The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 1305 Gu Wang Extra Story 422 Getting Lost

Chapter 1305 Gu Wang Extra Story 422 Getting Lost
Just when the two of them got together, Gu Wang suddenly appeared.

"Both of you, can you pay attention to your image, is this a public place?" Gu Wang said with a suppressed voice.

Suddenly, the two fell silent.

"It's all your fault, calling people pigs." Zhou Yang complained in a low voice.


Shan Mao hesitated to speak, but finally endured it.

"Mr. Gu, look, you good brother, he bullied me, beat me, and even scolded me." She immediately stood up, shaking Gu Wang's arm, and said aggrievedly.

These two people are really a good match. If they can be together, it would be a good choice.

"What are you talking about, when did I scold you? I never hit women, okay? Don't swear." Shanmao hurriedly argued.

But Zhou Yang didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones, and kept pestering Gu Wang to make decisions for her.

"Okay, then what do you want to do?" Gu Wang was really impatient with her, and asked loudly.

"I want him to be my slave for three days!" The woman suddenly pointed at the lynx and shouted loudly.

What?This woman is crazy!How could he be her slave?

"No, Zhou Yang, is there something wrong with you? You can say such stupid things." Shan Mao said bluntly.

"Look, Gu Wang, he scolded me." Zhou Yang held Gu Wang's arm tightly and said in a low voice.

It is still light to scold her, if not for the fact that she is still a woman, he would still want to go up and beat her.

I don't know what this woman is thinking about every day. It's either weird things or messy things. It's really one set after another, never stopping!
"Well, this kind of thing, of course, you need to discuss it with the parties concerned. I'm just an outsider, and I'm not qualified to discuss the matter between you, so, it's up to you to decide. I'll go first." Forget about to leave.

It is better to keep the things between the two wonderful things less involved.Now that his goal of going abroad has been achieved, it is natural to plan carefully which direction the company should develop next.

"Hey, Gu Wang!" Zhou Yang shouted from behind.

Bobcat glanced at her and said nothing.

"I tell you, Lynx, you must make it up to me!" she yelled.

What kind of woman is this? Why is she acting like a child, getting angry when she says she is angry, and laughing when she is angry?Before, he really didn't see that Zhou Yang had this side, but now when he got in touch with him, he suddenly regretted it.

"I don't want to talk to you, don't follow me!" Bobcat said as he got up and left.

"Hey, no, you can't leave me here alone, I'm scared!" Zhou Yang shouted.

Shanmao couldn't hold back when he heard these words, and burst out laughing.

She is afraid of wool, she is such a big person, and there are no people on the beach, and she has such a carefree personality, so there is nothing to be afraid of. It is good if people don't feel scared when they see her. She is still here to be hypocritical.

"Brother, did you succeed? What did the owner of the manufacturer say?" Shan Mao asked anxiously, looking at the man in front of him seriously.

"Well, it's been successful, don't worry, we can go back to China." Gu Wang replied slowly.

It's great, I can finally go back, and when he thinks that Zhou Yang won't bother him anymore, he is extremely happy.

"Where is Miss Zhou? You threw her away?" Gu Wang asked again.

"She's a tigress, who dares to provoke her, she's playing at the beach by herself, don't worry." Bobcat replied in a low voice.

However, it's getting dark outside now, why hasn't this woman come back yet?A trace of worry flashed in Shan Mao's eyes.

"Aren't you afraid that she will be abducted by others?" Gu Wang asked.

how is this possible?After all, there are people in their twenties, so it's not like they can't even find the way.Bobcat snorted coldly.

"As long as she looks like that, who would dare to abduct her? She is more or less abducted by others."

Gu Wang continued to sit at the table, typing on the keyboard, while Shanmao was flipping through magazines, a little bored.He suddenly missed Zhou Yang.When the two were together, they were always chattering non-stop, but now that they were separated, he was actually a little worried about that woman.

Will she not find her way back?She hasn't come back after so long, maybe something happened to her?Bobcat clenched his fists tightly, feeling uneasy.

Suddenly, the phone next to Gu Wang rang.


"Hello, is this Mr. Gu Wang?"

It was an unfamiliar voice, but how did he know that his name was Gu Wang?He looked at his phone suspiciously.

"I'm Gu Wang, who are you?"

"That's right. We have a lady here named Zhou Yang. She said she is your friend. Let me call you. Come and pick her up. She is lost." The other party said patiently.

What is this?Zhou Yang lost his way?Gu Wang felt a little unbelievable.

How old is he, yet still a road idiot?
"Brother, what's the matter?" Bobcat asked anxiously.

"Let's go, pick up Zhou Yang, look at you, you left him outside alone, he lost his way and couldn't find his way back." Gu Wang said lightly.

Suddenly, Bobcat became anxious and ran out immediately.

At this time, Zhou Yang was crouching in a corner with his body curled up, looking very scared.Several people next to her tried to chat with her to relieve her nervousness, but it was useless.

"Zhou Yang?" Shanmao shouted as soon as he entered.

But the woman in the corner didn't respond at all.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you, that, this is my friend, just leave it to me." Gu Wang explained.

Suddenly, Zhou Yang stood up suddenly, hugged Gu Wang tightly, sobbing non-stop.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, let's go back." Gu Wang comforted and patted her on the back lightly.

Shanmao next to him felt a little heartbroken when he saw this scene.

What the hell did she go through, why did she get lost all of a sudden?Obviously the beach is so close to the hotel, and you can go back in a few minutes, but why did you suddenly arrive at the police station?

"Let's go." Gu Wang supported the woman and left directly.

"Hello, policeman, how did she get here?" Bobcat asked the policeman next to him.

"Oh, she was really lost, and was tricked by a human trafficker, but fortunately, she has a sense of self-protection..." the policeman explained.

It turns out that this place is actually such a mess!Bobcat's eyes suddenly dimmed.

In this way, he also has a certain responsibility. If he hadn't left impulsively at that time, how could such a thing have happened?
(End of this chapter)

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