The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 891 Gu Wang Extra 9 I Will Be Responsible For You

Chapter 891 Gu Wang Extra 9 I Will Be Responsible For You

At this time, Gu Wang was working in the Gu Corporation.

Suddenly a private number was called on his cell phone, Gu Wang picked up the cell phone and looked at it, he was immediately refreshed.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Gu Wangning asked.

"Boss, something happened to Zhao Yinuo."

There was a man's slightly respectful voice on the other end of the phone.

"What did you say! Say it clearly!"

Gu Wangteng stood up abruptly, his expression full of tension.

"Someone kidnapped Zhao Yinuo this morning. I'm following them now. They seem to be leaving the city."

"Follow them, I'll find you right away!"


After hanging up the phone, Gu Wang took his coat and ran out of the company. His heart felt like it was about to catch fire.

"Enuo, don't let anything happen to you!" Gu Wang said silently in his heart.

After Zhao Yinuo was almost bullied by three gangsters last time, Gu Wang sent his bodyguards to protect Zhao Yinuo at all times, so as not to hurt Zhao Yinuo again.

It's just that Zhao Yinuo didn't know it at all.

This time Zhao Yinuo was kidnapped, and Gu Wang's bodyguards had been watching secretly. In order not to startle them and figure out their purpose, the bodyguards wisely chose to drive behind them and called Gu Wang in time.

Gu Wang drove wildly on the highway, he knew that the faster he was, the more likely Zhao Yinuo would not be hurt.

15 minutes after Zhao Yinuo was forced to take the pills, Zhao Yinuo's body finally responded. She felt thirsty at first, and then felt hot all over her body, as if a fire was burning in her lower abdomen.

Only then did she know what kind of medicine the man who kidnapped her gave her, it was aphrodisiac.

Zhao Yinuo desperately resisted that strange feeling, but her mouth was still parched, and her consciousness even began to blur.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, the two men approached Zhao Yinuo with obscene smiles.

Zhao Yinuo didn't notice it, her fiery body gave her the urge to take off her clothes.

At this moment, there was only a "bang", and the door of the warehouse was kicked open.

Gu Wang finally arrived in time under the extremely critical situation.

Seeing that Zhao Yinuo was not harmed, Gu Wang let out a long sigh of relief, and after finishing off the two people around Zhao Yinuo three or five times, Gu Wang took Zhao Yinuo into his arms.

"Enuo, are you okay?" Gu Wang asked with concern.

Zhao Yinuo didn't realize that he was saved, and even Gu Wang didn't recognize it.

"It's hot. I'm hot."

Zhao Yinuo's winking eyes were like silk, and as he spoke, he tore off his clothes, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin.

It was only then that Gu Wang realized that Zhao Yinuo was abnormal. The latter was hot all over and was panting rapidly, obviously someone had drugged him.

Thinking of this, Gu Wang suddenly became furious. The woman he loves was almost killed by someone...

"Throw the two of them out, break their arms and legs, and wait for me at the door."

Gu Wang cold-bloodedly gave orders to the bodyguards standing aside. For such people, this is already the lightest punishment!

The bodyguard received the order and dragged the two out.

Gu Wang untied the ropes on Zhao Yinuo's hands and feet, took off his coat and gently placed it under her body.

The hands and feet were released, and Zhao Yinuo directly stuck to Gu Wang's body, dragging Gu Wang's face with both hands and kissing frantically.

Gu Wang knew that if the medicine Zhao Yinuo took was not released, her body would suffer great harm.

Seeing Zhao Yinuo's forgetful appearance, Gu Wang's desire ~ fire was also ignited instantly, he suddenly hugged Zhao Yinuo in his arms, and kissed the latter's lips wildly.

The whole warehouse gradually filled with the smell of ambiguous lust.

A few hours passed, Zhao Yinuo woke up in a daze, opened his eyes, and saw the ceiling with crystal lamps hanging from it.

"Where am I?"

Zhao Yinuo's thoughts gradually cleared up, I was not kidnapped to an abandoned warehouse, how could I be here.

Zhao Yinuo struggled to get up, but suddenly felt a pain in his lower body, Zhao Yinuo was taken aback, and then thought of the fact that he was drugged.

"It's not true, it's not true!"

Zhao Yinuo murmured, tears streaming down silently, his first time, more than 20 years of chastity, just like that...

Suddenly there was a soft sigh from the corner, and Zhao Yinuo realized that there was another person in the corner.

"who are you?"

Zhao Yinuo was like a frightened rabbit, his voice was full of fear.

In this unknown place, he didn't know how he would be treated.

"Don't be afraid, it's me."

The people in the corner came to Zhao Yinuo's side.

It's Gu Wang.

When Zhao Yinuo saw the person coming, he felt relieved at first, and then thought of something.

" did it?"

Zhao Yinuo's voice was full of tremors.

Gu Wang just stood there without saying a word.

With a crisp sound of "pa", a clear palm print appeared on Gu Wang's face.

"You bastard!"

Zhao Yinuo yelled heart-piercingly, "How dare you, how dare you treat me like this!"

She couldn't believe that the man she loved and trusted the most would drug her. Zhao Yinuo suddenly felt that her life had lost its luster.

"Take a good rest first and don't move around." Gu Wang finally spoke.

"This matter is all my responsibility, and I will be responsible for you. Also, I did not take the medicine. "

"Who else would it be if it wasn't you?" Zhao Yinuo asked loudly.

"Are you going to tell me that you happened to save me, and then had to have a relationship with me?"

Faced with Zhao Yinuo's questioning, Gu Wang was speechless for a while, and he couldn't find a reasonable explanation. In his opinion, it was too coincidental that this happened.

"President Gu, stop being hypocritical. I don't need you to take any responsibility. I just hope that you can disappear from my world forever. I don't want to see you again!"

Zhao Yinuo's voice was full of determination, she didn't want to believe all of this, but she couldn't help but not believe in this series of things.

After saying these words, Zhao Yinuo got up and was about to leave, but the tingling pain in her lower body made her gasp, but she still stubbornly wanted to leave.

Gu Wang knew that Zhao Yinuo couldn't listen to what he said now, so he could only choose to leave.

"Stay here and rest well. This is a hotel under my banner. Don't worry, it's safe here." Gu Wang said softly.

"The most insecure one is you, President Gu." Zhao Yinuo sneered.

"I know it's useless for me to say anything now. You should calm down first. After you feel better, I will send a driver to take you home."

Not waiting for Zhao Yinuo to refuse, Gu Wang said again: "If you think you don't want to owe me anything, I will send someone to give you the detailed expense list later, and you will have to pay all the money."

After saying this, Gu Wang walked out of the room, told the hotel manager to take good care of Zhao Yinuo, and drove away.

(End of this chapter)

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