The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 460 Chapter 462, I guarantee fairness, you are responsible for the hard work

Chapter 460 Chapter 462, I guarantee fairness, you are responsible for the hard work (seeking a monthly ticket)

Leave Su Ye's office.

Wang Yifei called Liu Fei.

Although there is another job on the body.

But in Wang Yifei's view, Liu Fei in the imperial capital branch is more important.

Games are the foundation of Wang Yifei's career in Qingyun Technology.

After telling Liu Fei about this, Liu Fei reacted quite strongly.

His matter, if you talk about it in a positive way.

It is the employees of the company who exert their subjective initiative.

Find a job yourself.

And, it didn't cost the company a penny.

Nor did any of the company's resources be used.

But to put it in a bad light.

That is to deceive others and make their own claims.

In the company, he is engaged in a state within a state, is lawless, and despises his boss.

Liu Fei is not willing.

He just resigned from NetEase.

On the one hand, I joined Qingyun Technology because I am more familiar with Wang Yifei.

In addition, he also has the idea of ​​making contributions to Qingyun Technology.

It was difficult on the Internet before.

Liu Fei and the game department led by him failed for the first time in game development.

This undoubtedly put Liu Fei under tremendous pressure.

At the same time, Ding Sanshi's subsequent suppression also made him lose part of his prestige in front of his subordinates.

Now it is hard to lead a department to join Qingyun Technology.

Of course he wants to do as well as possible.

Do excellent.

He even hopes that the games developed by his team can catch up with or even surpass the games developed by Qingyun Technology.

Since then.

Not only can he sweep away the previous decline.

It can also be completely elated.

The cooperation with the author of Xiao Dian, Qian Li Zou Bike, is a gamble-like effort by Liu Fei.

As long as it is done.

After that, there will be flowers and applause, everything that one expects to find.

It's just that I didn't expect that Su Ye would know about the game before it should have entered Su Ye's sight.

After Liu Fei hung up the phone with Wang Yifei, he took a few subordinates who were in charge of this game directly, went home to pack his things, and bought a plane ticket.

That night, I got on the plane to Jiangcheng.

the other side.

After Wang Yifei called Liu Fei, he directly contacted Xu Yankuan and Qin Lulu in Haicheng.

Let them rush to Jiangcheng as soon as possible to meet Su Ye.

Two artists who have been idle for more than half a month.

Upon hearing Su Ye's call.

Immediately rushed to Jiangcheng without stopping.

Before Liu Fei and others boarded the plane.

Qin Lulu and Xu Yankuan had already arrived.

"How come you came so soon?"

After receiving Wang Yifei's report, Su Ye was very surprised.

Xin said, these two seem to be impatient.

I contacted you in the morning, and it's not time to get off work in the afternoon.

The two rushed over from Haicheng.

"Yifei, ask Mr. Zhao to arrange accommodation for the two of you, let them have a rest and have dinner together in the evening."


Wang Yifei promised to turn around and leave,

As soon as Xu Yankuan and Qin Lulu got out of the train station, they boarded the car sent by Qingyun Technology and rushed towards the hotel.

After putting down the luggage, he simply washed up and waited at the place Su Ye had decided on.


The temperature in Jiangcheng gradually increased.

Qin Lulu came wearing a white lace princess dress.

The pure white skirt looks very holy.

Coupled with Qin Lulu's slightly enchanting face, there is a strange sense of conflict.

In comparison, Xu Yankuan's dress was much simpler.

A slim white shirt, jeans.

The hair is meticulously combed.

It looks like a wandering wandering singer.

They didn't keep them waiting for long.

At about 05:30, Su Ye arrived.

When he saw Qin Lulu's outfit, his eyes lit up.

Qin Lulu was secretly happy.

There was a natural shy look on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Su."

Qin Lulu said coquettishly.

Su Ye nodded and asked the waiter to lead everyone into the box without saying anything.

Walking on the road, Su Ye couldn't help sighing.

If you hadn't met Li Qianqian.

Then he might really make a mistake with Qin Lulu.

this face.

This body.

this dress.

This match.

It hits every point of male aesthetics.

Any man with a normal heart and a normal physiology, seeing Qin Lulu dressed up like this today, can't help being moved.

After a few simple greetings.

The waiter put all the dishes together, and exited the box under Wang Yifei's signal.

Now, only Su Ye Wang Yifei, Qin Lulu and Xu Yankuan were left in the box.

"You two, thank you for waiting in Haicheng for so long."

"Recently, the company has been busy in all aspects of affairs, and I have been neglected."

Xu Yankuan and Qin Lulu kept saying they didn't dare.

Su Ye didn't care about their attitude.

"As for the future plans of the two of you, last time I was in a hurry in Haicheng, I didn't come to elaborate."

"Now, I will simply plan for the two of you, the future development direction of Qingyun Film and Television Company."

"First is Xu Yankuan."

Su Ye turned to look at Xu Yankuan who was dressed in a simple and fresh look.

"Mr. Xu, you are very well in control of your own temperament, development path, and personality style."

"From today's attire, it can be seen that Mr. Xu is going to be a singer for a long time."

"Yes, Mr. Su."

Xu Yankuan smiled slightly at Su Ye, but couldn't help being shocked in his heart.

Just from the way I dress up today.

You can see his future development.

Su Ye's observation ability and analysis ability can be seen.

That's right.

Xu Yankuan also kept thinking about his future plans during these half a month.

In Qingyun Film and Television Company.

There are actually many routes he can choose.

Just go the music route.

Simply follow the film and television route.

The two routes of film and television and music develop together.

Each has its own focus.

Qingyun Technology is not short of money, Xu Yankuan has already seen this point after joining Qingyun Technology.

Moreover, I heard that Qingyun Technology invested in a movie in Hong Kong City.

Starring last year's new film star Zheng Zidan, Qingyun Technology invested as much as 6000 million.

Now in the entire Longhan country, there are only a few movies with an annual investment of more than 5000 million.

Qingyun Technology was able to invest such a large amount of money when it first entered the industry.

It seems to be ready for long-term development.

This action is a signal.

It can also serve as a reputation.

If Xu Yankuan himself wanted to rely on Qingyun Film and Television to develop in the film and television industry, it couldn't be easier.


Having been in the entertainment industry for so long, Xu Yankuan still has a good understanding of the living conditions and working conditions of actors.

the most important is.

Actor, you will not be famous for many years.

Once you're famous, that's what happens.

Paparazzi shoots, gossips are flying everywhere, fans are always paying attention, and newcomers are staring at your position at any time.

Once participating in a film is unsuccessful.

All previous efforts will be in vain.

After careful consideration.

Xu Yankuan felt that he should be a pure musician.

He is a songwriter.

Although some experiences and scenes are needed to trigger the burst of inspiration.

But if there are too many things, it will still bother him.

Xu Yankuan finally decided that he wanted to be a pure singer,

I usually write and write songs, listen to songs, and travel around a bit.

There were many thoughts in his mind, but when he said it, Xu Yankuan just said yes, and President Su was over.

Seeing this, Su Ye didn't care too much.

"Mr. Xu, for your return to the public eye, I have two options for you to choose and refer to."

"Of course, if you have a different idea, we can also discuss it."

"You are the first male artist signed by Qingyun Film and Television, the company will definitely take care of your emotions."

"Thank you, Mr. Su, please tell me."

Su Ye sorted out his language and began to tell Xu Yankuan his two plans.

The first plan, the traditional plan.

Let Xu Yankuan, like some current singers, concentrate on writing songs, when the number of songs reaches the number required for an album.

The company publicizes, distributes, burns records and tapes, and enters the domestic audio sales channels.

As long as the record sells well, it can quickly accumulate popularity.

Then hold a concert and tour all over the country.

At the same time, now because of the own platform of QQ Music.

At that time, Xu Yankuan will definitely do some publicity and exposure on the Internet.

future era.

It is the age of the Internet.

Xu Yankuan's online promotion of his album is not only for QQ Music, but also for his own benefit.

At the same time, for QQ Music, this time is also a win-win cooperation.

If Xu Yankuan's promotion is successful, then when a singer releases a new album or new single in the future, they will definitely not ignore such a large platform and channel as QQ Music.

Su Ye broke it apart and crushed it, and explained the stakes to Xu Yankuan clearly.

The second plan is to move a little bigger.

Su Ye will co-produce a large-scale talent show with the TV station.

Use a draft that lasts at least three months to re-launch Xu Yankuan's package.

Long Han's voice?
The voice of Longhan Dream?
Dragon Han Masked Singer King?

It’s okay.

What Su Ye used was the process and selling points of the popular variety show in her previous life.

Mentor, clan, PK, resurrection, online voting.

When the program progresses, Su Ye's Qingyun Film and Television will definitely discover a large number of singer seedlings.

And Xu Yankuan, in this process, can make full use of his identity as a singer-songwriter.

Constantly releasing new songs to make fans love them.

Xu Yankuan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Bright again.

Very bright.

Su Ye was willing to make such a big effort to get him back into the entertainment industry.

Although he also knows.

The purpose of doing this variety show is definitely not just to launch Xu Yankuan.

But enough.

Xu Yankuan, who has been in the entertainment circle for so long, of course knows.

Why are many newcomers, even if they know that they may be squeezed by the company in the future.

They have to choose to join some big companies and big platforms.

Just to bet on a future.

As long as they explode, become popular, become famous, and have fans.

The company is certainly not a fool and will not sit idly by.

Those companies that are desperately trying to squeeze out their artists after their artists become popular, all the dregs that have died long ago are gone.

In this era, everyone must cooperate for a win-win situation.

It's just a request from one person, and the number of talents under him will only decrease.

Bad reputation.

Such a company can't survive two levels in the TV news.

Compared to the first plan Su Ye said.

The second option is obviously more expensive and has a wider impact.


Xu Yankuan felt that Su Ye did not reveal all of his plans on this matter.

In the first plan, there are reliefs such as fan interaction and network promotion.

How could it not be possible in the second stage.

Even, if he chooses the second option, that's what Su Ye hopes for.

"Mr. Su."

"I made a decision."

Xu Yankuan quickly figured out the pros and cons of these two options for him.

"Oh, so fast!"

Su Ye was a little surprised.

As soon as his two plans were finished, Xu Yankuan made a decision.

This is too fast.

However, there was also a trace of curiosity on Su Ye's face.

Xu Yankuan made a decision so quickly, so he chose option one after all.

Or option two.

Not only Su Ye.

Both Wang Yifei and Qin Lulu looked in Xu Yankuan's direction curiously.

Which plan will Xu Yankuan choose?

Option [-], although the method is more traditional.

But tradition is also tried and tested.

Proven to be successful.

Option two, the platform is large-scale.

But the entertainment circle has always been full of newcomers.

If Xu Yankuan chooses option two.

Can he guarantee that he will be able to stand out in the variety show of the draft?

According to Qin Lulu's understanding of Xu Yankuan.

He will most likely choose option one.

But Wang Yifei thinks so.

At this time, Xu Yankuan was right to choose option two.

How many times can you blog in life?

If you don't rush now while you are young, you will regret it later when you are old.

"President Su, I choose option two."

"I want to participate in the variety show and compete with more outstanding people."

"Achieving the strongest musician."

When Xu Yankuan said this, his eyes sparkled.

Qin Lulu seemed to be seeing Xu Yankuan like this for the first time.

He opened his mouth wide in surprise.

The same is true for Wang Yifei.

Although he hoped that Xu Yankuan would choose option two.

He thought Xu Yankuan would need a bigger platform to showcase himself.

I never thought that Xu Yankuan would be like this...

in this way……

So domineering.

It was completely different from the usual taciturn Xu Yankuan.

"Okay, since that's the case, Qingyun Film and Television will naturally support you with all its strength."

"I will not guarantee that you will be No. 1 or No. 2 in the competition."

"Everything is up to you to fight for."

"The guarantee I can give you is to be fair in this competition."

"Any player who enters the top ten in the competition will be required to join Qingyun Film and Television Entertainment Company unless he does not enter the entertainment industry within three years."

"Now, you can start preparing."

"At most half a year, the show will be released."

Xu Yankuan's domineering declaration also aroused the pride in Su Ye's heart.

All old men.

Be humble at ordinary times, then there is no need to care about some people.

Who will give up when it is necessary to fight.

They are all the ones who stand out from hundreds of millions of brothers and take the top spot.

Who is not a competitive master?

"President Su, what about me..."

(End of this chapter)

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