Chapter 872 Extra Story 254
"Okay, continue to investigate for me, remember not to be sloppy at all, and don't let people from the Ye family or Tang Yun find out."

After hearing this, Gu Yihan hung up the phone after giving instructions.

At this time, Gu Yihan wiped out the cigarette butts in the ashtray of the car, then slowly rolled down the window, looking at the busy city outside, thinking for a long time.

An Kehui buys psychedelic drugs, what does this mean?Gu Yihan knew best in his heart that Lin Momo's mother must have committed suicide because of An Kehui's medicine.

Thinking of this, Gu Yihan shook his head involuntarily, why is Lin Momo's fate so tragic?What she experienced was all kinds of unsatisfactory things. I really don't know how she survived as a petite woman.

However, these things are beyond his control. These things have already happened. No matter how strong and powerful Gu Yihan is, he will not be able to turn back the clock and save Lin Momo's biological mother, or save the life that belongs to him and his wife. Lin Momo's child.

Gu Yihan secretly decided that in the days to come, he would definitely treat Lin Momo well, he would pamper Lin Momo, get used to Lin Momo, so that Lin Momo could also have happiness.

"Momo, I'm sorry to make you suffer."

The more Gu Yihan thought about what happened to Lin Momo, the more he felt sorry for Lin Momo, the more he felt sorry for Lin Momo.

Not long after, Gu Yihan had already arrived at the downstairs of his Shengtian Group, and the driver reminded him: "Mr. Gu, we are here."

Only then did he react, and walked out of his grief.

Gu Yihan opened the car door, stepped out his slender legs, and walked towards his office. His figure was still as tall and straight as before, full of confidence, but there was something more. As for what it was, Then only Gu Yihan himself would know.

"Mr. Gu, someone sent a document and said it was to be handed over to you."

As soon as Gu Yihan walked into the lobby of his company building, the receptionist ran up with a portfolio.

"I see."

Gu Yihan naturally knew that the intelligence organization of the five major families had helped him find the account book for An Kehui's purchase of psychedelic medicines, and he responded immediately. Naturally, someone behind him took the file bag for him, and followed Gu Yihan. CEO's office.

"Okay, you go down."

Gu Yihan leaned on the seat, and said lightly to the confidant who brought him the file bag.


The man agreed, put the portfolio on the desk in front of Gu Yihan respectfully, and then walked out.

After the man left, Gu Yihan didn't directly open the file bag, but his eyes were blurred, thinking of ways to pursue Lin Momo.

For Lin Momo, Gu Yihan's heart was also broken, and he ruled out the methods he just had one by one in his heart.

Gu Yihan thought for a long time, and finally made a decision: "Okay, I will use you to surprise Momo."

It wasn't until this moment that Gu Yihan picked up the file bag on the desktop and gently opened it, revealing a not-thick and not-thin ledger.

Gu Yihan picked it up and took a look. This ledger was found out by the intelligence organizations of the five major families. Naturally, there would be no mistakes. But when the ledger was opened, it could be clearly seen that it was yellowed. Naturally, the idea is needless to say, Gu Yihan Han turned to the page that the man had folded, and gently opened it.

Brain pills, Danshen...

Gu Yihan saw that An Kehui bought more than one medicine that day, and Gu Yihan also knew some of them, which were prepared by the elderly to prevent brain aging.

When Gu Yihan looked down, he couldn't help taking a breath: "What? I bought so many doses of meclofenoxate."

Meclophenate is a drug that can enhance the activity of the brain. It is beneficial to the human body if it is supplemented in an appropriate amount, but if it is taken in large doses, it will make the brain too sensitive and cause some illusions, especially at night.

Gu Yihan couldn't help tapping the table with his fingers, frowning together, and then muttered to himself: "Lin Momo's biological mother must have been forced to take a large amount of meclofenoxate in this way, which led to suicide."

Gu Yihan couldn't help feeling a murderous feeling in his heart.

An Kehui is so ruthless that she did this.

Lin Momo is Gu Yihan's wife, and Gu Yihan thought it was a certainty that Lin Momo would return to him in the end. Even though Gu Yihan had never met that biological mother, she was still Gu Yihan's mother-in-law, right?
Gu Yihan looked at the same name behind those medicines: An Kehui!
There were bursts of coldness in his eyes, as if he wanted to see through these three characters.

"A person like you should spend the rest of your life in prison without saying anything!"

Gu Yihan said in a low voice. Although his voice was not loud, no one would take what he said as a joke. From his eyes, it could be seen that Gu Yihan was already angry at this time.

"By the way, isn't there another witness?"

Gu Yihan was suspicious, then took out his phone and called the intelligence organization of the five major families.

"Hello? Where is the person you mentioned now?"

Gu Yihan asked directly after the call was connected.

"That person is now in the suburbs of City B, and our people have rushed there now."

The person who answered the phone naturally knew that the person Gu Yihan was referring to was the maid from the Ye family at that time.

"Okay, let those people not act rashly, send me the location, and I will go there in person."

Gu Yihan was talking on the phone, full of confidence in his words, he must find out the truth about An Kehui's harming Lin Momo's biological mother this time, thoroughly.


The man responded before Gu Yihan hung up the phone.

Gu Yihan rubbed his temples, pulled out his coat from the seat, and then went out the door.

"Mr. Ji, I just received news from our people in the intelligence organization of the five major families, saying that Gu Yihan has been investigating a person named An Kehui recently."

Ji Xiangru's assistant stood at Ji Xiangru's desk and spoke truthfully.

At this moment, Ji Xiang was facing away from him, leaning on the seat and dozing off, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, Ji Xiangru turned around, and before he could speak, his assistant put a document in front of him.

Ji Xiangru took the file and opened it immediately, he couldn't help but doubt: "What is Gu Yihan investigating An Kehui for?"

After reading An Kehui's information, he became even more curious, why?An Kehui was the woman Ye Lingtian sought after?Isn't she Lin Momo's stepmother?Of course, according to the truth, it is said so.

But Lin Momo didn't even recognize Ye Lingtian, so how could she recognize An Kehui?

(End of this chapter)

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