The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 908 Gu Wang Extra 26 I'm Your Fiancee

Chapter 908 Gu Wang Extra 26 I'm Your Fiancee

Zhao Yinuo and Zhao's mother didn't understand Zhao's father's mysterious words, but they both understood one thing, that is, Zhao's father recognized Gu Wang.

Not only approved, but obviously very satisfied.

Both mother and daughter were relieved, and Zhao's father had no objection, so the marriage between Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo could be resolved.

So Zhao Yinuo said: "Dad, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Mom has already agreed to this matter, but I still need to ask for your opinion."

"You're talking about your engagement with Xiao Gu, right?" Father Zhao said cheerfully.

"When I was playing chess just now, Xiao Gu already told me. As I said, I am very relieved of Xiao Gu. I will be in charge of the engagement time and specific related matters."

Zhao Yinuo was a little overwhelmed by Zhao's father's huge change, but the matter was resolved satisfactorily, and everyone was happy.

The family also began to eat happily, chatting a few words about homework from time to time, and the scene was very harmonious.

After eating, Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo sat for a long time.

Although Zhao's father said that Gu Wang was responsible for everything, but some important matters still need to be negotiated by the two of them.

After everything was settled, Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo got up and bid farewell to Zhao's father and Zhao's mother.

"Uncle and aunt, my company still has some things to deal with, so I won't wait any longer. I will sort out all kinds of engagement matters for your two elders' sake." Gu Wang said respectfully.

"Okay, okay, we are very relieved when you do things, then we will not keep you, remember to go home often."

Father Zhao said kindly, his attitude was completely different from when he first met Gu Wang.

"Little Gu, you have to take good care of our Enuo, and don't let her suffer any grievances."

Zhao's mother carefully reminded, "Also, you must go home more often when you have nothing to do. Although there is nothing good to entertain you, it's okay to just chat."

"Uncle and aunt, I remember what you said. Enoch and I will definitely visit you often."

Gu Wang solemnly promised: "Then we will leave first."

"Mom and Dad, go back, let's go first."

Zhao Yinuo waved goodbye to his parents.

"Remember to drive slowly."

Mother Zhao waved her hand reluctantly.

After the two walked away, Zhao's mother looked at Zhao's father who was still smirking, and said dissatisfiedly: "Look at you, when Xiao Gu first came here, you were not like this. You are really a little There is no position."

"Didn't I give young people a chance? Besides, Xiao Gu is indeed very good, and you are so satisfied that you can't close your mouth from ear to ear."

Father Zhao's face was a bit uneasy, and he was bribed after a few games of chess. It's really not very honorable to talk about this kind of thing.

Mother Zhao didn't bother to pay attention to him, she gave him a blank look, turned around and walked into the room.

Zhao's father rubbed his nose awkwardly, and followed Zhao's mother into the room.

Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo were driving on the road. The latter looked at Gu Wang and said relaxedly, "I never thought you would pass my parents' test so easily. We will have no obstacles in the future."

Gu Wang smiled slightly: "Auntie is not a test, but she can't wait to give her daughter to me directly, as for uncle."

Gu Wang said that he deliberately paused here.

"What's wrong with my father? I've always felt that it's unreliable to win his favor by playing chess. Could there be other reasons?" Zhao Yinuo couldn't help asking.

"It's because of playing chess, but another reason is that he has never beaten me in a game of chess, and I also helped him solve problems that he has been unable to solve."

"So it is!"

Zhao Yinuo understood a little bit, Zhao's father really regards chess as his life, there are very few people who can beat him, and those who can make him fail to win a game are currently forgotten.

Zhao Yinuo pouted: "So I'm not betrayed by my father."

Thinking of his father agreeing to the marriage because he lost the game of chess, Zhao Yinuo couldn't help but think, could it be that I gave it away for phone bills?

Zhao Yinuo was in a depressed mood, but Gu Wang was very happy at the moment. Both parents agreed, and the next thing would be easy.

In the following days, after Gu Wang finished his work in the company, he immediately went home to discuss the engagement with his parents. Obviously, he attached great importance to this engagement banquet.

In the end, they decided to hold an engagement ceremony on the 25th of this month.

I didn't want to make it particularly grand, I just planned to invite relatives and friends who are close to the Zhao family and the Gu family.

However, the news that Gu Wang, the president of the Gu family, was going to get engaged still spread like wildfire.

On the morning of the 25th, a large number of reporters stayed at Gu's house, wanting to learn something substantive.

It's a pity that they couldn't enter the Gu family's gate at all. They didn't go back downcast until the engagement was over and the guests left one after another.

At the engagement ceremony, the parents of Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo also met for the first time, and there was not much unfamiliarity. Zhao's father and Gu's father quickly became friends because they both liked playing chess, and Zhao's mother and Gu's mother also loved each other. They have a good impression of each other.

In front of the parents of both parties and witnessed by relatives and friends present, Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo exchanged engagement rings.

Without too many complicated procedures, the engagement ceremony ended successfully with everyone's blessing.

At the engagement banquet that followed, Zhao Yinuo held Gu Wang's arm and toasted with relatives and friends one by one. In a warm but lively atmosphere, he began to enjoy a delicious banquet.

During the entire banquet, Zhao Yinuo wore a sweet smile. From today on, she was no longer Gu Wang's girlfriend, but his unmarried wife, his fiancée.

Looking at Gu Wang affectionately, Zhao Yinuo just felt that he could never get enough of it.

Gu Wang, being able to be with you makes all the pain and suffering worthwhile.

Zhao Yinuo smiled like a flower, thinking with relief.

The engagement banquet ended quickly, and after seeing off the guests one after another, the Gu family also returned to their usual calm.

Under Gu's father and mother's efforts to persuade them to stay, Zhao Yinuo's parents did not return to Z city today, but lived in Gu's house.

Zhao's father and Gu's father, the two friends who hadn't seen each other for so long, went directly to the study to play chess, and Zhao's mother also followed Gu's mother to the mall for shopping.

In Nuoda's living room, only Zhao Yinuo and Gu Wang were left.


Gu Wang hugged Zhao Yinuo gently, with endless tenderness in his words.


Zhao Yinuo leaned against Gu Wang's arms, "Today is the happiest day in my life."

"Then on such a memorable day, shouldn't we do something meaningful?" Gu Wang said badly.

Seeing Gu Wang's smirk, Zhao Yinuo understood something in an instant, and said angrily, "You bastard, your mind is full of bad thoughts."

(End of this chapter)

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