The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 300 The Appearance of the Old Men

Chapter 300 The Appearance of the Old Men
"Not bad! That's it!"

Renjue naturally knew that Mu Qing knew what was in his hands, otherwise, he wouldn't have taken it out.

This treasure is square, as tall as a palm and as long as it is divided into six sides, but there is a long gap on the front side, as if it is a door, which opens to both sides.Moreover, on this door, there are many patterns engraved, which are pictures of gods and beasts, such as dragons, phoenixes, tigers, etc., a total of 99 pictures.

Seeing this treasure in Renjue's hands, Mu Qing finally showed a serious look on his old face.

"Old man Mu, I didn't expect this Nine-Nine Divine Beast Mirror to appear in my hands, haha!" Seeing Mu Qing's heavy face, Ren Jue felt very relieved.


Mu Qing sighed and said: "Doom, really doom."

But the headmaster of the Zhenwu Sect at the side didn't know what the thing in the man's hand was, but it was not easy to ask the uncle at the moment, but from the expression on the face of the uncle, the headmaster Yuanji could also guess , this treasure is probably an extremely extraordinary magic weapon.

"Listen, people of the six factions, if it's still too late to surrender, you don't have that much patience!" Suddenly, this person shouted again, spreading this sentence to everyone's heart.

"Did you hear that just now?"

"After hearing that, even Patriarch Qingmu said that this time is doomed. It seems that it is really dangerous now."

"I'm still young, I haven't played with a lot of beautiful things, and I don't want to die yet!"

Under Ren Jue's deliberate arrangement, everyone present could hear what he said to Mu Qing.That's the case, everyone knows that the old masters of the Zhenwu Sect are full of jealousy towards the Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts, and let them know that this battle will be very difficult.

For a moment, these people who could not withstand the oppression of life and death quickly flew towards the place where the third hall was located.

This time, it was a member of Zhenwumen again.

After all, this place is the mountain gate of Zhenwumen, and people from other factions are either elders or the most powerful true disciples. Except for traitors like the Great Elder, there is no one who will rebel .

And some people who were not firm enough, when they saw those people fleeing, they finally couldn't bear it any longer, and followed their footsteps and flew forward to join the camp of the Three Halls.

"Haha! What Zhenwumen, what is the largest sect in the Central Plains, is it like shit in front of our three halls!"

"This is the so-called Six Great Sects of the Central Plains. They are simply inferior to pigs and dogs, haha!"

"It's too rubbish, not only the sect is rubbish, even the people of this sect are also rubbish!"

For a moment, some people in the third hall couldn't help shouting when they saw these rebellious Zhenwumen disciples, and these Zhenwumen disciples bowed their heads, their faces full of humiliation.

As for the Yuanji headmaster of Zhenwumen, watching those people fleeing one by one, there was nothing unusual on his face, just watching calmly.

After a while, the man shouted: "Okay! Since you are not afraid of death, I will show you what absolute strength is!"

As soon as the words fell, Renjue threw the Nine-Nine Divine Beast Mirror in his hand into the sky.

In an instant, bursts of intense and dazzling light burst out from this magic weapon.

The colorful rays of light emerged just like that.

For a moment, this Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts Mirror, shaped like the scorching sun in the sky, appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Stop him now!"

As soon as the words fell, Aoki took the lead in attacking the Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts.

However, his movements were still a step slower, someone was absolutely guarding him, and Aoki couldn't destroy the Nine-Nine Divine Beast Mirror no matter what.

Although the heads of the six major sects didn't know the power of the Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts, they saw that Aoki was so anxious, so they didn't hesitate and took action again and again.However, as soon as they made a move, the five great immortals and the Immortal King of the Killing Pavilion would naturally not just sit and watch, but also joined the battle circle and stopped the head teachers.

For a while, the scene gradually became chaotic, and the originally quiet two sides fought together again.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless roars, like firecrackers, rang out again and again.

"Whoosh whoosh..."


Countless rays of light also flashed out again and again, like a picture scroll, displayed in the eyes of everyone.


At this moment, the Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts suddenly burst into roars, there were dragons, tigers, cranes... All kinds of roars of beasts, like a piece of music, played here It rang.


Aoki raised his eyebrows when he heard the roar.

Immediately, a light curtain emerged from the Nine-Nine Divine Beast Mirror.This light curtain is like a mirror, with figures inside and reflections of the surrounding environment.However, it is strange to say that there are no members of the six major sects in the mirror, even people like the great elders do not appear in the mirror, let alone those true martial arts disciples who have just escaped to the third hall.

Immediately afterwards, the light curtain above the Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts suddenly flashed a ray of light, and thin transparent threads, like silk, drilled out of the mirror, and swam in the air like spirit snakes Moved, then found the figure in the mirror, and got into that person's body.



Waves of roars erupted from the mouths of the members of the Three Palaces again and again, and waves of powerful aura appeared like volcanic eruptions.

The auras of the people from the three halls merged with each other, forming a terrifying barrier that pushed back all the people from the six sects.

"Unexpectedly, this Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts Appraisal really appeared, and it's not a fake... Calamity, it's really the calamity of my true martial arts!" Looking at the blurred light curtain in front of him, Aoki looked much older in an instant.

The people in the third hall were protected by that imposing barrier, and the people from the six major factions couldn't attack at all, so everyone had to stop.However, at this very moment, everyone suddenly discovered that the Piaomiao Guiqi in the Piaomiao Secret Realm that Zhenwumen was proud of had passed away in large quantities, and was swallowed by the Nine-Nine Divine Beast Sword.

Seeing this situation, the head teacher of Zhenwu Sect couldn't stand still, he hurriedly came to Aoki, and asked respectfully and anxiously: "Master Uncle, this..."

Before the headmaster Yuanji finished speaking, Aoki raised his hand to stop him from continuing.After a while, Aoki said aloud: "Our True Martial Sect is able to surpass all factions because we have Piaomiao Guiqi."

After a pause, he continued: "At that time, we and the Sha Pavilion in the west discovered these Piaomiao Guiqi at the same time, but in the end, these Piaomiao Guiqi were obtained by our Zhenwumen, and their Shage Pavilion got ninety-nine The refining secret map of the Divine Beast.

The Nine Nine Gods and Beasts Mirror is made by refining the essence and blood of 99 kinds of beasts and their souls, plus some special materials such as Nine Heavens God Iron and Ten Thousand Zai Soul Stone.

Because it is too difficult to refine the Nine Nine Gods and Beasts, we chose Piaomiao Guiqi, which is beneficial to the overall development of our school.Who knew that the Sha Pavilion actually refined the Nine-Nine Divine Beast Appraisal.

The Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts have no special effects in other places, but here in our Misty Secret Realm, it has extraordinary abilities, because it needs to absorb a huge amount of heaven and earth energy, which cannot be satisfied by ordinary aura. Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts Sword, only special gas like Piaomiaoguiqi can activate Nine-Nine Gods and Beasts Sword.

Once the urging of the Nine Nine Divine Beast Appreciation is over, nine people will be selected from the crowd and turned into divine beasts.Moreover, those who were not selected, under the transformation of Piaomiao Guiqi, their cultivation base can be permanently raised by one level.That is to say, people who originally only had the upper level of virtual martial arts can easily reach the lower level of first martial arts after the transformation of the Nine Nine Gods and Beasts. "


The head teacher of Zhenwumen became more and more surprised the more he listened, and in the end he couldn't help being surprised.

Also at this time...


Waves of roars, countless roars louder and louder than thunder, resounded fiercely in this space.

The momentum barrier receded, and divine beasts appeared in the eyes of everyone, including dragons, unicorns, and phoenixes...

"Kunpeng! That's Kunpeng!"

Seeing the Kunpeng flying far away in the air, Long Fei's eyes suddenly opened wide.

Also at this time, Long Fei clearly felt that the strength of these people in front of him had changed, with a slight improvement, and almost everyone had made a breakthrough.

"what happened?!"

Realizing this situation, Long Fei was shocked.

"Boom boom boom..."

Also at this moment, those small islands that were originally suspended in the air by the floating return air suddenly burst into bursts of noise, and some even fell straight down, cracking countless boulders, and a burst of terrifying dust It rushed around like a tsunami.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this situation, Renjue smiled triumphantly and said: "Benjue said a long time ago, none of you True Martial Sect will survive today!"

And he continued: "No! It should be members of your six major factions, and they must all die here today!"


This angry snort came from the mouths of the head teachers of the six sects almost at the same time.

Suddenly, the six headmasters stood in front of everyone in the six factions.

"You six little guys, do you still want to do unnecessary struggles? In terms of the number of masters, your side can't compare with my killing pavilion. Besides, all six of you are injured, so what confidence do you have?" How dare you lose your temper in front of Ben Jue?!" Seeing the six of them, Ren Jue suddenly let out a soft snort, and rushed towards them with a sense of mystery.

"Boom bang bang..."

Renjue's martial arts profound meaning was destroyed by the joint efforts of the six masters.

"Impossible? Aren't you injured?!"

As soon as Renjue said this sentence, he stared at him fiercely, and shouted darkly: "You are not injured at all!"

"Not bad!"

The head teacher of Tianyi Palace said.

Immediately afterwards, the head teacher of the Tongtian Sect said: "We don't need to count, how can we find out the traitor that you killed and planted in our sect? Thank you!"


Hearing this, Renjue snorted and said: "Even if you are not injured, what can you do? Under the transformation of Jiujiu Shenshoujian, your six major factions have insufficient manpower, and you can't fight against us at all!"

"Ha ha!"

Immediately, the head teachers of the six major sects all laughed.

Immediately afterwards, one after another figures, as if traveling through time and space, appeared out of nowhere behind the headmasters.

At this moment, Long Fei saw the group of people behind Master Linghu.

These people all wore the same clothes, with the word "door" embroidered on their chests!

This...these people are the elders of Tongtian Sect!His status, rights, and strength are all superior to those of the elders of the islands!
(End of this chapter)

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