The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 2147 Ouyang Chu Fanwai 139 I choose Xu Ning

Chapter 2147 Ouyang Chu Fanwai 139 I choose Xu Ning

If she wanted to stand among these boys, she would probably lose sight of them at all.

Xu Zuining ignored the makeup artist at all, but washed her face again after removing the makeup, and then wiped her face while perfunctory.

"Ah, yeah."

"Of course, otherwise you wouldn't be on stage today. The reason why we are in time is still in time."

The makeup artist continued to persuade him, although the makeup artist could not completely escape responsibility, so she felt uncomfortable, so she could only persuade him to minimize the loss.

But she suddenly saw the plain face of the boy in the mirror, and all the words stuck in her throat, and she was stunned.

"It's okay, if you are ugly, you must be ugly. You have to go on stage."

Xu Zuining didn't look at the makeup artist at all, and naturally she didn't pay attention to the unnatural expression on her face, so she casually threw the face towel in her hand and went on stage.

The stage of this live performance is raised and lowered, and the upper and lower are completely separated, but it is completely dark when waiting underground.

Since there was no lighting, the boys in Xu Zuining's group didn't notice that he had no makeup when he arrived.

It was just that Wang Zeyang, the leader, muttered and complained.

"You are too lazy, what if we miss our performance!"

Xu Zuining didn't say anything to refute this time, and the host's voice remembered just when he stood still.

"Now let's invite the first group of trainees to come on stage!"

Fans come to the show every time. After all, the show has been broadcast for two episodes. Basically, the contestants have their own fan clubs.

What's more, Ouyang Xiuli had a fan base before the show started.

Therefore, the host's voice was covered by the fans' sharp shouts——

"Xiuli! Mom is here to see you!!"

"Li Li I will always love you!"

"Come on, Yangyang! I know you are the best! You vote for me, Yangyang will debut tomorrow!!!"

Amidst the sharp shouts, the stage finally rose slowly.

All the fans were staring closely at the stage and the big screen, expecting to see their idols immediately, but when the five teenagers appeared on stage, they were all stunned.

Although the five boys were all extremely handsome, everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted to the one in the middle.

After all, unlike the mass-produced teenagers with heavy makeup next to him, the one in the middle is completely bare-faced.

The scary thing about this is that even so, he can still be breathtaking.

His face does not have the blackheads or pimples that a teenager of this age should have, and his clean appearance does not know how advanced it is.

The lips are pink and tender, without the meaning of delicate and artificial lipstick, but showing the most natural charm.

The most charming thing is naturally his eyes, which are more beautiful than girls, without the addition of mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow, they look more beautiful and refined.

The long and curly eyelashes seem to blow a fine wind in a blink.

All the fans in the audience were stunned at this moment. They looked at the young man on the stage quietly, as if they were afraid of disturbing his beauty.

"Ah! Oh my god, I've watched this show for two full episodes, why have I never found such a good-looking little brother!"

"I didn't notice it before, where did the show crew and him hide? Why didn't this kind of treasure come out earlier?"

"Will he look familiar to you later? Isn't this...Xu Ning!!"

"Damn it, when you say that, it's really him, that Xu Ning who keeps hyping up all day and dares to casually say that other people are pregnant?"

"It's really him, but his face doesn't look the same as usual?"

At this time, it was Xu Zuining who was standing in position c.

Because he is a girl himself, his pitch is higher than that of boys, so only he sang the high pitch at the beginning.

Only then did he stand in the c position from the beginning, and his current appearance is indeed different from usual.

After all, in order to conceal his identity as a girl, he would uglify himself in makeup, but today he had to expose his bare face.

This is to show his own beauty on the stage. It is obviously completely plain, but it is not inferior to the handsome guys with heavy makeup next to him.

As the clear voice sounded, everyone held their breath again, staring blankly at the charming young man on the stage.

After all, he is so charming. How many people can resist such a charm that charms all living beings?
The brilliance he displayed on the stage suddenly overshadowed the four people around him.

Even the group of people who scolded Xu Ning most vigorously on the Internet are now involuntarily attracted by Xu Ning.

Some people are just the type to shine on stage.

Obviously Xu Ning is the representative of this type.

A song was sung like this, and no one in the audience made any sound.

It's not because the song is not exciting enough, but because it's too perfect. If there is any sound during this period, it seems to be a kind of desecration of the picture.

It wasn't until the end of the song that Xu Ning and the others stood in one pose that the audience reacted and screamed in unison.

"Oh my god, what's going on!! Today's Xu Ning is too handsome!"

"I'm sorry I have to betray my idol for 1 minute! This scene is really blown up, I'm going to die! Oh my god, the ultimate enjoyment of chasing stars!"

"Damn, I hated him the most in the first issue, but now I want to fan him, what should I do, mom save me!"

Amidst the screams at the scene, Xu Ning and the others bowed respectfully, and the lights on the stage gradually dimmed.

Ouyang Xiuli and the others were concentrating on performing on stage just now, and didn't notice the strangeness on Xu Zuining's face. It wasn't until the performance was over and they returned to the backstage that they suddenly realized that Xu Zuining was different from usual.

"Damn it, Xu Ning's face..." Wang Zeyang stared at Xu Ning's face fiercely, unable to say anything in shock.

He is actually not that complicated, he is simply a face control.

I like who only looks at her face.

Although the former Xu Ning was pretty good looking, he looked like a man after all, so his facial control didn't show up.

But today was completely different, because Xu Ning went into battle without makeup.This face was more beautiful than a woman's, and he had no way to scold at all.


Facing such a pretty face, let alone scolding him, it would be good not to confess to him directly.

Ouyang Xiuli was also shocked.

"You..." He was surprised for a long time before he could speak, "Why does your face look like this without makeup?"

Because Xu Ning wore masculine makeup in the previous competitions, this was the first time he saw Xu Ning without makeup.

What is even more incredible is that Xu Ning looks ten times more beautiful without makeup than with makeup.

Normal people improve their appearance after putting on makeup, but I have never seen Xu Ning's appearance improve after removing makeup like this.

(End of this chapter)

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