Chapter 2169 Ouyang Chu Fanwai 161
The ceramic doll was wiped clean, and it was obvious that her owner cherished it very much.

Gu Weiwei raised the little doll high and sneered.

"It's easy for me not to be angry. If you smashed something so important to me, then I'll smash this too, and we'll clean it up!"

With Zhou Shuangqing's exclamation, it was too late to stop, Gu Weiwei was about to throw the doll to the ground.

Originally thinking that it was too late, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and grabbed Gu Weiwei's wrist firmly.

She couldn't move at all for a while, Gu Weiwei raised her head angrily, but she didn't expect to see an extremely ugly face.

"Ah! What!"

Gu Weiwei was so frightened that she let go of her hand, and the little doll fell out of her hand.

Xu Zuining quickly grabbed the doll, and took a closer look...

This porcelain doll has smart short hair and that white T-shirt. Although the facial features of the Q version of the doll are the same, Xu Zuining still keenly realizes that this should be her own Q version image.

Sure enough, when he turned the back, his name was written on it.

Xu Ning.

Xu Zuining couldn't help but look at Zhou Shuangqing who was still in a daze, the world is so small, even the roommates who live in the dormitory are her fans.

Fortunately, my makeup is ugly enough...

Gu Weiwei finally came back to her senses at this time, and exploded all of a sudden.

"Are you sick? Who are you?"

Xu Zuining said indifferently.

"I also live in this dormitory, and we will be roommates from now on."

Then he put the porcelain doll in his hand back on the table.

"Although your things are broken, you are also very sad, but is it not good to deliberately break other people's important things casually?"

"You don't know anything, what nonsense are you talking about here! My whitening oral liquid is a limited edition, and that fat man smashed my things, and she can't afford it at all!"

Hearing Gu Weiwei call him a fat man, Xu Zuining felt very uncomfortable.

She looked down at the broken bottles, then knelt down and touched some liquid that was flowing freely on the ground with her hands.

He sniffed it casually and sneered.

"What whitening oral liquid, some enzyme water with vc added, is it worth your fuss?"

"You don't know if you can stop talking nonsense."

Gu Weiwei didn't expect Xu Zuining to say that her things were worthless, and she was so angry that she almost cursed.

"This is a limited edition. Our family was delayed and spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy it. Do you want to say that it is useless?"

"Is it true that expensive things must be good? Admit that your IQ is owed."

Xu Zuining looked at the distraught girl in front of her and said calmly.

"Didn't you come to medical school yourself? Don't you need me to dispel rumors for you?"


Gu Weiwei's face turned red with anger.

Zhou Shuangqing on the side also spoke a little embarrassedly to smooth things over.

"Gu Weiwei, I have broken things now, no matter how angry you are with me, it's too late, just tell me how much it is, and I will pay you back!"

Gu Weiwei originally scolded Zhou Shuangqing alone, but the other party was obedient and did not dare to resist, she still looked quite imposing.

But now the other party suddenly became two people, especially the sudden extra girl, which made her unable to bear it all at once.

In the end, I could only drop such a sentence strangely.

"It's really bad luck to be assigned to this kind of dormitory. The roommate is fat and ugly, how can I live there!"

As soon as he spoke, he rushed out of the dormitory and slammed the door loudly.

The dormitory was quiet for a while, and when Gu Weiwei walked away, Xu Zuining pushed the porcelain doll on the table again.

"this is yours?"

In fact, she is too lazy to care about such insignificant quarrels between little girls, but the girl in front of her seems to be her fan...

She can no longer sit idly by with peace of mind.

These fans have already paid a lot for her, spending money to vote for her, staying up late to support her, but they have no way to deal with it.

There is no way to repay their expectations, but now that they have met in life, can they not help her?

When Zhou Shuangqing saw that the porcelain doll would be thrown on the ground just now, she was so frightened that her face turned pale. Now that she saw this intact doll, she was almost so excited that she was about to cry.

This is her most precious thing, so she quickly took it from the table again.

After looking over and over several times, she finally confirmed that the porcelain doll was not damaged at all, and she finally remembered to thank the girl in front of her.

"Thank you just now for helping me save it. My name is Zhou Shuangqing. What's your name?"

"Xu Zui Ning."

Then the other party burst into a small cheer, and even his eyes lit up.

"There is only one word difference between your idol name and mine!"

Xu Zui Ning smiled wryly, isn't this nonsense?

At the beginning, I thought about it for convenience, but I didn't pay attention when naming it, I just simplified it a bit.

Xu Zui Ning, Xu Ning.

With names so similar, it's normal to think a little more.

She's even thinking about changing her name now.

But fortunately, her makeup today is really exaggerated, she looks scary now, how can anyone connect her with that Xu Ning.

"Yes, do you like him very much?"

Originally, Xu Zuining just asked a casual question, but when he mentioned her idol, Zhou Shuangqing, her whole body came alive.

"But of course, I've loved our family Ningning all my life. Oh, you haven't seen him and Ouyang Xiuli together, the kind with candy in the knife! And it's the official daily candy distribution..."

Xu Zuining was stunned.

It turned out to be a CP fan.

Fortunately, her identity will not be exposed, but she doesn't want to continue talking about this topic.

Her eyes suddenly fell on the shards of the glass bottle on the ground.

"Can these things really sell for tens of thousands of dollars?"

Zhou Shuangqing was cut off, but she nodded politely.

"It's true, and everyone is rushing to buy it. This limited edition has already been out of stock."

For example, looking at those seemingly cheap things, I feel more and more that money in this world seems to be a bit easy to earn.

She had also heard from Liang Zitu before that the Cheng family was not doing business all day long, they got some enzymes and vitamin C to package and sell them at a high price.

At first, I thought it was just businessmen chasing those petty profits, but I didn't expect the current price to be so exaggerated.

It's just vitamins, and it can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

Xu Zuining actually couldn't help but feel a little moved...

While the two were talking, the door of the dormitory creaked softly, and a girl walked in with a suitcase.

(End of this chapter)

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