The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 824 Extra Story 206 The confidant with worrying IQ

Chapter 824 Extra Story 206 The confidant with worrying IQ

"Mr. Gu, don't worry, I've already released the task. Now the police stations in various regions have dispatched their manpower. As long as that person appears, we can immediately arrest him and bring him to justice."

Director Zheng called Gu Yihan and said.

"Well, then I'll thank Director Zheng first. In the future, Director Zheng can just tell me if he has any questions. If I can do it, I will definitely help."

Gu Yihan said lightly, if the police were dispatched, I believe Guo Datian would not be able to escape.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yihan stood up and walked downstairs to the company.

He is going to find Ji Xiangru now, and before things get too busy at the moment, he decides to go to Ji Xiangru first, if he doesn't go, Ji Xiangru might think that he is afraid of him, and then go out and mess up Say.

Although Gu Yihan doesn't care about those gossips at all, but as the president of a company, he represents not only himself, but also the face of the entire company. Imagine if a company leader is scolded by others outside, he can express his position a little If there is none, wouldn't it mean that your own company can't do it?

Gu Yihan sat in the luxury car and answered the phone call from his confidant.

"Mr. Gu, we have found out about Guo Datian's whereabouts in the past few days, including what underwear he is wearing."

Gu Yihan's confidant then said: "The red underwear he was wearing today, yesterday... it seemed to be black, the day before yesterday... wait, let me see..."


Gu Yihan was completely speechless, who the hell asked you to find out what underwear he was wearing? If you let others know, they would think I was a pervert!

"Say, he has been in contact with someone in the past two days, and he got close."

Gu Yihan was a little angry, but he still asked his confidant.

"Oh, I just checked. In the past two days, there is really one person who is close to him. They are together for ten hours a day."

Gu Yihan's confidants heard that there was something wrong with Gu Yihan's tone, and said quickly.

ten hours?He must be studying how to fix himself, right?But study what?To be together ten hours all day.

"What's it called? What's the relationship with Guo Datian?" Gu Yihan said lightly.

"Oh, it's called Yang Caini... Is it related to Guo Datian? This person is Guo Datian's wife."

"Do you still want to do it? What kind of trouble is this?"

If this person was standing in front of Gu Yihan at this moment, Gu Yihan would have to rush forward and give this guy a few big mouths.


Gu Yihan's confidant was a little baffled, he said this completely according to his boss's command, why the boss was angry.

"Change someone and ask another person to report to me."

Gu Yihan yelled into the phone, this person is so stupid, what did he think at the time, that he was chosen as his confidant?

In order to be able to serve Gu Yihan better and more efficiently, the number Gu Yihan dialed is guarded by someone on duty, 24 hours a day, at any time to obey Gu Yihan's orders, and these people are all Gu Yihan. Yihan personally picked it out, and today it happens that this person whose IQ seems to be offline is "on duty."

"Report to me."

Gu Yihan said to the phone again.

Apparently another person has been replaced on the other end of the phone, and reported to Gu Yihan truthfully: "Guo Datian is a good-natured person, and spends a period of time with different women every day. These people can rule out the suspicion. If suspicious, there is one.

He is a department manager of Mr. Gu's headquarters. He once called Guo Datian a few times. In the morning of the first three days, Guo Datian even went to find this person. "

Hearing that this person finally sounds a little more reliable, and he won't tell you what underwear other people wear, Gu Yihan calmed down the mood just now, and opened his mouth again: "Who is it?"

"The manager of the marketing department of Shengtian Group is [-] yuan."

Gu Yihan's confidant paused, and then said: "There was a call to Guo Datian this morning. When we called back, the phone was turned off, and we found out that the phone number was exactly [-] yuan. identity."

"Ten thousand yuan? Okay, I see. Is there anything suspicious?"

When Gu Yihan heard this, his eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that even the people in his own headquarters wanted to harm him. Their courage was really getting fatter.

"It's nothing else." Gu Yihan's confidant replied.

"Well, well, I see, you go to the head office for me, and control the [-] yuan for me, and wait for me to go back."

Gu Yihan explained to his confidant before hanging up the phone.

"Interesting, interesting. I really don't know if I can dig out anyone else. These two have extraordinary identities in the company."

Gu Yihan said to himself with a dignified expression.

"Hey, Ms. Ye, I have settled the [-] yuan."

Fang Wen walked out of a box on the second floor of a cafe, put on sunglasses, and walked out.

"Okay, didn't you leave any clues? If Gu Yihan finds out, all of you will be finished."

Ye Qian asked on the other end of the phone.

"Don't worry, I'm an idiot like Wan Wan."

Fang Wen replied coldly, until now, he was still somewhat dissatisfied with Ye Qian.If it weren't for Ye Qian, how could I have fallen to such a state, I was worried every day, and even started a "multilevel marketing organization" business.

"That's natural. Without our general manager Fang, our team wouldn't have so many people."

Ye Qian smiled and said, then hung up the phone.

"Heh, what's the air? No matter how good you are, you still obediently do things for me now?"

Ye Qian showed a disdainful smile on her face, and said to herself.

Fang Wen's place was naturally ordered by Ye Qian, and she does not allow any problems to arise at all.One mistake, the whole game is lost, if Gu Yihan caught [-] yuan, this person must have confessed everything honestly, how could she allow it.

On Guo Datian's side, he also sent someone, and Guo Datian would also be silenced if he couldn't send him away.

Ye Qian thought that if she did this, Gu Yihan would not be able to catch any loopholes, so she nodded in satisfaction.

"Mr. Gu, we're here."

With the sound of brakes, Gu Yihan's luxury car stopped under the building of Ji's Group, and Gu Yihan's driver reminded Gu Yihan who was sitting in the back seat thinking.

Gu Yihan didn't speak, but nodded with some deep meaning. On the way, he kept thinking about what Guo Datian and Wan Wan would do together, and finally came to a conclusion in his mind: these two people are going to rebel!

(End of this chapter)

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