Flowers are expensive

Chapter 520 Suspicion 2

Chapter 520 Suspicion 2
Mingyue lowered her head and circled her back with her two small hands.It could be seen that she was hesitant, but she was obviously moved by Zuo Yana's conditions.Indeed, if Zuo Yan is willing to help Qi Wangfu, the matter of father and brother's turning over should be more certain.She leaned against the railing and thought for a while before she said, "Then...that's fine!"

"You promised?"

"I agree...but," Mingyue raised her head and said solemnly, "Unless our Prince Qi's mansion really turns around, we still won't count."

"Okay, it's a deal!" Zuo Yan smiled at her, "Then the pearl you gave me before will be your token."

"It's up to you, you've been cheated anyway." Mingyue puffed her cheeks and said.

"Then I should give you something as well." After Zuo Yan finished speaking, he took out a brocade box from his sleeve, opened it, and found a beautiful pearl flower inside, snow-white pearls, ruddy gemstones, red and white complement each other , very dazzling.

He raised his hand and put it in Mingyue's bun, then took a step closer, slightly close to Mingyue's ear, and whispered: "Remember, you must let your brother or Yuan Yin see this bead flower."

Mingyue was taken aback, looked up at him and asked, "Why?"

With a sly smile, he naturally stretched out his hand to embrace Mingyue, and said in his ear, "This is our way of sending messages."

Mingyue's eyes were instantly wide open, and she completely forgot that she was in Zuo Yan's arms!After rolling her eyeballs several times, she frowned and looked at Zuo Yan, who was a head and a half taller than her, and asked, "You...and my two brothers...have been sending messages in this way? "

"That's it."

"So, that night when my brother asked Yan'er to go to Wanghe Tower to find brother Yuanyin, it was also a message?"

"It should be." Zuo Yan nodded.

"Then...then you are already helping our Qi Palace, right?"


"Then..." Mingyue suddenly came to his senses, pushed Zuo Yan away with both hands, and asked a little angrily, "Then you just asked me if I agreed or not? What do you mean? Are you kidding me?"

Zuo Yan laughed loudly, and said: "Your father actually promised me earlier that he would marry you to me. However, your father belongs to your father, and I still want to hear your promise."

Now Mingyue blushed, angry and funny, she turned around and was about to go downstairs.Zuo Yan quickly grabbed her and said, "Don't worry, I still have something to tell you!"

"Hurry up, I'm going back after I'm done!" She blushed and said depressedly.

Seeing her cute expression, Zuo Yan couldn't help being happy, he pulled her back and said, "I've made a deal, I can't go back on my word."

"I, Dongguo Mingyue, also say that one is the same!" She bowed her head angrily.

When the two were "flirting" on the clock tower, the two Zuo Xing brothers secretly hid in the dark and peeped up.Seeing Zuo Yan and Mingyue chattering, Zuo Xing raised his eyebrows and sneered, "He really has some free time! Today is his mother's death day, but he's messing with the little princess of Prince Qi's mansion here, what a bastard!"

"Brother," Zuo Che urged, "Go back and tell grandma, doesn't he listen to grandma very much? Let's see how he explains it to grandma, hum!"

"Exactly! Let's go!"

The two brothers stared at the bell tower a few times, then turned around and left quietly.After a while, Zuo Yan and Ming Yue also left the temple.After Zuo Yan sent Mingzhu back to Prince Qi's mansion, he went to Haitang Zhaili.

When he entered Mrs. Zuo's small courtyard, he saw Zuo Chanyin sitting by the stone table in the courtyard, lost in thought, so he walked over and asked, "Sister, how is grandma?"

Zuo Chanyin came back to his senses and said: "It's still sleeping inside, it should be fine."

"Then what are you worried about?" Zuo Yan sat down and asked.

"Don't you think that troupe is weird?"

"Oh?" Zuo Yan frowned slightly and asked back, "Why is it so strange? Could it be that sister found something wrong?"

Zuo Chan frowned and shook his head: "What's wrong with me, I can't say, but I think that leader Li is a bit weird. I've seen Koreans before, but I've never heard her accent. Wearing a mask during the period seems to have never been heard of."

"Even if they are both Koreans, it is unknown if the customs are different in different places?"

"But I'm always a little suspicious of Team Leader Li, especially her belly."

"My sister suspects that Leader Li's belly is fake?"

"It's not that I suspect her, I just think she's weird."

Zuo Yan smiled lightly and said, "Don't say my sister thinks it's weird, even I think it's weird when I see her. But that foreigner, whose words and deeds are different from ours, naturally feels weird. If my sister is still suspicious If so, how about this, I will find a proper doctor to feel her pulse, and then I will know if the fetus in her womb is real or not."

"It's a good idea, but—" Zuo Chan pondered, "What if she refuses?"

"It's easy to do. I'll take the pulse of her two buddies under the pretext of caring about her body. She shouldn't refuse."

Zuo Chanyin smiled and nodded and said: "Well, let's do it like this. Doctor, you can find me tomorrow, and I will take it in person. You should be more thoughtful, third child. If you put it on Zuo Xing, I'm afraid you will have to take a knife again." It's time for trial."

"Sister still cares about going left?"

Zuo Chanyin shook his head helplessly and said: "I know he did what happened today, but Dad blindly defended it, which seems to run counter to our Zuo family's family style."

"He and his younger brother are deeply loved by his father, and it is common sense to be more partial."

"I think back then, my father was so strict with my eldest brother, my second brother, and me. If I made a small mistake, I would definitely punish you. Even you are the same. Now when I go to the fourth and fifth brothers, the family rules have changed suddenly. It's disgusting. How can those two younger brothers become talents if they continue to be partial?"

Zuo Yan smiled perfunctorily and said: "Whether they can become talents is up to my father and two elder brothers to worry about. Sister, you are already married, so why worry about it? And these things are not up to us to take care of. Show some respect to Aunt An, she has served by father's side for many years and has worked hard, so even if father favors their mother and son, it's not too much."

Zuo Chanyin looked at Zuo Yan and said with a smile: "Third Brother, why is your heart so heavy?"

"Don't think too much, it will sink naturally. Since grandma is still resting, I will come to say hello later, and let's go first."


When Zuo Yan stood up and left the yard, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a figure quickly hiding in the nearby green bushes.He realized that it was An Shi, but left without saying anything.

That night, the theater troupe did not leave Haitang Zhai because Zuo Chanyin forbade it.The next morning, Zuo Chanyin and Zuo Yan led a doctor to the courtyard where Xixi and the others were staying.After taking the pulse of the two guys who lied about diarrhea, Zuo Chanyin proposed to take the pulse of Xixi.

Xixi vaguely sensed that Zuo Chanyin was suspicious, but it was difficult to refuse.Zuo Chanyin's words were very decent, she said: "Although you were fine yesterday, but you are pregnant with a child, you must always be careful. Let this doctor Zhou feel your pulse, so that we can feel at ease!"

When she said this, Zhuang Yunxian, Xin'er and the others became nervous.If the doctor got the pulse, wouldn't Xixi have revealed his secrets?When I first came here, I said that I was going to give birth soon, the doctor will definitely be able to detect the month of pregnancy, how can I lie when the time comes?

"What's the matter, Leader Li?" Zuo Chanyin stared at them and asked, "Is there something wrong? I heard that you are going to give birth soon, so it's better to be careful. Doctor Zhou, come and feel the pulse of Leader Li." !"

After giving an order, the doctor Zhou walked quickly to Xixi's side, put down the small hand pillow, sat down and said, "Madam, please put your right hand up."

Zhuang Yunxian stared at Xixi closely, obviously a little anxious.Xixi was naturally nervous, but the matter had come to this point, if he retreated with excuses, it would only arouse Zuo Chanyin's greater suspicion, and it would be even more troublesome.She tried to be calm, stretched out her wrist, and while being polite to Dr. Zhou, she was thinking about how to lie later.

There was a sudden silence in the side hall, and everyone's eyes were focused on the fingers of that Doctor Zhou.Zhuang Yunxian and the others have already exchanged glances, if they can't handle it, they can only do it!And Zuo Chanyin also watched Dr. Zhou's actions suspiciously, quietly waiting for the answer to be revealed.

Half a minute later, Doctor Zhou withdrew his hand.Xixi forced a smile and asked, "Da Fu, how about hungry?"

Dr. Zhou said: "Very well, Madam can carry out the pregnancy as usual."

"Does Doctor Zhou know any stable women? Leader Li came to Beijing for the first time and is about to give birth. You can recommend one or two to her." Zuo Chanyin said with a smile.

Hearing the word "delivery", Dr. Zhou's eyes flashed with surprise.Based on his many years of experience, this leader Li should be pregnant with twins, and they are less than seven months old. How can he say that the childbirth is imminent?

Zuo Chanyin seemed to have noticed the strange expression on Dr. Zhou's expression, and immediately asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

When she asked, Zhuang Yunxian and the others secretly clenched their fists, waiting for Xixi's look.Xixi kept her expression steady with a smile on her face, squinted at Zhuang Yunxian, and signaled not to act in a hurry.

At this moment, Dr. Zhou cleared his throat, got up and cupped his hands and said to Zuo Chan: "There is nothing wrong, Mr. Zuo. The little one was just thinking in a daze, Mr. Li probably has twins in his belly, and he can't miss it. We have to find him." As for Wen Po, I still need to go back and think about it."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the whole hall instantly became cool and weird!Xixi and the others were so surprised, they never expected Doctor Zhou to say such a thing!If he didn't lie intentionally, he would definitely be a quack doctor!

Zuo Chanyin was also a little surprised, and asked worriedly: "Is it really twins?"

Dr. Zhou replied: "I feel the pulse like twins, but I'm not sure. But the risk of twins is twice as high, so it's better for Wen Po to pick the right one. Wait for the younger one to go back and ask, and then recommend it to class leader Li." Bar!"

Xixi hurriedly responded: "Slant!"

Disappointment was clearly written on Zuo Chanyin's face, it seemed that Dr. Zhou's words did not dispel her doubts about Xixi.She asked again: "Where is Master Li from?"

"Gao Lidi." Xixi replied with a smile.

"It's from Korea too? Where is it from Korea?"

"Chicken porridge arrived!"


"Jeju Island," Xin'er compensated, "My class leader is from Jeju Island."

"Oh," Zuo Chanyin nodded, "What's your surname?"

Xin'er took a look at Xixi, she didn't explain this before!I saw Xixi replied calmly: "Hungry Ouba, Li Minhaoxi!"


"Oh," Xin'er came to her senses, and quickly took over the conversation, "My class leader said her husband's name is Li Minhao."

"Is this also done in Korea?"

Xin'er said: "Yes, Mr. Li was an actress in Korea, writing jokes for others. My class leader has been with him for a long time, and he also learned this job, so now he makes a living by it. Since Mr. Li passed away Afterwards, my troupe master inherited the behest of my deceased husband and continued to perform around the world."

"So that's it." The smile on Zuo Chanyin's face was a bit far-fetched, after all, she still couldn't find out what was wrong with Xixi.Everything was answered smoothly, but the more this happened, the greater the doubts in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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