The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 278 Chaos scene

Chapter 278 Chaos scene
Zisu originally thought that Long Fei would really let Young Master Xing go, but after seeing Long Fei kill him, she also breathed a sigh of relief.However, when Young Master Xing used Meng Lan's information to seduce Long Fei, and when he heard Long Fei's reply, Zi Su couldn't help but feel angry.

She herself didn't know why she disliked Long Fei so much and cared so much about Menglan. Moreover, she also knew that Senior Sister Menglan was the most beautiful woman in the world, and her cultivation talent was even more perverted. When she thought that Long Fei cared so much about Menglan , Zisu's heart became inexplicably angry.

Naturally, Long Fei didn't know what Zisu was thinking, and after dealing with Young Master Xing, he took his hidden ring and walked towards Zisu.Seeing Zisu standing upright, Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "The matter has been settled, shall we go inside?"


Zisu pouted, stared, and snorted.

Looking at the back of Zisu walking in, Long Fei couldn't help feeling helpless, "What's wrong?"

Zi Su also ignored Long Fei and walked forward like this.However, after she walked a few steps, she found that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her, so she couldn't help but glanced back slightly, and found that Long Fei was standing there, Zisu cursed inwardly: "Idiot, Haven't caught up yet!"

Although she thought so in her heart, Zisu didn't have the slightest intention to stop, and continued to walk forward.But Long Fei saw Zisu's behavior like this, so he had no choice but to walk over after being stunned.However, Long Fei always kept a distance from Zisu, but no two of them walked side by side.

"stupid stupid stupid!"

As Zisu walked, she cursed in her heart.

Sensing Zisu's mood swings, Lihen Shenniao immediately rolled his eyes, shook his head, and thought, "Oh, this human woman is so strange, like us birds, she fell in love with it and went to courtship, and then It's just the bridal chamber, it's so hard..."

Just like that, Long Fei and Zisu didn't say a word along the way.As for Long Fei, he didn't know what to say to Zisu, so he didn't say anything at all, so as not to be looked down upon by her; as for Zisu, he was angry in his heart, although he hoped that Long Fei would talk to her, he would not step out of this place first. step.

So, Long Fei and Zisu came to the depths of the valley one after another.

Here, there is a large square, surrounded by high mountains. Above the square, there are treasures floating in the sky, most of the artifacts, pieces of faint light, lingering on the top of these artifacts. People can't help but feel moved when they see it.

"Zisu, do you know what they are doing?"

After entering the square, Long Fei saw a person standing still like this, but each of them raised their heads and stared at the babies floating in the air.


Hearing Long Fei calling her, Zisu snorted, and after a few breaths, she also said: "They are all waiting for these weapons to be lifted, if there is not a layer of powerful restrictions on the surface of these weapons, Do you think they will wait so quietly?!"

Hearing this, Long Fei suddenly realized why they behaved like this.For example, in the place of the evil saint before, Long Fei, You Jichun and others spent a lot of effort to break the restriction that time, so it can be seen that these restrictions cannot be underestimated.

Among these people, it is not that there are no strong people in the Void Martial Realm, but even they cannot break such a restriction, so they have to wait quietly.However, at this moment, the eight stellar weapons suspended in the air erupted with a burst of intense light, and circles of ripples that were difficult to see with the naked eye surged out from these stellar weapons.

Although everyone's naked eyes cannot detect the energy ripples emitted by these stellar weapons, everyone's soul thoughts are emitted outside, and they can also perceive these transparent energy fluctuations.That's why, at this moment, almost everyone became excited, and all the weapons in their hands were tightly held.

Because, they all know that these treasures that are blessed on the stellar weapons have begun to loosen. Once the restrictions on these stellar weapons are completely released, then they will be able to seize these stellar weapons.

"Quick, let's go there!"

Sensing the emergence of this wave of fluctuations, Zisu opened her eyes sharply, and her dissatisfaction with Long Fei disappeared immediately, and she ran forward holding Long Fei's hand like this.Although Long Fei also felt the energy fluctuations in the air, Long Fei didn't know what was going on.

After all, Long Fei had never experienced the abnormality here, so it was normal that he would not know about it.

"Zisu, wait, wait first."

Long Fei noticed that the faces of the people around were so excited and excited, and the eyes staring at the floating objects in the air had changed, so he also guessed that the ripples just now, maybe It has something to do with those gangsters in the air.

Called by Long Fei, Zisu hurriedly said: "These weapons will be snatched away later."

Long Fei didn't care how impatient Zisu was, he turned back and grabbed Zisu directly, preventing her from running forward.At the same time, Long Fei also said: "Don't worry, just listen to me."

It was also at this moment that Zisu realized that her hand was being held tightly by Long Fei, and the two of them held hands without the slightest distance.Almost at the same time when he discovered this situation, Zisu's heart was startled, his heart beat faster, and he pulled his hand back with a swish. Zisu lowered his head, not daring to look at Long Fei again.

Finding that Zisu withdrew her hand, Long Fei suddenly felt an inexplicable loss in his heart. The soft touch before made Long Fei feel a sense of fantasy.

After the two of them were silent with each other for a few seconds, Long Fei said: "I guess the restraint on the stellar weapon has begun to loosen, and there will definitely be chaos here. If we rush over now, we will only It's no good getting into chaos."

Hearing Long Fei's analysis, Zisu also felt that there was some truth, so she suppressed the frenzied emotions in her heart, and then said: "Then what do you think we should do now, so that we can be in the hands of so many people?" Grab the Gang Weapon?"

Long Fei looked up at the sky for a while, pondered for a while, and then said: "Wait, only when the opportunity arises can we obtain greater benefits with the least damage."

Although Long Fei has a good strength now, but before he met Wu Xin, Long Fei didn't want to show his strength prematurely.At that time, if Wu Xin hears some troubles and leaves here, the loss outweighs the gain.Although these stellar weapons are good, Long Fei does not lack them, and now Long Fei's strength is already enough to display the true power of the five qi good fortune cauldron. What other stellar weapons can compare to this What about the five-qi good fortune tripod that fell from the magic weapon to the super tool?

So Long Fei is not in a hurry to snatch these weapons floating in the air, but he doesn't want to, it doesn't mean that Zisu doesn't want to, Zisu knows that Long Fei has the strength to kill Jing Hua, as long as Long Fei makes a move, there is no one here Being able to stop Long Fei came to this point, Zisu asked suspiciously: "Why do we have to wait, as long as you are willing, isn't the tool here just for you to take?"

Hearing this, Long Fei smiled, but didn't say much.Zisu saw that Long Fei didn't tell the reason, so she didn't continue to entangle, because she knew some things, since the other party didn't want to talk about it, there was no need to press on.

Therefore, at this moment, Zisu and Long Fei did not rush forward, but stayed in place quietly, watching the mutated weapons in the sky.

And the people around were deeply attracted by the fluctuations emitted by these weapons. Many people's minds changed at this moment. device.All of a sudden, all kinds of calculations appeared in the hearts of many people.

However, at this moment, the star weapon suspended in the air suddenly burst into pieces of dazzling light, like needles, piercing people so hard that they couldn't open their eyes.However, when everyone opened their eyes, they saw those weapons flying in the air like birds.

"The ban has been lifted, haha!"

"I've been staring at that sword for a long time, and now I finally have the chance to make a move!"

"Grab it, you must grab it, and you must not let others reach it first!"

Immediately, the moment the people around saw that these weapons were lifted, most of them started to move and flew into the air. Everyone was either stepping on a weapon, or had various treasures, or was on foot. Flying, all kinds of snatching flying methods are fully displayed at this moment.

These people, like hungry wolves snatching food, rushed over like a race against time, for fear that these good things would be snatched away by others, the desire for possession in their hearts had already occupied them Brain, so that they didn't have to think at all during this time, they only knew to snatch the fancy weapon.

Because of this, those people rushed up like bulls, and suddenly, the space fell into chaos. There are only eight weapons here, but there are not only eight people around. The weapon has aroused the jealousy of many people, and everyone wants to take it for themselves.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom bang bang..."

"Asshole, this weapon is mine. If you want it, you have to ask me about the knife in my hand!"

"Ugly words come first, if you dare to rob me, prepare to die first!"

"Luo Yuan, I never thought you would sneak up on me just because of this weapon!"

"You can't blame me, who told you to block my way..."

Because of this, voices resounded in the originally silent space. Many radiant martial arts, like pear blossoms in the night sky, bloomed from the sky, and the bursts of strange noises were like thunder. Roaring, shouting, shouting, all kinds of roaring sounds, shouting from their mouths again and again.

In order to compete for these weapons, what kind of relationship is already vulnerable like confetti at this time, everyone just wants to get that piece of weapons, everyone just wants to improve their own strength Come up, let's show off in Inner Gate Island in the future. After all, strength is the source of everything, whether it is money or power, even women can get it.

Under such temptation, the so-called fellowship is no longer what it is.

However, there were still some people who didn't rush forward so enthusiastically, they were just like Long Fei, quietly waiting for the opportunity to appear.It was also at this moment that Zisu finally understood the meaning of what Long Fei said, and knew that if he rushed up just now, not only would he not be able to get the Gang Weapon, but he would also be caught in a melee.

However, among these people who did not rush forward, there was a person whose eyes were fixed on Long Fei, his eyes were full of undisguised killing intent. the No. [-] man, Wu Huang, who wanted Long Fei's life very much.

(End of this chapter)

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