The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 797 Extra Story 179 Ye Qian's Arrangement

Chapter 797 Extra Story 179 Ye Qian's Arrangement
For you big-headed ghost, if you can't control it, you can't control it, and you say it so righteously, if you give you a slope, you can go down, what else are you pretending to be!
"Okay, I'll let you off this time, but don't take this as an example, otherwise you really have to go back and help your father." Gu Yihan shook his head and said.

"Brother Gu is wise, I will remember what you said."

After hearing what Gu Yihan said, Qin Yu quickly replied.

At this moment in Ye's house, Ye Qian was constantly applying cosmetics to her face, which darkened her complexion a bit, but she still couldn't conceal her alluring beauty.

Ye Qian looked at herself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction. At this time, her appearance was completely different from usual, and she had put on another face. Although it was darker, it still had a lot of charm.

She was going to see Tang Yun in prison, so she had to change her appearance in order not to make people suspicious: "I don't believe that people still know me like this."

Ye Qian was always cautious. Before leaving, she put on sunglasses and drove alone. When she reached the bustling area, she got off the car and took a taxi before heading to the prison where Tang Yun was.

"Please wait here for me a little longer, I will come out to visit someone soon."

As she spoke, Ye Qian took out several hundred-yuan bills from her pocket and handed them to the driver.

When the driver saw it, he was so happy that it was worth driving a taxi for two or three days, so he naturally agreed: "No problem, you can rest assured, don't worry, I will always wait here Your."

Ye Qian immediately got out of the car and walked towards the place where Tang Yun was being held.

"Please take me to find Section Chief Lin. We agreed to meet him earlier."

Ye Qian said to the guard, and at the same time handed over a red envelope.

The guard looked around, stuffed the red envelope into his pocket, and said to Ye Qian, "Come with me."

Not long after, Ye Qian had already walked inside and met Section Chief Lin.

"I'm Tang Yun's cousin. I want to see my sister and say a few words."

Ye Qian had already sent someone to clear up the relationship, and Section Chief Lin naturally did not stop her.

Tang Yun was brought out, and looked suspiciously at the visitor, because Ye Qian was wearing sunglasses, Tang Yun did not recognize her.

Who is this man?It wasn't the lawyer Ye Qian found for her, and she was a woman.

Ye Qian tapped on the table with her fingers, picked up the phone, and said, "Sister, have you forgotten me so quickly?"

After Tang Yun heard Ye Qian's voice, he immediately saw Ye Qian's identity, and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Tang Yun was a little curious, Ye Qian was always cautious, why did she come here in person at such a big risk this time.

Ye Qian took off her sunglasses, glanced at a blind corner of the room, and sure enough saw the camera.

Ye Qian smiled, and said calmly: "You should be released tomorrow. My sister will pick you up. We will go to America together and never come back."

"Ah? No!"

Tang Yun's eyes widened, and he was very surprised. After thinking hard here, he finally came up with a way to deal with Lin Momo. Now that Ye Qian suddenly said this to him, how could she not be surprised.

"Okay! Don't talk about it, let me arrange everything! Tomorrow at nine o'clock, the plane at Zhongshan Airport, I will send someone to drive one, and the red Porsche car will pick you up."

Seeing Tang Yun's reluctance, Ye Qian stared angrily and shouted sharply.

Immediately Ye Qian hung up the phone, got up and left, making Tang Yun confused, what's wrong?Is something wrong?How can I go to the United States and never come back.

As soon as Ye Qian walked out of the prison where Tang Yun was held, Chief Lin picked up the phone on the table and called Zhang Zhongtian: "Director Zhang, just now, someone came to see Tang Yun. I will let her in according to your instructions." Yes, I have sent you the video and audio recordings."

"Okay! Keep an eye on it over there. After the incident, I will apply to the higher-ups for you to be transferred to be the chief of the bureau." Zhang Zhongtian said on the other end of the phone.

Immediately, he hung up the phone, opened his mailbox, and saw Ye Qian in the video, and couldn't help gritting his teeth!
"You finally appeared. I thought I would never find you again, but I didn't expect you to come to my door."

Zhang Zhongtian saw that the person in the video was the one who set up a video of himself with Tang Yun, and that video, Zhang Zhongtian was sure, must be in her hands.

"Oh! I still want to go to the United States, how can I let you get your wish!"

After listening to the recording, Zhang Zhongtian said harshly, then picked up the phone, "Hello? Old Zheng, I'm Zhang Zhongtian, help me check this person, yes, I'll send it to you right now."

Of course, Zhang Zhongtian's people did not find Ye Qian, because Ye Qian's appearance this time was deliberately shown by Zhang Zhongtian, in order to bring wrong information to Zhang Zhongtian.

How did Zhang Zhongtian know this? After getting the news, he sat on the seat and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He finally didn't have to worry about it. If he couldn't catch anyone when he knew the time and place, he could really die. up.

Gu Yihan's side also had a great time eating, because Lin Wanwan, a living treasure, couldn't help but have a bit more fun eating lobsters and hairy crabs, which was more fun than eating with Gu Yihan and Lin Momo at home. How many times does it taste.

"Okay, okay, I see, I'll go find you."

When he was about to eat, Gu Yihan received a call from Zhang Zhongtian, explaining Ye Qian's matter. After thinking about it, Gu Yihan decided to meet and discuss it. After all, the matter is of great importance. If it succeeds, no one will If Lin Momo is harmed, there is no need to worry about it anymore.

Lin Wanwan and the others felt that it was almost done, so they went home first, and Gu Yihan walked towards Zhang Zhongtian's office alone.

"Mr. Gu, you are finally here, take a look."

Speaking of which, Zhang Zhongtian pushed the laptop to Gu Yihan, and opened the video in the folder.

"It's this woman, I think the video is in her hands." Zhang Zhongtian said with a frown.

"After you explained it to me, I also checked it out, but there was no result. Do you know the relationship between her and Tang Yun? I'll send someone to look it up after I go down."

Looking at the people in the video, Gu Yihan couldn't help frowning, and said to Zhang Zhongtian.

Immediately Zhang Zhongtian turned on the audio, and replied to Gu Yihan: "When the two were on the phone, this woman claimed to be Tang Yun's sister."

Gu Yihan nodded thoughtfully, and then shook his head: "Impossible, Tang Yun and his parents are only children, she has no sister at all, and it's impossible if they recognize each other, the relationship between the two is So good, how could we not find out."

Zhang Zhongtian also nodded thoughtfully, obviously agreeing with what Gu Yihan said.

(End of this chapter)

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