The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 874 Extra Story 256 The Eve of the Storm

Chapter 874 Extra Story 256 The Eve of the Storm

Seeing Lin Momo's sad face, Erya couldn't help becoming worried, and then asked Lin Momo, "What's wrong with Sister Momo? What happened? Is there any news from your biological mother? "

Lin Momo took a deep breath, and explained to Er Ya: "It's nothing, I asked the editor-in-chief to help me find out about my biological mother, and there is no clue yet, the editor-in-chief called just now and asked me to go to her tomorrow make one."

Lin Momo explained patiently, because she didn't want people around her to worry about her anymore.

Nodding thoughtfully, Erya then turned to Lin Momo and asked, "Sister Momo, what time is it tomorrow? Who are you interviewing for? What are you planning to interview? I can do some homework too, right? "

Erya is now Lin Momo's assistant, and it is her duty to ask these questions. She has to help Lin Momo sort out the information, then find out the interviewer, and list the relevant questions according to the interviewer's situation.

Lin Momo knew that Erya was worried about her state, or that she was too tired, so she had to prepare these materials for herself, but Lin Momo still hesitated.

The purpose of Ji Xiangru looking for her is not for an exclusive interview, so preparing these things is purely redundant, she is afraid that Arya will worry about what will happen to her by Ji Xiangru.

But at the same time, she was also worried that if she didn't tell Erya, Erya would think that she was worried about her. If she hurt Erya's heart because of this, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?
Lin Momo hesitated for a moment, thought about it, and finally told Erya the truth: "Erya, you don't need to prepare any materials, actually... In fact, the person who will ask me for an interview tomorrow is Ji Xiangru, that is you The company president I met with last time."

Lin Momo was afraid that Erya would forget about Ji Xiangru, so she reminded her again.

"Ah? It's him?"

Erya was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Lin Momo had just come back here and hadn't met her boss much. This guy had already joined her.

Er Ya couldn't help being a little worried, that guy was pretty handsome, if Lin Momo was deceived by that guy's rhetoric, what would her boss do?
After all, being close to the water comes first, so Erya's worry is not superfluous.

When Lin Momo saw Erya's surprised and displeased expression, she knew that the other party was starting to worry about her, so Lin Momo said to Erya lightly.

"Actually, Erya, you don't have to worry too much. You know that. That Ji Xiangru is also the president of the party, so he won't make things difficult for me. And I know how he is. If you are worried tomorrow, you can go with me. , but you have to wait for me outside, if anything happens, I will call you directly."

After thinking about it in Erya's mind, it is indeed true. Although Ji Xiangru is a bit of a person who deserves to be beaten, there is nothing wrong with being a human being. Of course, she doesn't have to worry, but what if Lin Momo is deceived by Ji Xiangru?
Or maybe Ji Xiangru wanted to help Lin Momo investigate the death of Lin Momo's biological mother, and the two of them got in touch with each other suddenly, what if they fell in love for a long time?
Lin Momo looked at Er Ya's brows frowning, with a slight worry on her face, thought for a while and then said: "Er Ya, don't you believe in Ji Xiangru, don't you believe me? Don't worry, this time Nothing will happen, besides, aren't you still here?"

When it came to the end, Lin Momo smiled at Erya, which made Erya feel better and no longer worried about herself.

Er Ya heard Lin Momo say this, her brows relaxed little by little, and then she nodded.

Yes, what do I have to worry about?How could Lin Momo's relationship with her boss be so fragile.

You know, Lin Momo decided not to marry for the sake of Gu Yihan, and stayed alone in the old home left by her biological mother, and died alone. How many people can do this.

Besides, from what happened last time, Arya can see that Lin Momo has no feelings for Ji Xiangru at all. Lin Momo came back this time to investigate the cause of her own mother's death. What about other things?
Thinking of this, Erya couldn't help but smiled, and said to Lin Momo: "Okay, Sister Momo, no matter what, you have to take me with you tomorrow, in case something happens, I can still protect you, right? "

Speaking of which, Erya rolled up her half sleeves, revealing her strong biceps.

Looking at Er Ya who looked like a child, Lin Momo couldn't help laughing, giggling, this girlfriend is really interesting.

"Okay, don't worry, I will take you with me no matter what happens tomorrow."

Lin Momo gave Erya an affirmative answer.

"Well, Sister Momo, please do your best. Just tell me if you have anything to do. I'll go to work first." Arya smiled and said to Lin Momo.

"Yeah, go get busy, come on."

Lin Momo also smiled and cheered Erya up. After all, Lin Momo was very pleased to have such a younger sister.

"Yeah, go get busy, come on."

Lin Momo also smiled and cheered Erya up. After all, Lin Momo was very pleased to have such a younger sister.

Lin Momo turned the seat in front of her desk, and couldn't help but feel a little sad. Her circle is not very wide. During the interview process, Lin Momo met several presidents, but at that time Lin Momo and Gu Yihan is in a state of hidden marriage, so naturally she won't have too many interactions with these people.

At the same time, Gu Yihan also cared a lot about Lin Momo's actions. Even Lin Momo participated in the party because of the interview, and Gu Yihan was very unwilling to talk to these people, so Lin Momo and These people are broken clean.

Without a powerful backer and background, let alone bring down An Kehui, even the people and evidence that testified against An Kehui could not be searched.

Lin Momo couldn't help sighing, what should she do now?Who can she turn to for help?Gu Yihan?impossible!

She has already decided in her heart that she wants to break up with Gu Yihan completely. If she goes to Gu Yihan for help, she will definitely have an intersection with Gu Yihan again. Still uncomfortable.

And when she heard that Gu Yihan was sinking and decadent because of her departure, she also felt very uncomfortable.

If she went back this time and left later, wouldn't Gu Yihan be injured more seriously?
Why don't you leave?If he doesn't leave, will Gu Yihan feel better?
(End of this chapter)

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