The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 312 3 Conditions

Chapter 312 Three Conditions
The formation of sealing the sky and ten thousand swords that Qi Hai and others jointly displayed could not be broken by anyone present.However, at this time, this large formation suddenly burst into bursts of crackling sounds. This sudden change made Qi Hai, who was already furious, stop abruptly, while the hall masters of the other halls also raised their heads. Looking at this big formation.

At this moment, when Long Fei saw the space above his head, a gorgeous halo suddenly flashed, and immediately after this light curtain, cracks of various sizes appeared one after another, like a big picture. Like a spider web.

"This formation is about to break!"

Seeing this situation, Long Fei's eyes opened wide.

"As soon as this formation is broken, I will immediately use the vacuum escape to take Yechan out of here!"

Thinking of this, Long Fei stared at the sky tightly with his eyes, and Hun Nian vigilantly paid attention to the movement around him.

"what happened?"

"Who is breaking this formation?"

"Quick, stop it!"

For a while, Qi Hai and the others made repeated moves to resist, wanting to repair the Great Formation of Sealing Heaven and Thousand Swords.However, when the martial arts secrets of these people entered this large formation, they were shocked back by another more powerful and terrifying martial arts secret.

"Who is breaking this big formation, is it my aunt?"

Looking at the big formation in the sky, Long Fei thought to himself again: "No, no, my aunt doesn't know where I am, and looking at the formation, this martial arts secret is still somewhat insufficient compared to my aunt, who could it be?" ?”

Just as Long Fei was thinking wildly, a loud sound suddenly came from the sky... Kapeng!
This sound suddenly woke up Long Fei.

"good chance!"

Realizing that this large formation had been broken, Long Fei didn't stop, and immediately displayed the martial skill that comes with the Invisible Sky Dungeon Sword.

"Escape in a vacuum!"

With such a good opportunity, Long Fei naturally wouldn't miss it, quickly grabbed Ye Chan's hand, used the Invisible Sky Escape Sword, and escaped into the gap in space.

However, the moment Long Fei and Yechan entered the gap in the space, an arm made of martial arts esoteric swipe, the moment Long Fei led Yechan into the gap in the space, it also got in, and He also captured Long Fei and Ye Chan together.

Immediately afterwards, this big hand pulled vigorously, and even grabbed Long Fei and Ye Chan out of the space gap together.

"how is this possible?!"

Seeing that he came back here again, Long Fei opened his eyes suddenly and exclaimed in his heart.

In the next second, Long Fei saw people all around standing, and an old man who stood out from the crowd was suspended in the air.

Suddenly, there was a soft bang sound behind him, Long Fei looked back, only to see Ye Chan also kneeling down, her whole waist pressed down so low that she was almost touching the ground.

"Who is this old man?"

Seeing this person, Long Fei frowned and thought to himself.

"Little guy, how dare you come here to make trouble?!"

At the same time as these words sounded, a wave of martial arts secrets suddenly rushed towards Long Fei, like a rolling tide.


Being hit by this wave of martial arts profound meaning, Long Fei suddenly let out a muffled snort, and immediately after, the blood aura from the real dragon and phoenix spewed out, matching the aura of the roc's golden wings, repeatedly resisting the attack of the old man in front of him. Oppressed, he just didn't take a step back.


Seeing this situation, the old man's eyes flashed, and the momentum disappeared.

He watched Long Fei's transformation, pondered for a while, and then said: "Little guy, tell me, what are you doing here?"

Seeing that everyone around here, no matter whether it is Qi Hai or others, all kneel down to worship this old man, and this person's martial arts profound meaning is much higher than that of Qi Hai and others, it is not difficult to guess that this person must be He is a person with extremely high authority in Tianjianmen.

"Long Fei pays respects to senior."

After speaking, Long Fei also bowed slightly to the old man to salute, and then said: "Brother Hughes led me to the Heavenly Sword Gate because I got the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword. When I arrive at the Heavenly Sword Gate, I just found out that the woman I love the most, but because of me, returned home and suffered so much, suffered so much, the boy didn’t want her to suffer any more, so he came up with the idea of ​​robbing her, and invited the senior Perfect boy, spare Yechan, let me alone bear all the mistakes she made!"

"No, no, Great Elder, I did this by myself, it's my fault, regardless of what happened to Long Fei, please be aware of the details." Hearing Long Fei's words, Ye Chan felt moved, but more He was so frightened that he kept making noises, for fear that the Great Elder would blame Long Fei and take everything on himself.

"No! Senior, this is the younger generation's fault. It has nothing to do with Yechan. Please punish me, senior. Don't punish Yechan anymore." Hearing Yechan's words, Long Fei couldn't help but know that there was something wrong in her heart. What are you thinking about.

"All right."

The Great Elder spoke softly, but with extremely powerful force, he oppressed Long Fei and Ye Chan, making it very difficult for them both to speak again.

Seeing that both of them were quiet, the great elder of Tianjianmen said, "Little guy, since you want to pay for Yechan's crime, it's not impossible."


Long Fei said almost subconsciously.

However, after speaking, Long Fei realized that he could speak, and the pressure disappeared.

"Naturally, can this old man still lie to you, a young brat?!"

From the very beginning until now, Long Fei felt that the Great Elder did not have any killing intent on him. This feeling made Long Fei know that he did not come to embarrass himself at all.In fact, Long Fei didn't know that when he went to look for Ye Chan, that eye belonged to the Great Elder. In other words, the Great Elder had already known about Long Fei and Ye Chan.

"Then...then what should I do?" Long Fei asked impatiently.

Regarding this, the Great Elder smiled slightly, and then said: "It's very simple, exchange the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword in your hand, and I can bypass Yechan's crime."

"Okay! I'll hand over the Intangible Heavenly Dun Sword to senior, but senior must guarantee Yechan's safety, and this marriage has to be cancelled." Long Fei didn't even hesitate. Said aloud.

"It's incredible!"

"Madman, it must be a lunatic, and he agreed like this?!"

"It's not just a lunatic, it must be a fool. If it were me, how could I give up the best magic weapon in the world, the Invisible Sky Dungeon Sword, for the sake of a woman!"

When Long Fei said this, almost everyone's eyes were cast on Long Fei, with emotions of surprise, ridicule, doubt, etc...

"No! Elder, this is all my fault, I can't let Long Fei bear it!" When Long Fei was able to speak, Ye Chan was also able to speak.That's it, when she heard Long Fei's words, she forgot the rules, raised her head abruptly, and yelled at the Great Elder.

In this regard, Long Fei turned around and squatted beside Ye Chan, holding Ye Chan's face with both hands as if holding the most precious treasure in the world, looking at it tenderly, and then said: "Silly girl, In my heart, you are more important than anything else!"

Hearing this, Ye Chan couldn't hold back the tears anymore, "Long Fei..."

Long Fei smiled slightly, and hugged Yechan tightly in his arms.

Looking at Long Fei and Ye Chan hugging each other, the Great Elder showed a satisfied smile.

"No! Great Elder, Ye Chan and I have already discussed the marriage, we will get married today, no, I can't do this, and I ask Great Elder to make the decision for me!" Qi He on the other side was desperate He ran over, knelt down beside the Great Elder, and begged.

Hearing this, the Great Elder glanced at Qi He, and then said: "I ask you, if the Invisible Sky Escape Sword is on your body, are you willing to hand over the Invisible Sky Escape Sword for Yechan's sake?!"

Hearing this, Qi He hesitated, "The Invisible Heavenly Dungeon Sword is one of the most terrifying swords in the world; Yechan, Yechan..."

However, at this moment, the Great Elder suddenly said: "I have grown up with you two children, so I naturally hope that you two can get married. However, just because of your hesitation just now, it has already shown that Leaving Ye Chan in your heart is not the most important thing at all."

He continued: "Besides, your marriage is not your wish. My child, listen to my advice, a forced marriage is not sweet, and a forced marriage is not perfect... It's not yours, and it's not yours after all."

Hearing this sentence, Qi He fell silent.

At this time, Long Fei had already comforted Ye Chan, so he also stood up, without even looking at Qi He, he said directly: "Senior, I don't know how to terminate the contract with the Invisible Sky Dunging Sword, please tell me .”

Regarding this, the Great Elder just smiled slightly and said: "Boy, I see that you really like Yechan, so I will give you a chance to redeem your sins without using this Invisible Sky Escape Sword, but you must do three things .”

Hearing this, Long Fei frowned, "This..."

The Great Elder didn't give Long Fei any time to think, and continued: "The first one, we have a total of eight divine swords in Tianjianmen, you just need to find one more and hand it back; Reach the realm of Yuanwu within a year; the third thing is to fight against all the people of your same generation under my Heavenly Sword Sect, and you must win all of them."


Seeing the Great Elder say this, Long Fei frowned even deeper.

But after the Great Elder finished speaking, he showed a foxy smile and said, "Just now you said to use the Invisible Sky Escape Sword to replace Ye Chan's crime, and you asked me to guarantee Ye Chan's safety, and also asked me to cancel Qi Ye's two crimes." Tang's marriage..."

Hearing this, Long Fei's brows relaxed instead, and he looked at the Great Elder with a smile.

Seeing Long Fei's expression, the Great Elder paused in surprise, and then said the following words, "But I didn't agree just now, let Yechan marry you, I can also let Yechan marry you Others, as long as it is not Qihe."

(End of this chapter)

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