Chapter 842 Extra Story 224
Soon, Ye Qian and her stand-in changed all the clothes and decorations except for the underwear. Ye Qian even took off the earrings and necklaces and put them on for the stand-in.

"Now listen carefully, what is the task I give you?"

Ye Qian's expression became serious, and she turned to the substitute and said, "I want you to find a group of reporters to interview Gu Yihan at Shengtian Group. The stock market of Shengtian Group is very unstable, and the reporters must be curious. It shouldn't be difficult to guide them because of their size. I have written a few questions, and you can just follow the above questions when the time comes.

Remember, don't let Gu Yihan see your face, you have to wear sunglasses, a mask, and a hat, and you can't leave any of them behind. Also, after you ask a few questions, you leave immediately and don't worry about anything else. Do you understand? "

The stand-in nodded after hearing what Ye Qian said, and then asked worriedly: "What if Gu Yihan finds out?"

"Run, don't worry, I will send someone to meet you."

Gu Yihan rubbed his temples and couldn't help but take a breath.

He himself didn't go back for a day, and he didn't know how Lin Momo was doing today. He later asked Qin Yu to accompany Lin Momo. He hoped that Qin Yu would be more reliable in his work, otherwise, he would go there soon Clean him up well.


He called Lin Momo and asked where she was.

"I'm eating out with Qin Yu, are you done?"

Lin Momo's voice sounded quite normal, Gu Yihan felt relieved: "I'm done, won't you call me for dinner?"

"Ah, we are at the hot pot restaurant on xx Road, do you want to come?"

Lin Momo glanced at the time, it was almost four o'clock, Gu Yihan actually had time?

"Wait, I'll be right there!"

Gu Yihan hung up the phone, took his coat and walked out. The matter was already in sight, and he couldn't wait to see Lin Momo.

I don't know why, recently, his heart has always been filled with uneasiness, and he always feels that something will happen.Moreover, these things will be related to Lin Momo, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

He has already sent an Erya to protect Lin Momo. If he sends another one, Lin Momo will probably notice it, and it's not what he wants to see to make her worry.

"Brother Gu!"

Lin Momo, Qin Yu and Erya actually chose a place in the lobby and ordered food. When they saw Gu Yihan appearing at the door, he waved and shouted.

"Why are you with your sister-in-law?"

Gu Yihan asked casually, as if he was really surprised, why did Qin Yu and Lin Momo meet together.

"My sister-in-law and I haven't seen each other for a long time, and then we came to have dinner together."

Er Ya consciously gave up the seat next to Lin Momo to Gu Yihan, and sat next to Qin Yu.

"It's a coincidence."

Gu Yihan nodded, took the dishes that Lin Momo had cooked for him, and started to eat.

After eating this meal for more than an hour, when several people came out of the hot pot restaurant, Lin Momo's face was flushed and she was sweating profusely, obviously because of the heat.

"Why are you so careless?"

Gu Yihan felt a little distressed, so he hugged Lin Momo in his arms, took out the towel, and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Suddenly I want to eat hot pot."

Lin Momo smiled embarrassedly, suddenly wanted to eat hot pot today, so she brought Qin Yu and Erya here, she didn't know that Gu Yihan would come, otherwise she wouldn't have chosen such a place.


Gu Yihan tapped her forehead and reprimanded her.

"I said, brother, can you not show your affection in front of us? Do you want to consider how we feel as single dogs? We will never get along happily in the future with you like this."

Qin Yu couldn't stand it any longer. Gu Yihan, who had transformed into a good husband and a man in an instant, was nothing like that decisive man in the mall, okay?
"The adults speak, the children don't interrupt!"

Gu Yihan put his arms around Lin Momo and ignored Qin Yu's protest without even looking at him.

"Let's go back to the company together."

Although it's getting late, it's not time to get off work.Lin Momo proposed to go back to the company.

"Sister-in-law, I think you're not in a good mood today, you'd better go back and rest." Qin Yu said.

"Yes, Momo, when I woke up in the morning, my eyes were swollen like that, I'd better go back and rest, I'll take my things back to the company, and I'll take care of other things." Erya also said worriedly.

Gu Yihan had already discovered that something was wrong with Lin Momo's state, so he naturally didn't want her to go back to the company, so he sent her back home, watched her fall asleep, and then returned to Shengtian.

"Check out all the information about Ye Qian, who she has been with recently, and all the information on the accounts, and send it to me. And that Tang Yun, you should check it out too. See if there is any connection between them."

Ye Qian was not an easy person to deal with, and he didn't want to take it lightly, so he decided to read the information about Ye Qian again.

Obviously her target is Lin Momo, if she dares to hurt her woman, he will make her life worse than death!
Gu Yihan's side is still investigating the information non-stop, while Ye Qian's side has long been immersed in the joy of success and cannot extricate herself.

"Hehe, Gu Yihan, no matter how capable you are, I don't believe you can let Lin Momo run away this time."

Ye Qian's eyes were cold, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, she looked out the window gloomyly and said to herself.

A reliable face entered the police station!

This person was the one Ye Qian sent to deliver the letter to her.

"Police, I want to report the crime, I want to report the crime!"

Someone brought a document to the police station to report the case, saying that the wife of the president of Shengtian Group sold arms/fire and obtained fatal evidence.

As soon as this incident happened, the whole police station was boiling. Gu Yihan's woman, what joke are you talking about?Selling arms/fire?Even if these policemen don't believe it, there is nothing they can do, the evidence is right in front of them.

The police chief of City B held the document, read it again and again, finally gritted his teeth, and gave an order to his subordinates: "Go to Gu Yihan's house and arrest the suspect Lin Momo."

Although he didn't want to do this, he had no other choice. This matter was no small matter. Even if he wanted to report to Gu Yihan, he didn't have the courage.

The word military/fire, no matter who gets involved with it, the country will not show any sympathy. What a joke, if you have weapons, what should you do about the safety of the country's citizens?
So he had to issue an order to arrest Lin Momo, and apologize to Gu Yihan only after the matter was found out.

(End of this chapter)

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