Chapter 869 Extra Story 251 Game
When Ji Xiangru walked up, he bumped into Gu Yihan as expected.

At this time, Gu Yihan was standing in the corridor, and his assistant was standing in front of him, chatting with the resident opposite Lin Momo.

When Ji Xiangru saw it, he felt bad in his heart, and quickly cast a look at his assistant, then his eyes sank, and he looked at Gu Yihan coldly.

At this time, Gu Yihan didn't notice Ji Xiangru's arrival, he just quietly waited for his assistant, he was full of confidence, and there was no worry on his face, I believe that at this price, no ordinary family would be able to refused.

After Ji Xiangru's assistant saw Ji Xiangru's gaze, he naturally understood what it meant, and then stepped forward, walked around in front of Gu Yihan, walked to the other side of the resident, and then introduced himself: "Hello, I'm the assistant president of Ji's Group, you can call me Mr. Liu."

At this time, Gu Yihan's assistant felt a little displeased, why is this trying to steal my job?Mr. Gu finally gave me a task, and you came up to obstruct it. Are you trying to make things difficult for me?
But as Gu Yihan's assistant, even his master didn't say anything, if he had a too tough attitude, where would Gu Yihan's face go?
This is not something he can offend, so he suppressed the anger in his heart, gave Ji Xiangru's assistant a hard look, and looked at Gu Yihan, wanting to know what Mr. Gu meant, if Mr. Gu said something , He immediately dared to compete with that person, what a joke!
Now Shengtian Group is the real No. [-] in China. As long as Shengtian Group is still there, your Ji Group will have to step back.

Gu Yihan frowned involuntarily, and his eyes were like falcons, with chills in his eyes. Then he nodded towards his assistant, then turned around and looked at Ji Xiangru.

He knew that since the assistant president of Ji's Group was here, then Ji Xiangru must be here, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart, why?Can't stand it anymore?Want to compete fairly with me?
"Mr. Gu, what a coincidence. I really didn't expect to meet you here. You are such a busy person. I didn't expect to come to this kind of place. It's beyond my expectation."

Looking at Gu Yihan's cold and deep eyes, Ji Xiangru didn't feel anything, they are also one of the five big families, who would be afraid of whom?Immediately, Ji Xiangru walked a few steps towards Gu Yihan and said with a smile.

Although Ji Xiangru hid it very well, Gu Yihan could still see the unhappiness in his heart.

Gu Yihan shook his head disapprovingly, and said lightly to Ji Xiangru: "Hehe, what's the matter with Mr. Ji? This place is not small. Otherwise, Mr. Ji, why would you come? Or is this place owned by your family?" , only those surnamed Ji are allowed to come, and I, surnamed Gu, are not allowed to come?"

Gu Yihan didn't show mercy at all, how could he be polite to this person who was always thinking of robbing women from him?
When Ji Xiangru heard Gu Yihan's words, he couldn't help laughing, but there was a chill in his heart, why?You speak so harshly, are you afraid that I will snatch Momo away?
"Hehe, Mr. Gu, of course this place allows you to come in. I just heard that you've been drinking all day long, but you can find time to go out for a walk. I can't help but feel a little surprised."

Ji Xiangru's every word is like a knife, piercing Gu Yihan's heart.

Gu Yihan reflected on himself later, and it was true that he couldn't afford it, but this can only be regarded as our family business, right?Doesn't it seem to have nothing to do with you?
Faced with Ji Xiangru's cynicism, Gu Yihan shrugged his shoulders, as if since you want to meddle in other people's business, then you can do whatever you want, and said with a smile to Ji Xiangru: "Shen~Ren fine wine, so it's not enough, just before I was a little distressed for a few days, and I went to drink to drown my sorrows, but fortunately, things changed a lot, and I came out."

Gu Yihan took a few steps towards Ji Xiangru, and said as he walked: "You said that, but I want to thank a person, and you know that person."

There was a deep smile on Gu Yihan's face, and then he said to Ji Xiangru: "That person is Lin Momo, that is, my wife, if she hadn't appeared in time, maybe I really couldn't do it today. I've seen you with President Ji."

Gu Yihan said this on purpose, playing with me as a joke, these are leftovers from my playing.

When Ji Xiangru heard that Gu Yihan was declaring his sovereignty over Lin Momo, he couldn't help being embarrassed, but he still kept that iconic and confident smile on his lips: "Haha, that's good, then it is good."

On the other side, Gu Yihan's assistant and Ji Xiangru's assistant, you said to each other, the offensive was quite spectacular, as if the opponent would be rewarded if they won.

"Let me tell you this, Shengtian Group is the largest enterprise in Huaguo. It's hard for us Mr. Gu to follow up on what we say, and it's hard to keep what we promise you. So please think about it carefully. Just said."

Gu Yihan's assistant directly brought out the influence of Shengtian Group and said it to the resident.

Ji Xiangru's assistant naturally knew that the person looking for this resident on the other side had the same purpose as himself. Although the strength of Shengtian Group was indeed beyond doubt, are these important?It doesn't matter, what matters is who can win the house and who can convince the residents.

"Hehe, I don't deny what he said."

Ji Xiangru's assistant smiled and said, then changed his face, the smile on his face was gone, only the serious face remained.

"Although Shengtian Group is the largest company in China, they can't even solve their own internal affairs, let alone you. Think about it, if you go to their company, the competition is fierce, and you may Let’s not talk about being banned, let’s look at the cohesion of this company. Are you willing to live in a company full of intrigues?

Or do you want to be in a company where the boss cares about the employees and the employees work hard?Besides, Shengtian Group is the largest enterprise in Huaguo, and this is only temporary. A company full of contradictions is undoubtedly a big tree that is about to be dispersed, so Ji's Group is your real choice. "

As Ji Xiangru's assistant, as a person close to Ji Xiangru, how could he not care about the affairs of the other families? After all, the five major families have an inseparable cooperative relationship and are also competitors, so it is natural to know the news of the split within the Shengtian Group It is also understandable.

(End of this chapter)

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