The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 223 Meeting Zisu Again

Chapter 223 Meeting Zisu Again
At this moment, Long Fei was surrounded by people from Zhang Xun's side and Young Master Xing's side.

For a moment, the two of them did not make a move, but looked at each other.

"Those people who suddenly appeared, could they be the helpers of that kid Long Fei?"

"It's possible, they seem to have known that we will wait here, so they ambushed here?"

"I'm afraid he's a bird. With Master Xing behind us supporting us, there's nothing to worry about."

"Yes! We only need to repair Long Fei for Young Master Xing this time. If we don't do well, we will not be able to hold our heads up against Young Master Xing in the future."

"Then do it!"

After seeing Zhang Xun and his group, the people who were under the orders of Young Master Xing couldn't help talking with each other via voice transmission.

Not only them, but also Zhang Xun and his group.

"Damn, Zhang Xun, did you make a mistake? There are a lot of people on the other side. If you call us over, how many people will be beaten? Besides, almost all of them are from the second or third floor." , how do we fight?!"

"Yes, if you want to look for it, you have to look for your cousin."

"I don't know that there is such a force behind Long Fei, otherwise, I would have called my cousin over." Zhang Xun was also very depressed. He wanted to ambush Long Fei, but he didn't expect to Was counter-ambushed?

Long Fei looked around and found that he didn't know the person on the left at all, while he only knew Zhang Xun the person on the right.And Zhang Xun was beaten by himself not long ago, presumably he is here to find fault now.However, what is the group of people on the left looking for me for?Judging by their appearance, they must not be good people.

People on Zhang Xun's side didn't dare to make a move first. Compared with strength, the people on their side were no match for Young Master Xing's people. Regarding the number of people, Zhang Xun's side only had five people, while Young Master Xing's side had seven people.

However, the people on Young Master Xing's side, relying on their background as Young Master Xing, didn't have much scruples, and rushed towards Long Fei fiercely.At the same time, someone shouted: "Long Fei, no matter how many helpers you have today, we will avenge Young Master Xing!"

As soon as the words fell, this person also took the lead in attacking Long Fei.

When Zhang Xun heard this, he was so depressed, he dared to think that the other party also came to seek bad luck for Long Fei, and even regarded himself as Long Fei's person.

Seeing several people rushing towards him, Zhang Xun quickly shouted: "Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding! We are also here to deal with Long Fei, not his friends!"

"Hmph! Do you think we are three-year-olds?! You say we are not his friends?!" A man stood in front of Zhang Xun and the others and said.

Hearing this, the corners of Zhang Xun's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he wanted to scold his mother, but he suppressed the anger in his heart, and said again: "I prove it! I prove it, right?!"


The three people who came to block Zhang Xun's party looked at each other, and the person standing in the middle said, "Then how do you prove it?"

"Just prove it!"

As he said that, Zhang Xun immediately called out his precious sword, and then stabbed it towards Long Feifei.

Seeing this situation, the three people more or less believed it.

At this moment, there are four people besieging Long Fei, and they are not weak players. They have displayed various martial arts one after another. Fortunately, Long Fei has recently practiced the second round of the Nine Dragon Domain. Dodge their attacks in a small space.

Suddenly, a rapid wave came from behind, Long Fei swung his left foot lightly, and then dodged.

"Hey... ah!"

However, Zhang Xun's flying knife stabbed another group of people in the buttocks.It was because Long Fei dodged so fast that Zhang Xun couldn't react at all, so this scene happened.

"What are you doing, dog!" The man who was stabbed in the butt couldn't help but growl loudly.

Seeing this situation, the dog also turned his eyes hard, and shouted angrily: "Damn, you dare to play me, brothers, kill!"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, what a misunderstanding!"

Zhang Xun quickly explained, but Gouzi and the three of them would still listen to his nonsense now, rushed over directly, and let go of their hands to attack fiercely.

In this regard, Zhang Xun felt so helpless that he could only deal with their attacks.

However, at this moment...


A dreadful shout made everyone stop.

"Brother Zhou?"

Seeing the person coming, Long Fei knew that this matter should be over.

"what happened?"

Zhou Shi walked over slowly by himself, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

"Ah? It's Senior Brother Zhou. Our brothers just passed by here. Who would have thought that these bastards would dare to sneak attack on us. Look... they even injured my buddy." Said a dark-faced man on the side of Young Master Xing.

Following his words, Zhou Shi looked over and indeed saw the blood on the buttocks of the person next to him, so he didn't bother to care about these trivial matters, and said directly: "If you continue to make trouble, you will just wait to get out of the blood hole."

Then, he said to Long Fei: "Long Fei, follow me."

Long Fei didn't say anything, and left with Zhou Shi.The people on Young Master Xing's side, Zhang Xun and the others also walked away from each other.After all, Zhou Shi's sudden arrival made it impossible for both of them to continue.

However, the two of them didn't stop because of this. After discussing with each other, they waited for Long Fei to come back, and then came to clean up Long Fei.It's a pity that they didn't know that Long Fei had to wait for a long time before returning to Xuesha Cave when he left this time.

"Junior Brother Long, if you still want to stay in Xuesha Cave, you must pay [-] points." Zhou Shi said as he walked.

Zhou Shi came here because Long Fei's time in Xuesha Cave was up.However, he didn't expect to meet Long Fei on the way, and what happened just now.

"No need Senior Brother Zhou, I want to go back to Inner Gate Island now." If Long Fei hadn't wanted to find the three-headed ghost dog, he would also have wanted to stay in the Xuesha Cave to practice.

"Well, that's fine."

Afterwards, Zhou Shi led Long Fei, and some people whose time had come, left the Blood Fiend Cave together.

However, when Long Fei was leaving, Elder Xue Yi was looking at Long Fei's leaving back, and sighed: "It's a pity, why didn't I meet Long Fei earlier, if I met earlier, I would be able to get rid of him." Long Fei won over, alas..."

After Elder Xueyi learned of Long Fei's talent, he contacted the other eight elders in Xuesha Cave, and after discussing it, they all felt that Long Fei should be brought over to their faction.

It's a pity that Long Fei had already been appointed by the other party, and the nine elders in Xuesha Cave were helpless, so the matter ended like this.

Through the teleportation array, Long Fei returned to Inner Gate Island again, but this time, Long Fei came back alone, while Huang Jingzhao and others were still practicing in the Xuesha Cave.

After returning to Inner Gate Island, Long Fei came to Baojian Pavilion.

"It's you, Junior Brother Long." Seeing the person coming, Senior Brother Wen smiled slightly.

"How is Senior Brother Wen?" Long Fei also smiled slightly.

"It's okay." Afterwards, Senior Brother Wen said, "What task do you want to take this time?"

"Three-headed ghost dog." Long Fei said simply and clearly.


After Senior Brother Wen subconsciously said, he suddenly woke up and said in shock: "What, you want to take on the task of the three-headed dog? This is the most difficult one in the very difficult series!"

Regarding this, Long Fei didn't care, but smiled slightly and said: "Well, that's it."

When Long Fei took over the task of the Iron-armed Red Tiger King, Senior Brother Wen was also taken aback, but in the end he didn't expect that Long Fei would actually complete it, but the three ghost dogs are different. Overlord, the strength is even more unfathomable, the number of people requires at least ten people.

"Junior Brother Long, the task of the three-headed ghost dog is very difficult, so this task is generally rarely accepted by people, and ten people are required to perform this task, which means that you must wait until all ten people are complete before you can set off." After Senior Brother Wen completed the mission procedures, he explained to Long Fei.

Hearing this, Long Fei didn't say much, he just thanked him and left.

Long Fei couldn't wait, if he had to wait for all ten people, he didn't know how long he would have to wait.Moreover, Long Fei, the three-headed ghost dog, had to be completed by himself, and he couldn't join hands with others at all, let alone waiting.

If senior brother Wen knew that Long Fei wanted to go to the territory of the three-headed ghost dog alone, he would definitely think that Long Fei must be tired of work.That's right, if a person in the lower realm of Kaiwu went to the territory of the three ghost dogs, he must die, let alone Long Fei, a small person in the upper realm of chemical weapons?
It's just that Long Fei didn't think too much. After leaving Baojian Pavilion, he came to the teleportation formation.

However, at this moment, a ray of light flew over in a flash.

Feeling the light, Long Fei couldn't help but smile slightly, "Little guy, have you missed me recently?"

When the ray of light came to Long Fei's side, a small bird appeared. Afterwards, this small bird flapped its wings, stood on Long Fei's shoulder, and rubbed its head against Long Fei's neck.

This little bird was the divine bird of Lihen who helped Long Fei kill the King of Terracotta Warriors back then.

"Little guy, do you want to eat the Five Elements Spiritual Liquid I gave you last time?" Long Fei turned his head, stared at the Divine Bird of Lihen, and said with a slight smile.

Hearing Long Fei's words, Lihen Shenniao nodded quickly, and her small eyes shone brightly.

"If you dare to tempt my Xiaoli again, I will never end with you!"

Suddenly, there was a coquettish sound.

Seeing the beautiful woman suddenly appearing in front of him, Long Fei also smiled and said: "It's you who didn't take care of this little guy, now you're blaming me, women are really unreasonable."

The person who came here was Tongtian City, who was known as the No. 1 newcomer on Outer Gate Island... the big beauty Zisu.


Zisu came over and reached out to grab the bird of hatred.But the bird of Lihen kept flapping its wings and patting Zisu's jade hands.At this moment, Zisu couldn't help getting angry, regardless of Sanqi 21, she grabbed the Lihen bird in her hand, and cursed: "You treacherous guy, am I treating you badly? Seeing this bastard, you don't even I don't want it anymore?!"

Hearing this, Lihen Shenniao couldn't help but bowed his head aggrieved, and stopped struggling.

Seeing this situation, Long Fei laughed, but the laughter was somewhat helpless, when did he become a jerk?And he said it as if he had robbed her lover.

Uh, thinking about it this way, Long Fei became even more speechless. Zisu is a woman, so her lover...

"Are you still laughing?!" Zisu pouted, waiting for her eyes.

"I have to say that you look good when you're angry." Seeing Zisu at this moment, Long Fei couldn't help being a little stunned.

"Hmph! It's up to you." That's what she said, but Zisu liked it a little in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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