The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 458 Chapter 460, 3 major cinema companies

Chapter 458 Chapter 460, The Three Major Cinema Companies
Wang Yifei!
It's this guy again

Su Ye's teeth were about to be gritted.

Every time something happened between me and Li Qianqian.

This guy just pops up.

Wang Yifei, maybe he will be late.

But never absent.


The door of the office was slammed shut by Wang Yifei.

Su Ye subconsciously glanced at Li Qianqian.

Feeling a little awkward.

Just now, Su Ye thought that Li Qianqian really didn't like her,

The reason why she agreed to be Su Ye's girlfriend.

Just curious to play it.

Just didn't expect it.

Li Qianqian had such deep affection for Su Ye.

Kiss Su Ye directly.

If I remember correctly, this was after Li Qianqian confirmed their relationship.

It was the first time that he took the initiative to have an intimate move with Su Ye.

It's a girl after all.

Li Qianqian was embarrassed by Su Ye's look, and lowered her head.

"Qianqian, do you really love me, like me, and want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Is what you just said true?"

"I just want to have more free time, right?"

"That's it."

"We agreed on a time."

"We'll have a wedding when you see fit."

"I really."


"I can't wait to be with you, take care of you, care about you, and protect you."

Li Qianqian slowly raised her head.

Looking at Su Ye with a serious face.

Unexpectedly, this straight man would be so sensational today.

When she counted her nose, she almost shed tears.

Li Qianqian nodded.

"Su Ye, I'm not too playful."

"The main reason is that your request was too sudden."

"I'm still a student, and, and..."

It took Li Qianqian a long time to remember what he was looking for with Su Ye today.

Just to let Su Ye help with the staff.

Will she study business management with Professor Zhang Qingyuan?

Why did he get this guy to propose to him in a daze?


Su Ye moved to Li Qianqian's side and put an arm around her shoulder.

With a little effort, he took Li Qianqian into his arms.

He kissed Li Qianqian's forehead.

"Qianqian, I won't force you either. When we get along, we should trust each other and trust each other."

"During this time, you can enjoy your happy student life, and don't worry about other things."

"in addition……"

Speaking of this, Su Ye thought of something.

Graduation season.

It's breakup season.

It's also confession season.

There are lovers who have been together for many years in college, but they broke up due to various reasons in reality.

There are also young men and women who have been secretly in love for many years, lamenting that parting is imminent.

Have the courage to confess to someone.

Li Qianqian told Su Ye before.

When she was in college, she didn't have a single boy she liked.

No boy likes her either.

Su Ye didn't believe this.

Maybe Li Qianqian really never liked any boy.

But there is absolutely no way to control those boys from liking her.

Li Qianqian's height, appearance, figure, temperament, dress, and manners are all impeccable goddesses.

After four years of university, Su Ye couldn't believe that no one liked her.

Su Ye was very worried.

At the graduation party, the boy who had a crush on Li Qianqian for many years mustered up the courage to confess his love to her.

Although she believed in Li Qianqian's feelings for her.

But Su Ye didn't want to see Li Qianqian have a headache.

Of course, the main reason was that Su Ye didn't like other boys getting too close to Li Qianqian.

"Qianqian, if you need help at your school, just ask."

"I thought about it."

"Since the school actively recommends you to be a graduate student of Professor Zhang, it must be asking for you."

"You have worked at Qingyun Technology for a year, and the school must also hope to gain Qingyun Technology's favor and some support through you."

"Our Qingyun Technology has done so much, and we should give back to the society appropriately."

in fact.

It is necessary to give back to the society, but Su Ye's real purpose.

It is to give back to Li Qianqian's school.

What kind of donation ceremony, gift ceremony, and cooperation ceremony will be held at that time, Su Ye will take a step forward and be with Li Qianqian.

In private, she revealed some intimate actions with Li Qianqian.

Believe that when the time comes, those who should know, those who should know will know.

Facing Su Ye, a young, rich and devoted competitor.

It can definitely dispel the feelings of most boys towards Li Qianqian.

Li Qianqian thought about it and felt that Su Ye was right.

While studying at school.

She is indeed excellent in character and learning.

But it's not like she has better learning ability and academic performance than her.

Why recommend her to study with Professor Zhang Qingyuan?

It is estimated that the ultimate goal is for Qingyun Technology.

"Okay, I'll talk to the counselor when I get back to school."

"No wonder, recently the counselors have always been concerned about me for no reason."

"Okay, Su Ye, don't be angry."

"I'm leaving."

Li Qianqian sat up from Su Ye's arms, and walked to the door with her small bag.

"Oh, by the way, there is also the planning meeting of the City Lord's Mansion on the new area. I will give you a message when the time comes, and it will be Friday."

"Okay, just help me arrange it."


As soon as Li Qianqian opened the door, she saw Wang Yifei who had not left at the door.

He gave him a vicious expression.

Li Qianqian left in a hurry without saying a word.

"President Su is mighty."

Wang Yifei walked in and looked at Su Ye with admiration.

"You mighty sister, you always hit me when something good happens."

"Tell me, are you my fading god?"

"Why did God send you down to punish me?"

Su Ye leaned weakly on the sofa, as if Ge You was lying down.

"Hey, I didn't do it on purpose."

"But President Su, I really have something to report."

Wang Yifei smiled and sat on the sofa, but was pushed away by Su Ye with a look of disgust, and asked him to move a chair to do it himself.

"What's the matter?"

"Didn't I tell you about the planning of the two games before?"

"Did something go wrong when you were making Fantasy Westward Journey?"

"That's not it."

"Boss Su, last night Ip Man's production team in Hong Kong City has wrapped up."

"I decided to let them go to Lan Kwai Fong to celebrate."

"The follow-up work is mainly editing and post-production."

"We are now going to start preparing for the review of the film's promotional release and final release."

"Oh, so soon?"

Su Ye didn't know much about the film industry either.

I heard of a certain director before, who has been making a movie for more than ten years.

But Ip Man's movie, from the start of the project to the completion of shooting, it took less than 4 months.

Su Ye probably remembered that Wang Yifei called and said this when he took Li Qianqian to inspect Houlang in the imperial capital.

"That's right, Mr. Su, the filming speed in Hong Kong City is very fast now."

"I found out that our film is finished in three months, and this speed is considered normal."

"With such a fast director, a movie can be finished and released in a month."

"Don't don't."

Su Ye waved his hands repeatedly after hearing Wang Yifei's words.

Although he doesn't know much about the film industry, he has heard that there is a director named Fatty Wang in Hong Kong City.

He can finish filming in a week at the fastest, and then release it.

After its release, the box office and word-of-mouth of the film were not bad.

However, not everyone is Fatty Wang.

Most of the Hong Kong City movies, in order to catch up with the schedule and pursue efficiency, the filming level is not uniform, and the service is not handled well. Due to various reasons, the movies in the previous Hong Kong City have become more and more declining.

From Asia Hollywood, which ruled the entire Southeast Asia, it gradually declined.

Later, it was overtaken by the mainland's film and television industry, learned from it, and discovered a large number of outstanding talents.

Even if the film industry in Hong Kong City has completely declined.

An Infernal Affairs can be regarded as the last glory of Hong Kong movies.

"Yifei, you repeat it with the crew,"

"We make movies not just to make money."

"Qingyun Technology has developed to its current scale within half a year. If you want to make money, I'm not exaggerating."

"I have a hundred ways to make more money."

"But movies, after all, are a kind of spiritual food for people."

"Just like literary works and musical works, he cultivates people's sentiments and makes people understand their nature."

"It is important to make money, but this time, our goal is to repackage and launch kung fu movies."

"The market for kung fu movies is very weak now."

"When Longhan was advancing with the banner of economy, we beat the side drums and helped the empire in terms of culture, entertainment, and the Internet."

"You call the director as soon as possible."

"I can accept a later time, but absolutely no shoddy movies are allowed."

"It is absolutely not allowed for such a movie to display our Qingyun Technology logo on the investor column."

Wang Yifei obviously didn't expect it.

Su Ye still has so many considerations when making movies.

Why Wang Yifei agreed and was willing to make this movie is actually very simple.

He just likes Zheng Zidan.

Zheng Zidan said that he wanted to make a movie.

If Wang Yifei has the ability, then he can help.

After all, as a fan, you must give your favorite stars some preferential treatment, right?

"Boss Su, I've already told the director about this."

"However, if this is released, how do we operate it?"

"There are currently four major film and television groups in China. In addition to the official Longhan Film City of the Dragon Han Empire, there are three other companies, namely—"

"Dedicate the theater."

"Qijia Studios."

"Honor Film League."

"These three theater chains are all formed by the merger of large theater chains and the annexation of some small and medium-sized theater chains."

"In China, if you want to release a movie, you can't bypass these three theaters anyway."

"Huh? Isn't there a Longhan movie theater?"

Su Ye asked curiously.

Just now Wang Yifei said it was four families, but when the movie was released.

But it didn't say Longhan's official, what does this mean.

"Yes, Longhan Studios didn't mention it because they are special."

"Longhan Movie City is an alliance of film screening theaters officially established after the establishment of the Longhan Empire."

"All along, they have a fundamental principle."

"I never accept films from film studios. The films shown in the studios are all negotiated by the staff of Longhan Studios on their own initiative."


"why is that?"

In Su Ye's previous life, he had never heard of it. There are still theaters like this in China.

In the movie theater, shouldn't any movie hit, just play whichever one.

How they came to Longhan Film City was their own choice.

"There are some historical reasons for this, which are more complicated, and I am not very clear about the specifics."

"However, most producers don't consider Longhan Film City when releasing movies."

"Instead of cooperating with three other private theaters."


Su Ye agreed, and he understood what Wang Yifei meant.

It's just that the movie is released, so there's no need to think about Longhan Film City.

This place has always been where they look for movies.

I will not accept screenings of your films casually.

"Wait a moment."

"We,, sell tickets in cooperation with theaters."

"Wang Yifei, do you know which theater chain we mainly cooperate with?"

"I know, President Su, that's why I came to you."

"The current three theater chains, Dedication, Qi Family, Honor, the honor of maintaining cooperation with us is the smallest."

"If our group buying website can win the ticket sales business of Consecration and Qijia."

"After that, we don't have to worry about the release of our company's movies."

"We only cooperate with Honor now?"

"Wang Yifei, wait, I'll make a call."

Su Ye took out her mobile phone and called the manager of Dianping's ticketing alliance business directly.

"I'm Su Ye."

"Our current ticketing cooperation is only with the theaters on the Honor side, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Su."

"Then why do you only cooperate with this family, Consecration and Qi Family, it's because they didn't agree, or you didn't talk to each other at all."

"President Su, our business manager talked to the person in charge of the other party about this matter."

"However, the Dedicated Cinemas are not interested in cooperation, but the Qi family is interested, but they are unwilling to pay for the machine, and want us to put it in their theater for free."

"Because the number of theaters in Qijia is huge, we calculated the cost and found that the loss was relatively large, so we did not cooperate with them."


Su Ye was full of question marks.

The loss is relatively large, is that something you need to consider?

You are business manager.

The main job is to do business.

Now the business has not been completed, but told me that it is because of losses.

Su Ye couldn't stand this point.


"If you do this, our ticketing business has been online for a month."

"You go back and take the report, find the people in charge of the two companies, and renegotiate."

"This matter, you do it yourself."

"If the Qi family thinks the price of the machine is high, you can sign a betting agreement with the other party."

"If they win, our machine will be given away for free, and some operating expenses will be subsidized for him."

"If we win, the machine is still free."

"Do you know what I mean?"


"Then can things be done this time?"

"No problem, Mr. Su, don't worry, it will be done."

"Okay, let's go to work."

Su Ye nodded at Wang Yifei after finishing the phone call.

"No problem. By May, we should be able to reach an agreement with these two cinemas."

"At that time, when our Ip Man movie is released, I will personally find the heads of the two companies and ask them to give more opportunities to make movies."

"However, Wang Yifei, don't let me lose the chain when the time comes."

"If the quality of the movie does not meet my requirements."

"I'm not looking for a director or an actor, I'm looking for you."

"Understanding President Su, I will definitely strictly control the quality, and I will definitely not let our Qingyun Technology logo appear on crudely produced movies."

"Well, then you go."

Su Ye waved his hand, ready to chase people away.

"Wait a minute, President Su, I have something else to do..."

(End of this chapter)

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