The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 848 Extra Story 230 One Blood Red

Chapter 848 Extra Story 230 Blood Red

"Okay, Gu Yihan is so good, he is indeed my husband."

After Lin Momo heard that Ye Qian was plotted by Gu Yihan, she couldn't help but applauded loudly.

Lin Momo hated such a person from the bottom of her heart. People who would do anything for money are the most hateful.

"What's good? Don't forget, you are still in my hands."

After Ye Qian heard this, she didn't feel angry, she had a smile on her face, and she was convinced of Lin Momo.

"With you in my hands, don't let Gu Yihan spit out everything I ate, even if he gave me several billion more, it wouldn't be a big problem." Ye Qian said with a smile.

Lin Momo gritted her teeth when she heard this, looked at the proud Ye Qian and said, "Huh! You won't succeed, Gu Yihan is not as stupid as you say."

Although Lin Momo said that, she was still very worried in her heart. You must know that after the wedding between the two, Gu Yihan really had nothing to say about herself. What did Ye Qian do to make her succeed?

"Humph! Take it off!"

Ye Qian thought about it for a while and thought that Gu Yihan is not an ordinary character. She spent so much energy, but in the end she got nothing and even hurt herself, so that she can know how difficult Gu Yihan is to deal with.

After the four of them pressed Lin Momo and the bodyguards down, Ye Qian rubbed her temples, and then called Gu Yihan.

"Hehe, Mr. Gu, how are you?"

After Gu Yihan answered the phone, Ye Qian said with a smile.

"Ye Qian, you'd better let Lin Momo go, otherwise..."

Gu Yihan didn't say much, he believed that Ye Qian could understand what he meant.

"Hehehe, Mr. Gu, don't make any jokes with me. Based on what I did, even if I let Lin Momo go, can you let me go? Heh!"

Ye Qian has been driven to a dead end now, she doesn't care about Gu Yihan's threats at all, and said to herself.

"Why don't I see it this way, you hand over the Ye Group's contract to my people, and give me another one billion, and I will let Lin Momo go, what do you think?"

Ye Qian immediately put forward her own conditions to Gu Yihan.

"Oh, are you threatening me?"

Gu Yihan couldn't help but smiled, why?Do you think you have us all?
What Ye Qian didn't know was that Gu Yihan was heading to the abandoned warehouse where Lin Momo was, and beside Lin Momo was a woman with extraordinary strength.

"If Mr. Gu insists on thinking this way, then I have nothing to do."

Ye Qian smiled, and then continued: "I will send you the bank card number and the location of my person. As for how to do it, I advise Mr. Gu to think carefully."

"Of course."

Gu Yihan looked at the little red dot that was getting closer and closer on the screen of the phone, and replied.

As soon as Ye Qian hung up the phone, Gu Yihan made arrangements to his assistant: "Everything will be done according to Ye Qian's wishes."

The assistant hesitated a bit, but agreed anyway.

Of course, Gu Yihan didn't compromise with Ye Qian, but did it on purpose so that Ye Qian could be paralyzed and Lin Momo would be relatively safer.

At this moment, Lin Momo felt a little bit of fear and anger in her heart, and most of all, she was worried about Gu Yihan.

The four guarding them, as always, sat and chatted lazily together, only casting a glance at the two of them from time to time.

The female bodyguard sent by Gu Yihan to protect Lin Momo had already untied the rope from her hands and moved towards Lin Momo bit by bit.

"Miss Lin, let me untie the rope for you." She whispered to Lin Momo.

Lin Momo couldn't help being surprised when she heard the voice of the female bodyguard, she actually untied the rope.

Lin Momo nodded and slowly approached him.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

One of the four noticed Lin Momo's abnormality, immediately stood up and walked over.

The other three also quickly surrounded them.

The female bodyguards realized that the situation was not good. If they found themselves, it would be difficult to escape.

Immediately, the female bodyguard flicked her leg and kicked the leading man's calf.

The leading man fell down.

The other three immediately realized that the woman in front of them was not simple, and hurriedly touched their waists.

Before long, the female bodyguard pulled out the pistol from the waist of the leading man. After loading it, she fired a shot at the other man, and then rolled over to Lin Momo's side.

The rope on Lin Momo's hand had already been untied by the female bodyguard. Lin Momo untied the rope on her feet while she was dealing with the man.

The female bodyguard shot one of the three, and the remaining two quickly moved aside.

Immediately, they fired at Lin Momo. They knew that this powerful woman was not important, what was important was Lin Momo, as long as she was kept, the rest would be easy to talk about.

They were afraid of killing Lin Momo with one shot, so they could only shoot at his leg.

The female bodyguard was a killer in the past, and her ability to predict danger was naturally better than ordinary people. She flew forward and knocked Lin Momo aside.

Lin Momo fell to the ground, her eyes were dark and she felt sore.

The condition of the female bodyguard was also not very good. In order to prevent Lin Momo from being injured, she was shot in the shoulder, and the wound felt hot all of a sudden.

The female bodyguard didn't have time to pay attention to her injuries. She turned around, rolled in front of Lin Momo, and fired two shots at the other two, who fell down.

"Let's go, they will come when they hear the gunshot."

The female bodyguard said to Lin Momo.

At this moment, Lin Momo was in a trance. For some reason, Lin Momo felt a little weak when bumped by the female bodyguard. His mouth opened and he couldn't say a word.

With a bang, the door of the warehouse was opened, and it was Ye Qian and another man who walked in. That man was the most skilled among the five, so Ye Qian kept him to protect herself.

"What? I didn't realize that you still have a few tricks, but you can't run away today!"

Ye Qian then gestured towards the man beside her.

At this moment, there were two slaps, and two bullet holes appeared on the door behind Ye Qian. When Ye Qian saw it, she felt a chill in her scalp, and she almost died just now.

The people around Ye Qian hurriedly covered the door to observe, and said to Ye Qian: "Miss, we must retreat immediately, there are dozens of masters outside, approaching us little by little."

Ye Qian was so angry that her head was smoking. Did she just let Lin Momo run away this time?
She is not reconciled, but what if she is not reconciled?The most important thing now is to protect yourself, if you fall into Gu Yihan's hands, you will have no chance to stand up.

Ye Qian glared at Lin Momo, took the pistol from the hand of the man beside her, fired a few shots at where Lin Momo was, gritted her teeth and said a word from the gap between her mouth: "Let's go!"

After seeing Ye Qian leave, the female bodyguard couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but she couldn't help frowning when she saw Lin Momo in her arms.

At this time, Lin Momo's face was pale, and there was a pool of blood under her body.


At this moment, Gu Yihan also rushed in.


The female bodyguard stretched out her hand towards Gu Yihan, signaling her position.

Gu Yihan stepped forward quickly, seeing the blood red under Lin Momo's body, his pupils dilated involuntarily, then he bent down~ and hugged Lin Momo in his arms.

Lin Momo glanced at Gu Yihan and smiled gratifiedly. She knew that Gu Yihan would definitely come to save her, and he did not disappoint her.

"Don't worry, Momo, you'll be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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