The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 829 Extra Story 211 Tang Yun Pays 3 Million

Chapter 829 Extra Story 211 Tang Yun Pays [-] Million

Ye Qian had brought Tang Yun to her secret work place at this time.

After Tang Yun arrived, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It was obvious that Ye Qian secretly planned everything in this place. There were many people with various sophisticated instruments monitoring Gu Yihan's company, and George and a team were eyeing Shengtian Group covetously.

Ye Qian brought Tang Yun to an empty room, and after the two sat down, Ye Qian said: "You have seen those people, I invited them to deal with Gu Yihan, Gu Yihan won Some people in the Tian Group have already worked for us completely, and some people are not giving up and are being watched by our people. If they dare to leak any news, they will immediately disappear from this world."

Ye Qian paused and continued: "I also specially invited a financial genius from Los Angeles to deal with Gu Yihan. This person has also read the information of Shengtian Group, and he is sure to use it up within two days. All of Gu Yihan's working capital."

When Tang Yun heard this, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and asked Ye Qian, "Is there anything I can help with?"

Although Tang Yun is not as good as Ye Qian in terms of strategy, she is not so stupid that she doesn't know anything.

Ye Qian tried her best to save herself, but she didn't let her come to watch the show, she must be useful in something, although Tang Yun was slightly displeased, what else could she say?After all, if Ye Qian hadn't rescued him, he would still be in prison right now.

"Hehe, since we've reached this point, I won't refuse anything. I really need your help this time, and my strength alone is far from enough."

Ye Qian paused, and then said: "If George wants to shake the stock market of Gu Yihan Shengtian Group, of course he needs some funds, [-] million!"

Tang Yun couldn't help being startled when he heard it, [-] million?Are you kidding me, that's my entire net worth, if I hand it over to Ye Qian, wouldn't I have nothing?What should I do if something happens in the future?
After seeing Tang Yun's surprised expression, Ye Qian smiled, and then said: "Of course, I didn't ask you to spend [-] million by yourself. You have also seen that money is needed for monitoring and hiring people. I am now I can only come up with [-] million, so the remaining [-] million needs my sister's help."

After Tang Yun heard this, he couldn't help frowning. [-] million is not a small number for him, but it is not impossible to take it out. The main reason is to see if it is worth it. If you use this [-] million to bring down Gu Yihan, Then he stepped forward again and saved the Gu family, so Gu Yihan couldn't be more grateful to him?But can it really be done?
"Sister Qian, how sure are you about this matter?"

Tang Yun asked with some worry.


Ye Qian replied, and immediately analyzed it with Tang Yun: "Fang Wen, the general manager of Shengtian Group, has compromised and stood on our side with all his heart. After his leadership, many senior management of Shengtian Group already know what to do. Standing in line, 50.00% of the large and small enterprises under the Victory Group have our people.

Therefore, it is not difficult to bring down Gu Yihan. The key point depends on the stock market. I am not afraid to tell you that George analyzed that Shengtian Group's liquidity is about [-] billion. She told me that if you give him [-] million [-] million, he is sure to control Gu Yihan's liquidity within two days, so it depends on how big your heart is, sister. "

After hearing what Ye Qian said, Tang Yun couldn't help questioning: "Is George reliable? Can he really use 50 million to control Gu Yihan's [-] billion?"

Ye Qian smiled: "You bet [-] million yuan, and I am all my wealth including my life. If I am not fully sure, do you think I will tell you about this? And Guo Datian, [-] yuan It has been exposed, I believe Gu Yihan will take action soon, then we will become passive and the situation will become even more unfavorable."

Hearing Ye Qian's analysis, Tang Yun couldn't help but nodded, then gritted his teeth, and said to Ye Qian: "Okay, Sister Qian, I can give you [-] million."

If this matter is successful and I marry into the Gu family, wouldn't I have what I want?What is [-] million worth?
I don't want my child to be caught by a wolf, Ye Qian is such a shrewd person, what am I afraid of?Taking a [-]-step back, even if it doesn’t succeed, don’t I still have [-] million here?When the time comes to run away by myself, I believe that no matter where I go, the [-] million yuan will be enough for me to live comfortably after get off work.

"When Gu Yihan's company goes bankrupt, how can I come forward and save him?"

Tang Yun continued to ask, this time his purpose was to make Gu Yihan sleep and Lin Momo marry him, that's why she asked.

A strange light flashed in Ye Qian's eyes when she heard it, hehe, how could I ask someone to save him?Aren't we the ones who saved his death?
After Gu Yihan's downfall, I will buy up the bankrupt companies under his name one by one, and I will be among the top ten in the country, haha, then naturally I don't have to be afraid of Gu Yihan anymore.

But how could Ye Qian say this to let Tang Yun know that she still needs to use this silly woman's [-] million, Ye Qian smiled and said to Tang Yun when she thought of this.

"At that time, you tell him that if he divorces Lin Momo and marries you, you will have a way to help him solve these crises. As long as he agrees, I will immediately ask George to stop, and Gu Yihan's funds will naturally slowly disappear. Back to cage."

After Tang Yun heard it, a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth, Lin Momo, Lin Momo, Gu Yihan is still mine in the end?Ha ha, fight with me, you still can't do it.

"Okay, when I marry into the Gu family, I will let Yihan cooperate with my sister. I believe that the Ye Group can develop well."

Ye Qian said with a smile, completely regarding herself as the winner of this business war.

Hehe, at that time, the Ye Group may not have developed very well, but will leap forward.

Ye Qian seemed to think of something suddenly, and said to Tang Yun: "By the way, sister, there is one more thing you need to do."

"Huh? What's the matter? Sister, just say it."

Now that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, Tang Yun will naturally not shirk anything.

"Tomorrow, George is going to make a move. I want your cousin to transfer Lin Momo to our Ye Group. Tomorrow, our Ye Group will have a welfare for old employees.

It is unprecedented for many companies. Let her go for an interview. During the interview, I will create some accidents. Gu Yihan will definitely come forward to solve his troubles first. We will take advantage of this time to make a move. Gu Yihan must have no time to take care of it. "

"Okay, no problem, leave this to me."

Tang Yun thought about it and it wasn't a difficult task, so he agreed without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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