The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 317 Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword

Chapter 317 Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword

After the cruel man left, everyone rushed inside under Uncle Hong's shout.

The essence of thunder and fire, Long Fei also knows, is a kind of essence that can only be produced in places where the energy of thunder and lightning is particularly strong, and it has unimaginable effects for those who practice the way of thunder and lightning.

However, when Long Fei and his group were in Leilin, the group of people outside who were rushing towards Lin Kun also came outside of Leilin, but they just followed along and did not enter. To this piece of thunder forest.

Just as the group of Long Fei and that ruthless man were walking in, the people headed by that guardian also walked into Leylin.

As for Long Fei and the others, they rushed forward quickly.

Not long after, trees surrounded by lightning appeared in everyone's eyes.

These trees are different from the previous ones, that is, their color is darker, they all look black, and the purple lightning, like electric snakes, lingers on these trees, making a hissing sound The sound makes people dare not approach the past.

Entering this area, Long Fei immediately felt a strong aura.

Long Fei looked at the source of this energy, "Uncle Hong turned out to be a strong man in the realm of martial arts, I really didn't expect it."

This is indeed the case. When he was in Baiyun Town, Uncle Hong was the butler of Long Fei's family, but who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary butler was actually a strong man in the realm of martial arts?

In fact, Uncle Hong has already reached the state of Xianwu superiority, but he has been stuck at this level and cannot break through, otherwise, he has already reached the state of Yuanwu.It's a pity that after reaching the state of Xianwu, it becomes more difficult to climb up.

And after Uncle Hong, the three masters of the Void Martial Realm also displayed their own aura, because this is where the spirit of thunder and fire appeared.

"Everyone scatter, once you find the spirit of thunder and fire, call out loudly."

Uncle Hong shouted loudly, and everyone dispersed to look for the spirit of thunder and fire.

Long Fei also chose a direction, and then walked over.Although Long Fei didn't know what the spirit of thunder and fire looked like, it was still necessary to put on a show.As for the others, they were warriors who had been in Leicheng. They knew the spirit of thunder and fire, so they knew what to do without needing to say a lot of things along the way.

All of a sudden, everyone began to look for the spirit of thunder and fire. From a distance, this scene looked like a group of ants spreading out in all directions.

Time, then in the search to see the passage of time.


"Found it, here I am!"

This shout seemed to stir up thousands of ripples in the calm soft water, causing people around to rush towards the source of the sound.

Also at this moment, a figure danced like a ghost, also rushing towards the shout.

Soon, everyone came to the person who shouted.

At this moment, Long Fei realized that this was the essence of thunder and fire.

I saw a purple flame constantly flickering on a black eucalyptus tree, and there was a black lightning in the flame.However, it was strange to say that the purple flame did not burn the eucalyptus, but grew like a flower.

However, at this moment, Long Fei suddenly noticed a wave of rapid flying.Immediately afterwards, another fluctuating and rapid flight shot up.


In an instant, a burst of metal crashing sounded from the air, causing everyone to look up.

However, Uncle Hong and the cruel man were standing in the air, looking at each other.

"My friend, we found the Thunder and Fire Essence first. If you want it, you can find it yourself." Uncle Hong looked at him and smiled slightly.

"Hmph! I'm going to order this thunder and fire essence today!"

The cold man's tone and face were still so cold, with an expression of refusal to be thousands of miles away, he said coldly.

Hearing this, Uncle Hong's face turned cold, and then he said: "My friend really wants to fight against my Leifu?"


The ruthless man didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he raised the sword in his hand and pointed at Uncle Hong.

Seeing this situation, the three warriors in the Void Martial Realm flew up again and again, and stood beside Uncle Hong, confronting that ruthless man.

Facing Uncle Hong and the three strong men in the Void Martial Realm, this ruthless man was not afraid, his face and eyes didn't change at all.

"Master Kun, hurry up and put away the spirit of thunder and fire!"

Uncle Hong naturally felt the extraordinaryness of this ruthless man, so he immediately reminded Lin Kundao.

"Yes! Uncle Hong!"

After Uncle Hong's reminder, Lin Kun naturally knew the seriousness of the situation at this moment, and immediately rushed towards the spirit of thunder and fire regardless of other things.As for the others, when they knew that the person who robbed the Thunder and Fire Essence was the ruthless man with the sword behind his back, they themselves were not strong enough, and they dared not make mistakes.


Seeing that Lin Kun wanted to put away the Thunder and Fire Essence first, the cruel man snorted softly, and the sword in his hand suddenly flashed with light.

Sensing this man's actions, the sword in Uncle Hong's hand also flickered.

However, to Uncle Hong's surprise, the ruthless man suddenly raised his hand and raised his sword to the sky.In the next second, the brilliance in the sword was like an arrow, and it flew towards the sky with a whistling sound.

This ray of light sank into the sky, and suddenly, the rumbling thunder became extremely violent, as if the sky was angry, it was deafening and chilling.

Immediately afterwards, a bolt of lightning clicked and shot directly towards Lin Kun.

And at the moment when the lightning appeared, that ruthless man raised his hands again, blasting and killing Uncle Hong and the three Void Martial Realm warriors.


Uncle Hong was about to help Lin Kun, but was stopped by that cruel man. He couldn't help feeling angry, and swung the sword in his hand more quickly.

Lin Kun is currently under the tree that has the essence of thunder and fire, and wants to fly up with the sword, and then take the essence of thunder and fire away, but suddenly finds an abnormality in the air, and in the next second, he sees another bolt of lightning towards him Come on yourself.

The power of this bolt of lightning contains terrifying power, and it is definitely not something that Lin Kun can resist. Even warriors in the realm of virtual martial arts will end up seriously injured if they are struck by this bolt of lightning, let alone Lin Kun. It's time to start the realm of martial arts.


This bolt of lightning was extremely fast, and it came to Lin Kun in just one swipe.

"Go away!"

Seeing this situation, Uncle Hong became anxious and roared.

However, just as the fire was imminent, Uncle Hong suddenly saw that the lightning was blocked by an ice mirror.


The lightning in the air hit the ice mirror fiercely, and there were bursts of abnormal noises flashing out one after another, and countless tiny ice cubes were shattered by the lightning and flew out.

And when Lin Kun saw someone helping him, he didn't care about other things at the moment, and just flashed away.

The second after Lin Kun left, that bolt of lightning sneered, instantly pierced through the ice crystal, bombarded the ground, and erupted with a terrifying explosion.

As for the ice mirror, after being pierced, it directly turned back into the Illusion Sword and flew back into Long Fei's hands.

Seeing this situation, Long Fei frowned slightly, with a fierce look in his eyes.

When Uncle Hong saw that Long Fei had saved Lin Kun with the Illusion Sword, he was relieved, but the anger in his heart hadn't diminished at all. If it hadn't been for Long Fei's action just now, would Lin Kun's life have been saved? , it's hard to say.

Just like that, Uncle Hong's aura rose violently, like a beast completely enraged, and the sword in his hand flickered.Immediately afterwards, he even shouted: "Bailian Jianguang!"

Suddenly, he swung the sword in his hand fiercely, and the sword lights flew towards the cruel man like arrows.Immediately afterwards, these sword lights turned into blossoming white lotuses.

When these white lotuses were spinning, they all emitted sharp sword glows. Even if dust touched these white lotuses, they would be shaken into nothingness.

This cruel man can naturally feel the power of the white lotus sword light, but his face has not changed at all, it is still so cold.

Long Fei saw his aura burst out violently, and then, a burst of black flames burst out of the sword in his hand, covering his sword completely.

Immediately, he flew forward directly, facing these white lotuses like this, it seemed that he was going to die, but everyone present knew that he was definitely not going to die, so he had great confidence , can defeat these white lotus sword lights.

Not long after, this ruthless man came to these white lotuses, but he did not see any movement, but simply waved the fire sword in his hand, and then slashed towards the white lotus in front of him.


These white lotuses started to melt under his sword!
It's like ice meeting fire.

The white lotus floating in the air is made of sword light. How can there be such a divine fire in the world that can melt the sword light? !
Seeing this, Uncle Hong widened his eyes and said in surprise, "This... this is the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword!"

When Long Fei heard Uncle Hong's words, he couldn't help but look at the sword in the man's hand, "Is it really the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword?!"

Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword, one of the eight great swords of Tianjianmen, Long Fei was also at the last moment, and only after talking with Ye Chan did he know the eight great swords of Tianjianmen, and the magical functions and abilities of each of them.

At the beginning, Long Fei had guessed that the sword in his hand might be the Jiutian Lihuo sword, but there are so many swords in the world, just relying on this alone, it can be concluded that the sword in his hand is the Jiutian Lihuo sword Jian Jian was a bit decisive, so Long Fei was only guessing at the time.

But after Uncle Hong said the same thing, Long Fei dared to assert that there was nothing wrong with the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword.Because Uncle Hong is from Tianjian Villa, and Tianjian Villa is a hermit sect with sword as its main school, Uncle Hong's knowledge of swords must be unmatched by ordinary people.

It was for this reason that Long Fei was ready to attack secretly, because it was a precious sword that was as famous as the Intangible Heavenly Dungeon Sword.Moreover, everything in the world is born and restrained by each other, so unfortunately, this Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword was able to restrain the Invisible Sky Escape Sword in Long Fei's hand.

Although he knew this truth, but these are really as normal as what Ye Chan said, Long Fei still wants to try it himself, to see if the Invisible Sky Escape Sword is really restrained by the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword.

At this moment, Lin Kun finally took away the essence of thunder and fire, and at the same time put the jade box into the hidden ring.

"court death!"

What happened to Lin Kun was naturally discovered by that cruel man. Immediately, he swung the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword in his hand, and with such a simple slash forward, a terrifying rocket flew towards Lin Kun like a shooting star. .

"not good!"

Uncle Hong rushed to rescue Lin Kun, but unfortunately, his moves were slower, but he couldn't stop the black rocket.

(End of this chapter)

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