The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 303 The Power of the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword

Chapter 303 The Power of the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword
As for the Invisible Sky Dunjian, its sword spirit has just healed, so it naturally has a good impression or trust in familiar people or things.Compared with this Invisible Sky Escape Sword, it is not a dead thing, but a spiritual thing with spirituality.

As for the people present, except for Long Fei who practiced the Intangible Heavenly Sword Art related to the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword, no one had practiced it before.Also, the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword is a magic weapon that steals the way of heaven, and among the people present, except for the twin souls of heaven and earth in Long Fei's inner world who are closest to the way of heaven, no one has twin souls of heaven and earth in their bodies .

Therefore, the Invisible Sky Escape Sword automatically found it when it sensed Long Fei's sword energy and heart fire.At that time, although the experts from the various sects, as well as those from the Three Palaces, all set spells on the Invisible Sword to make it difficult for others to obtain the Invisible Sword, and at the same time wanted to prevent the Invisible Sword from escaping, but the people present were very impressed with the Invisible Sword. The understanding of the sword, there is no one who is very clear.

After all, this Invisible Sky Escape Sword has disappeared for countless years, and the world will know very little of it.

As soon as the Intangible Heavenly Dunning Sword appeared in front of Long Fei, that terrifying sword light was like countless arrows, forcing the Great Elder and the others not to take a step closer. They all had a feeling that as long as they If he dared to take another step, he would definitely be pierced by this terrifying sword light and die on the spot.

With such concerns, the Great Elder and the other members of the three halls all stopped intentionally.However, there was a man who made a sudden move!

He is not willing to share the benefits of killing Long Fei with others.


However, this man's killing intent had just started, and he was about to use his martial arts esoteric skills to blast and kill Long Fei.

But... but just when his intentions were revealed, a sword light flew towards him in a flash. Thinking that he was in the state of the lower ranks of martial arts, he didn't find this invisible sword light!


Just like that, this ray of sword light pierced through the brow between the eyes on the top of his head with a single swipe.


The words stuck in his mouth were not able to be uttered in the end, and he died like this.

Seeing this result, those who originally wanted to sneak attack Long Fei were all taken aback. They never expected that the might of this sword would be so terrifying.

A powerful man who is in the lower realm of martial arts and has already realized the profound meaning of martial arts, but he is no match for the ray of sword light of the Invisible Heavenly Dun Sword!

There was a look of jealousy in the eyes of the Great Elder, but he couldn't do anything about it. There was an invisible Sky-Dun sword beside Long Fei. If he rushed in, he would be courting death!
And Long Fei didn't know what happened just now. It can be said that at this moment, all of Long Fei's vigor and energy were attracted by the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword.

Long Fei just looked at the invisible Tiandun sword, at this looming divine sword.

Almost in disbelief, Long Fei raised his hand, and slowly stretched it towards the hilt of the Invisible Sky Escape Sword.

At this moment, Long Fei didn't feel any inappropriateness, nor any sense of danger, it if this sword was an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, this feeling was very mysterious.


Just when Long Fei was holding the Hilt of the Invisible Sky Escape Sword with both hands, the Intangible Sky Sword Art from the Blue Eyed Poisonous Python Pill suddenly became agitated in Long Fei's mind.It was originally an invisible sword art, but at this moment, these memories in his mind turned into words one by one, and flew out of Long Fei's mind.

The words from the Wuxing Tianjian Jue are like floating clouds, surrounding Long Fei and the Wuxing Tiandunjian, forming a mask, and pieces of rosy light are also shining up.

Immediately afterwards, these words from the Intangible Heavenly Sword Art flew into the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword one after another like moths to a flame. The halo comes.

Also at this moment, the Invisible Sky Dun Sword finally revealed itself...Long Fei was completely stunned seeing it.

What kind of sword is this? Long Fei has never seen such a perfect sword. The blade and hilt, from the tip of the sword to the end of the hilt, are so seamless, without the feeling of artificial casting at all. ...It seems that this sword was conceived by heaven and earth, born by heaven and earth, it is a child of heaven and earth, and it cannot be tempered by human beings at all.

Watching like this, watching quietly, at this moment, Long Fei was completely attracted, his mind was blank, and all he had was this flawless invisible Sky Escape Sword!
Words from the Intangible Heavenly Sword Art were poured into the Intangible Sword one by one... After the last word was integrated into the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword, the divine sword flashed with light.

In the next second, the sword completely disappeared, and the light curtain surrounding Long Fei and the invisible Tiandun sword also disappeared.

The people around saw the light curtain disappear, and then saw Long Fei, but none of them saw the Invisible Sky Dunging Sword.

The Intangible Heavenly Dun Sword finally completely returned to its previous state, and the sword spirit division was also at this moment, finally perfectly fused.

However, Long Fei was able to see this sword. In Long Fei's eyes, this Invisible Sky Escape Sword did not hide his figure at all, but hid in the gap in this space.

That's right, Long Fei was able to see through the space and see the position of the Invisible Sky Escape Sword!
This is not because Long Fei has the ability to see through the sky, but because he has established a mysterious and mysterious relationship with the Invisible Sky Dunging Sword, just like friends, this sword is his friend, and he is also this sword's friend.

Long Fei stretched out his hand to grab it forward, and it was on the hilt of the Invisible Sky Escape Sword.

However, at this moment, a huge energy aura suddenly came out from the invisible Tiandun sword, and this huge energy, like a mountain and a sea, instantly impacted Long Fei's inner world.

Stimulated by this astonishingly powerful energy, Long Fei's three major martial arts grew continuously.

In the blink of an eye, with the help of the vast ocean-like energy of the Intangible Heavenly Dunning Sword, Long Fei's cultivation was immediately raised from the low-level realm of virtual martial arts to the upper-level realm of virtual martial arts!

"It feels so good!"

Long Fei slowly opened his eyes, feeling the joy from the Intangible Heavenly Dunging Sword in his hand, Long Fei also smiled slightly.

The Great Elder watched this process, especially when he found that Long Fei's cultivation had increased to the realm of the upper class of virtual martial arts at this moment, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide, a feeling of fear, involuntarily out of his heart.

"He...has he been recognized by the Intangible Heavenly Dunjian?!"

Looking at Long Fei's breezy expression now, how could the Great Elder not have a general idea?

"Before, he had been unable to take him down. Now that he has received the help of the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword, his strength must have greatly increased. If he doesn't leave now, I'm afraid it will be too late!"

Thinking about it this way, although the Great Elder felt more unwilling, but under the threat of his life, he had no choice but to retreat.

However, just as he set off and was about to leave, a voice that sounded like a god of death came suddenly into the ears of the Great Elder.

"What? You don't want to kill me anymore, and you don't want to recover the blood debt for your grandson?"

Seeing Long Fei suddenly appearing in front of his eyes like a ghost, the Great Elder was so frightened that he couldn't help but backed away.

As for those people from the third hall who were lured by the great elder before, when they saw Long Fei, they all seemed to have encountered a ghost, and their bodies all involuntarily stepped back three steps.


Long Feihuan looked at it once, and then snorted softly: "Today, you people, don't even think about leaving alone!"

Speaking of this, Long Fei suddenly raised his voice, no matter whether it was the elder who had reached the pre-martial state, or the other disciples of the third palace, they all let out howling ghosts and howling wolves, and their painful expressions instantly filled their hearts. face.

Immediately afterwards, a string of raging fires flew out of their seven holes like this.

In a blink of an eye, whether it was the Great Elder or others, they all turned into a pile of dust.


When these people die, those hidden rings will appear in front of Long Fei's eyes. Naturally, Long Fei will not let these hidden rings go, especially the Great Elder who has stayed in the Tongtian Sect for decades. There must be a lot of wealth.Of course, Long Fei did not collect their hidden rings for money, but because of their identities!
They are all members of the Three Temples, presumably there are more or less things about the Three Temples in their hidden precepts, right?That's what Long Fei thought, and that's why he took their hidden ring.

After putting away all these hidden rings, Long Fei raised his eyes to look around.

It turned out that after the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword left, the experts of the six major sects discovered that the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword had fallen into the hands of a true disciple of the Tongtian Sect. They knew that the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword had not disappeared.As for the powerhouses of the third temple, how could they let the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword fall into Long Fei's hands, so they wanted to snatch the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword from Long Fei's hands.

But the masters of the six major sects naturally wouldn't let it go, and immediately continued to fight with the masters of the third hall.It was also because the experts from the six major sects blocked the masters from the third temple, that Long Fei was not disturbed when he fused with the Invisible Sky Dungeon Sword.

"People from the third hall, die!"

Knowing the current situation, as soon as Long Fei saw these people from the third hall who had killed his parents, his murderous aura surged, and he flew forward with a swipe.

"Sword Qi Heart Fire!"

After getting the Intangible Heavenly Dun Sword, the sword energy and heart fire become even more powerful, even in the realm of martial arts, it can't block the fierce power of the sword energy and heart fire!
"chi chi chi..."

Wherever Long Fei passed by, all the disciples of the third hall died under the sword energy and heart fire.

Because Long Fei was so ferocious, more than 600 disciples of the three halls died in a blink of an eye!
In just a few short breaths, the Three Palaces army, which originally had thousands of people, now only has more than 200 people left, and many of them rebelled from Zhenwumen.

"Who is this person? It's amazing!"

"Yeah, fortunately he is a member of our six factions, otherwise it would be dangerous."

"Why haven't I seen him before? Is he from your Zhenwumen?"

"No, judging by his attire, he should belong to the Tongtian school. However, he is so handsome, so mighty, and so majestic!"


With Long Fei's killing like a tiger like a wolf, and the reduction of the three halls, the people of the six major factions seemed to be more relaxed, which made more people pay attention to Long Fei.

Even so, the man couldn't help shouting angrily: "Withdraw!"

As soon as the words fell, Renjue moved his hands, and the ninety-nine beasts flashed a light, and then everyone disappeared.And the Nine Nine Divine Beast shrank fiercely, and finally turned into a speck of light, disappearing in everyone's eyes.

The three halls retreated, and the people from the six major factions did not chase after them. After all, although the people in the three halls were killed and injured, it can be said that it was a disastrous defeat, but the real strong men in the three halls are still alive. If they are really cornered, the consequences will be hard to say up.

However, at this moment, the five masters, Zhenwumen, Tianyigong, Shenzongyuan, Wuwei Sect, and Fenglai Pavilion, appeared next to Long Fei first, and finally, Zhangjiao Linghu appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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