The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 231 The Expectation in Zisu's Heart

Chapter 231 The Expectation in Zisu's Heart

When the three ghost dogs died, a ray of light of five colors flew over from the distant sky, and then fell from the sky, revealing a small bird... the divine bird of Lihen.

At this moment, the feathers on the Divine Bird of Lihen are not as bright as before, and the aura on its body is also very weak.

Seeing this situation, Long Fei rushed up with a stride, with the help of the falling Lihen Divine Bird.

Seeing such a weak bird of Lihen, the lively little guy before, has turned into this kind of appearance, Long Fei couldn't help but quickly took out a pill from the hidden ring and handed it to the God of Lihen. in front of the bird's beak.Lihen Shenniao asked about the fragrance of the medicine, and the weak eyelids lifted slightly, then opened and swallowed the elixir.

This pill was prepared for Long Fei when Ye Chan left.All this time, Long Fei hadn't suffered too many serious injuries, so he kept the elixir.

After taking the elixir, Lihen Shenniao got better, but the aura on it was still very weak.Long Fei got a lot of five-element psychic liquid for the little guy to eat, which made it not look so fragile.


As soon as the little guy recovered, he hurriedly yelled at Long Fei, looking extremely nervous.

Seeing Lihen Shenniao's appearance like this, Long Fei frowned slightly, and said, "Did something happen to Zisu?"


Lihen Shenniao nodded again and again.

After pondering for a while, Long Fei quickly collected the parts of the three-headed ghost dog, and at the same time collected the ghost blue cat, and then said to Lihen Shenniao: "You lead the way, we will rush there."


The bird of Lihen flew up happily, and the golden wings of the big roc behind Longfei spread out, turning into a flash of light, and also flew towards the sky.

Time went back slightly to the time when Zisu and the others left Tongtian Pavilion.

Zisu is a new star of Tongtian City, and the high-level officials of Tongtian City in Inner Gate Island will naturally take good care of Zisu.Zisu has now reached the lower level of martial arts, so she naturally needs points in Inner Gate Island, and she has to rely on her own quests to get them.

Of course, when Zisu receives the task, the high-level officials of Tongtian City on Neimen Island will arrange some personnel to assist Zisu to complete the task.Although there is no danger, the main thing is to hone perilla.This is infinitely better than Long Fei and other people with no background, just like Long Fei, who came to do the mission, fortunately met Huang Jingzhao and others, otherwise, Long Fei would not be able to get the reward points for the mission so smoothly.

"Junior Sister Zi, this time the two of us will assist you to complete the task. However, you need to kill this monster lord yourself, and we cannot help you." A man walking beside Zisu took it easy. said slowly.

"Senior brother Zhan Xun, I understand what you said, and I will trouble my senior brother and sister at that time." Zi Su said gratefully.

"Junior Sister Zi is being polite, this is what we should do. If Junior Sister Zi can become a true disciple as soon as possible, then our reputation in Tongtian City will be greatly improved." A woman named Hui Xia said.

"Yes, I will definitely work hard to cultivate, and strive to enter Zhenchuan Island as soon as possible and become an inner disciple!" Zisu's tone was very affirmative.

For Zisu, becoming a true disciple is not only for the honor of Tongtian City, but also Zisu's own goal. Only becoming a true disciple is the beginning of life.

Only true disciples are the core disciples of Tongtian Sect.

Just like that, Zisu, accompanied by Zhan Xun and Huixia, came to a forest.

"This is the territory of the Black Cloud Leopard." Zhan Xun said while looking ahead.

Afterwards, he looked away, looked at Zisu and said, "Do you know Heiyunbao?"

"Heiyun Leopard, the lord of the floating jungle, has reached the low level of martial arts, and its strength is comparable to the middle level of martial arts. The best skill is the black claw tearing the soul." Zi Su said it without the slightest hesitation. Speak up.

"Then go in."

After finishing speaking, the three of Zisu walked inside.

However, at such a moment of walking around, the bodies of the three of them all became illusory, and a little light flashed.Immediately afterwards, three butterflies flew up, but Zisu and the others were no longer there.

These three butterflies flew in like this, the demon soldiers along the way didn't pay attention to these three butterflies at all, because they were so ordinary.

Just like that, the three butterflies flew in from the outermost side, passed through many patrolling monster soldiers along the way, and stopped not far from a monster.

This monster has long patterns all over its body, and there are a few black clouds floating on it.At this moment, it is lying quietly on the ground, lazily basking in the sun.

It is the black cloud leopard, the lord that Zisu will hunt down on this trip.

The three butterflies didn't intend to stop at all, and flew directly inward. When they came in front of the Black Cloud Leopard, the three butterflies suddenly flashed a faint light.

This sudden phenomenon naturally caused the Black Clouded Leopard to rest comfortably.

It stood up suddenly, and saw three humans appearing in front of it out of thin air.


Seeing this sudden appearance of human beings, Heiyunbao let out a loud roar, and after that, all the surrounding demon soldiers appeared one after another in the area where Heiyunbao was.

"Junior Sister Zi, quick battle and quick decision." Zhan Xun said calmly after taking a look at Hei Yunbao.


With a light reply, Zisu rushed forward.

It didn't take long for the black cloud leopard to be dealt with by Zisu.

As soon as the black cloud leopard died, the monster soldiers around couldn't help but flee in all directions. This is just like the so-called tree falling and monkeys scattered, and the wall falling and everyone pushing.

Zisu took the mission parts from Heiyunbao's body, turned around and was about to leave.

However, at this moment, the black cloud leopard's body suddenly flashed with mysterious light, like ten thousand arrows firing together.Immediately afterwards, a multicolored glow shot straight into the sky from the black clouded leopard's body, and could be seen in a radius of ten miles.

Zisu and the others were all attracted by this mysterious light, and they were looking up at the glow in the sky.At this moment, the mysterious light in the sky revealed twisted roads, patches of green trees, mountains, lakes and so on.

"This this……"

The three of Zisu were stunned by this sudden change.

In a blink of an eye, the glow gradually dimmed, and a piece of jade flew up from Hei Yunbao's body, and all the mountains, rivers and rivers in the sky were projected into that piece of jade.

"Jade Figure!"

Zisu hurriedly made a move with one hand, grabbed the jade map in her hand, and took a closer look, "It's a mission map for a narrow escape!"

"A Map of Nine Deaths!"

Hearing Zisu's words, both Zhan Xun and Hui Xia cried out in shock.

"Haha, it turned out to be a narrow escape mission, God helped me, haha..."

This sudden shout immediately attracted the attention of Zisu and the others. They hurriedly looked towards the source of the sound, only to see eight people appearing behind them. They were all men with the same clothes.


"It's Yuebei City, Dai Jianming!"

Seeing Dai Jianming and his group suddenly appear, Zhan Xun and Hui Xia subconsciously stood in front of Zisu.

Originally, Dai Jianming and his group had just walked through the territory of the Black Cloud Leopard, and they were going to another territory of monster beasts.However, when he first came to the territory of the Black Cloud Leopard, Dai Jianming felt an abnormal fluctuation, and led the others into it.He never expected that he would encounter a mission map with a narrow escape.

"Dai Jianming, Tongtian City discovered this first, and it has nothing to do with your Yuebei City. You have to see it clearly!" Although there are so many of them, Zhan Xun has no foundation in his heart, but he can't be weak now. Momentum, otherwise, it is really over.So, Zhan Xun stepped out, looked at Dai Jianming with unfriendly eyes and shouted.

"Haha... yes, you are right, I did see it very clearly, this jade map was seen by us in Yuebei City first, but you took it away first, and now hand it over, I will let you go , Otherwise, no one will know how you died!" At the end, Dai Jianming's tone became cold.

Zhan Xun knew that Dai Jianming would not let go, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but frowned, "Now the three of us are no match for the eight of them, and Junior Sister Zi has unlimited potential. If she dies in If it is here, it will be a great loss to Tongtian City, even if they get the jade map, as long as they return to Neimen Island and report the matter, they will not be afraid that Yuebei City will not hand over the map."

After much deliberation, Zhan Xun didn't want to take risks for this matter, so when Hui Xia spoke, Zhan Xun had already said: "Okay, I can give you this jade map, but you must do what you say. Let the three of us go."

"Bring the jade map, you can leave now."

Hearing this, Zhan Xun breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Zisu to hand over the jade map. Although Zisu was not very willing, he still handed it over.

However, just as Zhan Xun, Huixia, and Zisu were about to leave, Dai Jianming suddenly said: "Since you are leaving, I don't want to take your things for nothing, so I will send you on your way!"

As soon as the words fell, Dai Jianming and his party suddenly shot and attacked Zisu and the other three.

"Junior Sister Zi, hurry up!"

Although Zhan Xun had guessed that this would happen, he had no other choice because his strength was weaker than that of Dai Jianming.At the moment, Zhan Xun had no choice but to let Zisu escape from this place first, and he rushed over by himself.

However, his strength is only at the middle level of martial arts, while Dai Jianming is at the upper level of martial arts, the two are not at the same level at all.In addition, Dai Jianming's party can have eight people.Therefore, Zhan Xun couldn't stop him for long, and was killed.

But at this moment, Lihen Divine Bird suddenly appeared, and then flew towards the place where Long Fei was.Zisu knew that even if Lihen Shenniao was here, she could not change her destiny.Because, she was betting that Long Fei could rush over to save her.

After all, Long Fei went to the territory of the three-headed ghost dog alone, so Long Fei must have some means to kill the three-headed ghost dog. Therefore, Zisu knew that as long as the bird of hatred found Long Fei, she would be saved. That's why Lihen Shenniao went to look for Long Fei.

It's a pity that Dai Jianming is not a fool. A ray of light with powerful power hit Lihen Shenniao's body with a single swipe, causing it to fall from the sky.

Although Lihen Shenniao has the blood of the Phoenix, it is currently in the growth stage, and its strength has not really reached its peak. It is not Dai Jianming's opponent at all.

"Xiao Li!"

Seeing this scene, Zisu's eyes were red, and she stared at Dai Jianming.

But she secretly prayed in her heart: "Long Fei, show up quickly..."

(End of this chapter)

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