The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 327 The Difficulty of the Villa

Chapter 327 The Difficulty of the Villa
After Long Fei accepted the hidden ring of the second protector, he chatted with Lin Kun and Uncle Hong while waiting for the evil python.

Just like that, after a while, Long Fei saw that ball of gas tumbling, turned into a cloud of smoke, and came towards him.Regarding this, Long Fei didn't stop him, and let the evil python enter his body.

"This man-faced tarantula must have a great effect on it, and this evil python will definitely be different in the future." The moment the evil python entered his body, Long Fei clearly felt a strong and surging wave. The energy radiated from the body of the evil python.

As for Uncle Hong and Lin Kun, through Long Fei's introduction, they already knew the existence of this evil python, so they didn't say anything more.Therefore, this group of people started to leave the Lightning Fire Swamp and headed towards Leicheng.

"After meeting with my father and finishing this matter, I will go back to the Tongtian Sect first. The most urgent thing is to cure Zisu's illness." Thinking of getting the Three Souls and Seven Souls Fruit so quickly, Long Fei felt the same. It feels like a dream. After all, according to the rumors, it is quite difficult to obtain the three souls and seven pods, but this time it happened to be when the three souls and seven pods were ripe, so Long Fei could take advantage of it .

Lin Kun, Uncle Hong and the others were very familiar with the electric fire swamp, so there was no problem in walking back and forth, and they walked out of it quickly.

At this moment, everyone has already left the interior of the electric fire swamp and came to the periphery.Looking at the miasma surrounding them, Long Fei and the others did not do anything, they went out just as they came in last time.

Therefore, everyone quickly came to the gate of Leicheng.

"Huh? Something's wrong!"

Just outside the gate of Leicheng, Long Fei saw Uncle Hong stop.When he stopped like this, everyone also stopped. It was at this moment that Long Fei realized that the city gate was very different from before.

It turned out that there was a constant flow of people at the city gate, and there were some guards standing guard to check the people passing by.But now, there is no guard standing guard, and no passer-by. Although the gate is still open, it gives people a gloomy feeling, as if something big is about to happen.

Seeing this situation, everyone started to discuss, not knowing why the gate is so different today, and Lin Kun even asked aloud: "Uncle Hong, why is the gate like this, since I came here In Leicheng, have you encountered anything like today?"

Uncle Hong glanced at Lin Kun, then looked forward again, and thought to himself: "When I was in the electric fire swamp, I saw people from the evil palace, but now, the city gate is wide open but no one comes and goes. , could it be that the identity of the villa has been found out, and the western evil palace has come to kill?!"

Thinking of this, Uncle Hong opened his eyes sharply, and secretly said again: "No matter whether the secret of the villa has been discovered or not, the gate is so weird now, I am afraid that the city will never be peaceful. If we are so ostentatious now, we will definitely attract people." More attention, and these people are only recruited, and they are not loyal soldiers of the villa, so it is better to leave now than to take them with them."

After Uncle Hong thought it over, he didn't hesitate any longer, turned around and said directly to the outsiders, "The Electric Fire Swamp has gone, and the Thunder Fire Essence has been obtained, so let's go away, as for what is lacking." Things, everyone, I will give you all the things when you go to Lei Mansion again."

Hearing this, and seeing that the gate at this moment is so unusual, although the crowd didn't think as much as Uncle Hong, they could see the unusual situation, so they knew the meaning of Uncle Hong's words just now.That's it, many martial artists looked at each other for a while, and then bid farewell to Uncle Hong and Lin Kun one by one.

Watching them leave one by one, Lin Yuan on the side said, "Uncle Hong, what should we do now?"

"Enter the city." Uncle Hong said without hesitation.

As soon as the words fell, Uncle Hong had already stepped forward and walked in. Long Fei and Lin Kun looked at each other, and then followed Uncle Hong into the city gate.

As soon as I entered the gate, I found that this place was no longer as crowded as before, and the surroundings were so quiet that there was a whirring sound when the wind blew by.


Uncle Hong shouted with a heavy face, and then walked forward.

There was no one in this passage, and the footsteps of Long Fei and the others seemed so ear-piercing.

But in the shops on both sides of the street, there was a person, men and women, old people and children, their faces were sad, and their bodies were trembling with fear.In these shops, besides the people from Leicheng, there are also some men in black, and their clothes have a blood-red mark on their backs!

This is the sound of a window or a wooden door being pushed open a small gap.Pairs of vicious eyes saw Long Fei and the others through these gaps.

"Everyone be careful, there is murderous intent!"

The experienced Uncle Hong suddenly felt the murderous aura appearing around him at this moment, and quickly said with his martial energy through voice transmission.

Without Uncle Hong's reminder, Long Fei naturally felt it too. After all, Long Fei's cultivation base is now in the low-ranking realm of martial arts, and his strength has changed beyond what it used to be. It was no longer possible to be Long Fei's opponent.

At this moment, the sound of bang bang bang sounded again and again, and black shadows, like black cats in the night, appeared on the street, surrounding Long Fei and the others.

Long Fei looked around, but saw that the front and back sides of the street, the roofs on the left and right sides, and the outside of the store gates were all full of people.Regarding this, Long Fei didn't care at all.

However, when Uncle Hong saw these people, his face became more serious, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Who are you? Why did you stop the four of you?!"

At this moment, a man in black walked over from the crowd. He looked at Uncle Hong, smiled coldly and said, "It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is... all four of you will die today! Come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the men in black all around came up to kill Long Fei and the others.

"Sword Qi Heart Fire!"

In response, Long Fei opened his eyes.

"chi chi chi..."

Terrible fire burst out from the bodies of these men in black. The raging fire burned these people, and they turned into ashes in a blink of an eye.

Uncle Hong and Lin Kun were already preparing for a fierce battle, but they didn't expect that all of these people died inexplicably, and the way of death was still so strange.

"Brother, you're really good! Haha!" Lin Kun laughed loudly at Long Fei.

However, when Uncle Hong saw the killing character embroidered on the clothes on the backs of these people, his face sank again, "Let's go!"

Seeing Uncle Hong like this, Long Fei just smiled at Lin Kun, but thought to himself: "Looking at the clothes of these people, it seems that they are also people from the evil hall. However, the three halls joined forces to attack the Zhenwumen before, and No matter how you say it, Tianjian Villa is not comparable to Zhenwumen, so it is impossible to only send out the troops from the Shadian Temple?"

"Steward Hong! Steward Hong!"

At this time, there was a burst of anxious shouting from behind.

This sudden shout made Uncle Hong stop, and Long Fei looked back, only to see a man whose arm had been cut with a knife, running over with an excited expression on his face.

Seeing this person, Uncle Hong opened his eyes sharply, and Lin Kun and the other three also ran over. Uncle Hong grabbed his shoulder and asked anxiously: "Captain, what happened to you? What happened?" What's up?!"

The third captain's arm was painfully pressed by Uncle Hong, but he didn't yell out, but endured the pain and said: "Xixi Shage led the third hall to kill..."


Hearing this, Uncle Hong stared sharply, his eyes full of anxiety.

"How is the villa now? What about my father?!" Lin Kun's face changed color when he heard the third captain's words.

Looking at Lin Kun, the third captain gritted his teeth in pain, and then said in a painful voice: "The villa... the villa has fallen!"

"Even if they kill them, with our world-renowned swordsmanship and the elders, how could our villa fall, it's impossible, it's impossible!" Lin Yuan on the side seemed disappointed when he heard this. He roared like crazy.

"Third Captain, what happened?!" Although Uncle Hong didn't want Lin Yuan to shout out, he really didn't believe what he just said.

"Everyone in the villa has been poisoned." The third captain continued: "This is a very strange poison. It borrowed rainwater to land in our villa, and then spread through the air. Even the owner didn't notice it. It's just the owners and their skills. Profound, when I left, they were still defending against foreign enemies, now I..." He didn't continue when he said this.

Hearing this, Long Fei frowned slightly, "According to what he said, this poison should be the famous fantasy fragrance of Sha Pavilion, which is colorless and odorless. If this is the case, then how did the third captain escape?" ? Is he not poisoned? Absolutely impossible! There is something wrong with the three captains?!"

Thinking of this, Long Fei rolled his eyes and looked at the third captain.

Uncle Hong also gave the three captains a meaningful look, and then said: "Then how is the situation in the villa now?"

"After I escaped, I looked for you everywhere, but I couldn't find you, so I hid at the gate and waited for Steward Hong to come back, and then we discussed countermeasures together." The third captain said.

However, at this moment, another group of men in black appeared, like flies, they surrounded Long Fei and others.

Seeing this situation, perhaps because of Long Fei's astonishing realization before, although Lin Kun and others are not very strong, they are not very afraid in their hearts.

However, at this moment, the third captain's eyes suddenly changed, and a dagger with a cold light flashed towards Uncle Hong's back as fast as lightning.

The appearance of these men in black naturally attracted Uncle Hong's attention, but Uncle Hong had already taken precautions against the third captain. It had already been blocked by Uncle Hong's martial spirit.

"Do you think martial energy can stop the Qi-breaking dagger?!"

The third captain sneered, the dagger in his hand shone brightly, and stabbed Uncle Hong in the back again, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.


At this time, Long Fei snorted.


The body of the third captain suddenly stopped, and the pain in his body made him roar. His strength is only in the realm of imaginary martial arts, and he can't stop Long Fei's sword energy and anger.

In the blink of an eye, the body of the third captain was reduced to ashes.

"Sword Qi Heart Fire?!"

Seeing how the three captains died, the man in black at the head swiped his eyes away from Uncle Hong and stayed on Long Fei's face, "I thought who it was, it turned out to be the remnants of the Long family, today you all Don't even think about leaving!"

(End of this chapter)

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