Chapter 876
This is Gu Yihan's first time, and it is enough to show Gu Yihan's seriousness and sincerity. Compared with those luxury cars, or villas, or cosmetics, it is easier to impress Lin Momo.

Of course, the gift Gu Yihan prepared was not just a love letter. He specially asked someone to build a box and sprayed it with light blue paint. It looked more like a book box on the outside, but it was special. It is empty behind it.

There is a cover, and there is an extra wooden board about five centimeters in front, and there are two nails on the wooden board, which pass directly from the bottom of the wooden box, revealing a sharp and sharp side.

Of these two nails, one is used to put the love letter prepared by Gu Yihan, and the other is used to insert a red candle so that Lin Momo can burn it and see the love letter Gu Yihan prepared for her. .

Gu Yihan was sitting upright at this time, sitting at his desk meticulously, holding a pen in his hand, and wrote carefully stroke by stroke on the paper. Seeing Gu Yihan's words, he could only Use two words to describe: strong and powerful, gentle and elegant.

Because Gu Yihan's writing force was not weak, leaving a faint imprint on the paper. From the disappearing characters, it can be seen that these fonts are vivid one by one, like runes one by one, with a kind of domineering in themselves , showing to people.

The reason why Gu Yihan's words are gentle and elegant is because this love letter is not like Ji Xiangru's before. The employees in his company came, and you made up each sentence. These are all Gu Yihan himself wanted to say to Lin Mo. What Mo said from the bottom of his heart was also written by him stroke by stroke, and the significance was even greater.

"How much I want to find someone, go away and fly high, until the fallen leaves turn into ashes, and then look back, recalling the sadness until you can return for me."

"It doesn't matter if I can't wait for you for a moment, the sea is not dry, the rocks are not rotten, and the mountains and rivers are not broken."

"Don't mention that I love you, because you all know that you are my life."


These things may seem unrealistic or even illusory to others, but in Gu Yihan's view, they are indeed a reflection of his own heart. Since Lin Momo left this time, Gu Yihan has become more conscious I realized how important Lin Momo was to me.

Life is too short to be with the person he loves, so what if he is now the president of Huaguo's No. [-] company?
That's right, so what? Even if he used up all his continuations, he still wouldn't be able to find a second Lin Momo, right?
Of course, he also knew in his heart that Lin Momo must be able to understand and understand what he wrote, because they both love each other deeply.

In the end, Gu Yihan was too careless, causing Lin Momo to be injured again and again.So after Lin Momo left, he swore silently that if he could find Lin Momo, no matter what, he would take Lin Momo back home.

Even if Lin Momo couldn't have children, even if he let himself bear the infamy of the whole family, even if someone came to stop him, he would hold Lin Momo tightly, protect Lin Momo, and never let Lin Momo Momo suffered the slightest bit of harm, whether it was mentally or physically.

Gu Yihan was still lying on his desk in the sunlight, writing sentence by sentence, not knowing how much he would write, or when he would be able to finish writing.

Ah!What are you kidding?How could Gu Yihan's love for Lin Momo be able to finish writing.

"Mr. Ji, I have already found out what you asked me to check."

Ji Xiangru's assistant knocked on the door, walked in, stood opposite Ji Xiangru, and said to him.

"Oh? Found it? Tell me."

Ji Xiangru asked impatiently, he was really curious and impatient in his heart, and he really couldn't figure out what Lin Momo's return this time would have to do with An Kehui.


Ji Xiangru's assistant responded, and then truthfully reported to Ji Xiangruhui: "President Ji, according to our investigation, Lin Momo came back this time mainly for An Kehui."

Ji Xiangru's assistant paused for a moment, then said to Ji Xiangru, "Lin Momo is guessing that An Kehui is related to her biological mother's death."

Ji Xiangru's eyes sank, and he asked with some confusion: "What do you mean? Didn't we investigate this matter at the beginning? Besides, this matter caused a lot of trouble at the time. Everyone knew that it was Ye Lingtian who had a woman outside. And An Kehui abandoned Lin Momo.

Did this make Momo's biological mother suffer from depression and commit suicide in the end?Didn't Lin Momo already know this?Why doubt? "

Ji Xiangru's assistant shook his head quickly, and said to Ji Xiangru: "President Ji, don't worry, wait until I finish."

"Lin Momo's biological mother seems to have been drugged by An Kehui, which eventually led to hesitation. Of course, Lin Momo is only suspicious now. She hasn't found out the specifics. Of course, we haven't found out the result either. Gu Yihan I'm not too sure about that. You must know that in the intelligence system of the five major families, each family has its own confidants in it.

It is impossible for this kind of person to betray the family, but we have not found the same resources, and I don't think Gu Yihan can. On the other hand, pay attention to Gu Yihan's whereabouts, and we will know as soon as possible what he does. "

Ji Xiangru's assistant said to Ji Xiangru, he thought that if Gu Yihan found out something, he would definitely take action, and by observing Gu Yihan, he could find some clues from it.

"Idiot, just send someone to investigate about Lin Momo's biological mother. As for sending someone to monitor Gu Yihan, that's fine. Let's not talk about whether we can monitor it, but I made it clear to Gu Yihan In vain, we're fair play, are you doing this to put me on someone who doesn't honor their credibility?"

Ji Xiangru was a little annoyed that his assistant sent someone to monitor Gu Yihan, what joke?He had already explained to Gu Yihan that the two wanted to compete fairly, but now he sent someone to monitor him.

As the heir of one of the five great families, how could Ji Xiangru tolerate doing such a thing, he either wins or loses, he really disdains such methods.

"President Ji, in fact, it's nothing for us to do this, you see..."

Ji Xiangru's assistant originally planned to say a few more words, but when he saw Ji Xiangru's murderous eyes, he immediately closed his mouth. What a joke, if he said one more word, the book on the table might fall into his own before.

(End of this chapter)

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