Chapter 805 Extra Story 187 Cousin
In a certain box in the teahouse, Tang Yun was sitting upright, waiting for her cousin to arrive. Naturally, what she had to do next was to get Lin Momo and Ji Xiangru together, and his cousin was where Lin Momo was. A director of the company.

Not long after, a man in a suit and tie opened the door and walked in. After seeing Tang Yun, his eyes flashed a light, and then he calmed down.

"Cousin, you are finally here, but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Tang Yun said to the visitor in a coquettish voice.

"Haha, it's all my cousin's fault. I'm very busy with some things in the company, so I came a step late. I hope my cousin won't be offended."

As he said that, the man sat down opposite Tang Yun.

"Oh, what about my cousin? Why would I blame my cousin again?"

Tang Yun then poured a cup of tea for his cousin, picked it up with both hands, and sent it towards him.

His cousin couldn't help laughing, quickly took the tea, took a sip, and looked at Tang Yun with golden eyes, like a hungry wolf staring at his food.

Tang Yun just smiled Shanshan, didn't say much, then stood up, walked to his cousin and sat down, and that jade hand was placed on his cousin's chest in an unruly way, causing trouble. It made his blood boil.

"Cousin, you haven't said anything for so long to come and see him, it's really necrotic."

Tang Yun's face was already attached to his cousin's neck at this time, and the hot breath from his breath blew against his ears from time to time.

"Cousin, you are..."

His cousin said nervously, but his lower body expressed his feelings honestly. In one word, it was cool!
Tang Yun also observed that her cousin had already had a physical reaction at this time, so she couldn't help chuckling, and her voice was even more ecstatic, which made her cousin shiver uncontrollably.

"Cousin, don't you miss me? I miss my cousin very much."

At this time, Tang Yun held her cousin's neck with one arm, and the other arm got into the inside of his suit, and kept walking around.

"I... think about it, why don't I want to!"

Tang Yun's cousin swallowed, seeing that Tang Yun couldn't speak calmly.

"Miss me? Really or not?"

Tang Yun's little hand at this time even unbuttoned his cousin's shirt one by one, and then gently stroked his skin with his fingertips.

"Of course it's true, I really miss you."

At this time, his cousin couldn't restrain his inner lust anymore, he stood up from the chair all of a sudden, and directly pressed Tang Yun under him.

You know, Tang Yun's cousin has been interested in Tang Yun for a long time, but she is a popular little girl with an unusual status. Even her circle is rich or expensive. Even if there were such good things in the past, there was no such thing as him. share.

"Cousin, how are you doing? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Although Tang Yun resisted a little on his lips, he had already accepted his cousin's invasion physically.

His big hands pressed Tang Yun's chest and kneaded vigorously. Hearing Tang Yun's gasps one after another, and the expression of enjoyment on his face, he couldn't help feeling a sense of pleasure.

His breathing became more and more rapid, and he began to take off his own clothes, and of course Tang Yun's.

Just when they were about to start a storm, Tang Yun's phone rang.

Tang Yun's cousin couldn't help frowning, why didn't he call at any time, it's really disappointing to call at this time.

Tang Yun looked a little embarrassed, first picked up a piece of clothing from the sofa next to him, put it on, gestured to his cousin, and then answered the phone.

"Hello? What? How did this happen? I..."

The expression on Tang Yun's face looked a little exaggerated, obviously something bad happened.

Tang Yun's cousin thought in his heart: I don't know if I'm still in the mood to play with me after answering this call, who is calling this call, it's ruining my good deed.

However, cousin Tang Yun was surprised that after Tang Yun hung up the phone, he didn't complain in a fit of rage, but sat there quietly, silent, and then Tang Yun cried in a low voice.

For an actor, the crying scene is the easiest. As a popular actress, Tang Yun can easily handle it.

Tang Yun's cousin thought about it, and sat beside Tang Yun, hugged her and said, "Cousin, what's wrong with you? Tell cousin if you have any difficulties, maybe I can help you."

However, after he said he was going, he felt a little regretful, what could he do if he had nothing to do, even if she couldn't solve it, how could he help her.

"Cousin, I... I feel wronged."

Tang Yun looked into his cousin's eyes affectionately, plunged into his arms, and burst into tears.

And his feeling at this time is very good, because Tang Yun's move plunged into his arms, he can clearly feel Tang Yun's pair of breasts in his arms, because he just took off his clothes, and he hasn't had time yet Putting it on, he can even feel the existence of two small dots.

"It's okay, it's okay, my cousin is here."

His feeling is also very good, he has already left behind who he is.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Even if my cousin risked his life, I won't let you be wronged."

And the other side.

oops!How could I have forgotten that, really!

Lin Momo patted her head with the document in her hand, then stood up and walked towards the office where the employees worked.

Lin Momo explained to the rest of her group, and left in a hurry. She and her younger sister made an agreement to take her younger brother Ye Wenyu back to the place where her mother lived.

"Hello? Wanwan? Where is it? Our company works overtime all day today, I almost forgot about that."

As soon as Lin Momo got off the door of the company, she took out her mobile phone and called Lin Wanwan.

"Huh——Really, it's not that you and your brother-in-law went to play, forget about the two of us."

Cut... Am I, Lin Momo, the kind of person who forgets friends when he sees sex?Really!
"I'm in the villa arranged for me by my brother-in-law. I took my younger brother over. I've been waiting for you for more than an hour. I was going to call you, but I was afraid to disturb you and your brother-in-law to do something shameful. Alas! You quickly Come here, we're all dying."

Lin Wanwan said unhappily on the other end of the phone.


Really, what are you talking about, as if I really did something with Gu Yihan, I really work overtime at the company, okay?

Lin Momo felt a little speechless towards her sister, and immediately hung up the phone, ready to rush over.

"Hey, those two people...why do you keep staring at me? Why do I have blemishes on my face today?" Lin Momo looked at the two standing not far from her and murmured to herself. Touched his face.


Lin Momo then shrugged and rushed towards Lin Wanwan.

(End of this chapter)

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