Chapter 294

Long Fei was also driven by curiosity. Seeing that these people who had not reached the realm of Void Martial Arts were able to fly in the sky, he immediately felt suspicious, and then he used his soul thoughts, wanting to see what is in this place the difference.

However, what Long Fei didn't expect was that just as the soul thought came out of his body, it attracted a special thing to penetrate into his body, making him in unceasing pain, as if thousands of insects were gnawing on his body. generally.

These special things that penetrated into Long Fei's body were also the ethereal Qi.

When these floating qi are fused with the human body, it is equivalent to tempering the body again, and has the effect of throwing metal into the furnace for tempering.It is also because of this that the other factions acquiesced in such actions of Zhenwumen.

After all, it is short to take people and short to eat people.

However, Zhenwumen also has selfish intentions. Although it seems that Zhenwumen is selfless to temper a better body for the elites of each faction, in fact, Zhenwumen also uses this method to investigate What is the talent of the true disciples.

Generally speaking, the faster the person can absorb the Piaomiao Guiqi, the shorter the time it takes, which proves that the person's talent is better.

And true disciples like Long Fei who haven't woken up after a few seconds have already been reduced to second-class talents.

However, just when everyone felt that Long Fei's talent was not very good, a strange situation happened.

In fact, after these misty returning qi entered Long Fei's body, within a second, they were completely combined with Long Fei's body.

However, Long Fei's body is different from others.

Because there is another creature in Long Fei's body... that is the evil boa constrictor that has transformed into a demon.

This evil boa constrictor used Long Fei's body as a house to live in, and never went out, like a snow bear spending the winter.

But just as the misty returning qi entered Long Fei's body, the evil python was stimulated to wake up.

This Piaomiaogui Qi is a kind of heaven and earth Qi that Zhenwumen has attracted from Heaven and Earth, and it is completely different from Yin and Yang Qi, evil Qi, evil Qi and other gases.

Those true martial arts disciples who have not reached the realm of virtual martial arts but are able to fly in the air are because their bodies have been transformed by Piaomiao Guiqi, making their bodies very light, but their quality has already undergone major changes .That's it, they can fly as long as they use the Piaomiao Guiqi in this space.

Piaomiaoguiqi is good, so naturally it can't escape the detection of the evil boa constrictor. At the moment, it doesn't care what Long Fei wants, and directly opens its mouth to suck up the Piaomiaoguiqi around it.

Originally, these misty returning qi were floating in the surrounding space, but because Long Fei's soul thought appeared outside, it became a bridge between his body and the outside world, so that the surrounding misty returning qi could enter Long Fei's body .

Therefore, those drifting qi were affected by the swallowing power of the evil qi python, and penetrated into Long Fei's body like a flood.

Aware of these situations, Long Fei felt helpless in his heart. He dared to feel that the evil python had made his own decisions again, just like when he touched it in the Blood Fiend Cave.

The Piaomiao Guiqi from the surroundings was poured into Long Fei's body continuously, making the Vice Sect Leader Zhang who was watching him stunned, and the corners of his mouth twitched again and again.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

This is the first time for Vice Sect Leader Zhang to encounter such a thing. No matter how talented a person comes here, he can only absorb a wisp of ethereal Qi at most, but...but the young man in front of him is like drinking water...wrong , this bastard is simply a whale sucking water!

Countless ethereal aura poured into Long Fei's body one after another, making the four true martial arts disciples completely dumbfounded
"It seems big... the big brother is not so exaggerated, is he?!"

"Who is this person? Isn't this too unbelievable?!"

"In the past five years, I haven't seen anyone like this!"

They all doubted whether Long Fei was human. After all, normal people, no matter how talented they were, would not have such a situation.

What they thought was indeed correct, it was the evil python that swallowed the ethereal qi.If it were the same as in the past, this evil boa constrictor would have been discovered if it had just swallowed the Piaomiao Guiqi here.After all, at this moment, Headmaster Linghu and Deputy Sect Master Zhang are by Long Fei's side, and they are both among the best in the mainland.

However, the evil boa constrictor finally sheds the evil breath after swallowing evil spirits, spiritual energy of the five elements, and yin and yang, and being burned by the inflammation of yin and yang deficiency, hell fire, and divine fire of the five elements.The evil boa constrictor at this moment is no longer the evil boa constrictor it was at the beginning, but a snake-like creature that doesn't know what it is.

Now it was swallowing Piaomiao Guiqi, and in the eyes of Master Linghu and Deputy Sect Master Zhang, it was Long Fei who was swallowing Piaomiao Guiqi, not someone else.

"Does this bastard really have such a good talent? Could it be that he is better than me?!" Wu Xin stared at Long Fei with a pair of fiery eyes, and secretly growled in his heart: "Impossible...Impossible! I He is the inheritor chosen by the Martial Saint, if Long Fei is really better than me, why was he not chosen at that time!"

"We must find an opportunity to kill him, we must! We must not let him continue to live!" In Wu Xin's heart, the seed of revenge quickly germinated. If this place is not suitable for revenge, otherwise, he would have done it long ago. up.

Not only him, but the Great Elder at the side looked at Long Fei with a gloomy face: "Suck it, try your best, in a few days, you won't have a chance to smoke anything anymore! As long as the contest of meeting friends with martial arts begins , Long Fei, you are dead! When the time comes, I will pluck your skin, draw your scriptures, and use your head to worship Xing'er!"

"When did such a freak appear in the Tongtian sect?!" Looking at Long Fei who was constantly sucking in the Piaomiao Guiqi, Deputy Sect Master Zhang felt distressed. But it's limited, and every time it gets these Piaomiao Guiqi, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources of Zhenwumen, the number is unimaginable.

The corner of Vice Sect Master Zhang's mouth twitched slightly, and he said in an uncomfortable voice: "Linghu...Senior Brother Linghu, what is the name of this disciple under your sect?"


"Oh shit!" Hearing Master Linghu's yell, Deputy Sect Master Zhang cursed involuntarily, and then heard him say: "His name is Long Fei."

"Long Fei?"

Deputy sect master Zhang read it meaningfully, and then looked at Long Fei again, seeing that the misty returning qi did not stop at all, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

This is the true martial arts training a physical body and its powerful disciples for the Tongtian sect for free. This is a bad deal...

However, when everyone was surprised by Long Fei's abnormality, Meng Lan's beautiful eyes showed a look of confusion, "Why, why is this, this feeling has become clearer, but why have I never I haven't seen him before, and I don't seem to have such a person in my memory?!"

Meng Lan's confusion was not because Long Fei was able to absorb Piao Miao Gui Qi like this, but only she knew what she was talking about.

Although most of the Piaomiaoguiqi was swallowed by the evil python, when these Piaomiaoguiqi entered Longfei's body, it had already continuously tempered Longfei's body, making Longfei's body, At this very moment, major evolutions are constantly taking place.

Originally, Long Fei's body had undergone an evolution when the phoenix bloodline was awakened, but now, this ethereal qi has made this evolution more thorough.

After a few minutes like this, the Piaomiao Guiqi within a radius of five meters in diameter that Long Fei was in had been completely swallowed up by the evil python, and Deputy Sect Master Zhang who noticed this situation , That heartache, I want to kill Long Fei, and let him spit out these ethereal Qi.

Also at this moment, Long Fei's body finally stopped shaking, and gradually calmed down, and those Piao Miao Gui Qi who were pulled over continued to play in this space because of this.

Feeling that the floating air around him had finally returned to normal, the heart of the deputy sect master finally relaxed, and he let out a deep breath, as if he had let go of the boulder hanging over his heart.

It's no wonder, except for Master Linghu, no one here knows the preciousness and value of Piaomiao Guiqi. After being sucked by Long Fei, at least more than 1 strands have been absorbed, which can provide more than 1 people with training skills. Piaomiaoguiqi... Think about it, the deputy sect master Zhang is so angry that he wants to rob head teacher Linghu.

Absolute genius!

Although his True Martial Sect is the leader of the six major factions in the Central Plains, he has never seen such a freak since he created the Misty Gui Qi. He envies Headmaster Linghu for getting such a genius as Long Fei The character is a disciple, and all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred suddenly rushed into the heart of deputy sect master Zhang.

"Unexpectedly, the potential of the world's number one fighting spirit is so great. It seems that my Tongtian faction has really found a treasure."

When Long Fei was sucking in the ethereal Qi, although Headmaster Linghu was not obvious, but his heart was shrewder than water, and he knew some details about Long Fei better than anyone else.However, this was just before, as for the rest of Long Fei, he didn't know.

Back then, when Long Fei first entered the Outer Gate Island, or even the Inner Gate Island, the rewards he got, whether it was spirit stones or points, would be deducted. These things were not caused by Wu Xin behind the scenes.

At that time, although Wu Xin had a certain status and influence in the Inner Gate Island, he was not qualified to authorize the various rewards of the Tongtian Sect, even if he was an elder, he was not allowed.

During the assessment of the outer disciples, Elder Fei Qin found out about Long Fei and reported Long Fei's matter to him. This absolutely restricted Long Fei's spiritual stone rewards, and the same was true for points.

It can also be said that these things were all done by Elder Fei Qin.However, Elder Fei Qin was also thinking of Long Fei, he wanted to let Long Fei know the difficulty of his cultivation.

The evil python finally stopped swallowing, and it hid in Long Fei's body again.

At this moment, Long Fei finally opened his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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