The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 236 Strange Woods

Chapter 236 Strange Woods

Although the dark clouds receded and the scorching sun hung high in the sky, the group of monsters behind them followed closely and did not leave just because everyone broke through the siege.

Therefore, everyone was still running fast without stopping.

However, this ray of sunshine also made everyone feel better. There are still relatively few people who like stormy weather.

The bird of Lihen on Zisu doesn't like the rainy weather the most. The sunshine at this time makes it energetic, and a brilliance flashes from its body. The rain on its body is quickly evaporated, and there is no trace There was a chirping sound, but a cloud of water vapor emerged from its body, and in a blink of an eye, the rain on Lihen Shenniao's body dried up.

Immediately afterwards, Lihen Shenniao also helped Zisu dry off the rainwater.

"Xiao Li is so nice!"

Feeling that the clothes on her body were completely dry, Zisu happily touched Xiao Li's head, and at the same time glanced at Long Fei not far from the lower left, seeing Long Fei's embarrassed smile, Zisu snorted softly, Then he turned around, and while running forward, he said to Lihen Shenniao: "Xiao Li, I went to help Long Fei dry his clothes."

Hearing this, Lihen Shenniao also looked back at Long Fei, then flew from Zisu's shoulder to in front of her, facing Zisu and shouted: "Beep beep!"

After shouting, Lihen Shenniao also made the expression that Long Fei stared at Zisu before, that is called a lifelike expression. It didn't move, as if it was frozen. If it wasn't for the constant flapping of its wings, Zisu would have thought it was frozen.

Seeing that the bird of Lihen also made fun of herself, Zisu suddenly became angry, grabbed the bird of Lihen, patted its head lightly with the other small hand, and said angrily: "Okay! Your wings are hard!" Don’t you think you even dare to make fun of me!”

After saying these words, Lihen Shenniao's little head was lightly patted by Zisu a few times.


That grievance of Lihen Godbird, it didn't mean to make fun of Zisu, it just said, "That boy Long Fei looks at you like that, why are you thinking about him, let him get wet."

It's a pity that Lihen Shenniao forgot, Zisu couldn't hear the birdsong at all.

Ever since, the bird of Lihen could only scream aggrieved.

Zisu let go of Lihen Shenniao, and at the same time shouted: "Hurry up."


The bird of hatred looked at Zisu, couldn't help but shook its head, yelled a few times and then left, as if to say, "This woman is hopeless, oh...what a good girl, she is going to lose her body again gone."

If Zisu could understand the cry of the bird of Lihen, would she catch it and give it a good repair?
The bird of Lihen came to Long Fei under threat, and started beeping, but Long Fei couldn't understand what it was saying, so he couldn't help saying: "Little guy, what do you want to do?"

Hearing this, Lihen Shenniao couldn't help rolling its eyes, and didn't say anything more, it flew directly on Long Fei's shoulder, and a light flashed quietly, making the clothes on Long Fei's body gradually dry.

"Thank you little guy."

Feeling that the clothes were dry, Long Fei also thanked Lihen Shenniao.


The Divine Bird of Lihen called twice, pointed at Zisu with its wings, and then pointed at Longfei.

Seeing that Long Fei was a little uncertain, he said, "Zisu asked you to come and help me dry my clothes?"

Hearing this, Lihen Shenniao smiled happily, yelled happily, and patted Long Fei's head with its wings, as if to say, "Boy, smart, you can teach me."

Seeing Long Fei's puzzled eyes, Lihen Shenniao nodded quickly, as if answering Long Fei's question just now.

The bird of Lihen, who is proud at this moment, is tragic at the next moment.

"Depend on!"

Knowing that Zisu called the bird of Lihen, Long Fei grabbed the bird of Lihen in his hand, stared at the bird's small eyes, and said in a loud voice, "I thought you came to help me on my own initiative. Brother, you are drying clothes. After a long time, Zisu asked you to come here, so you just came here. You bastard, brother will give you delicious food, hum! Next time you want to drink the five elements liquid, there is no way!"

Hearing Long Fei's words, the eyeballs of Lihen Shenniao immediately turned quickly, and they kept turning around in circles, and its little head shook from side to side, as if drinking wine.

Lihen Shenniao was so dizzy that he couldn't say anything.

It never thought that it would not be able to please Zisu, and it would not be able to please Longfei.Originally, it thought that Long Fei was staring at Zi Su like that before, and Zi Su scolded Long Fei at that time, so he must be upset with Long Fei, so it told Long Fei's bad words, and was worried that Zi Su would not understand , and quickly pretended to be what Long Fei was like at that time.

But who knows, Zisu didn't reward it, and was beaten up by Zisu.

Lihen Shenniao felt depressed in his heart, but he had nowhere to say it, so he wanted to ask for some benefits from Long Fei. Thinking of Long Fei staring at Zisu before, Lihen Shenniao felt in his heart that he wanted to go to Zisu. Said, this time definitely can't go wrong.

But who knew, not only did he not get any benefits from Long Fei, but he was also scolded by Long Fei.Lihen Shenniao called Qu in his heart, even worse than Qu Yuan.

After shaking the head of Lihen Divine Bird from side to side for a while, it really fainted, and leaned decisively on Long Fei's hand to rest.

"Damn! If you pretend to be dead again, I'll eat you!" Just now, Long Fei was very depressed because he saw Zisu's drenched body. Now, just now, the bird of hatred came over, so he didn't want to vent his anger on it. , who to vent your anger on.

Ever since, this is a tragedy of Lihen Shenniao's decisiveness.

The eyes of Lihen Shenniao were staring at the stars. Hearing Long Fei's words "Brother ate you", he raised his head in a swish, but it was really dizzy, even if he raised his head up, he would He's staggering, and now he's really drunk.

Seeing Lihen Shenniao like this, Long Fei chuckled and said: "It seems that you really hope that brother will eat you?"


The bird of Lihen is really powerless now, and the sound of its cry is so pitiful.

Just when Long Fei was about to continue playing with the Lihen Divine Bird, a series of roars suddenly came from behind.Hearing these roars, Long Fei also put away his thoughts of playing.

"Hurry up, people of Void Martial Realm, cut off the queen!"

The life leader who was walking in front heard the roar behind him and knew that things were not optimistic, so he also hurriedly shouted.

Although he has a feeling of pointing and ordering, but in this Profound Truth Mountain, there are not many people who object to those strong men who are in the realm of false martial arts. After all, strength is respected, and strength is enough to speak.

That's it, the strong man in the fake martial arts realm who was running behind was in charge of breaking the rear.

That's how it was, the group of monsters kept chasing after Long Fei and the others.

It's just that the monsters still can't catch up with humans. Even if they catch up, the monsters in the front army will be wiped out by those people in the Void Martial Realm.

Just like that, under the leadership of Zisu, the crowd kept running on the Profound Truth Mountain.It's also because the goal of this group of people is really too big. They have been running all the way and constantly attracting monsters around them. Fortunately, there are enough strong people in the Void Martial Realm, and the top five people have backgrounds, so there is no What casualties occurred, although there were injuries, but after treatment, there was no life-threatening.

However, running all the way made many people exhausted. There were one or two strong men in the realm of false martial arts, and they also suffered minor injuries.

"Everyone turn left!"

Suddenly, Zisu let out a loud drink.

Immediately, the entire team turned to the left again and again.



Hearing the roar and commotion, the life captain's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Hurry up, everyone! The group of monsters behind is increasing!"

After the captain, Wu Xin, Jing Hua and other experts in the False Martial Realm also noticed the abnormality of the monster behind them, and their expressions changed again and again.

The others were not strong enough, but they didn't realize how many monsters were behind them, but they also heard the seriousness of the situation from the tone of the captain.

"not good!"

However, not long after the captain finished speaking, he felt three fast-flying monsters flying towards this side, forcing him to shout: "Everyone use flying swords, rush over quickly!"

As soon as the captain's words fell, the expressions of the people in the realm of false martial arts suddenly changed, and immediately after, they all soared into the air!

And the others were not sloppy at this moment, and quickly called out their weapons.

Whoosh, whoosh... Many flying swords and knives, and other weapons, all flashed with light, and flew forward quickly.

Suddenly, a torrent of light appeared in the sky like this.However, Long Fei and others were all flying at low altitude, only one meter above the ground.

And those strong men in the Void Martial Realm also flew forward.However, their speed is not fast, and they are protected around everyone.

"The situation seems to be getting serious..." Long Fei, who was stepping on the Illusory Sword, couldn't help thinking to himself when he saw this situation.

However, three figures appeared beside everyone in an instant.

Of the three monsters, one is a mysterious bull with two horns on its head.

The second is an ice crystal leopard covered with patterns all over its body.

The last one turned out to be a refined deep fish covered with blue scales.

These three monsters are all flying in the air, and they are all in the realm of imaginary martial arts!
And among the monsters, there is no such thing as fake martial arts at all, that is to say, they are all in the real realm of virtual martial arts!
Seeing this situation, Wu Xin and the others all changed their expressions.

However, after being astonished, they unleashed a series of martial arts moves and bombarded the three Void Martial Realm monsters.

"Boom boom boom!"

The surrounding trees were all shattered by the bombardment of this formidable martial skill, and the terrifying sound, like mountains and rivers exploding, rang out.

And those three terrifying monsters were instantly overwhelmed by everyone's martial arts, and their life and death were unknown.

"Hurry up! I'm dead!"

As the most powerful person, the life captain took the initiative to undertake the task after the break.

At this time, no one was polite to him, everyone was flying fast, and Captain Sheng was also flying forward, but his speed was slightly slower.

However, without anyone noticing, everyone entered a dense forest.This forest is different from the previous ones, the leaves and grass are as green as emeralds.


The three monsters roared angrily and rushed towards the crowd.

At this time, everyone had already entered this strange forest.

Because of this, the three monsters stopped, with a look of struggle in their eyes, and finally let out a roar before leaving.

The Xuanmo Ox, Ice Crystal Leopard, Lian Shenyu, the three monsters are all fearsome powerhouses in the Void Martial Realm, and their ferocious power is so strong that even the powerhouses in the Void Martial Realm, such as Captain Sheng, will not show their eyes when they see them. A dignified expression came.

However, these three terrifying monsters did not dare to step into that peculiar forest. They could only growl angrily outside the forest. Are these three terrifying monsters in the Void Martial Realm so afraid?
After that, the group of monsters that followed Long Fei and others did not dare to step into this special forest, even if they didn't take a step, their pupils were filled with deep fear!
(End of this chapter)

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