The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 285 Heavy Chapter Blood Evil Cave

Chapter 285 Returning to the Blood Fiend Cave
In this way, Zisu was handed over to the care of the old doctor, and Long Fei left the medical room with Lihen Shenniao.As for the head of life and the people from Tongtian City, they also left with Long Fei.

However, before Long Fei left, he was called by the First Elder and the Second Elder to talk.Didn't say anything, just talked about some irrelevant topics, and then it was gone.


The Godly Bird of Lihen standing on Long Fei's shoulder was in a very depressed mood at this moment. Although it was standing on Long Fei's shoulder, its head drooped down without any strength. Powerless.

"Little guy, I will definitely save your master!" Long Fei said firmly, looking at the road ahead.


Feeling the determination in Long Fei's heart, Lihen Shenniao raised his head and let out a loud cry.

"I'll let you enter the five-qi fortune-telling cauldron, and you can absorb the five-element spiritual fluid inside, so you can improve my strength!" Long Fei said.

Hearing this, Lihen Shenniao cried out with a beep.

As soon as he moved his mind, the Five Qi Fortune Cauldron burst out of Long Fei's body, and then swallowed the Lihen Divine Bird into it.

Putting away the Five Qi Good Fortune Cauldron, Long Fei continued to walk forward.

"I'm only one step away from the Void Martial Realm, first go to Xuesha Cave to improve my strength, and then go to Leizhou to find the Three Soul and Seven Soul Fruits!"

With certainty in his heart, Long Fei didn't hesitate, and went towards the blood evil cave.

Through the teleportation array, Long Fei followed the group of people who came to Xuesha Cave to Zhenwu Mountain.

After a while, a figure flew from the distant sky.

"Wow, flying in the void, you are a strong man in the Void Martial Realm!"

"It's awesome, I finally met a strong man in the Void Martial Realm."

"Wow, this person is still a woman!"

"is her?"

Seeing the visitor, Long Fei thought secretly.

The person who came was none other than Senior Sister Lin Xialin who came to pick up Long Fei and others last time.

Lin Xia saw this group of juniors and juniors in the air, her eyes widened sharply on her originally calm face, "It's him, Junior Brother Long Fei?"


Lin Xia flew to the ground, and everyone shouted.

Long Fei looked at Lin Xia, and Lin Xia also glanced at him, and then Long Fei saw that Lin Xia was doing exactly the same thing as before, and Long Fei didn't point it out, and followed the crowd all the way to Xuesha Cave fly away.

Long Fei didn't deal with other people either, and flew forward on his own.As for the others, when they saw Long Fei, it was as if they saw an iceberg, so naturally they would not automatically talk to Long Fei.

As for Lin Xia, at this moment, she was completely amazed, "Long Fei was still in the low-level realm of martial arts, how come he has reached the high-level realm of martial arts in just over half a month?! This The speed of improvement is too fast, right?!"

Surprised in her heart, Lin Xia didn't say much, she just flew ahead, leading the team.

I don't know how long it took to fly, and suddenly there was a loud roar from the woods ahead... "Roar!"


However, after this roar, there were many more roars coming out of the dense forest.

Whether it was Long Fei or Lin Xia, after hearing these roars, they stopped, and those who were only in the lower and middle ranks of martial arts also stopped.

At this moment, a tiger covered in pitch black and with white floating clouds came out step by step from the forest with a majestic majesty, looked up at Long Fei and the others, extremely provocative He opened his bloody mouth wide, "Roar!"

This roar of the tiger roared endlessly, fully revealing the terrifying aura of the roar of the tiger shaking the mountains.

"Magic Cloud Tiger!"

Those people who only had the realm of martial arts, seeing this Mo Yunhu whose strength had reached the realm of false martial arts, trembled with fright, and all timidly approached Lin Xia, leaving Long Fei standing alone. land.

However, just after the Demon Cloud Tiger came over, six smaller tigers also walked out of it. These few Tigers who had just walked out did not have the strength of the Realm of False Martial Arts, they were just The cultivation base of the realm of open martial arts.

However, among the same level, humans are generally not opponents of monsters. That's why they are so worried and fearful. Even Lin Xia, her face is extremely serious at this moment.


The Demon Cloud Tiger roared and flew towards the air.

Facing Mo Yunhu, whose strength was similar to her own, Lin Xia didn't know much about it, so she quickly shouted: "I'll stop it, you guys hurry up!"

Also at this moment, Lin Xia saw Long Fei at the side out of the corner of her eyes, and couldn't help but hurriedly called out: "Junior Brother Long Fei, these people will be entrusted to you."

Hearing this, Long Fei didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

The Demon Cloud Tiger flew up, opened its mouth wide open, and a cluster of black light suddenly flashed out.Seeing this black light, Lin Xia didn't dare to be careless, and the energy in her body was activated again and again.

However, this is not the case. On the surface, Moyunhu is rushing towards Lin Xia, but its real targets are those whose strength does not reach the realm of vain martial arts.


In an instant, that ray of black light, like a cannon piercing through the sky, bombarded those people with a bang.

"not good!"

Originally, Lin Xia thought that Mo Yunhu was coming towards her, but she didn't expect this Mo Yunhu to be like this.Immediately, Lin Xia wanted to go to the rescue, but unfortunately, Lin Xia's speed could no longer catch up, even if these people were behind her, it was useless.

Don't forget, they are in the air at the moment, and Mo Yunhu is below them. For Mo Yunhu, whether it is Lin Xia, Long Fei, or others, they are all targets that can be attacked. Like shooting a bird with a gun, a group of birds are flying in the sky, no matter how high or low it is, they can hit that if they want to.




Some timid people, when they saw the pitch-black light, immediately shouted in terror. Fear had already made their bodies tremble involuntarily, and cold sweat had quietly leaked out of them unconsciously.

"Thunderbolt Dragon Kill!"

However, just as the fire was imminent, a low shout rang out suddenly.Immediately afterwards, a ray of purple light flashed out in a flash, and precisely bombarded Moyunhu's black beam of light.


This black beam of light was like a scourge in the eyes of others, but such an astonishing black beam of light suddenly burst, and immediately after, a tall and tall figure appeared in the eyes of everyone under the countless black lights.

"Ah! Saved, we are saved!"

"Who is that man? Could it be that he saved us?!"

"This person seems to be the person Senior Sister Lin just mentioned, Long Fei?!"

"Long Fei? Such a familiar name, who is Long Fei?"

"Long Fei is the No.1 of this year's newcomers, and he's even surpassed your five major cities to win the top three geniuses!"

"Wow... so handsome!"

Seeing Long Fei destroy Mo Yunhu's black beam of light, Lin Xia breathed a sigh of relief. If something happened to them, she would be very responsible.However, at this moment, Lin Xia woke up suddenly, opened her eyes wide, and stared at Long Fei, "He...he didn't have any injuries on his body! His breath is not messy! How is this possible, Mo Yun Tiger has the strength of the Void Martial Realm!"

Discovering this fact made Lin Xia involuntarily surprised.

However, after she was surprised, she couldn't help but shook her head, "Forget it, Junior Brother Long Fei is already very mysterious, and when his strength is in the upper realm of chemical weapons, he can easily kill those who are in the realm of open martial arts." His Flying Leopard has now reached the upper rank of Kaiwu, so it is estimated that Mo Yunhu is not his opponent, this pervert is really not human!"


Seeing that this human boy ruined its good deed, the Moyunhu couldn't help roaring, and was ready to launch another offensive to kill this group of humans, so that its children could eat the flesh and blood of these good humans .

But when the Moyunhu was about to attack, Long Fei stared fiercely, and a murderous aura was like a thick dark cloud, and he rushed towards the Moyunhu overwhelmingly, and shouted like a thunder: "Go away! "

Mo Yunhu, who was still aggressive at first, was scolded by Long Fei with such a stare and reprimand, he shrank his head slightly like a turtle, turned his head sharply, and ran into the woods with a whoosh sound, while the rest of Mo Yunhu He didn't dare to stay here, and also ran into the woods.

"Brush brush..."

In an instant, no matter whether it was Lin Xia or the others, they turned their heads violently, and stared at Long Fei with wide-open eyes. Everyone's eyes were full of indescribable shock!

"Isn't this Long Fei too scary? That's Mo Yunhu, Mo Yunhu whose strength has reached the realm of imaginary martial arts! To be run away by him just like that?! Isn't this incredible?!"

"Wow, he's so handsome. When I can have such a skill, it will be so cool."

"This person is really not simple. Damn, he's so awesome!"

Lin Xia opened her mouth wide in surprise, staring at Long Fei, forgetting the purpose of her trip.

"Senior Sister Lin, we can go."

After finishing speaking, Long Fei didn't care about the others, and flew forward directly.

Lin Xia just woke up, shouted, and hurriedly flew towards Long Fei.

In fact, the reason why this Moyunhu was dismissed by Long Fei was not because of the murderous aura emanating from Long Fei's body, but because of the beast spirit in Long Fei's body.No matter how strong Moyunhu is, it is not a divine beast.As for Long Fei's body, he had already awakened two bloodlines of real dragon and phoenix, so that when Long Fei exuded his aura, the aura of the divine beast was also mixed in and revealed.

The breath of this divine beast may not have any effect on humans, but it is different for monsters.Just like that, the Moyunhu thought it had encountered a real dragon or a phoenix, so it was frightened and ran away.

This time, Long Fei walked ahead, and no matter what monster he encountered, he directly killed it with sword energy and heart fire, making Lin Xia and the others watch like this, being tortured time and time again, until they came to the bloody monster. At the moment of the evil hole, they were already numb. No matter what level of monster Long Fei killed, they all had a common thought: it's too normal!
In the Xuesha Cave, Long Fei asked Lin Xia where Elder Xueyi was, and then parted ways with the others.On the way, I met Zhang Xun and others. However, in the face of Long Fei's powerful and terrifying strength, the strength of Zhang Xun and others' three-legged cat kung fu is really not enough. Get down.

However, Zhang Xun's shouts attracted Zhou Shi.When Zhou Shi saw Long Fei coming, he didn't care how Zhang Xun and the others slandered Long Fei, and left with a single sentence: If you want to move him, then you should move Elder Xue Yi first.

Hearing this, Zhang Xun and others were all petrified, and stood in place with their mouths wide open in surprise.

"If you want to move him, then move Elder Xueyi first..."

This sentence, like a succubus, lingered in their minds every second...

In the end, Zhang Xun yelled angrily, "Damn it! I actually hugged such a big tree!"

(End of this chapter)

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