The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 899 Gu Wang Extra Story 17 Meeting with Harmful Means

Chapter 899 Gu Wang Extra Story 17 Meeting with Harmful Means

Under Gu Wang's repeated insistence, Zhao Yinuo moved into Gu Wang's villa, and the two lived a sweet two-person world.

But some people are happy while others are sad. When Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo were immersed in their happy life, Su Feifei couldn't sit still.

"What did you say? Zhao Yinuo and Gu Wang are together, and they still live in Gu Wang's house?"

Hearing someone's voice, Sophie flew into a rage.

The person who came was a private detective hired by Su Feifei, who was specially hired to closely monitor Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo's every move.

"Yes, and two days ago, Gu Wang took Zhao Yinuo to Gu's house to meet Gu Wang's parents." The private detective added.

When Su Feifei heard this, she shattered the cup in her hand, as if a boulder was blocked in her chest, making her breathless.

"Why! Why!" Su Feifei shouted hoarsely.

"Gu Wang, what is Zhao Yinuo better than me! Why are you so kind to her, but so cruel to me! I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

After venting, Su Feifei suppressed her anger and asked the private detective beside her: "Did Gu Wang's parents say anything?"

Maybe Gu Wang's parents didn't approve of Zhao Yinuo.

Su Feifei tried to think in a good direction. After all, Zhao Yinuo was not born in a famous family, and family opinions are still common in their upper class.

"I don't know that."

The private detective is only responsible for tracking and observing the client's every move. As for what happened after entering Gu's house, how can he be involved.

Although there was no definite response from the detective, Su Feifei also calmed down at this time, and her mind became active.

"How can a big family like the Gu family tolerate a girl from a small family like Zhao Yinuo!

Even if Zhao Yinuo is as beautiful as a fairy, it doesn't matter if she doesn't have a family as a backer, she still can't enter the gate of the Gu family. "

Thinking of this, Su Feifei sneered.

Gu Wang's girlfriend, Mrs. Gu of the Gu family, can only be her Su Feifei, and it can only be her!
Zhao Yinuo, you are just a mistress who meddles in other people's feelings.

Su Feifei has become obsessed with this matter, and she even feels that she is a veritable Mrs. Gu.

"Zhao Yinuo, I will never allow you to destroy my relationship with Gu Wang, just wait and see!"

Su Feifei's cold eyes were full of calculation.

After resolving all misunderstandings with Gu Wang, Zhao Yinuo chose to return to work at Uno Design Company.

Although she has established a relationship with Gu Wang, she is also a person with hands and feet. Her competitive spirit makes her unwilling to stay at home all the time. She wants to earn money to support herself.

That day, Zhao Yinuo was working in the company when suddenly his cell phone rang.

Zhao Yinuo saw that the phone was an unfamiliar number, and she didn't intend to answer it because she was at work, but the other party kept making calls. Zhao Yinuo was afraid of missing something important, so she connected the phone.

"Hi, hello." Zhao Yinuo said politely.

"May I ask you Enoch?"

A woman's voice rang through the phone.

Zhao Yinuo was taken aback, she didn't recognize Su Feifei's voice through the phone, besides, it had been too long, and in her memory, Su Feifei only met once that day.

"I'm Feifei, Enuo, you won't forget me, will you?"

Sophie said half-jokingly.

"It's you, Feifei."

When he heard that it was Su Feifei, Zhao Yinuo was also very happy.

"I'm at work now, what do you have, Feifei?"

"It's like this Enoch, do you still remember the agreement we made when we met that time, we agreed that we will meet sometime." Su Feifei laughed.

"You won't forget."

Of course Zhao Yinuo did not forget.

"But Feifei, I'm at work right now, why don't you tell me a place, and I'll go find you after I get off work, what do you think?"

"Well, Enoch, go to the Colorful Cafe directly after get off work, and I'll send you the address later."

Sophie pretended to be very friendly.

"Okay, Feifei, I'll go there immediately after work." Zhao Yinuo said.

"Then we'll see you soon. You're busy with work, so I won't bother you. Goodbye Enoch."

Su Feifei hung up the phone with a smile on her face, and the moment she put down the phone, the smile on Su Feifei's face turned cold.

Zhao Yinuo was a little surprised when he received Su Feifei's call, but also felt it was reasonable.

She thought of the past, when she just entered college, some things were new and strange, and Su Feifei was the first friend she met.

"Hi, my name is Su Feifei, nice to meet you."

"Hi, my name is Zhao Yinuo."

The two quickly became good friends. They attended classes together, ate together, shopped together and even slept together.

In Zhao Yinuo's eyes, Sophie is beautiful. Although the family is rich, she doesn't look down on anyone and treats everyone very well.Zhao Yinuo has always regarded her as his best friend and treated her sincerely.

Zhao Yinuo thought so, but Su Feifei didn't think so.

When she first met Zhao Yinuo, Su Feifei saw that Zhao Yinuo was very beautiful and very temperamental, and thought she was a lady from a big family, so she took the initiative to make friends with her.

Later, she found out that she came from an ordinary background, so Su Feifei no longer cared about her.

In the process of getting along with Zhao Yinuo, Su Feifei has always held a contemptuous and contemptuous attitude.

Just in order to maintain her elegant and kind goddess image, and because Zhao Yinuo is also very popular in school, Sophie pretends to be very close to her, but the simple Zhao Yinuo didn't notice That's all.

When it was time to get off work, Zhao Yinuo took a taxi and drove there according to the address Su Feifei said.

After entering the Colorful Cafe, Zhao Yinuo spotted Sophie Fei sitting in the corner at a glance, so he walked over quickly.

"I'm here, Feifei."

Zhao Yinuo came to Su Feifei and said with a smile.

"Sit down, Enoch."

Su Feifei didn't have the elation she had when she was on the phone, on the contrary, she was very unhappy now.

Zhao Yinuo sat opposite Su Feifei, coffee was already placed on the table, Zhao Yinuo was very happy for Su Feifei's thoughtfulness.

"Feifei, it's been a long time, and I didn't say a few words when we met last time. How are you doing recently?" Zhao Yinuo greeted cordially.

"I've had a rough time lately."

Su Feifei stared at Zhao Yinuo and spoke coldly.

As early as when he first arrived, Zhao Yinuo noticed that Su Feifei's complexion was very bad. It turned out that she had really encountered something unhappy.

"What happened Feifei?" Zhao Yinuo asked with concern.

As Su Feifei's good friend, Zhao Yinuo felt that it was necessary to ask Su Feifei clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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