Chapter 2672 Persuasion
Lu Jiyan exuded displeasure all over his body, and Gu Keyu could feel that he was being patient. When she heard the conversation between these two men, she wished she could find a hole in the ground. What kind of strange words were they talking about? , really embarrassing.

The Shaodong family shook his head, turned around and left, still muttering: "I'd better say a few words less, Lu Jiyan will goug out my eyes with a knife in a while!"

But he stopped after taking two steps, turned his head and said a few words to Gu Keyu: "Oh, by the way, you and her are friends, help me persuade Tang Lijia, girls can have self-willed cold wars, but don't go too far , the extremes of things must be reversed.”

Of course Gu Keyu knew in his heart that this man wanted to reconcile with Tang Lijia, but Tang Lijia did not let go of his acceptance. Gu Keyu understood what she was thinking when chatting with Tang Lijia before.

The two of them are like two people in the desert. In this drama, they most need mutual help and support, so the two of them can be regarded as a rare pair of sisters in the entertainment industry.

Tang Lijia has been facing emotional troubles, and she can't get relief deep in her heart. If Gu Keyu is adding fuel to the fire in the past at this time, it's really not something a friend can get out of.

The man turned around and walked directly to the door of Gu Kejun's room, changed his gentle and patient state just now, and kicked the door.

Gu Keyu thought that if he couldn't knock on Tang Lijia's door, he would give up and leave directly. How could he have expected that he would come to the door of Gu Kejun's room!
There was impatience and irritability on his face, it seemed that he was looking for Gu Ke to vent his anger.

Suddenly felt that Gu Kejun was a bit pitiful. She always thought that she had met a benefactor who had feelings for her, but she never thought that it was just a man who didn't care about her feelings and experience. imagine.

The real situation is that she was treated as a venting bucket, and her body was covered with scars. Not only that, it was a kind of harm and torture to her heart, but this unbearable feeling suddenly dissipated. Of course Gu Keyu understood that all of this was Gu Kejun's own fault. , and no one is persecuting her.

She is the first person in charge of the path she chooses, and she is responsible for anything that happens.

Gu Keyu and Lu Jiyan were still standing there looking at the irritable man who kicked the door, what was surprising today was that Gu Kejun didn't open the door for him either.

Perhaps it was because of the two encounters that the man was filled with anger. His actions became more and more rude, knocking on the door and kicking again, with increasing strength, as if this was not Gu Kejun's door, but a window to vent his emotions.

Seeing the crazy man, Gu Keyu trembled in his heart. How can such a handsome man have such a dark heart, which does not match his appearance at all.

After a while, the man was still muttering some dirty words. Gu Keyu's jaw dropped when he saw this scene. She always thought that such a rich man would go abroad for further studies. Such an outstanding talent, who can't speak dirty words, I didn't expect to meet him today, it's really an eye-opener.

This group of people wear neat suits every day, and eat and drink so elegantly and politely. Why are they banging on the door like an unqualified person now?

Perhaps because he couldn't bear the man's constant knocking on the door, Gu Kejun opened the door, but it was only a small crack. Gu Keyu saw Gu Kejun's face was pale in the crack of the door, his shoulders trembled uncontrollably, and he looked begging.

It's a pity that the man didn't mean to pity her, and didn't want to listen to her, so he opened the door and grabbed Gu Kejun. The woman trembled like a sieve, and looked at the furious man in front of her in horror.

Then he slammed the door, everything inside was cut off from the outside, Gu Keyu and Lu Jiyan watched the door being closed, Gu Keyu glanced at Lu Jiyan next to him, his brows were wrinkled, his face was displeased, and he was indifferent and cautious look like.

Gu Keyu was even more puzzled, whether these two people are enemies or friends, it seems that the two people should have a good relationship with each other, and they both teased each other.

But Lu Jiyan's state has always been indifferent, even cautious and cautious.

Gu Keyu tested Lu Jiyan, "Who is this person?"

Lu Jiyan was pulled back from his thoughts by Gu Keyu's question, he glanced at Gu Keyu who was full of doubts, he didn't have much emotional fluctuations, and paused for a while.

"There's no need to know, anyway, if you see this man in the future, just take a detour and leave."

Everyone around said the same, even Tang Lijia said the same, and Gu Keyu became even more curious about who this person was, what kind of background and personality he had, and everyone warned her to stay away.

Gu Keyu was full of curiosity about what kind of things a person did to make his lover and friends describe him in this way, hoping to get an answer one day in the future.

"Let's go, let's go in quickly, don't watch the fun outside, let's go a little farther next time, be careful to beat you up together." Lu Jiyan told Gu Keyu seriously.

After saying these words, Lu Jiyan also left. Gu Keyu took out his room card as he watched the back of the man disappearing at the corner.

Gu Keyu also understood in his heart that since the people around him were kind enough to warn him, they must have their own reasons. They would rather believe what they have or not. Men are very dangerous, especially handsome ones.

What's more, it's another person's private emotional conflict, so it's not easy to deal with outsiders mixing in, so it's better to hide away.

Before Gu Keyu could swipe his card to enter, he heard a knock on the door next to him, as if someone kicked him with great force. Gu Keyu was so frightened that he directly stuck to the door, only to see Gu Kejun, who was covered in bruises, was kicked. The person was thrown out of the room with messy hair, various wounds on his face, and blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

The scene in front of her made Gu Keyu at a loss. She didn't understand, why did the man throw Gu Kejun out not long after entering?Still covered in injuries, worse than last time, how did Gu Kejun offend this young master?

Gu Keyu thought the violent kick just now was the limit, how could he know that this was just superficial, the level of violence of men is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Then something even more shocking happened, and then there was another man who was thrown out of the room. Gu Keyu looked at it for a long time but didn't recognize who it was.

When the man lying on the ground raised his head, Gu Keyu was shocked when he saw the face, it was Liang Mingsi.

Seeing the disheveled clothes of the two people being thrown out, Gu Keyu suddenly realized that he was stealing in the room without opening the door for so long, how could he open the door when he heard the knock on the door.

Gu Keyu, who was a little scared at first, stood up straight now, holding his arms with his hands, looking like he was watching a good show.

Since seeing two people sneaking around that day, Gu Keyu knew that this kind of thing would not be hidden for long, but he did not expect to be discovered after only two days.

(End of this chapter)

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