The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 1607 Gu Wang Extra Story 724 Getting Beaten

Chapter 1607 Gu Wang Extra Story 724 Getting Beaten
Sure enough, Ling Chen's words that made Li Ling "Bah, Bah, Bah!" came true.

Li Ling's ex-boyfriend really came.

"Li Ling, come out and explain the matter clearly!"

The people outside knocked on the door fiercely, looking very fierce.

Li Ling on the bed was closing her eyes, dreaming her big dream of spring and autumn, completely unaware of the situation outside.

Perhaps Ling Chen heard the commotion outside, he got out of bed instinctively, and went directly to open the door.


Before he could open his eyes and see the person in front of him clearly, Ling Chen was pushed to the ground by the person in front of him.

"You fucking dare to snatch a woman from me!"

One punch, two punches...

Finally, Ling Chen woke up.

"Who are you?" Ling Chen roared fiercely.

"Who am I? Take a good look at who I am!" As he spoke, the man gave him another fist.

Probably woken up by the quarrel downstairs, Li Ling got up slowly and walked out of the room.

"What's the noise? It's so early in the morning, you can't let people sleep!" She narrowed her eyes and shouted very irritably.

"Li Ling! You two... live together!"

All of a sudden, Li Ling upstairs woke up.She opened her eyes wide and looked at the two men downstairs, her mouth opened as wide as a bowl.

Oops, why is he here?What is he doing here?Li Ling immediately ran downstairs, helped Ling Chen up on the ground, and patted the dust off his body, with apologetic eyes.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I've made you wronged." Li Ling apologized and comforted Ling Chen in front of her.

"Li Ling, you fucking found a man?"

"Shut up! Sun Hao, don't give me a fuck, get out of here, I don't want to see you!" Zhou Yang pointed at the door and yelled in displeasure.

"Okay, Li Ling, you said you and him are just girlfriends, and now you two live together! Tell me, did you two have sex long ago?"

"Sun Hao, you are fucking crazy! You betrayed me first, okay?"

Li Ling finally couldn't bear it anymore, and directly exposed the foul language.

"Li Ling!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

"I made hangover soup, try it..." Zhao Yinuo walked in while talking.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Zhao Yinuo suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

What's wrong?It seems that the atmosphere is not very good.

Why is there a stranger?Zhao Yinuo looked at Sun Hao next to him, and just smiled slightly as a greeting.

"Didn't you both drink too much last night, come on, drink some hangover soup..."

Zhao Yinuo immediately put the stewed soup on the table.

"Let's go, we don't want to contact you anymore." After saying that, Li Ling turned around and was about to walk towards the sofa with Ling Chen supported.

"No, Li Ling, I won't let you go!"

Sun Hao stepped forward and directly pulled Li Ling into his arms.Li Ling struggled desperately, looking very tired.

After feeling Sun Hao's hostility, Zhao Yinuo immediately stepped forward, trying to do ideological work for Sun Hao.But at this time, Sun Hao was so angry that he couldn't listen to a word at all.

"Sir, please calm down, what's the matter, let's talk slowly, don't be impulsive!"

Zhao Yinuo looked at the person in front of him with a hint of fear in his eyes.

She was afraid that Li Ling would be hurt.

"Who the hell are you? Don't meddle in your own business!"

Just when Sun Hao looked back at the road behind, Zhao Yinuo suddenly rushed up, bit his arm tightly, and pulled Li Ling out of his arms...


Zhao Yinuo was instinctively pushed to the wall next to him by Sun Hao.

In an instant, a stream of blood flowed out from Zhao Yinuo's head.

All of a sudden, Li Ling panicked.


When Ling Chen saw it, he ran over immediately regardless of the bruises all over his body, picked up Zhao Yinuo and ran outside.Looking at the far away back, Sun Hao was stunned.

"Just pray that she's okay, otherwise, I will never let you go!"

Li Ling's voice was so cold that the body of the person in front of him trembled unconsciously.

"Doctor, hurry up, help!" Ling Chen yelled loudly while sending Zhao Yinuo into the ward.

"Sir, you'd better go out." With that said, the doctor pushed him out of the ward.

"Sir, let me disinfect the wound on your body." A young doctor and nurse walked over slowly and said softly.

"no need."

He answered very simply and sternly.

Immediately took a few steps back and left in a hurry.

"How's it going?"

Li Ling ran over panting.

"What about it? It's all because of you! Why did you let your ex-boyfriend come here? Don't you hate him very much? Why do you still have to break with him?"

Ling Chen's appearance was terrifying.

At this moment, Li Ling lowered her head with guilt on her face.

yes?How did Sun Hao find this place?How did he know Ling Chen's phone number?All of this is so fucking weird.

"Well, is she okay?" Sun Hao came over and asked embarrassedly.

"Get out of here!"

Ling Chen pointed to the elevator not far away, and said aggressively.

The three of them were silent, and there was some embarrassment in the air. The surroundings were very quiet, and the quiet was a little scary.

Finally, the doctor came out.

"What's the matter, doctor? Is she alright?" Ling Chen ran forward, grabbed the doctor's arm tightly, and asked anxiously.

"At present, there is no major problem, but you'd better be mentally prepared, she will face the possibility of memory loss in the later stage." The doctor hurriedly explained, with a helpless expression on his face.

Suddenly, Ling Chen's eyes darkened.

Sun Hao also stopped talking.

Li Ling looked at the people in the ward and shed tears silently.

Ling Chen walked into the ward, gently stroking the hair of the person on the bed, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Zhao Yinuo, you must be strong!He held her little hand, trembling, a little flustered.

"Ling Chen, I'm sorry." Li Ling next to her said apologetically.

What's the use of apologizing?Can it change the facts?Ling Chen sneered, and ignored the people next to him.

"Both of you, go, I don't want to see you." He choked up and said.

Li Ling knew that Ling Chen must be in a terrible mood right now, so she slowly left the ward.

"I'll be responsible for all her expenses." At the door of the ward, Sun Hao patted his chest and said confidently.

"Do you think you are very powerful? Do you think you are awesome? Sun Hao, what are you? First you hurt me, then you hurt my friend..."

What Li Ling said was very angry, and the people in front of her were a little moved.

In Sun Hao's words, he didn't do it on purpose!
"Li Ling, listen to me explain to you, I really didn't think that things would turn into what it is today..."

(End of this chapter)

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