The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 264 Seven Transfers!

Chapter 264 Seven Turns!
"Wow, haha, I didn't expect Ma Mian to be injured by that brat. It's so interesting. Oh?! Ma Mian used ghost tricks, haha, that brat really has nothing to do to find fault!" What happened, felt the abnormality of the horse face's breath, and looked back.

And the Nether blue cat on the side shot at this moment, and three icicles flew towards the bull's head.

The bull head still didn't look back, still staring at the horse's face.Also at this time, the icicle of the Nether blue cat had come to the front of Niutou, but the bull's head disappeared miraculously, so fast that even the Nether blue cat in the Void Martial Realm opened its eyes. Obviously, it also Was stunned.

"Just because you, a beast, want to hurt me?"

Suddenly, the bull's head that disappeared suddenly appeared in front of the Youyou blue cat, staring at a pair of bull's eyes, looking at the Youyou blue cat and said indifferently.

The Nether Blue Cat is a monster in the Void Martial Realm, and its intelligence is not low, so it can naturally understand Niutou's words. When it thinks of being called a beast by others, the Nether Blue Cat can't help but feel angry.


With a loud roar, the entire body of the Nether blue cat suddenly burst out a burst of icy air, shaped like ripples, and erupted in all directions.For a while, the air temperature in the vicinity became extremely cold under this airflow, like an ice cellar, and ice crystals formed on the ground.

However, such a cold air current has no effect in front of the bull's head.When the air flow came in front of Niutou, for some reason, it was difficult to take another step, and was blocked, forming an oval ice layer in midair.


Faced with the Nether blue cat's display of power, Niutou was a little upset, so he snorted.

The moment his voice broke out, the ice crystal in front of the bull's head made a series of crackling noises, not only that, even the ice cubes on the ground made such a sound.Immediately afterwards, whether it was the ice cubes standing in the air on that side or the ice cubes on the ground, they all broke apart at the same time.

Facing such a powerful bull head, the Nether blue cat felt the danger coming.However, it won't back down no matter what, because it is under Long Fei's control, unless Long Fei lets him escape, otherwise, it will absolutely not be able to escape.And Long Fei needed the Nether blue cat to hold back the bull's head, so it could only fight on.

Seeing the bull's head bounce back its icy air, the Nether blue cat didn't show any weakness, and opened it with an angry roar.Immediately afterwards, it rushed towards the bull's head.

Niutou also didn't care about this at all, and swung the trident in his hand, fighting with the Nether blue cat.

On the other side, the horse's face was injured by Long Fei, he was so angry that he no longer held back his hands and used his real strength.For a moment, terrifying energy fluctuations erupted from his body continuously, like a volcanic eruption, and the momentum was terrifying, even the life leader couldn't match it.

Looking at the horse's face, Long Fei didn't hesitate at the moment, after all, if he waited any longer, there would only be a dead end.The only solution for now is to take this Profound Truth Seed. I hope that this Profound Truth Seed, like the legend, can practice instant martial arts to perfection.

Thinking of this, Long Fei shifted his gaze to the Profound Truth Seed in his hand, and without stopping, he directly put the Profound Truth Seed into his mouth.

However, at the moment Long Fei was about to devour the esoteric seeds, a thorn pierced towards his throat, forcing Long Fei to stop his swallowing action, and quickly swung the illusion sword in his right hand. rise.


In an instant, there was a sound of metal clashing, just like that.

At this time, Long Fei saw that Ma Mian's eyes had turned white, without any scum, just like a lotus flower that emerged from the mud without being stained.

Not only that, the aura on Ma Mian's body became extremely gloomy, like a monster under the Nine Netherworld, with bursts of dead air all over his body, like four people.Moreover, Ma Mian's upper body became abnormally thick, and his arms, shoulders, and waist became thicker.

"Boy, I will let you know how serious the consequences of angering me are!"

At the same time as the words sounded, the long knife in Ma Mian's hand was pressed forward fiercely, and then swept away forcefully, just like blowing a wind blowing away fallen leaves, just like that, Long Fei was struck horizontally.

With a whoosh, Long Fei's body quickly flew backwards.

At this moment, the horse-faced figure disappeared immediately, and suddenly appeared in front of Long Fei, and the long knife in his hand slashed across.However, he used the back of the knife because he didn't want to kill Long Fei so quickly.


Long Fei's body turned to the left again, and flew away quickly.

"Bang bang bang!"

The horse's face hardly stopped, just like this, he moved his body quickly, and hit Long Fei's body hard with the back of the knife one after another, making Long Fei fly back and forth like a ping pong ball.

No matter where he was hit on the body, Long Fei's left hand was tightly holding the Profound Truth Seed, without letting go.After all, this Profound Truth seed is a life-saving straw, if it falls, Long Fei will really die.

However, the horse face didn't give Long Fei a chance to breathe. That's why Long Fei didn't even have time to eat the seeds of the profound meaning. It can be imagined how frequently the horse face attacked.


After chopping several times in a row, the anger in Ma Mian's heart finally vented, the strength on both arms increased sharply, and then they slammed heavily on Long Fei's body.


With a whoosh, Long Fei flew over quickly and landed heavily on the ground.The flat ground was cracked into cracks of different sizes by Long Fei.


A mouthful of blood spit out from Long Fei's mouth again and again.

After spitting out three mouthfuls of blood in a row, Long Fei's face suddenly turned pale, and the aura on his body became much weaker as a result.

However, because of this, Long Fei got a chance to breathe.At this moment, Long Fei didn't think too much, he just wanted to stuff the Profound Truth Seed in his mouth.

Just like that, Long Fei glanced at the horse's face and saw that he was walking slowly step by step, so Long Fei continued to get up, and took advantage of the situation to stuff the Profound Truth Seed in his left hand into his mouth.

As soon as the esoteric seed fell on the tongue, it automatically burrowed down the throat, like a piece of ice crystal, slipping into Long Fei's belly.

At this moment, the esoteric seeds suddenly erupted with rays of light, and immediately after that, strands of unimaginable esoterics also radiated from the seeds.

Along with the profound meaning of martial arts, Xiaguang began to penetrate into Long Fei's muscles.Immediately afterwards, through the muscles, it penetrated into Long Fei's tendons and bones, poured into the skin of the tendons and so on.

This martial arts mystery began to fuse with every cell in Long Fei's body.In just one breath, a powerful force filled Long Fei's body, making Long Fei feel as if he had inexhaustible power.

At this moment, the wound on Long Fei's body was healed instantly by the power of the Profound Truth Seed, which was many times faster than the healing speed of the life energy swallowed by the real dragon battle soul. It was just a blink of an eye. I fully recovered.

At this moment, Long Fei suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed quietly from Long Fei's eyes.

"It's up to you!"

Long Fei was determined to see it, and immediately stepped forward with the steps of "Nine Turns of Dragon Realm".

The moment he took this step, Long Fei's eyes closed uncontrollably.

At this moment, the horse face suddenly came to Long Fei.

Originally, he was still walking step by step, but when he felt the energy fluctuations erupting from Long Fei's body, he rushed over with a swipe, raised the long knife in his hand, and pointed the back of the knife towards Long Fei's chest Bombarded away.

At the same time, in Long Fei's mind, various thoughts and steps about "Nine Turns of the Dragon Realm" flashed quickly, and these flashed through Long Fei's eyes like a slideshow.

One move after another, one step after another, one turn after another...

After taking a step, Long Fei's body stopped mysteriously, and his eyes were full of the movement steps of "Nine Turns of Dragon Domain".

Turning away, I have already practiced it, and now I have reached the state of perfection.

The second turn is close, and it has been practiced, and now it has reached the state of perfection.

Three micro-turns, perfect state.


Just like that, after Long Fei took a step with the footwork of "Nine Turns of the Dragon Field", before he even had time to breathe, Long Fei actually reached the seven-turn step in a short period of time. Perfect state!

Not only that, the horse-faced long knife was held high in the air, and it has not fallen down yet, but Long Fei's movement has miraculously reached the seventh turn under the evolution of the seeds of profound meaning.

This "Nine Turns of Dragon Realm" has a total of nine turns, one turning far, three turning near, fourth turning virtual, fifth turning mysterious, sixth turning spirit, seventh turning Fa, eight turning immortal, nine turning Dao, and the latter turning two turns of immortal and Dao However, even the seeds of Profound Truth couldn't train Long Fei successfully in an instant, so it can be seen that the power of these two rounds is really not small.

Of course, this "Nine Turns of Dragon Realm" is also extraordinary, otherwise, the seeds of profound truths would not be, and they would not be able to help Long Fei learn all of them.

Long Fei would choose the movement method of "Nine Turns of the Dragon Realm" instead of powerful martial arts.There is a reason for this. After fighting against Ma Mian, Long Fei knew his own deficiencies in body skills, and knew even more that even if he possessed the martial skill of Dapeng Golden Wings, which quickly increases his speed, he was still no match for Ma Mian. speed.

Therefore, it is an unwise choice to simply enhance martial skills.After all, no one is going to stand still for you to kill.Long Fei also realized this, that's why he chose "Jiuzhuan Longyu".

As soon as the "Nine Turns of the Dragon Realm" was completed, Long Fei's eyes suddenly opened.

However, the moment he opened his eyes, a long knife slashed towards him fiercely.

Originally, the speed of the horse's face was so fast in Long Fei's eyes that it was difficult to catch the shadow.However, at this moment, in Long Fei's eyes, the horse face's long knife was so slow.

At that moment, Long Fei's left foot moved slightly, his upper body turned slightly, and the whole body easily dodged the horse's face attack.

This process didn't even take a second!
Seeing such a scene, the horse stared blankly for a moment, then stared at Long Fei with fiery eyes, and slashed away fiercely with the long knife in his hand.Not only that, this time the long knife is no longer the back of the knife facing Long Fei, but the blade, the sharp blade!
Looking at the long knife coming towards his face, Long Fei saw all the directions of the knife again, as if all the attacks on the horse's face fell into his grasp at this moment, with such a wonderful feeling, Long Fei never Haven't felt it.

He turned around lightly again, moved his position, and easily dodged the horse face's attack again.

While dodging Ma Mian's attack, Long Fei didn't stop in his footsteps, stepped on it again and again, and suddenly appeared beside Ma Mian, and then swished the Illusion Sword in his hand.


The Illusion Sword fiercely sliced ​​through one of Mamian's arms, and white blood spewed out like a fountain in the ground.


The cry of pain also came from Ma Mian's mouth, and his left hand was lying quietly on the ground at this moment, motionless.

After the transformation of the Profound Truth Seed, Long Fei's stamina suddenly improved, and his strength underwent an earth-shaking change!
(End of this chapter)

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