

If it takes a long time, he will have to reluctantly give up the company he has been running for many years.

Just then, his phone rang.

Smith picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

Could it be another company that sells advertising business?

I wanted to hang up, but I was worried that someone contacted me for travel.

Smith thought for a moment and picked up the phone.

"Hello, this is LionAirport, and I'm Smith."

"Dear Mr. Smith, I'm Lin Shang."

"Oh, Lin Shang? Why did you call suddenly?"

When he heard that it was Lin Shang who called, Smith was slightly surprised.

When Lin Shang was working in the company, he was always very serious.

He has also made outstanding achievements in his own work.

He was promoted all the way. When he left the company, Lin Shang had already served as the vice president in charge of network promotion in Lion Company.

It's just that it's been more than a month since he left the job, how could he suddenly remember to call himself.

"Mr. Smith, I am now running a group buying website, which is the kind of website that allows users to buy for their own consumption at group discounted prices."

"Now the main business of group buying websites is focused on catering, but I think it would be overkill if they only do such a few businesses."

"I think that since the economic crisis, the business and sales of our lion company have not been very satisfactory. Is it because I want to help Mr. Smith and promote the business."

"Oh, then how does your company charge you?"

Upon hearing this, Smith became interested.

Before Lin Shang was still in the Lion company.

The company's online orders accounted for about 60%.

But since Lin Shang resigned a month ago.

Smith's wife is personally responsible for the promotion and maintenance of the network.

But she is not a professional after all.

During this month, not only did the orders go wrong several times, but there was almost no new business volume.

Smith also occasionally thinks about when Lin Shang was in the company.

At that time, he didn't need to worry about network promotion at all.

"Fee? Mr. Smith, after all, we are friends who have worked together for many years."

"The company's normal fee standard is to charge a 20% service fee after the sale is reached."

"However, I also know that the company is facing difficulties now, and if it can save a little, it will save a little."

"Well, I'll take over the company's business first. Within half a year, I guarantee that I won't charge a penny of fees. After half a year, if you think it's okay, we will discuss the issue of fees as appropriate. What do you think?"

"No charge for half a year?"

There is such a good thing.

Smith couldn't help being surprised.

In the beautiful country, you have to pay for everything.

Even if you go to a restaurant to order food, as long as the waiter doesn't maliciously spit on your food and throw the plate in your face, you have to give a certain amount of consumption.

This is called respecting the fruits of everyone's labor.

Now, Lin Shang actually said that there is no need for a penny of fees.

Just help yourself promote for free.

Where can such a good thing be found?

Smith subconsciously wanted to agree.

However, he immediately thought that this was just a verbal promise between the two of them after all.

In the beautiful country, such an oral agreement has no meaning and legal effect.

"Lin Shang, shall we sign a cooperation contract?"

"Of course, I will also add the free service rule to the contract."

"That's great."

Smith waved his arms excitedly.

"You still remember my fax number. If there is no problem with the contract, I will send it back to you before noon."

"Okay, Smith, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation, Lin Shang."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Shang was also full of disbelief.

This is too simple.

It was so easy to get a cooperation.

It was also an order from Lionairport, a well-known company in several nearby state capitals.

Although the service fee is waived.

But this is nothing to Lin Shang.

As long as the business opens up the market, then there is no need to worry about it in the future.

The beautiful country also has a reputation.

Those businessmen will also organize some salon parties at fixed times.

Discuss cooperation with each other and communicate information.

Now that we have entered the Internet age, everyone's communication is more convenient.

Lin Shang believed that Smith wouldn't mind helping him promote himself when everybodytalk really brought a lot of orders to Lion.

After all, these are times of economic crisis.

Everyone needs more orders and more profits to survive.

This economic crisis is a crisis for others.

But for Lin Shang, it is an opportunity.

An opportunity that can grow quickly.

Called the company's legal counsel to start drafting the contract, and emphasized that he would waive Smith's service fee for six months.

Lin Shang sat on the office chair again.

He felt that his mind had been opened.

Since it is inefficient and slow to run those restaurants one by one, there are almost no results.

Why can't it be the same as working with Smith this time.

Just call the companies directly.

Several state capitals near Archangel City.

Lin Shang still has a bit of fame and connections.

Thinking of this, he directly called one of his good friends, Sarah.

Sarah works in finance for a lumber company.

It would be great if she could introduce herself.

Taking out his mobile phone, Lin Shang called Sarah.


A day passed.

Lin Shang made more than 20 calls by himself.

The number of companies directly negotiated reached 14.

The other 6 companies also said that they need to consider it.

I will reply to Lin Shang as soon as possible.

Fourteen companies.

The scope of business covered is very broad.

There are timber production wholesalers, private custom aircraft companies, yacht clubs, farm harvester joint companies...

Even, because it has always been the reason for working within the Internet industry.

When Lin Shang called a colleague, he also contacted that company's business.

Responsible for guiding them.

And that company actually has a very strange name.

What is it called Facebook.

It's a social networking site.

After a day's work, Lin Shang looked at his results and was very satisfied.

It's just me alone.

The business developed based on some personal connections harvested before.

If everyone in the company can make 20 calls a day, wouldn't the business volume be higher?
What's more, Su Ye said before.

If necessary, Lin Shang can cooperate with the Qingyun Technology branch of the beautiful country.

Although both companies belong to Su Ye.

But from the perspective of legal relationship, these are two completely independent companies.

However, because Lin Shang has not made much achievements, he has no intention to contact the North American branch of Qingyun Technology.

Now, he doesn't think so.

To be a company is to let yourself play to your strengths.

Put all the strengths together.

Expand business and expand business scope.

Since I have the resources of Qingyun Technology Branch, why not use them because I am embarrassed.

After thinking it over, Lin Shang voluntarily worked overtime and made a short-term development plan.

After careful review, it was sent to Su Ye in the Longhan Empire.

After Su Ye came to the company in the morning, he received an email from Lin Shang as soon as he turned on his computer.

After reading the content of the email.

Su Ye praised herself.

It was Su Yehui who knew people with his eyes and let Lin Shang, who had lived in the beautiful country for many years, be the person in charge of the company.

Otherwise, if Su Ye went there in person, it would be impossible to have so many ideas and connections.

Smart eyes know people.

It's just me talking.

Moreover, Lin Shang also said that he cooperated with an Internet company.

Su Ye couldn't help showing an intriguing smile.

Now, it is a coincidence among coincidences that everybodytalk can meet Facebook.

Before Solandi sent a message to himself about the progress of Facebook's development.

Now the website has been set up and all functions have been tested.

Many corporate consortiums extending out of the beautiful country have begun to mobilize their forces to influence those university campuses.

Get some tutors to teach you what to use first.

In order to arouse the enthusiasm of the students.

Hearing this, Su Ye was actually a little upset.

He talked about it when he held a meeting with these people before.

Facebook is best suited for college students.

rather than university professors.

Once a person becomes an adult and starts working, the way of thinking and doing things is different.

When you were in school, you might take the train to visit a classmate from another province.

You can chat silly and chat with your roommates until very late.

But will you be like this when you go to work?

Being able to chat a few more words with colleagues is considered chatterbox.

When we go to work, we are all social beings.

There is not enough time to make money every day when you are busy eating, who will play Facebook with you.

Solandi, the so-called business elites, promised well when they were in Longhan, but when they returned to the beautiful country, they followed their own ideas.

Su Ye was a little angry when he heard the news at first.

I have shared my successful experience and the method of avoiding detours.

As a result, these people always feel that they can do it.

Modify Su Ye's plan on his own initiative.

But after thinking about it, Su Ye was relieved.

This Facebook is his casual move.

If it can be effective, it is naturally the best.

If half of it dies, Su Ye doesn't care.

He will never forget that at that time, in the cold and windy weather, these people surrounded themselves on the golf course, trying to occupy Qingyun Technology.

Strictly speaking, the two sides are enemies.

However, everyone started to cooperate later, and Su Ye didn't care about these things.

However, he always remembered it in his heart.

When I was weak.

Those faces of Solandi and Gordon, Feng Zhenting.

Even Yao Xichuan, who Su Ye thought he could make friends with, acted as a pawn for those people.

Su Ye is not such a big-hearted person.

The reason why he doesn't care about these things is because he clearly knows his own problems.

At this time, Qingyun Technology is still very weak.

Even if it is considered a leading company in Longhan's Internet industry.

But it is not more than ten years later that an Internet company can reach a market value of tens of billions, hundreds of billions, or even trillions.


is the original sin.

Su Ye will never forget the faces of these people when they threatened him.

When he becomes stronger, he will definitely get back what he lost one by one.

Thoughts back to the computer.

Su Ye looked at the email from Lin Shang again, feeling very relieved.

This everybodytalk company is also a nail buried in the beautiful country.

In the future, when the company develops and grows, it can be used to help oneself deal with those companies.

"Mr. Lin has done a good job. Group buying websites are just a business model, and this model can be changed according to different business situations in different places."

"It's very good that you can figure out a group buying website suitable for the development of the beautiful country in a short period of time."

"I hope you can continue to work hard in the future."

"In addition, regarding the cooperation with Facebook, if necessary, you can contact me."

After reading the content he wrote, Su Ye directly clicked send.

But at this time, Lin Shang was already driving home, and it was impossible for him to receive Su Ye's return email.

"Su Ye, the City Lord's Mansion called again."

"As for the planning scheme of the new urban area, the design office at Xinpo's house has been reworked."

"Now I want to confirm the time with you. City Lord Yuan means that we can meet and chat before May."

Li Qianqian walked in from the door and said.

"Oh, okay, then please ask Secretary Li to help me arrange the time."

"We'll go together then."

Su Ye said mischievously, but received a blank stare from Li Qianqian.

"Do you still need to arrange your time?"

"I've never seen a big boss like you, who stays in his office every day and doesn't go out at all."

"Don't step out of the gate, don't step out of the second door, live like a little daughter-in-law."

"Okay, okay, then I'll call Yuan Wei later and let him arrange a time to notify me directly."

"However, Qianqian..."

"Aren't you busy at school now?"


(End of this chapter)

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