The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 211 Six Combined Fires

Chapter 211
After Liu Han's reminder, it made Long Fei think of the final step of cultivating sword energy and heart fire, but it needs a kind of fire from heaven and earth.Of course, when absorbing the fire of heaven and earth, you can also add multiple kinds of flames at the same time, but these fires of heaven and earth are not so easy to find.

If some flames from the body of ordinary monsters were added, the power of the sword energy heart fire would be greatly reduced. For example, if Long Fei's sword energy heart fire was finally added with the flame of the golden fire pattern tiger, the power would not be very powerful.However, once the sword qi heart fire uses the hell fire of the three-headed ghost dog, its power will be greatly improved.

Naturally, Long Fei would not use such low-level flames as the golden flame and the fire pattern tiger. Therefore, when Liu Han said that the three-headed ghost dog was a flame from hell, Long Fei couldn't help thinking about it, and wanted to kill the three-headed ghost dog from hell. The fire is saved and can be used in the future.

So, after Liu Han's words fell, Long Fei said to Wen Qing, "Is there a treasure that can collect or store flames, is there in Baojian Pavilion?"

There are so many things in Baojian Pavilion, and the time when Wen Qing came to this Baojian Pavilion to work was about the same as when Long Fei entered Inner Gate Island.Therefore, when Long Fei said this, Wen Qing thought about it carefully, and after a while, he also said: "Wait, wait for me to check."

Wen Qing didn't know if there would be such treasures, after all, such treasures were extremely rare things, and some of them might be very small.At that moment, Wen Qing covered the token in his hand with both hands, and made the gesture of worshiping God.Immediately afterwards, Wen Qing was chanting something, but he didn't know what he was chanting, anyway, Long Fei and Liu Han just couldn't understand it.

After a while, the token in Wenqing's hands suddenly flashed with mysterious light.At the same time, Wen Qing opened his eyes in a flash, and countless numbers and patterns flashed in his eyes, like a fleeting moment, fleeting, making it impossible for people to see exactly what flashed in Wen Qing's eyes.

That's it, after a period of time, the token returned to calm, and Wen Qing's eyes also returned to calm at this time, without any brilliance flashing out.

"It's like what you said..." Wen Qing paused slightly.

But Long Fei waited quietly, without asking any questions.

"It really is." Wen Qing said again.

Hearing this, Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Then please take us there to have a look."

"follow me."

After speaking, Wen Qing walked forward, and Long Fei and Liu Han naturally followed behind him.

After a while, the three of them came to an area where some rare weapons or other treasures were placed.

"Is this weapon also used?" Liu Han said in surprise when he saw a hand-held weapon floating in the air.

Seeing the weapon, Wen Qing said with a smile: "It's called the ghost claw. The weapons that will be placed here must be usable. Of course, some weapons on the side have their own unique cultivation techniques."

"Oh..." With a light reply, Liu Han didn't ask any more questions.

Just like that, Wen Qing led the way, while Long Fei and Liu Han looked around at the weapons and treasures around them, enjoying themselves, and saw some weapons that they had never seen before. One of them, as well as a brush, a leaf, a piece of metal stone, etc., are oddly shaped.

After a while, Wen Qing stopped, pointed to the box in front of him and said, "The box above is called Liuhe Juhuo."

At this time, both Long Fei and Liu Han looked up into the sky, and saw that the treasure named Liuhe Juhuo was no different from ordinary boxes, but there were many patterns engraved on the sides of this box, such as bricks and wood. To make fire, there are also flames that start a prairie fire, and there are also sky fires that fall and so on.

Wen Qing looked at the box, and with a movement of the token in his hand, he attracted the box.This box is about the size of a firewood box, and it fits flat in Wen Qing's palm.Also at this time, Wen Qing said: "This Heavenly Gathering Fire requires 100 million points. It's about its magical effect. You should take a look first. If you want it, tell me after seeing its usefulness."

As soon as the words fell, Wen Qing's other hand held the token, and then placed it on top of the Liuhe Gathering Fire.Immediately, a piece of brilliance flashed out of it. Among these brilliance, there were a series of words. These are the functions of gathering fire in heaven and earth.

Liuhe Juhuo is refined from Liuhe Huojing Iron, Qi Gathering Stone, and Bailing Juice. Even if it reaches a low-level weapon, it has the ability to swallow and absorb flames.This Liuhe Juhuo is a self-contained space, which can store the absorbed flames in it, and can also use these flames to attack, and can also be used as a firepower provider for refining elixirs and tempering weapons.

"Well, I bought it."

After seeing the function of gathering fire in heaven and earth, Long Fei said without hesitation.After all, this heaven and earth gathering fire has great functions for him, not only can he absorb flames, but also emit the absorbed flames.Liuhejuhuo is simply a treasure that can be defended and attacked. Although it is a bit expensive, in Long Fei's eyes, money is nothing at all. If it is gone, it will be enough to earn more.

"Okay, then you just put the point card on the Heaven and Earth Gathering Fire." Wen Qing said.

Hearing this, Long Fei put the point card in his hand on the Liuhe Juhuo, and suddenly, the light on the surface of the Liuhe Juhuo disappeared completely.

At this moment, a ray of light penetrated into Long Fei's mind, which was some information about how to use Liuhe Juhuo and so on.

"The Liuhe Juhuo is yours." Wen Qing then handed the Liuhe Juhuo to Long Fei.

After receiving the Liuhe Juhuo, Long Fei bit his finger and dripped a little blood onto the Liuhe Juhuo.Afterwards, Long Fei muttered something, as if he was saying formulas.After a while, the Liuhe Gathering Fire flashed red, turned into a bolt, and penetrated into Long Fei's body.

Originally, Long Fei's point card had more than 160 million points.Just now, for Liu Han, he bought a copy of the Bone Refining Art, which cost 20 points. Long Fei bought a copy of the Bone Refining Art, and spent another 20 points. million points.Now, Long Fei only has more than 20 points on his point card.

Looking at the 20 points on the point card, Long Fei pondered for a while, then asked again: "Liu Han, is there anything you need now? I still have 20 points on me, I can help you buy some more. "

Hearing this, Liu Han shook his head like a rattle, "No need, you can keep the rest of the points for yourself. Now I have the Illusory Demon Bone and the bone-refining technique, and my strength will definitely be enough." increased substantially."

"En, that's good." Long Fei said to Wen Qing again: "Thank you this time, we still have something to do, so we will leave first."

"You're welcome, Long Fei."

Afterwards, Long Fei left with Liu Han.

The moment the two of them left, several figures followed in the footsteps of Long Fei and Liu Han and left here.

After a while, Long Fei and Liu Han came to the place where they broke up with Huang Jingzhao and others.

"Did they let us wait for them here before?" Liu Han said after coming here.

Long Fei looked around and didn't find Huang Jingzhao and others, so he said, "Well, that's right. We'll just wait here for a while. I guess they are busy with something?"

Just like that, after Long Fei and Liu Han waited for a while, Huang Jingzhao and the other five came slowly.

"Let's go."

Seeing Long Fei and Liu Han there, after the five of them came over, Wang Yu said something briefly, and everyone left Baojian Pavilion.

"Are they going there?"

"I don't know, they didn't say anything, how do I know?"

"Don't talk about it, let's hurry up. If we delay the matter of Young Master Xing, we won't be able to mess around."

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Afterwards, these people also left Baojian Pavilion following Long Fei and the others.

After a while, Long Fei and others came to a gate called the Temple of Sacrifice.

"Here is the place where Zhao Zheng is placed?" Looking inside, Long Fei asked.

"Well, it's here. No matter who dies on Neimen Island, they will be buried here." Wang Jianbo said with a sad expression looking at the Temple of Sacrifice.

"go in."

After Liu Zhiyuan finished speaking, he also stepped in, and Long Fei and others also filed in.

After completing some formalities, an old man with white hair came to Long Fei and the others and said, "Follow me."

Led by the old man, Long Fei and others came to a place surrounded by walls with a big pit in the middle.

"Put the dead body into the pit." There was no emotion in the old man's words, as if he had already become numb to such things.

Long Fei didn't speak, but when he opened his eyes, Zhao Zheng's body flew out from the hidden ring, flew steadily in the air, and then slowly fell into the pit.

Seeing Zhao Zheng's body, the old man's eyes suddenly flashed with light, as if he saw something, but he didn't say anything. After Zhao Zheng's body fell into the pit, he made seals with both hands and shouted : "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, people go like dusk..."

Suddenly, the big pit, together with Zhao Zheng's body, emitted bursts of light.Countless cyan light spots, like fireflies, continuously flew out of Zhao Zheng's body.

The old man suddenly yelled again: "The mortal relationship is broken, all grievances and grievances are gone, and people die and become spirits!"

Immediately, those blue light spots that flew out from Zhao Zheng's body suddenly gathered together and transformed into a plaque with Zhao Zheng's name engraved on it.

Then the old man held his hand wide, and the plaque engraved with Zhao Zheng's name slowly flew up into the sky. Long Fei and the others watched silently, and no one spoke until the plaque disappeared...

And the old man said again: "The dead are gone, the living should cherish the time they are alive, and don't let hatred occupy their hearts."

Hearing this, Long Fei and others were startled.

"Then who is the old man? Why do I feel that he is mysterious and powerful?" Long Fei asked aloud after leaving the Spiritual Sacrifice Hall.

"I heard that the old man was here a long time ago, and we don't know who he is." It was You Jichun who spoke.

"Zhao Zheng has rested in peace, where are you going next? I want to go back to practice." Liu Han found that the distance between him and Long Fei was getting bigger and bigger, and now he just wanted to improve his cultivation quickly, so he wanted to go back and have a good time Temper the bones.

"We are going to Xuesha Cave, Long Fei, do you want to go together?" Liu Zhiyuan turned to look at Long Fei, and said.

Blood Fiend Cave!

A mysterious place that allows people to step into the Void Martial Realm faster.

This place that Long Fei has been looking forward to for a long time, does it have the evil spirit needed for sword energy and heart fire?
(End of this chapter)

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