The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 910 Gu Wang Extra 28 Attending a High School Party

Chapter 910 Gu Wang Extra 28 Attending a High School Party
After thinking for a long time, a person in my mind began to overlap with the man I saw just now, and then the old man opened his mouth wide in horror.

President Gu, Gu Wang!
The old man was terrified by the thought of the person in his mind, and hurriedly pulled the boy away.

We must take good care of this child, and say something that should not be said, I am afraid that their family will suffer because of it!
The person who spoke just now was the head of Gu Wang's bodyguard, Shan Mao.

As Gu Wang's personal bodyguard, he usually follows him not far from Gu Wang's side.

Especially today, when the boss and the proprietress came out to relax, I had to pay close attention to everything that happened all the time, and I happened to see the little farce just now.

"This kid's brain is probably watts."

Shan Mao thinks that the boy must have a brain problem, otherwise how could he do something like rob someone's girlfriend.

It's also fortunate that Gu Wang is in a good mood today and didn't care too much, otherwise the child probably wouldn't know how he died.

After solving this small problem, Bobcat still followed the two from a distance, protecting them dutifully.

Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo walked outside for a long time, finally Zhao Yinuo was a little tired, and the two went home together.

Here, Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo are living a peaceful but romantic life, but recently Su Feifei is having a hard time.

A few days ago, the engagement between Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo made a lot of noise, which made her very angry. Not to mention, there seems to be something wrong with the Su family business recently.

It seems that Su's business has been suppressed on a large scale. Su Feifei's father Su Yongtian is very busy now, and his attitude towards her is not as good as before. He even scolded her today.

Su Feifei felt that she was wronged, why did Su Yongtian want to lose his temper on himself.

But what she didn't know was that the current difficult situation of the Su family could be said to be caused by her alone.

At that time, in order to relieve his daughter, Su Yongtian impulsively withdrew a big business deal with Gu's, and its bad influence finally began to be revealed slowly.

First of all, the withdrawal of the order caused a lot of losses to the Su family, but Su Yongtian thought that he could find a partner again. After all, there were many companies competing to do this business with the Su family at that time, and it was only given by the Gu family. The conditions are obviously better, considering many aspects, Su Yongtian finally chose Gu's Group.

But when he now hopes to find someone to cooperate with again, he finds that no one is willing to cooperate with him.

Now a large amount of products are backlogged in Su's, but there is no way to sell them.

Su Yongtian was very distressed, but he didn't know where the problem was.

The other shareholders of the company also began to put pressure on him. Su Yongtian decided to cancel the order. If the problem cannot be solved, they will jointly remove Su Yongtian from the post of chairman.

Su Yongtian regretted his impulsiveness at the beginning, and happened to meet Su Feifei today, so he scolded Su Feifei without saying a word.

Now Su Feifei was sitting on the sofa sulking.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly, and Su Feifei picked it up to see that it was a notification from her high school classmates.

It was the annual high school class reunion again, and Su Feifei would never go to that kind of occasion in the past. She felt that it was not in line with her superior status, so she always said that she had something to shirk.

But now, she is in a very bad mood, and she also wants to go to this party to relax and relieve her depressed mood.

The time for the party was this afternoon, and the place was at the home of a high school classmate not far from her home. Without too much hesitation, Su Feifei agreed.

In the afternoon, Su Feifei came to the house of her high school classmates as scheduled. The moment she entered the room, she attracted everyone's attention.

Today's Sophie Fei is wearing a low-cut dress, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin, and her perfect figure is undoubtedly revealed.

Although the makeup on the face is very heavy, it is still noble.

Sophie walked into the crowd step by step with a smile on her high heels like a proud peacock.

Although they have had a bad time recently, it is undeniable that Su Feifei is still the most eye-catching and the most watched among their high school classmates.

Su Feifei is very happy, she enjoys this feeling of attention, which can make her forget all the recent unhappiness and regain her old self-confidence.

Seeing Su Feifei approaching step by step, everyone who was talking and chatting all moved closer to her, especially some men with fiery eyes.

"Feifei, here you are. Still as beautiful as before."

"Feifei, you are really getting more and more beautiful and more temperamental."

"Do you have a boyfriend? It's a great blessing for any man to marry you!"

Listening to the compliments from the people around her, Su Feifei smiled smugly.

She is still that dazzling princess, Zhao Yinuo, you are never worthy to fight with me!
Su Feifei's arrival undoubtedly pushed the party to a small climax. At this time, many men surrounded Su Feifei, but seeing that she was honest with everyone, everyone walked away knowingly.Only one person is still there, and that is Jiang Chuan.

From the moment Su Feifei came in, Jiang Chuan's eyes lit up.

Since high school, Sophie Fei has been his dream girl~ Jiang Chuan has always wanted to chase her.

On the one hand, Su Feifei herself is indeed very beautiful and sexy, and she will definitely be very lucky if she catches up with her.

On the other hand, the Su family's family has a great career, and Su Feifei is Su Yongtian's only only child. Getting Su Feifei is equivalent to getting the Su Group.

Jiang Chuan is just the heir of a small family, so how could he miss this good opportunity to fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

It's a pity that he racked his brains and still couldn't get Su Feifei's favor, so he had no choice but to give up.

Seeing Su Feifei again today, the dissipated desire in his heart burned again, and Jiang Chuan also heard some things that happened to Su Feifei recently, knowing that she was not feeling well, so he felt I have another chance.

"Feifei, long time no see. I really miss you. From high school to now, I have never missed you even for a minute. It's great to see you!"

Jiang Chuan said nastyly to Su Feifei that he would seize this hard-won opportunity and get Su Feifei.

"Jiang Chuan, it's been a long time. Thank you for remembering me, but just like before, I still don't have any feelings for you." Su Feifei said coldly.

Just because you want to get me, what a toad wants to eat swan meat.

Su Feifei didn't say it, but the disgust on her face said it all.

"Feifei, why are you unwilling to accept me? I'm the one who loves you the most."

Jiang Chuan didn't care about Su Feifei's attitude towards him at all, and still pestered Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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