Chapter 836 Extra Story 218 Signed
Lin Momo shook her head involuntarily, hand in the documents?What to pay?Ji Xiangru's company has no new products at all, and asking himself to go is entirely for personal reasons.

Hey, forget it, I will explain to the editor-in-chief later.

Lin Momo immediately took out her mobile phone and called Ye Qian. This mobile phone number was saved when she was hospitalized.

"Hello, is that Miss Qian?"

Lin Momo asked with a smile, completely unaware that Ye Qian was the one who hurt her repeatedly.

"Well, it's me, Momo, how's it going? I haven't seen me for a while, do you miss me?"

Ye Qian on the other end of the phone also pretended to be very intimate.

"Of course, didn't I call you when I heard that you had something to ask me?" Lin Momo continued.

"Well, that's really troublesome for you. Our company has introduced new measures. If I want to find a reporter, of course the first person I think of is you."

"Well, there's no trouble. Just tell me the time and place. I'll make a plan so I can go there." Lin Momo asked immediately.

"Well, the time is set at two o'clock in the afternoon. The location, of course, is our Ye Group."

"Okay, I'll be there then."

"Well, in that case, let's meet and talk."

Ye Qian hung up the phone, couldn't help laughing, and then said to herself: "Lin Momo, Lin Momo, do you think I should praise you, or call you stupid? At this moment, you still want to Treating me like a good sister is really stupid!"

"Mr. Gu, we finally have a breakthrough..."

In the office, Gu Yihan suddenly received a call from his confidant, sat up involuntarily, and immediately responded: "Okay, I'll rush over right away."

Lin Momo went to the Ye Group for an interview at two o'clock, and now she has a lot of time. After asking Gu Yihan, she knew that she would not come back for dinner, so she and Erya ate something casually, and then went to play tennis. It is said that Erya's tennis skills are top-notch, and Lin Momo couldn't help being excited.

Not long after, Lin Momo was panting and collapsed to the ground, while Erya was still full of energy. Lin Momo shook her head and sighed, "It seems that I have to strengthen my training in the future."

The two rested for a while, and set off after seeing that it was almost time, to the Ye Group.

When Lin Momo came to Ye's Group, he found that there were no reporters blocking the door as he imagined, and the employees were all busy.

"Hello? Sister Qian, I'm here, where are you?" Lin Momo then called Ye Qian.

"Oh, you're already here. I'll go down to pick you up right now. Wait for me at the door." Ye Qian replied with a smile.

After a while, Lin Momo saw Ye Qian running down and waving at her.

"Sister Qian, long time no see."

Lin Momo went up to meet her and said with a smile.

"Isn't it, it reminds me of me."

Ye Qian smiled all over her face and gave Lin Momo a big hug.

Those who didn't know saw it and thought the two were close friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

"Sister Qian, didn't your company introduce a new type of measure today? Why doesn't it seem like there are no reporters today?"

Lin Momo couldn't bear her curiosity, so she asked immediately.

"You ask this?"

Ye Qian smiled, and replied to Lin Momo: "I'm not thinking about you? I only invited you, a reporter, to do an exclusive report. How about it? How is my sister treating you?"

"Well, of course, don't worry, I will try my best to do everything well."

Lin Momo was not wary of Ye Qian, so she naturally believed what Ye Qian said.

Regardless of her fame, Ye Qian only called Lin Momo a reporter in order to let Lin Momo do an exclusive report. How could Lin Momo not be grateful?

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, let's go in quickly, just wait for you to start."

As Ye Qian said, she took Lin Momo's hand and walked into the Ye Group's building.

When Lin Momo arrived at the scene, she couldn't help being surprised when she saw her own younger brother Ye Wenyu. She hurried forward and asked, "Brother, why are you here?"

After Ye Wenyu saw his own sister, he couldn't help being happy. The Ye family was still indifferent to him as before. Although they didn't worry about money, they didn't have any family affection at all.

"Sister, I was called by Sister Qian."

In Ye's house, Ye Qian treated Ye Wenyu well on the surface in order not to gossip. Ye Wenyu, a child, could not tell Ye Qian's scheming, and really thought Ye Qian was nice to her.

"Oh, that's how it is. Wenyu is the only son of my father, and he will be the successor of the Ye Group in the future. Therefore, with the introduction of this measure, Wenyu can take this opportunity to get to know the people in the company, so that he can take over in the future." no?"

Ye Qian also heard the conversation between the two, and immediately explained to Lin Momo.

Lin Momo nodded, feeling that what Ye Qian said was very reasonable. At the same time, Lin Momo's affection for Ye Qian increased again.

Although the younger brother is still young, Ye Qian has no intention of underestimating the younger brother, and wholeheartedly helps the younger brother, so that at least the younger brother will not have to worry too much in the future.

You must know that there are many cases where brothers turn against each other because of property disputes, but Ye Qian obviously would not do this.

"Okay, let's get started."

Lin Momo smiled and said to Ye Qian, then took out a pen and paper, and Erya also picked up the camera.

Ye Qian nodded, stood up and turned to everyone, announcing the start loudly.

I don't know how long it took before Ye Qian finally finished talking about the reform measures. Lin Momo thought it was pretty good. This is some benefits for old employees. Ye's Group is the first of its kind, so it will definitely be popular in the news a handful.

"Okay, now my brother and I will sign the agreement."

As she spoke, Ye Qian picked up a pen and signed her name on the contract.

"Wenyu, you come to sign too."

Ye Qian smiled and said to Ye Wenyu.

At this moment, Lin Momo was a little puzzled, shouldn't such a contract document be signed by the chairman or something?Why did Wen Yu and Sister Ye Qian sign, and Ye Lingtian didn't come today.

Perhaps Ye Lingtian had the intention to abdicate, and maybe he wanted to train Wenyu.

"Momo, come quickly, you too."

Seeing that Ye Wenyu signed her name accurately, Ye Qian couldn't help but evoked a meaningful smile, but it was fleeting, and then she smiled and called Lin Momo.

"Huh? I'm going up too?"

Lin Momo was in a daze when she heard Ye Qian calling her, but she still walked over.

"Come on, as today's witness, you should also sign the witness certificate." Ye Qian said with a smile.

After Lin Momo heard it, she suddenly realized that this is the case. The event was really well done, and even the certificate came out.

Lin Momo took the pen from Ye Qian, glanced at the so-called testimonial, and saw that it was all in English. Lin Momo barely passed the test of English, but Lin Momo had graduated for a few years, and what she learned could not be ignored. They all returned to the society after work, shook their heads, and signed their names.

(End of this chapter)

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