The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 893 Gu Wang Extra 11 Knowing the Truth

Chapter 893 Gu Wang Extra 11 Knowing the Truth
At the beginning, Zhao Yinuo's illness was cured in the United States, so Zhao Yinuo did not have any doubts about Ling Chen's words.

"Let me think about it again, and I will give you an answer soon."

This is a big matter, and Zhao Yinuo needs to ask his parents for permission.

"Okay, then I'll leave Enoch first." Ling Chen said.

"I send you."

After sending Ling Chen away, Zhao Yinuo decided to go home and discuss with his parents about going abroad.

Zhao Yinuo's parents were in City Z, which is adjacent to City M. Zhao Yinuo called a taxi, and she returned home two hours later.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back."

As soon as he entered the house, Zhao Yinuo shouted.

This is a place where she will always be sheltered from the wind and rain, and she never has to worry about getting hurt.

"Enoch! Why are you back?"

Zhao Yinuo's mother's surprised voice came.

Seeing his mother asking for warmth and blaming her for losing weight, and his father pretending to be calm and gratifying, Zhao Yinuo suddenly felt an urge to cry.

After experiencing the incident with Gu Wang, Zhao Yinuo has been afraid to go home, she is afraid of seeing her parents.She can't help but cry out to make them worry.

"Come back to see you, there is one more thing to discuss with Mom and Dad."

Zhao Yinuo took a deep breath and said sweetly to his parents.

"Sit down first, don't rush to talk about things, mom will cook for you."

Zhao Yinuo's mother quickly prepared a table of sumptuous meals.

At the dinner table, Father Zhao asked kindly, "Enoch, what are you going to discuss with us?"

Zhao Yinuo talked about his need to go to the United States for a review of his condition and his desire to go abroad for development, but kept silent about his recent encounters.

"Reexamination is an important event, but if you want to go abroad for development, do you know how difficult it is for you to go abroad?" Father Zhao said earnestly.

"Don't worry, Dad, I've grown up and will take care of myself."

Zhao Yinuo said pretending to be relaxed.

"Enuo, mom doesn't agree with you going abroad. You should come back as soon as possible after your physical examination. Mom is afraid that you will be wronged outside." Mother Zhao's eyes were already red.

"Let's not talk about this, take care of the disease first, and talk about other things later."

Zhao's father came to a conclusion, and the family happily enjoyed the rare reunion.

In Gu Wang's room.

"Lynx, how about the matter I asked you to investigate a few days ago."

Gu Wang asked the bodyguard beside him.

"The boss has been investigated. This Ling Chen is the doctor who treated Zhao Yinuo a few years ago." Shanmao replied respectfully.

"Cure? What disease?"

Gu Wang was full of doubts, he never knew what kind of illness Zhao Yinuo had.

"Boss, this is the specific result of the investigation by the people below. You can see it after reading it."

Lynx handed over the notebook in his hand.

After taking the notebook and browsing it carefully, Gu Wang suddenly realized, and at the same time secretly scolded himself for being stupid.

Only then did he know that it turned out that Zhao Yinuo left him because he had a brain tumor and was in danger of his life. In order not to make himself worry and sad, he lied and said that he had someone he liked and left him.

As for Ling Chen, he was just a doctor who was in charge of treating Zhao Yinuo's illnesses.

Everything came to light, and Gu Wang was filled with remorse. Zhao Yinuo had suffered so much in the past few years, but not only had he been swearing at her all the time, but he also made things difficult for her, which broke Zhao Yinuo's heart.

Thinking of this, Gu Wang decided to go to Zhao Yinuo immediately, he just wanted to come to Zhao Yinuo quickly, give her a big hug, and say sorry at the same time.

After a while, Gu Wang came to Zhao Yinuo's rented house and knocked on her door.

"Enuo, it's me, Gu Wang." Gu Wang shouted loudly.

"I know, I know everything! I'm sorry for you, please forgive me, please."

There was silence inside the door.

"Enoch, please open the door. I know I hurt you. I will treat you well with the rest of my life. Give me another chance!"

Gu Wang knocked on the door for a long time, but he still didn't get a response from Zhao Yinuo. Instead, he attracted the neighbor next door.

"Young man, the girl who lives here left this morning, and seems to have moved away."

It was an elderly lady who spoke.

"Grandma, do you know where she went?"

Gu Wang anxiously stepped forward and asked.

"I don't know about that." The old lady said slowly.

"A lad as young as you went with her."

"Thank you grandma!"

After Gu Wang finished listening, he went downstairs and started calling Zhao Yinuo's cell phone.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

Zhao Yinuo didn't give Gu Wang any chance to contact her, and the phone was turned off.

The young man that the old lady mentioned should be Ling Chen.

But where will they go?Gu Wang couldn't figure it out.

After getting in the car, Gu Wang dialed another number.

"Shanmao, check Zhao Yinuo's parents' residence for me immediately, you must be quick!"

Gu Wang anxiously said to his bodyguard captain.

"Okay boss, I'll go right away."

Bobcat responded quickly and hung up the phone after speaking.

Gu Wang waited anxiously in the car.

Ten minutes later, a string of addresses was sent to Gu Wang's phone.

After seeing the address, Gu Wang immediately started the car and headed straight to Z City.

Gu Wang was in a hurry, so he drove very fast, and arrived at Zhao Yinuo's parents' house in more than an hour.

"Uncle, I'm Gu Wang, do you know where Enuo has gone?"

Gu Wang asked Zhao Yinuo's father.

Zhao Yinuo had mentioned Gu Wang to his parents before, so Father Zhao was familiar with the name and was not defensive.

"Young man, didn't Enoch tell you that she is going to America today." Zhao's father said earnestly to Gu Wang.

"Go to America? Why go to America?"

Gu Wang was taken aback. If she went to America, would he still be able to find her?
"It's inconvenient to tell you, young man, but she's on a plane at three o'clock in the afternoon, so you probably won't be able to see her face."

Gu Wang raised his wrist and saw that it was almost 02:30.

"Uncle, can you tell me Enoch's current mobile phone number?"

Gu Wang really panicked, he must not let Zhao Yinuo leave, he wants to be with her all his life!
After getting Zhao Yinuo's current mobile phone number, Gu Wang bid farewell to Zhao's father and prepared to rush to Z city airport immediately.

Enoch, you must wait for me!
Driving on the highway at extreme speed, fortunately the airport is on the outskirts of City Z, and there is not much traffic. Even so, many vehicles still braked suddenly because of him, and at the same time cursed dissatisfiedly.

"You're sick! You don't want to die while driving!"

"What a lunatic!"

Gu Wang didn't care about that much at all, he just wanted to rush to Zhao Yinuo's side as quickly as possible.

He held the steering wheel with his left hand, and dialed Zhao Yinuo's phone with his right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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