Chapter 258
The figure lurking around the brick path took advantage of the darkness and smog in the vicinity to make it look like a ghost from the Nine Netherworld, floating around without the slightest weight.

Its round eyes stared at everyone very interestingly, especially when it saw the man with the broken arm, there was a playful look in his eyes.

If Long Fei and the others knew that this monster had such a humane emotion at this moment, they didn't know how they would feel.

It's a pity that no one could find this monster, and everyone continued to walk forward, and the man whose arm was cut off is now standing in the middle and walking, this is also the care everyone gave him, if there is any danger, I'm afraid he won't be able to handle it.

After this incident, everyone's emotions became more depressed.

However, that monster never left, and followed closely.

Suddenly, with a movement of its body, it reappeared near people, swishing... and three saber lights flashed quietly again.

"Clang clang!"

This time, it found Long Fei unexpectedly, but unfortunately its three saber lights were counterattacked by Long Fei.

Seeing the three saber lights flying back, this monster changed its shape and dodged the three saber lights. While dodging, it swung the saber light again and swiped six consecutive sabers. In this way, Mang slashed towards Long Fei.

"go back!"

Long Fei's reaction was also very quick. When he saw the six sword lights, he swung the illusion sword in his hand, and counterattacked the six sword lights again.

Also at this time, the life captain at the side moved, and a strong wind blew up without warning, blowing away the dense fog around him in an instant.

At this moment, everyone saw the monster hidden in the thick fog.

I saw that it was black and black all over, with two pairs of translucent wings flapping on its back, two straight knives in front of its body resting on its chest, and a pair of big eyes staring at everyone.

This is a monster that looks exactly like a praying mantis.

"This is the Mist Shadow Demon!"

The people walking in front couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this monster.

"The Mist Shadow Demon, whose strength has reached the level of martial arts, is an extremely rare monster that is good at assassination and hiding." Seeing this monster, Long Fei secretly thought of the information about the Mist Shadow Demon information.

"It's another kind of rare monster. Adding the previous blood drop mosquito and the three mysterious green phantom snake, this is the third rare monster." Long Fei couldn't help sighing secretly at the mystery of this place. The rare monster is like a big monster. It's incredible that cabbages appear again and again.

This fog shadow monster noticed that the surrounding thick fog had disappeared, but it ignored the surprised eyes of everyone, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes as soon as it moved, and the thick fog appeared again after a while.

Knowing that the monster that appeared here is a misty shadow monster, the hearts of everyone have never been at peace for a moment.Not for anything else, just because everyone knows that this misty shadow monster is famous for assassination and hiding.Although most of them are only in the high-ranking state of opening martial arts, they cannot be resisted by ordinary high-ranking martial arts.

Just now, if the Illusion Sword in Long Fei's hand had the ability to rebound attacks, he would not be able to open the light of the Mist Shadow Demon's sword so easily.

Although everyone was startled, they continued to walk forward and stayed where they were, that was not an option.

However, not long after he left, suddenly a burst of saber light flashed.Immediately after...


There was another cry of pain, shouted from the team, and everyone looked around, only to see another man's arm had been cut off.He already knew the existence of the Mist Shadow Demon, but unfortunately, the Mist Shadow Demon's sneak attack method was too powerful to be guarded against.

After treatment, he also changed the middle position and continued to move forward with the team.At this moment, the people standing on the left and right, no matter whether they are men or women, feel a little worried, especially those who are relatively weak.

However, not long after, another cry of pain sounded from the team.

After a while, there was another cry of pain.


Not long after they left, more than a dozen people were ambushed by the mist shadow monster, and their arms were severed.However, the strong man in the realm of virtual martial arts has an extremely headache for this misty shadow monster who is more cunning than a fox.As soon as the mist shadow monster made a move, it changed its position, making it impossible for them to find them.

In addition, this place is so mysterious that even the experts in the Void Martial Realm don't dare to wander around. After all, only Long Fei knows the correct route here. If they go too far and break away from the team, then Thinking that the difficulties to be faced will be many times that of the present.

Even so, they dare not take the risk.

At this moment, a three-way intersection suddenly appeared in front of him. Following the instructions on the jade map, Long Fei led the team to the road on the right.It's strange to say that this misty shadow demon followed here, but suddenly went away, and no longer continued to follow Long Fei and the others.

However, its departure did not make everyone feel at ease.After all, they didn't know that the mist shadow demon had left.

Just like that, almost everyone kept their full attention, paying attention to the movements around them.

I don't know how long they walked, but no one encountered the appearance of the mist shadow monster again.

However, as the man No. [-] was walking, his eyes suddenly widened, his mouth gasped for a while, the pain in his chest made his body tremble slightly, and his hands couldn't help but grab Looking at the position of the heart, it seemed that he was trying his best to suppress the pain.

"Senior Brother Wu, what's the matter with you?" The man behind him couldn't help asking when he saw that No. [-] man was standing motionless.

Hearing this, man No. [-] reluctantly turned his head, and said with a calm face as much as possible: "Hehe, it's nothing. I suddenly thought of something just now, and I was a little distracted. Thank you for your concern."

After finishing speaking, man No. [-] turned his head, and couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart: "Damn, why did this monster wake up!"

As soon as the monster worm woke up, it would emit a strange smell, and this smell directly affected the heart of No. [-] man, causing him great pain.

Sensing that the devil worms in his body started to wake up, No. [-] man's entire face darkened, "No, if this continues, my internal organs will be eaten up by the devil worms sooner or later, so I have to get rid of Long Fei as soon as possible." Alright, only when the task is completed, will the devil worm continue to sleep, so that it can save its life."

Man No. [-] stared at Long Fei's back in front of him, and secretly calculated in his heart: "It's not easy to kill Long Fei now, Captain Yousheng is protecting him, and I am not his opponent, what should I do?" How about doing it?"

Thinking about it this way, suddenly, man No. [-] had a flash of inspiration and couldn't help being overjoyed, "Both Wu Xin and Jing Hua want Long Fei's life, why don't I ask them to cooperate and get rid of Long Fei? Probably The two of them are also very willing, right?"

Thinking of this, man No. [-] did not hesitate, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Wu Xin, "Wu Xin, do you really want to kill Long Fei? How about we join forces?"

"It's you? I'm sorry, although I want to kill Long Fei, I'm not going to join forces with others for him." Wu Xin said.

Hearing what Wu Xin said, man No. [-] began to lobby again: "Long Fei is now protected by Captain Sheng. With our own strength alone, we can at most draw with him. We want to be in his hands." It's impossible to kill Long Fei, if we join forces, as long as one of us entangles him, the other can easily kill Long Fei, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Wu Xin became silent.After a while, Wu Xin said: "Okay, when the jade map on Long Fei's body is worthless, you and I will take action. You will stop the captain, and Long Fei will let me come."

Hearing this, man No. [-] couldn't help scolding Wu Xin secretly, and then said via voice transmission: "It's a deal!"

"A word is settled!"

Immediately afterwards, man No. [-] approached Jing Hua again, and told him what he had just said to Wu Xin.

But after Jing Hua stopped, he replied indifferently: "That's right, I wanted to kill Long Fei, but Wu Xin's desire to kill Long Fei was stronger than mine, so why should I do it myself?" ?”

"You're right, Wu Xin really wanted to kill Long Fei, but no matter how strong Wu Xin was, he was no match for Captain Sheng. If he really wanted to kill Long Fei, he would have done it long ago. Why wait until now? Haven't shot yet?" Man No. [-] said.

"What exactly do you want to say? Besides, what enmity do you have with Long Fei, why did you come to me?" Jing Hua's words were full of doubts.

"The relationship between me and Long Fei will not be clear for a while, but I must kill Long Fei. As for why I came to you, the reason is very simple. You want to get rid of Long Fei. Wait until the jade map on Long Fei is gone. Value, let's fight together, even the captain of life will definitely not be able to protect Long Fei, don't you think so?" The No. [-] man continued to lure Jing Hua to kill Long Fei together.

After Jing Hua heard the words of man No. [-], he came over via voice transmission, but his words were full of smiles, "Haha, although Captain Sheng has reached the real realm of virtual martial arts, he wants to get out of our two fake martial arts realms." Protecting Long Fei in his hands is simply impossible!"

"So, you agreed?" Hearing this, man No. [-] was overjoyed.

"That's right, Long Fei can't stay, his potential is too terrifying." Thinking of the scene where Long Fei played him in the jungle, Jing Hua couldn't help feeling angry.

But Long Fei didn't know that the No. [-] man had reached an agreement with Wu Xin and Jing Hua and wanted to harm him.At this moment, Long Fei was still leading the crowd, walking forward all the way.

Along the way, the misty shadow monster never appeared again.However, everyone did not take it lightly.

Walking and walking, finally came to the end of this brick path.

The surrounding fog has decreased a lot, but there are two constantly rotating vortexes in front of it.

A vortex is white, with a big bloody font written inside it - die!

The other vortex is black, and there is also a big cyan font written in it, but it is the word "living".

A group of people walked forward continuously, and finally gathered into a pile.

At this moment, Long Fei said to the captain: "My Jade Map is useless, and other people will be responsible for the next route."

Hearing this, the life captain nodded slightly, and shouted: "Who is the third jade map on? Come to the front and lead the way."

The words of the head of life are so common.However, when it fell into the ears of Wu Xin, Jing Hua, and man No. [-], it was so exciting.


As soon as the captain's words fell, man No. [-] sent a voice transmission to Wu Xin and Jing Hua in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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