The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 889 Gu Wang Extra 7 You Let Me Down

Chapter 889 Gu Wang Extra 7 You Let Me Down
Gu Wang is very annoying these days.

His rationality told him that he shouldn't go to Zhao Yinuo again, she hurt him and even abandoned him mercilessly, he had no reason to do it again.

How can anyone who has been hurt go back and uncover his scars again.

But his heart told him that he loved Zhao Yinuo very much, even though Zhao Yinuo had treated him like that, he still felt that she had some difficulties.

For the past few days, Gu Wang has been troubled by this matter, and finally he decided to follow his heart.

Since you still love, just continue to love.

Gu Wang drove to Zhao Yinuo's company. This time was her normal off-duty time.He wanted to pick her up for dinner and explain everything by the way.

Sitting bored in the car, Gu Wang lit a cigarette and waited for Zhao Yinuo to appear.

Finally seeing Zhao Yinuo's figure, Gu Wang cheered up, put out his cigarette and prepared to drive over.

Suddenly he stopped, Zhao Yinuo didn't come out alone, there was a man following her!

"Ling Chen, what do you want to eat?"

Zhao Yinuo asked while flipping through the phone.

"You decide, I'll do whatever I want." Ling Chen said with a smile.

"It's not safe to look at your phone on the road, let me help you."

After all, Ling Chen supported Zhao Yinuo's arm, and the latter didn't care about Ling Chen's movements, but gave him a sweet smile instead.

The two were talking and laughing as they walked on the road, but Gu Wang, who was sitting in the car, was already pale!

Zhao Yinuo and that man looked intimate like a couple!
After receiving this news, Gu Wang almost ran away, angry, and was about to burn all his sanity.

Without thinking about it for a moment, Gu Wang stepped on the gas pedal, and the car went straight to the two with a bang.

Zhao Yinuo and Ling Chen were discussing going to a Japanese restaurant for dinner, when they heard a voice behind them, they turned their heads subconsciously, but saw a car rushing towards them.

"Ling Chen be careful!"

Zhao Yinuo screamed to remind Ling Chen.

After a sharp sound, the Lamborghini almost brushed against Ling Chen's body and stopped.

Gu Wang got out of the car, walked up to Zhao Yinuo, and asked angrily, "Zhao Yinuo, who is this person? Why are you with him?"

Zhao Yinuo recovered from the shock and saw that it was Gu Wang, she said angrily, "Gu Wang, do you drive like this? You almost ran into my friend!"

"Friend? Could it be your boyfriend?" Gu Wang asked coldly.

"Is my boyfriend related to you?" Zhao Yinuo responded loudly.

"President Gu, our business is over, we don't even have the only relationship. Why do you interfere in my private life?"

"I ask you who is he?"

Gu Wang ignored Zhao Yinuo's words and still insisted.

"You don't care! How about he is my boyfriend?"

Zhao Yinuo's temper also came up, and he didn't give in at all.

At this moment, Ling Chen gently embraced Zhao Yinuo's waist, and looked at Gu Wang in a demonstrative manner.

"Stop harassing Enoch, she doesn't like you, and it's useless to stalk you!"

Seeing Ling Chen holding Zhao Yinuo in his arms, and the latter didn't seem to stop him in the slightest, Gu Wang finally gave up on questioning.

Now that she has someone around her, it doesn't matter whether she has herself or not.

"Very good, Zhao Yinuo, this is your boyfriend, right? The reason why you left me was because you had a new love, right?"

Gu Wang's eyes were full of anger, "Fortunately, I thought you had some last resort. You let me down!"

Even though he tried his best to restrain himself, Gu Wang still didn't calm down.

After roaring angrily, like a wounded lone wolf, Gu Wang got into the car and left lonely.

Zhao Yinuo's heart was hurting like a knife. She hurt him time and time again. It didn't matter whether she had a reason or not. She didn't deserve his love.

"Enoch, are you alright?"

Ling Chen asked with concern, "I had to hug you just now, are you not angry?"

Zhao Yinuo wiped the tears from his eyes indiscriminately, and said with a smile: "No, thank you Ling Chen."

"That's good, then let's go and eat."

"I'm sorry Ling Chen, I may not be able to accompany you to dinner, I will definitely apologize to you another day."

Zhao Yinuo's voice was full of apology. She was very sad and just wanted to go home and have a good sleep.

"Then I'll take you home to rest."

Ling Chen nodded understandingly, "There are plenty of opportunities, this time is not bad."

"Thank you."

"Stop being so polite."

Watching Zhao Yinuo and Ling Chen choose gradually, Su Feifei came out from the darkness.

"Zhao Yinuo, Zhao Yinuo, you vixen are quite popular. This time, let's see how you can fight me."

Smiling triumphantly, Su Feifei left satisfied.

Seeing all this, Gu Wang also fell into deep thought in the dark. He needs to sort out and digest what happened today.

Gu Wang didn't leave just now, the moment he turned to leave just now, he saw Su Feifei hiding in the corner and peeking.

Su Feifei's appearance made Gu Wang a little suspicious. She was the one who found someone to bully Zhao Yinuo last time.

The appearance of Su Feifei also made Gu Wang calm down from his anger quickly, and quietly waited and watched the development of the follow-up matter.

Gu Wang also vaguely heard a lot of the conversation between Zhao Yinuo and Ling Chen.

It turned out that Ling Chen was not his boyfriend. Thinking of this, Gu Wang's mood improved a lot.

But why did this stupid woman lie to me? It seems that I have to investigate carefully when I go back.

Gu Wang drove the car and disappeared into the night.

After returning home, Su Feifei immediately sent someone to investigate this man named Ling Chen.

The Su family secretly had contacts with the underground forces in M ​​City, and soon learned everything through special channels.

After learning everything, Sophie smiled.

It turned out that Ling Chen was a doctor, and he had specially treated Zhao Yinuo. As long as she sent Gu Wang the photo of the two of them together, and then told Gu Wang, Zhao Yinuo fell in love with him because he liked this person. Abandoned him mercilessly, then...

Thinking of this, Su Feifei suddenly felt that her road with Gu Wang was much brighter in an instant.

Without further ado, Su Feifei immediately sorted out the photos that had been investigated in advance, and sent someone to wash out those photos of Zhao Yinuo and Ling Chen's close contact, which could arouse people's suspicion that they were a couple.

Next, it depends on what Gu Wang thinks.

Su Feifei smiled happily, but she didn't know that Gu Wang had already seen through her plots.

The next day, Su Feifei took the developed photos and walked towards Gu's Group with confidence.

We have all the witnesses and material evidence, Gu Wang, I see how you still favor that bitch this time!
"Brother Gu Wang, can I go in?"

Outside the door of the CEO's office, Sophie Fei's delicate voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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