The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 1594 Gu Wang Extra Story 711 Asking for Money

Chapter 1594 Gu Wang Extra Story 711 Asking for Money
Li Ling didn't seem to have any prejudices against her anymore, Zhao Yinuo looked at the person in front of him, feeling a little relieved.

"Zhao Yinuo, tell me, what are men?" Li Ling asked.

"Men are bastards!" Li Ling continued without waiting for Zhao Yinuo's answer.

Are you really hurt?Zhao Yinuo looked at Ling Chen next to him, and then at Li Ling opposite him, feeling a little uneasy.

"Li Ling, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Yinuo asked curiously.

In fact, Li Ling is not bad in nature, but sometimes she is impulsive, and then does some very unreliable and stupid things.

Aren't all women like this?It's stupid and cute, but men like it.

"Zhao Yinuo, I feel bad, I feel so bad!" Suddenly, Li Ling burst into tears.

This time, Zhao Yinuo was at a loss. She wanted to hug Li Ling, but she didn't dare.

"Do you know why I treated you like that before?" Li Ling raised her head, hiccupped, and asked, pointing at the person in front of her.

"Why?" Zhao Yinuo asked.

"Because you stole Ling Chen! Do you know? When Ling Chen was treating your illness, he always liked to hang around you, completely ignoring my existence.

Before you appeared, the two of us were together almost every day, but since you appeared, he has been talking about you all day, I am angry!Although we are not a couple, but a man keeps mentioning another woman's name to a woman, who can stand it?Moreover, he even returned to the country for you.

I am such a good buddy like him, you said he left, what should I do?I can only be alone..."

Li Ling said loudly while drinking, the more she said, the more sad she became.

Seeing Li Ling's confession in front of him, Ling Chen beside him really wanted to laugh and get angry at the same time.

"Ling Chen, that bastard who sees sex and forgets friends, has someone he likes, and he completely forgets about me..." Li Ling continued.

Zhao Yinuo didn't express any opinions, just sat there and listened to her talk silently.

Seeing Li Ling's appearance, she must be very wronged, Zhao Yinuo sighed.

At the beginning, if Li Ling had said these words, perhaps Ling Chen would not have returned to China, and so many things would not have happened.

"Then what about you now? Why are you in such pain now?" Zhao Yinuo asked immediately.

"Because my ex is coming to get back with me." Li Ling replied very simply.

Isn't this a good thing?Zhao Yinuo turned his face away, looking at Ling Chen in front of him, a little puzzled.

"Listen to her first." Ling Chen whispered beside her ear.


Li Ling suddenly slapped the table hard.

"What are you two talking about? Don't think I can't hear you!" Li Ling shouted, pointing at the two people in front of her.

What a sensitive woman!Zhao Yinuo smiled slightly and shrugged at her.

"When I was in a relationship with my ex, he messed around, and when I found out, he proposed to break up. He dumped me first! Later, I agreed and left, but he gave me another few days ago. I called and wanted to get back together..." Li Ling explained.

"What should I do? I feel so uncomfortable!" Li Ling cried hysterically.

What's the trouble with this?There are people out there like this, there will be a second time for the first time, of course Li Ling can't agree to get back together, but if she still loves that ex... Zhao Yinuo's eyes dimmed.

"Li Ling, do you still love him?" Zhao Yinuo hurriedly asked.

"Love what love, I love the fucking big-headed ghost!" Li Ling shouted loudly.

"She loves." Ling Chen continued to lie beside Zhao Yinuo's ear, whispering.

"Why are you two secretly whispering again? Don't think I'm drunk and can't see clearly..." Li Ling murmured.

"Since you don't love me anymore, let me go." Zhao Yinuo said loudly.

After hearing these words, Li Ling burst into tears again.

"No, I can't live without him. In fact, I still love him very much!"

Why is Li Ling in a fit?Looking at the person in front of him, Zhao Yinuo pressed his temple, feeling a little headache.

The three chatted together for an unknown amount of time, and finally, Li Ling fell asleep.

"Enuo, I won't send you off, Li Ling looks like this." Ling Chen pointed to the drunk Li Ling next to him, and said hesitantly.

"It's okay, I know, you take good care of her." After saying that, Zhao Yinuo turned and left.

It turned out that Li Ling's love experience was also very bumpy. Zhao Yinuo sighed while kicking the small stones on the road.

In this world, the most tormenting thing is love, right?

When we got back to the residence, it was already late at night, Zhao Yinuo read a book for a while, and then went straight to sleep.

At this time, Gu Wang was still working in the office, but his mind was full of Zhao Yinuo's face.

Where did she go?And why are you with Ling Chen?The more Gu Wang thought about it, the angrier he became, he simply lit a cigarette and started smoking.

"Brother!" Bobcat greeted as he walked in.

"What's wrong?" Gu Wang asked in a low voice after puffing out his cigarette.

"Someone has already terminated our cooperation with us." Bobcat replied seriously.

"Who is behind the scenes?" Gu Wang asked calmly.

"I don't know, it hasn't been found out yet."

"Continue to investigate." As he spoke, Gu Wang walked to the window, looking at the bustling world outside, with a cold expression on his face.

He had known for a long time that such a day would come.And who else could do such a thing, except Tianxiang?

Perhaps, Enoch's going abroad this time also has something to do with him.

"Big brother!"

Suddenly, Zhou Yang jumped in front of him.

"Be a lady!" Gu Wang roared.

"Why, this is, I just came here, and you are yelling at me." Zhou Yang pouted and said aggrievedly.

"What do you want from me?" Gu Wang asked impatiently.

"Give me some money." Zhou Yang said shamelessly.

Gu Wang turned around and looked at the person in front of him, with some doubts in his eyes, is she still short of money?Shouldn't you be trading in stocks again?
"Where's your money?" Gu Wang asked suspiciously.

"My money is all used for investment." Zhou Yang replied confidently.

"What did you invest in?"

"Bookstore, don't you know? Didn't Bobcat tell you? I opened a few more branches..." Zhou Yang explained.

It turned out to be the case.

Gu Wang lowered his head and extinguished the fireworks.During this period of time, his mind was either on work or on Zhao Yinuo, and he had no time to pay attention to other things at all, so he naturally didn't know about Zhou Yang's opening of a branch.

"Here! I lent you this money! Don't forget to pay it back in the future." Gu Wang said while throwing a card to her.

As expected of a big brother, he is so generous!Zhou Yang excitedly kissed the bank card in his hand, and then hurried over to beat Gu Wang's shoulder.

"Brother, don't worry, if you go bankrupt in the future, I will fully support you..."

"Zhou Yang!"

(End of this chapter)

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